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Dootin' down the Club
Date of Scene: 27 March 2021
Location: Club Evolution, Mutant Town
Synopsis: Jeremy brings Rosie on her first outing since coming to the school -- Club Evolution. They talk, they listen to music, they make a connection and then Jeremy dances while Rosie questions existence after being Baptized in the club.
Cast of Characters: Antigravity, SpyderByte

Antigravity has posed:
    They were going to stop by a club. Rosie had never been to a club -- or really, a big city -- and she had gawked a little bit at the buildings (she had never really seen one higher than three stories, up close).

    And now they were ducking into a club, one that Mr. Sam helps to run, and she had no idea what people wore for clubbing -- so she was wearing a pair of nice, new jeans, a pair of cute cowboy boots, and a *pink* plaid flannel over her white tank top. She was hoping she didn't stick out too much, her blonde hair pulled back in a simple ponytail.

    "Ain't nevah been to a city so big! Ah didn' know they CAME so big, this place goes on pretty much for /evah!"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< This is big, but not the biggest I believe. There are some cities in China that can dwarf New York. >>

Jeremy is wearing his usual normal Goth attire as he heads into the club. He pays the entry fee at the bouncer and waits patiently as he is patted down, and most likely 'scanned' by a security mutant. Once clear, they head inside as he listens to the rumbling music.

<< Just pretend to be normal, because you are. They're just people and it's just loud music. But these are our people. Mutants, and some humans. It's just a safe place to be yourself. >>

As he leads them to the bar, he settles in and orders some cheese fries and some soda for them.

Antigravity has posed:
    "Ah dun' wanna be myself. Myself wouldn't be in a place like this." she states quietly, "... the pastor says that most music's the devil's work. Especially jazz." she admits, and Rosie takes a seat by Jeremy, having been patted down hesitantly (and was it ever hard for her to deal with someone touching her sides!) she seems uncomfortable with the whole event -- and she digs out of her pocket a couple of crumbled five dollar bills to slide over to Jeremy.

    "I ain't lettin' you pay!"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Don't worry about it. I have money. Keep yours. Music is freedom, you should try to enjoy it. Maybe even dance with a boy. >>

Jeremy draws the cheese fries over, then slides her a soda before tucking his straw into his. He takes a long sip from it, then glances around the club as he reaches out with his powers to feel the hum of connections all around him.

<< Your pastor said a lot of dumb things to you. You should try and forget that stuff and focus on things that make you happy. You're no longer a prisoner. You're a person now. Your own person. It's okay to make mistakes and to take risks in life. >>

Antigravity has posed:
    There were so many humming items, phones and tech linked to the web, to the local wifi. Blue tooth speakers linked to computers linked to microphones.

    "... but I--" she states, and the younger girl gives a slight huff, looking down at her drink.

    "Ah know. I snuck my guitar home. Gram wasn't too pleased, until I promised to only play the good music." she wrinkles her nose a moment, and she looks.

    "Ain't I somethin' of a prisoner here, too? We can't just go out and talk about who we are. What we can do. It's likely to get us shot." she states flatly. "No one likes Mutants. Pastor was at least right about that."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Not here in Mutant Town. This is where we belong. This is our people. >>

Jeremy says through his phone as he gives a glance over towards her with a quick smile.

<< No one just shoots people in plain sight here in the city. Unlike your podunk town, we have real laws here. People may not like mutants, but they can't just murder them and get away with it. Besides, who goes around just talking about being a mutant for the heck of it? It's like waling around and talking about being white or gay or an alien. The school is a great place for that type of conversation. >>

He crams some fries into his mouth.

<< Everywhere else? Just talk about normal stuff. >>

Antigravity has posed:
    "... you gotta nice smile, Mr. Jeremy. Jus' wish it didn't come with talkin' bad 'bout my hometown." Rosie states quietly, and she picks up some cheese fries, and cracks a smile.

    "Well, Ah mean, what's there to talk 'bout? Mah boots? You're so over my head with technological stuff that I'll never get a good idea of what you might talk about. 'Sides."

    She looks behind the counter, her eyes drawing up to the alcohol.

    "... mos' people wanna talk about sports. Or other people. Talkin' about people who aren't remarkable is kinda... y'know. Jus' gossip.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< How are you liking school so far? How are your classes? Have you adjusted to the social aspects of it so far? >>

Jeremy's list of topics are fairly focused on something the two can share in conversation together. He takes another bite of fries into his mouth, chewing as his phone speaks for him.

