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Latest revision as of 23:40, 4 April 2021

One frustrated roommate.
Date of Scene: 04 April 2021
Location: Jeremy's Room (West Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: Gray and Jeremy have an intense talk, leaving Jeremy confused and concerned.
Cast of Characters: Gray, SpyderByte

Gray has posed:
The rat is in his temporary enclosure, blissfully chewing on a stick Gray brought in for him the night before. Gray, himself, is laying on the floor between the beds, ankles crossed and his hands folded on his stomach as he scowls up at the ceiling. He's back in the clothes he showed up to the mansion in, though they're nice and clean, now, other than some new grass stains on the not ripped knee of his jeans. Other than that scowl, he looks like he's probably more comfortable there on the floor than he usually is in bed.

SpyderByte has posed:
The doors swing open to reveal Jeremy as he makes his way in, followed by a loud yawn. Shrugging out of his trench coat, he hangs it up on the back of door once he closes and locks it, then starts for his side of the room. As he passes by the beds, he slows down and glances over to him. He reaches up to adjust his glasses.

<< Why are you on the floor? You're not wearing new clothes? >>

He is critical of these things and always takes notice. There is a bit of worry that hits the pit of his stomach.

<< You okay? >>

Gray has posed:
"Why shouldn't I be on the floor?" Gray growls, "There some rule I'm not aware of that says that ya can't lay on the floor?" His scowl deepens and he raises up to his elbows, "There somethin' wrong with my clothes? They're clean. Why can't I wear my own clothes?" He flops back down with a thump, wincing faintly when his head hits the floor a little harder than intended, snapping at his friend, "I'm fine." He doesn't really sound fine, though.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I'll leave you alone then. >>

Jeremy says as he sinks down into the large bucket seat in front of his computer, then gives a wave of his hand as all four displays power up. He reaches for his headset, sliding it on top of his head and suctions them to his ears. He pulls over a large microphone over as well mounted on the desk. He looks like a DJ.

From there, he leans back into the chair and watches the screens rapidly start to flick by as he scouts multiple camera feeds from various cities at a high velocity.

Gray has posed:
Ugh... This sucks! Gray huffs, rolling onto his side and curling into a ball. It takes a moment before he pushes himself up to where he can fold his arms on the edge of the bed and watch whatever it is that his roommate is doing. There's a quiet sigh before he climbs to his feet, "I'm sorry, man." Though whether or not he can hear the apology around that headset is anyone's guess, "Just... not feelin' myself right now." Which is making him more than a little touchy. He walks around to drop to sit on the corner of the bed closest to the other boy, hands shaking a little before he presses them to his knees.

SpyderByte has posed:
On the screens are acts of horror and they aren't from a video game. They are live feeds of executions, beatings, and dismembering. Jeremy's eyes glance from screen to screen as he lifts his hand up here and there with a wiggle of his fingers as he saves, documents and catalogues. Most likely he can hear the sounds in his headphones, which is why he is wearing them. He doesn't want to upset his new roommate. Sometimes the audio can be worse than the video. Throughout the process, he has a stone walled face, his eyes glazed over.

But, he can still hear the voice in the background. He gives a slow blink as the videos pause all at once, then switch to a screen saver as he slips the headphones a bit to the side. He gives a glance over his shoulder towards him with concern.

<< What's going on? You know you can talk to me. >>

Gray has posed:
The horrific sights make Gray look away, focusing his attention on his feet, stretched out in front of him. He startles a little at the voice and his scowl returns, "I dunno if I can do this..." He hasn't even actually started classes, yet and he's, apparently, already thinking about bailing, "I-" He sighs, scwol fading into a frown, "I ain't gone this long... sober... in a long time." Jeremy guessed it right that first time they spoke that the boy sitting on the sidewalk begging for handouts was on something, "It hurts." He hasn't broken any major rules, yet, though.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< You can do it, Gray, because you're strong deep down. This is a mental game. You have to play to win. >> Jeremy puts the headphones down and swivels the seat around to face him. The chair he sits in his high end and it litearlly molds to his body as he moves. It probably cost more than some cars.

