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Painting the Town Red (and White)
Date of Scene: 07 April 2021
Location: New York City, NY
Synopsis: Emma and Jean venture out for an evening on the town to work on making their peace over food and alcohol, as adults often do.
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Emma Frost

Phoenix has posed:
From enemies to frenemies. Now, New York City is the stage to see if they can maybe be friends. Is the city up for the challenge?

Jean's meeting Emma outside the school's front door. Adhering to the business casual dress code, Jean's got a three quarter sleeved, v-neck, knee-length dress with a side tied waist. The deep scarlet is offset by a few gold bangles and a layered necklace and black heels, the heels of which are gold-toned. Her hair is mostly loose as it most often is, save the sides are brought back in a loose weave braid that runs down the center back of her hair and bound with a simple, plain gold clip. She's got a purse slung over her shoulder, Coach, white with red x's and a red interior with her name on it.

It's a far cry from her daily power suits or jeans. She may have some fancier clothes after all.

"So, who wants to drive? I can pull out the vintage Malibu if you want me to drive now that the snow's done. I hope."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma's sides a little further on the casual side of business casual, with a spaghetti strap white dress and a plunging neckline, and a glittering diamond choker around her neck, just to give a -chance- someone might notice the choker more than the neckline. She's at least wearing a short cut white blazer atop it to add the touch of 'business' required.

Her eyebrows perk up and she grins impishly, "Well, I suppose if you're not worried about possibly leaving the car with the valet for the night. I mean after all, you can't drink and drive and who -knows- what state we'll be in later? But I'm -happy- to let you take me on our little date dear Jean."

She sighs and shakes her head, "I mean, I could certainly use it after the... days I've had. Being a genuine role model is not -nearly- so relaxing as running the Hellfire Club was."

Phoenix has posed:
"Oh she'll be fine." Jean says as she walks for the garage and punches in the code on the exterior pad to open it. Waiting inside is her 1970 Malibu, custom painted with a metallic chameleon paint that shifts from fiery orange-red to gold to bronze and finally a rich kelly green depending on his the light hits it. No doubt the custom modifications, like rims and paint, were done by Scott.

"I've been waiting to get her back out in the fresh air and tonight seems like the perfect excuse. She'll get home just fine." Given the tech around this place, the car may very well be able to drive on its own. Or it's just a spruced up old car and that's all. Jean slides into the driver's seat and reaches over to pop the door open for Emma. "Just point me what way to drive."

Emma Frost has posed:
Eyebrows perk, taking in the sight of the car and whistling out, "Why Jean, darling! You -do- have a flamboyant streak! How delightful!"

Emma bites her lower lip, trying not to grin -too- widely as she adjusts the small purse slung over one shoulder and gestures grandly as she walks to the passenger door and hums softly, "Well, I suppose dinner first, it's not too far into the city." She eyes the car as she slips into the passenger seat and stretches her legs out in front of her, "Really though. This is so screamingly special I'm shocked it doesn't drive up out of the basketball court."

She sighs and shakes her head softly, "Oh! But before we get into the -fun- tonight... the curfew for the students, do they have to be in their -rooms- by then? Or just on the grounds? It came up over the weekend."

Phoenix has posed:
"I do know how to have fun. Sometimes." Says Jean with a quiet laugh as she buckles herself in and sets her purse behind her. "She was a joint project between Scott and I, though I mostly just picked the car and the paint. You know, supervisory role for the most part. I've never been that good with the hardware work for all I try. I just wanted something with some life besides the normal black company cars."

Regarding the curfew, she replies as she pulls out of the garage and starts making her way down the drive, "Just on the grounds, primarily. Though it's suggested they be taking the time to settle in and be making their way to their rooms by a reasonable hour, not wandering the hall at three in the morning. Why, what was going on?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma sighs, rummaging in her purse, pulling out a classic mint and popping it into her mouth... apparently she's even trying to curb the desire to have a cigarette as she shakes her head,"It was the new boy, Gray? I rather... caught him wandering in from the garage. He's just having a little trouble adjusting. From what I understand of his time before coming to us, I can't say I blame him."

