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Latest revision as of 14:11, 10 April 2021

Meeting The New Neighbors
Date of Scene: 05 April 2021
Location: Residential Suites, The Triskelion
Synopsis: Liansong and Yaozu meet Skye for the first time. Brief introductions are made.
Cast of Characters: Liansong "Song" Qing, Quake, Yaozu Lin

Liansong "Song" Qing has posed:
It's just half an hour after lunch time. Or, well, the lunch time most sane and normal people would take. Being an owl, Liansong can, conceivably, work any hours he wants. But, for the first week, at least, he's been assigned to work the late shift. He's just getting off his shift in medical, of all places, and returning to the suite he'd been assigned to.

He carries nothing, and his hands bebop to some form of music that he's either listening to through his ears, or all in his mind. Sometimes, with him, it's hard to tell. His ears can't be seen, so any earbuds that might be in them are hidden as well. Feathers, for the win! His beak makes audible noises, like a nail file on fingernails, but louder, for that beak is actually quite large when on the frame of a human.

Liansong knows nothing of the weather outside just yet, for he hadn't been outside, and is dressed like he'd just come from medical. He's even still wearing the labcoat. Then again, with his frame, it's probably custom made with respect for his wings, so he probably left the suite with it last night when he'd gone on duty.

Quake has posed:
Where Liansong is coming back, Skye was leaving her apartment at the Trisk. She rarely stayed here, and never more than a day or two, but this time she had something to get and to check that everything was okay for the next time.

Her door was in front of her, as she clicked the lock on it.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
A fair part of this morning, at least for Yaozu, had been devoted to physical training. He had returned to the room for a shower, which is finished at this point, and he's dressed in his reliatvely typically garb -- black steel-toed boots, black cargo pants, and a dark blue long-sleeved turtleneck type of shirt. His damp hair has been tamed into a braid that snakes the length of his back down to the small of his back.

Since coming from Beijing, he's attempted to find a routine here, though he hasn't settled into one as of yet. He steps towards the door of the room and then opens it, stepping out into the hallway beyond. He doesn't carry anything in hand, though his right hand slips to the small of his back to rest there. As he steps away from the door, his hazel gaze falls upon the approaching Song. He half bows -- habit, the movement causing his braid to slip forward over one of his shoulders, then straightens. "Good afternoon, Song," he offers in greeting, a slight hint of a smile finding the corners of his lips.

Hearing the sound of a lock clicking, his attention is drawn in the direction of it, to noticing the woman there. It's someone that he hasn't met, although that applies to many people here, thus far. And he's quiet, though it's not out of rudeness but rather intended for the purpose of not startling her.

Liansong "Song" Qing has posed:
Liansong turns his head as someone exits the suite next to the one he's aiming for. "'allo, mate," he says, voice sounding more or less human with a slight burr to it, like someone who's smoked or drank too much whiskey in their life. The feathers are all black, save for a single pinfeather that seems to have reached half its length on the leading edge of his left wing. It's visible just behind his head. And it stands out amongst all the black feathers. A single speck of white. Like a single dandelion sprouting in a nice grass lawn. The only mar.

Upon seeing the man sharing the suite with him, Liansong closes his eyes as he bows his head. The motion doesn't last for long, before he opens his eyes and straightens up again. "Good afternoon to you too, Yaozu. How was training?" Yup. Familiar with the man's routine, now. Or, at least, what there's been of it in the few days since they both arrived here.

Unlike his suite-mate, Liansong had made no effort to be quiet. Nope.

Quake has posed:
"Don't mind me. Just checking that everything is okay for the next time." You never knew when you would need a place to stay overnight. "You must be the Doctor. I think I'm supposed to let you see me equipment?"

All that was spoken to her door. *Now* she orients her body, and two things are immediately apparent.

One: The doctor was more avian than human. And Two: Based on the proximity the Dr. lived with the other Agent.

That she had not heard about.

"Uh.. Ni hao.. hi.." Skye had an excellent pronunciation. (But very limited speech.) "I guess I'm Skye. Er.. Agent Johnson."

Yaozu Lin has posed:
A single white feather. It practically screams 'notice me!'. Yaozu can't help but to notice that one single oddity amongst all of the other feathers. Notice it, stare briefly at it for how out of place it is, and then force his gaze past that feather. He's too polite and respectful to point it out, and is fairly certain that his roommate is likely aware of it besides. His right hand remains tucked at the small of his back, the position one that seems incredibly familiar and comfortable for him as well.

"Training was uneventful," Yaozu says, his tone mildly reflective. "How was your shift?" he asks, a flicker of curiosity finding his voice. There is a hint of an Asian accent to his voice, though whether Chinese or Japanese may be hard to tell since he grew up speaking both languages. The fingers of his left hand give a very slight twitch, as though he might have been about to lift that hand, but he keeps it at his side. To flick aside his braid, perhaps, or maybe for another purpose.

Yaozu tilts his head faintly to one side as he turns his hazel gaze towards the woman before turning to face her. He brings his hands together, the back of his right hand against the palm of his left, tips of his thumbs touching, arms slightly bent and extended as he bows respectfully to her, his braid dangling forward over one of his shoulders with the movement. "Xiàwu hao, Agent Johnson," Yao says softly. He straightens, lowers his hands, but keeps them together where they rest in front of him. "I am Lin Yaozu," he adds, inclining his head towards her, his gaze respecfully downcast.