<< Do you want to learn about technology? >>

Antigravity has posed:
    "Socially it's a bit weird. Ah didn't... really have a lot of friends back home, but at least Ah ain't slammin anyone into lockers yet. Or gettin' slammed into the lockers." Rosie states with a little wry smile. "Ah like chemistry an' physics. I'm considerin' signing up for the Saturday Car Shop class. I used to ride dirtbikes around home, maybe thinkin' about seein' if there are any light bikes I can get my hands on an' try my hand, y'know?" she inquires, looking to Jeremy with a little smile. "An' yeah, gonna hafta catch up on technology. We still had the phone with a cord on it at home."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< You may like that class. Mister Summers does a good job of teaching it. I did a semester already. >>

Jeremy takes another bite of his fries after dipping it into the cheese. He listens to the music rumbling through the speakers. Loud and energetic. He rocks a bit side to side with the beat.

<< Everyone seems okay at Xavier's. There are a few that I avoid. Quentin is one. He is the telepath with the pink hair. He is reckless. >>

He gives a glance over at her, synching up with her phone for a moment to do a subtle scan to see what she's been doing with it so far. On the sly, he downloads a few games on to it that she may enjoy. Puzzles. All unlocked with free access.

Antigravity has posed:
    Mostly? Rosie Wikisurfs. She doesn't play a lot of games -- either because she doesn't know they're there, or she knows she has no money to play with. She created a Twitter and Facebook account. It's very bare bones and lists her old junior high. There's no pictures, but she did re-tweet some museums.

    "Mr. Summers seems like he's a fine man and good teacher. I'm lookin' forward to learnin'. It's just... it's nice. All the teachers have *funding* and there's so many interestin' classes! Like-like-- BALLET. They have *ballet* classes an' they count as a gym credit! This is such a fancy school an' I'm lookin' at getting a dirtbike on the cheap so I can get a job after school hours 'cause oh mah GAWD I dunno how I'm gonna pay for schoolin' through senior year but this has got to be the best damn opportunity ta get outta the town Ah ever /had/."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Xavier's gives every graduating student over a certain GPA a scholarship for college. You can really pick most places and go if you want to stay local. >>

Jeremy takes another fry and twirls it about in his fingers.

<< Try not to worry about money and worry about enjoying yourself and trying to figure out who you are now. You have a world ahead of you now to explore. Like music, and clubs, and resturants. >>

He leans against the bar to take another sip of his coke.

Antigravity has posed:
    "Yeah, an' boys." she states, with an almost dismissive tone as she stirs her drink, and takes a sip. Coke from a fountain tastes better than code from a can. You may fight her on that. It's a fact.

    "It's jus' gonna take time. So... can I ask -- you react a bit like me when you got touched. I saw that, the other night." she states. She does *not* touch him.

    "... are you gonna be okay?"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Only when she touches me. Mostly. She and I .. >>

Jeremy's face scrunches up for a moment.

<< I thought .. she and I were .. together, but I guess I misread it. She told me she wanted to be with me, I thought I expressed my feelings for her was mutual, but .. I am not good at this. She found another, Ted. The big guy who plays football and is good looking. >>

He stirs the straw around in his soda a few more times.

<< I was also raped, two years ago. Four boys beat me up and raped me. It takes time for me to trust someone with my body. >>

Antigravity has posed:
    "Ugh. Football players. One tried to grab me. I increased his mass and altered his gravity to the lockers -- broke the locker an' his collar bone an' his shoulder blade. Ain't playin' Football next season." she states quietly.

    "... first time anyone ever laid hands on me that wasn't to hurt me, was when Mr. Sam grabbed me mid-air and stopped me from goin' inta the creek. My momma's not the touchy-feely kind. My gramma's... well. Old School." she states.

    "Ah'm sorry, Jeremy." she whispers quietly. "That... really sucks." she states, lamely, and then winces.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< It does suck. But, I'm fine now. Mostly. I ensured that they did not go unpunished. >>

Jeremy takes another couple of fries from the bowl and puts them in his mouth for a few chews. His face doesn't change in expression. It's always passive, barely highs and lows.

<< I don't care if people touch me, I suppose. It's not as if I'm going to have a panic attack and start crying. That was last year Jeremy. This year Jeremy is a bit more put together. >>

Antigravity has posed:
    "... so it took you a year to process through it, then?" Rosie asks. The two make a curious looking pair for certain, the pink cowgirl and the goth as they share an order of cheese fries.