She laughs a little ruefully and murmurs out, "I mean, he's grappling with a lot of issues. Not being used to being in a room. I was thinking I might help him set up a tent or something near the lake. Not too near Logan's cabin or anything, just somewhere he can be on the grounds when he's not able to calm his mind indoors at night." She shrugs her shoulders and sighs out, "I mean, the -old- me would have simply helped him soothe his craving for illicit substances far more directly. Of course I'd have been somewhat annoyed at having to share. But these are new days, hm? And I'm rather hoping Dr. McCoy can help with the physical aspects of his addiction. I'm going to assist with the mental aspects as best I can... short of ah... direct manipulation, yes?"

Phoenix has posed:
"Aah, yes. He's had it a bit rough." Jean murmurs as she drives, following familiar roads through Salem Center and the signs leading to the city. "It doesn't surprise me he'd be hunting for some quiet. We have a few cabins out there, and outside of hockey nights Logan would probably be a quiet neighbor. When he's there. But I'd at least be reassured there's someone near to keep an eye on him."

Mention of drugs brings a slight grimace to her face. "Addictions are never easy to deal with, but I'm sure we'll have something to help. I'd like to give him as much chance to beat it without needing to step in psychically, though if needed my empathic abilities may be able to help him with willpower if counseling isn't enough and without needing to resort to chemicals to treat a chemical dependancy. But the more we can support him without fighting it for him, the better his confidence will be in the end. And that he desperately needs."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma laughs softly and nods, "I hadn't considered that Logan's not around that often. I just assumed -I- never saw him because we're like oil and water." She sighs and clicks the mint in her mouth against the back of her teeth. "Yes, ideally he can beat it on his own, and the poor boy really does need a confidence boost. But he certainly wants to fit in, I think he just needs to calm down and relax. Realize that his roommate will support him as much as he needs, and not worry so much about disappointing him."

Her shoulders lift and fall casually, "Beyond that though, I just need a break from the camp research, I swear to god I've read more about the heating options for wood cabins than I ever wanted to know. But I'm sure we'll have some options lined up and perhaps I'll offer to take Henry out to tour some, let him get a bit of a break after returning to us. I imagine he's seen to diving directly back into his science immediately after recovering."

Phoenix has posed:
"Disappointment fears are natural." Jean pulls onto US-1 eastward towards the city. "Especially when you have very few people that matter in your life. Relaxation will take time, but, maybe he needs something that he can work towards outside himself. A project, a hobby; it's just a matter of finding out what he enjoys. If he even really knows. But feeling accomplished even in something small is a step in the right direction."

"...like Henry, I guess. He's trying to dive into his papers, yeup, but Scott has him on a week ban minimum. We gave him a short run down, but I want to make sure he takes things slow and not traumatize himself all over again. I'm pretty sure at least three-quarters of the staff and students need regular therapy, but none of our therapist volunteers manage to hold up long enough."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma sighs and shakes her head slowly, "Of -course- he's diving back in. Well, I'll do my best to distract him." there's a brief pause and then a dry little snort, "Well, perhaps not my -best-. I doubt such drastic measures are called for."

She gestures to the upcoming highway exit and laughs softly, "My, can you blame them? I'm not sure most -paid- therapists would last long. Who would have thought dealing with a school full of persecuted children and militarized teachrs could be -difficult-? No, I think even more than dealing with the Friends of Humanity and their ilk, personal trauma is an area where we are very much a group alone."

Phoenix has posed:
"Unfortunately so." Jean says with a flattened tone of voice as her eyes watch the road and the passing cars. "The government can't even help their own soldiers most of the time, so I wager we're not much different - minus the VA hospitals. Which, eh... is probably for the best. We just have to help one another the best we can. Which makes nights like this all the more important."

"Speaking of which, where do you have in mind once we hit the city? This way I can make sure I'm aiming for the right lanes now." About eight to nine miles before the Holland Tunnel? Yeah, ample preparation is required.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma smiles crookedly, "Oh, a little french bistro in midtown, near some clubs. I figured we can have a light dinner, a little wine..." Her shoulders lift and fall, "And then go dancing, or watch dancing. Something with music. Just enough to misbehave a little. After all, we deserve the same outlets as the students!"

She settles back in her seat with a deep, lingering sigh and murmurs dryly, "Nothing too late of course. I know I promised to bring you back before -too- late. I'd hate to disappoint Scott by being some sort of bad influence on our headmistress after all. It'd almost be an old habit, hm?"

Phoenix has posed:
"Hah!" Jean utters with a light bark of voice. "The only late nights I have are mission related anymore. I don't think I even know what it's like to have fun after ten at night that is bigger than the occasional round of poker at Harry's. Not that it's happened in ages, probably since last summer. I should see about getting everyone together. Is this was being old is like? Ugh... adulthood is a trap."