Rising upwards, he smooths down his shirt and pants a few times with his hands. << Is that what's bothering you? If you're having withdrawl pains, we can have the auto-doc in the medbay help you. Maybe Shannon can help you also. >>

Gray has posed:
"I'm not, though..." Gray seems pretty convinced that he's weak, pathetic, really. He pulls his legs back and leans forward to drop his face into his hands, elbows resting on his knees, "I do whatever I can to... not feel." The suggetion that they go to the medbay or get Shannon to help has him quickly shaking his head and answering quickly, "No." He sighs, "No. I'll... I just need to..." Do something that will make everyone disappointed in him, probably. He lets his hands slip back to take two fistfulls of his hair and sits up, "I need a distraction." He stands, letting his hands fall to his sides, "I'm gonna go for a walk." Maybe fresh air will help? "I need to get the little guy a cage and some proper food, anyway." There's a quick glance down at his clothes, "Probably ought to get some new clothes, too..." Maybe there's a thrift store in town...

SpyderByte has posed:
Tilting his head over towards Gray, Jeremy studies him for a long moment, furrowing his brows. He taps his fingers along the tops of his knees a few times, then sighs softly.

<< If you need to go .. please make good choices. >>

He runs a hand back through his hair, working at it with his fingers for a long moment. << I will be here waiting for you if you want to talk, or you can call me. You're worrying me though. >>

Gray has posed:
"I'm just... Spendin' some money. Buyin' stuff for the rat." Gray will actually spend money on things that matter to him, "Wouldn't even know where to get nothin' here." It probably wouldn't be too hard for him to figure it out, but he's trying, even if it does make him feel like death warmed over. He snorts at the thought of calling, "Yeah, talkin' on the phone is probably easier for ya, huh?" He starts toward the door, but flinches a little at that last, his voice hard, "Don't." Don't worry about him, "It ain't worth it."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Why are you acting like this for? What is really going on, Gray? >>

Jeremy looks frustrated as his phone squawks out from between his hands.

<< The other day you were seemingly happy and upbeat and you were looking forward to staying here. Now you're on the floor and back in your street clothes and you are being what I consider to be erratic and defensive. Did something happen? Did I upset you? >>

Gray has posed:
"Nothin's goin' on." Gray's scowl is back, "You don't really know me." He folds his arms over his chest, "How do you know that bein' 'happy and upbeat' weren't out of character for me? How do you know that this ain't the real me?" Those blue eyes roll at the mention of his clothes, "They got washed, so I'm wearin' 'em. What's wrong with that? Ain't like they're fallin' apart." He shakes his head, his scowl fading into a guilty look, "It ain't you, Jeremy. You ain't been nothin' but good." He presses his lips together in disgust, "I'm just a shit person, is all. Don't take it personal, okay?"

SpyderByte has posed:
Pressing his lips firmly together, Jeremy looks 'hurt'. His shoulders slump a bit and gives a shrug. Swiveling the chair around back to the computers, he says,

<< I guess you're right. I'll go back to work. I'm sorry for bothering you. But you can feel safe talking to me if you're upset. I won't push you though. >>

The monitors flicker back to life and the videos start back up as he pulls himself closer to the desk.

Gray has posed:
That hurt look? That just about breaks Gray. He opens his mouth like he's boing to say something, but closes it again, shoulders slumping as the chair turns back to he can face the screens again, "Yeah. I'll see ya later." He just needs to get his head back on straight, "Keep an eye on the little guy for me, would ya?" Not that the little beastie needs any watching, confined as it is. He grabs his coat as he walks out the door, slinging it over one shoulder until he's about to walk into the cool spring air. His backpack is left in its spot in the corner, maybe in a show of trust for his roommate. Or maybe a promise that he'll be back.