    "Do you ever get nightmares about it? Outta curiosity -- an' you can tell me to shut up if you want, I won't be 'ffended."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< They held me down in a closet. They cut their names into my back and then took a broomstick to me from behind. I blacked out from the pain. Yes, I still have nightmares about it. Even though I had what most people would considser a final resolution, emotionally, I don't know if I will ever get past it. I had a healer here take the scars away, most of them. But I stlil see them in the mirror because they are in my mind. >>

Jeremy taps the straw into the cup a few times slowly in the soda, watching it bubble and fizz.

<< They carved the F word across my back. The one that rhymes with maggot. They sought to strip me of my humanity and humiliate me. It took a long time for me to trust someone, then I trusted Shannon to touch me, to hold me, to kiss me. >>

There is a shrug of his shoulders upwards.

<< And now she kisses someone else and I feel confused and lonely. Perhaps it was a lesson I needed to learn. To strike when the fire is hot, to not be on the fence and indecisive. I just wasn't sure .. or knew what to do. I don't know how to be a boyfriend, I barely know how to be me. Maybe it's better she left to seek a better situation. She was trapped with me. A prisoner. Much like how you were at your church, or me in my pain. >>

Antigravity has posed:
    "... monsters." Rosie breathes out, and she frowns a moment, and she rubs the back of her head as she takes a deep breath.

    "... love's dumb anyway. They always leave. Doesn't matter who they are or what promises they make... they always leave you alone. That I learned watchin' everyone 'round my town. I wouldn't worry overmuch 'bout it." she states gently. "... kissin' can't be that great."

    She taps her fingers against her glass a moment, then looks back to Jeremy.

    "... have you ever considered gettin' tattoos to cover yours up? I considered that for mine."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I have multiple tattoos. My friend Xiomara who is a student here gave them to me. >>

Jeremy shrugs out of his coat and hangs it up on the chair next to him, then rolls the sleeve of his shirt up to reveal a complicated looking spider on his arm with digital circuitry spiraling around it. He takes his phone and puts on a blacklight filter and shines it over his skin to show how the circuitry glows.

<< My name is Spider Bite online, so this is a representation of who I really am. The weaver amongst the web. >>

As he brings the phone upwards to his face, she can see yellow beneath the skin, skeletal. It's just for a brief moment before he puts the phone away and turns the filter off.

Antigravity has posed:
    She was not expecting that. She straightens up a moment, looking in wonder at the spider with all those underlaying circuitry -- but it was the filger on the skin that startled her. Those hazel eyes went wide in surprise, and she leans back a moment -- she hadn't been expecting to see facial tattoos!

    "Lord -- did that hurt when you were getting it? On your face, I mean?" she questions in curiosity.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Yes. It hurts. But it doesn't hurt as much as being raped. >>

Jeremy is blunt and direct as always. It's as if he is not able to dial it back, or adjust the frequency. He tucks his phone into his pocket and rolls the sleeve down. After sliding his jacket back on, he resettles and goes back to his coke.

<< My friend has them also on her face, and on her arms and fingers. She has more than me. You can't see them unless you're under black light. >>

Antigravity has posed:
    "So... like out on the dance floor then? Does this place have black lights?" the blonde questions, turning and looking out over the dance floor. She rubs the back of her head a moment as she purses her lips, the sophmore breathing out in a soft sound.

    "... I got scars from switchin's and beatin's. Some times the skin opens right up and never quite heals right. Can't wear a swimsuit, or anything too short sleeved or shows off to much of my back." she states.

    "... considered gettin' tattoos for 'em. So that maybe I could see somethin' beautiful instead of all my mistakes."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< There is nothing wrong in showing your scars. No one will judge. Every mutant has scars, both inside and out. Look at Glob. He walks around with an external skeleton and he looks like a blob with floating eyeballs. He still comes out to the pool and hangs out, even if he does not go in the water. He even puts on swim trunk. Do not be embarrassed of your body. You are amongst mutants now. No one will bat an eye at you, or feel bad for you. You are our equal. >>

Jeremy glances over towards her with a tilt of his head.

<< Or talk to Josh Foley and he can heal them for you. That way you won't see them. But I am sure like with most pain, you will still see them in your head. You conquer your pain and your fear by moving forward and being bold. I took my shirt off at the pool. You can do it too. >

Antigravity has posed:
    Rosie frowns a moment, and then she rubs the back of her head.