She gets them in the correct lane to head towards midtown as the skyline of the city comes into view. "Sounds like a plan to me. I enjoy dancing, and I also enjoy watching dancing depending on who's doing the hard work. Music is definitely an absolute."

It's not long once they hit the city to navigate the blocks glowing with light despite the setting sun slowly turning the sky from dusty blue to rose and amber. Even after rush hour, there's cars and people out in droves.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma grins downright wolfishly for a moment, "Well if we don't go dancing, I'll be sure to get your preference for where we might go watch some!" She clicks her tongue and sighs out, "I mean, it wouldn't be -me-. It's been far far too long for me to try that without practice... and a couple of heating pads waiting at home for my back after I trip."

She hums softly, eyebrow lifting, "Oh! A poker game, hm? Now that sounds like something we should do. Inventive wagers, no powers allowed."

She snickers softly and hums, "Oh, and maybe I'll set a second reservation if you like this place. A little later, and I'll cover for you and Scott for the night at the school. I promise if it catches on fire I'll make sure it's bright enough for you to see."

Phoenix has posed:
The line of Emma's words has Jean arching a brow at her sidelong with the faintest twitch of a grin at the corner of his mouth. "Heeey now, I wasn't meaning watch /that/ kind of dancing. Though given the city, there's that kind of entertainment for all moralities and price points. I'm pretty sure they wouln't let us leave again if we got into that kind of trouble."

She spots what looks to be the restaurant and does a quick confirmation before she locates the valet out front. She pulls up to the curb and collects up her purse to step out and pass over the keys. "It looks like a lovely place. After you?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma steps out of the car with her purse and leads the way with all the grace she can muster, glancing over her shoulder with a crooked grin. "Fine fine, we'll just do some dancing ourselves of the club variety... you know, the dance club kind, not some other sort."

She shakes her head as she leads Jean in and towards a VIP table, murmuring playfully, "But I didn't hear any denial of my plan for a poker game! I'm sure we can all use it to relax. Maybe we'll set another one up for the students. Let them bid with Halloween candy or Oreos or somesuch. You know, responsibly and all."

Phoenix has posed:
"I'd love to have a poker night." Jean says as she follows along after Emma, a scarlet figure at the flank of the one in white. "Harry's usually cool with us hoarding a corner of the place for hours on end, even after normal closing, but then we've helped keep him in steady business even when we could only order the non-alcoholic stuff."

She takes a seat at the table and looks around the interior with a content smile. "We can wrangle a game night for the kids the next night or so, once we're all sober. A few rounds of Uno or Monopoly should have them all at one another's throats before bedtime. Grand champion can win a pair of movie tickets or something."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma snorts softly as she settles into her seat, legs crossing at the knee, eyebrow lifting. "Monopoly? Jean, darling, we're trying to -relax- the poor students, not drive them insane to the point of re-enacting Lord of the Flies."

Her eyebrows perk up, fingers lacing together atop the table as she grins playfully, "Now then, what would you like to drink, dear Jean? What shall be our first slippery step into a night of restrained debauchery?"

Phoenix has posed:
"And poker is relaxing?" Jean counters with a grin on her face. "Even if the chips are actually chips. Of course, board games are probably too old fashioned for them all. Eh, I'll think of something. I wonder if kids still like Fortnite..."

And the topic turns back to their own night of relaxing. "Well, outside of food and an initial bottle of something? I'm game to head to one of the clubs and get some dancing in. I didn't get all dressed up just for dinner, after all. So I wager we can start with something light here, maybe a white? I'm sure there will be far more adventures and trouble to be found than gorging on fresh baguette." But oh the delicious /carbs/.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma laughs softly, "Well, if we go -too- relaxing the kids will get suspicious, or too relaxed to help themselves from causing trouble. Chaperoned poker is a far better idea... or, yes, Fortnite. Fortnite's always an option.

Emma handles the ordering, not quite a feast, but a decadent treat... and oh yes, there is fresh baguette because carbs -are- the best way to start a night of rulebreaking.

And while Emma hadn't really planned out a true itinerary, already the wheels are spinning to plot the further course to debauchery, even if it's just the shallow end of the debauchery pool. After all, she promised Scott she'd get Jean home on time... and, well, as hilarious as his face would be bailing them out, it -is- the mid-week.