    "But... I kinda don't want to get rid of 'em. An' I'm leery 'bout healers for personal stuff I guess... too many faith healers came through town, not enough people healed by faith in their wake, an' like you said, even if they heal? I know they're still there." she states -- but gives a slight smile.

    "Ah always wanted a rose garden. That's what Ah would tattoo 'round my shoulders. A cloak of beautiful flowers an' thorns, 'cause if you're not careful, you'll always find a little prick in the roses." she states with a dry sense of humor, looking to Jeremy.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< These are mutant healers, where their entire ability is to heal. Josh is like Shannon, but on a different level. >>

Jeremy says with a nod of his head, taking another sip to drain the glass completely, then nudges it forward to get a refill.

<< You can also look at it as a chance to start over. No scars. New life. New confidence. But you can do roses also if you want to cover them up. I heard it may hurt more. Scars are sensitive. >>

Antigravity has posed:
    "Even mah scars have scars." Rosie states quietly, and she gives a small smile.

    "... y'know, tomorrow I was s'posed to be baptized in the church. We don't do infants, you gotta make a choice to be part of the church. They wait until you're old enough to make the choice. I'd prayed for The Lord to make me normal... but I s'pose, maybe he sent Mr. Sam and Miss Ororo an' brought me to where I'm s'posed to be. Includin' makin' friends with you." she gives a small smile. "... maybe Ah am being reborn already... jus'... takin' some growin' pains is all."

SpyderByte has posed:
As he motions to the tender to send him a glass of water, Jeremy gives her a smile. He dips his fingers into the water, then leans forward to press them to her forehead gently, letting her feel the damp moisture upon her skin.

<< There. You have been baptized and reborn as a new person by way of Club Evolution. >>

His lips give a twitch upwards in a smile.

<< You can still have your faith, but know that you are not bound to live by every word of an old book. Just be a good person. That is all God wishes from any of us. >>

Antigravity has posed:
    Jeremy smiled. And he didn't even insult anyone. That time. She looks as he dips his fingers into the water, reaching while he's busy to take more of those cheese fries -- and then he touches her forehead.

    She tenses. Her breath stops, and her eyes go wide a moment, her hands coming up as she feels that cool dampness on her skin and then --

    "That ain't how it works, Jeremy-- if you're some kinda parson too Ah may just scream." Rosie replies, and then she nods her head. "Ah geddit. I do. I'm still... workin' through my heart on the subject I guess --" she smiles, and she very lightly leans her shoulder against Jeremy's, just a quick press.

    "You're pretty wise an' funny when yer not bein' a jerk."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I'm not a jerk. I'm autistic. >>

Jeremy says as he leans forward to take another sip of his soda once it is refilled.

<< I also have a lot of frustration inside of me. I am tired of seeing a broken world when the resolutions are easily able to be applied. >>

He props his chin up in the palm of his hand, letting out a soft breath that huffs his bangs up and to the side.

Antigravity has posed:
    "... you're right, I apologize. You're not a jerk, you just run on different software than most people." Rosie replies, and she looks out over the dance floor, leaning her back against the counter a moment.

    "... the longer you look at it, the more broken it gets. An' resolutions ain't easy. Even when you know it's the right thing." she frowns, and rubs the back of her head. "'Least that's in the books Ah've been readin'. Ah mean, Ah am a poor-ass small town girl, what do I know about a broken world?" she mumbles, and then to try and recover some modicrum of grace and try not sounding like a know-ot-all, she sips her coke.

    And then pomptly it goes down the wrong pipe and the poor girl just loses her cool, and sudenly there's coca-cola coming out her nose and she's grabbing for napkins.

    "oh--" cough, wheeze "mah god--"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< You're a product of that broken world. >>

Jeremy say sas he glances out to the dance floor, then back to her. He gives her an amused look, then reaches out to tap her hand.

<< Let's dance terribly. >>

He says as he rises up and out of his chair, starting for the dance floor as he gives a long stretch of his arms outwards.

<< I have no clue how to. >> Now her phone is speaking to her, being that he's getting farther away and the music is loud.

Antigravity has posed:
    "-- J-JEremy!!" Rosie squeaks out, and looks completely agahst. "Ah can't dance! The Parson was clear on the dancing thing!" she calls out -- but follows him to the dance floor at least to make sure no one hurts him!! Even if she's just not going to dance at all but stand awkwardly and look terribly worried!