Liansong "Song" Qing has posed:
"Yup. I'm the Doctor. One of 'em," replies Liansong, beak gaping in an aproximation of a grin. And yes. Definitely more avian than human, at least on the surface. His hands even look more like bird feet than human fingers. And he's barefoot. Because the feet just don't lend themselves well to human style foot gear. Something might need to be done about that before winter hits, if he's still assigned to this neck of the woods.

"Skye Johnson.. Skye Johnson..." Liansong's eyes close for a moment, head tilting in a disturbing manner, turning almost halfway to the side. His eyes open, and the neck turns again, bringing the head to fully face the woman. "Ah. Yes. I saw you on the roster for day after tomorrow. I believe it was ten am." Of course, when he says he believes, in reality, Liansong knows. He doesn't forget things like that! Or anything, really.

It would also appear that the deductive reasoning is sound on Skye's part. Other than her suite, there are no other doors this far down the hall. Theirs just happens to be across the hall. He comes to a stop next to the door for suite A5, and next to Yaozu as it happens. As he stops, the talons on his feet click one last time against the floor, and then no more clicky clicky.

Liansong might or might not be aware of that single white feather. He probably is. It's a pin feather. They itch like mad. "Uneventful. Though, I had one screamer. Apparently, not much of an owl fan." He shakes his head, and then the feathers fluff out and his whole body follows. When he settles, his feathers are fluffed out just a little. He is either comfortable, or cold. It's hard to tell which. "Qing Liansong," he supplies on the heels of Yaozu's introduction, as though it had reminded him to give his own name. He does not bow, but he does nod his head politely.

Quake has posed:
"Woah.. 10 am? You are certain that's my slot?" Because Skye really never showed up for anything (if she could help it) before the stroke of noon. Mind you, she was up until all hours of the morning doing her "job". "Really?" He must be joking.

Now she looked at them together.

"You weren't assigned on purpose, right? I mean your rooms." She tilted her head. "Somewhere somebody fucked up." Either both were accidentally assigned the same room, or somewhere a really neat apartment was still empty, waiting for its occupant. Then again, she had been almost 4 years and still didn't know where her desk was.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
The way Liansong tilts his head is something that lures a person's attention to the gesture. His head is practically sideways! And so, Yaozu can't help but to look, to notice, and to say naught about it. His gaze strays to that one white feather, briefly, and then he returns his attention back to Song's features. And one of his eyebrows quirks up a touch. "You have a list? Should I be wondering if my name is marked somewhere on it?" he asks, a flicker of curiosity to his voice. His voice is a pleasant baritone.

At least with his hands held together, the slight twitch of his left hand is less visible when it occurs again. He quietly draws in a deep breath and slowly releases it, counselling himself to discipline and keeping his hands where they are. "That is something of a rude reaction for someone to have," Yaozu says, his brow furrowing just a touch and for just a moment before his expression clears.

Yaozu turns his hazel gaze to Skye, and he tilts his head faintly to one side. There's a brief glance to Song, then to the door of the rooms they share, and then his gaze returns to Skye. "When I arrived, I was brought to this room and advised this would be where I would be staying. Song was already present. There are two bedrooms. It bothers me not. Why would it not be on purpose?" Yaozu asks, studying her in a remarkably steadfast manner.

Liansong "Song" Qing has posed:
Liansong nods. "Ten am," he confirms. "I am certain. I suppose I could be wrong, but that does not often happen. Let me check." He slips his phone from his pocket and looks to it. Turns the screen on. Finds the correct ap and brings it up. "Yup. Ten am. And I do have you, Yaozu. Following day. Also ten am." Someone seems fond of the ten am slot, they do!

"I would presume someone assigned us the same room on purpose. We did arrive from out country at the same time." So it kind of makes sense. He doesn't seem to mind, either.

His attention is caught, not by the twitchy hands of his suite-mate, but by that quiet deep breath. He had seen the twitches of hands, but paid it little mind. The deep breath, being who he is, he can't precisely ignore. Especially with his hearing. "What is the matter, Yao?"

Quake has posed:
Darcy would have a cow.

"Not me." Yaozu seems to have the shakes.. or something. Yet when she looks again he seems to have it under control? Strange. But she explains her odd little reaction on their unusual circumstances. "When I was told, the Dr. was expected. And there was no mention of a roommate." Skye holds her hands out as if to say 'it was normal' and 'I'll shush my mouth'.

Ugh. Ten. Ten fucking thirty in the morning. He checked it. Twice.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
There's a flick of a glance towards Liansong's motion to bring out his phone, and for the time it takes him to check the times, Yaozu is quiet. Then he inclines his head towards his roommate, his gaze respectfully lowered as he does so. "It is not surprising," he says softly. Not surprising that he would have an appointment, or not surprising that it would be at ten in the morning? He could mean either or both! His medical file has likely already been sent to Song, electronically, from the Beijing office.

There's a brief glance towards Skye, and then his haze gaze flicks back to Song at the question he asks. "Méiyou shé me," he says quietly, his gaze falling. 'Nothing', for those who know Mandarin. This time, he lifts his left hand away from his right hand, and he flicks his braid over his shoulder to where it should be, at his back. The movement is short and familiar, with the appearance of being a thing he does many times. A habit, perhaps, that he's attempting to break. "It is nothing of concern," he offers, an attempt to clarify, and he half bows to Song in a respectful gesture, his hands settling before him in the wake of the motion. Then his attention turns to Skye, and he faintly tilts his head to one side. "Perhaps I was a last minute addition. My transfer was done on a bit of short notice," he suggests in a thoughtful tone.

Liansong "Song" Qing has posed:
Liansong even turns the phone around, helpfully, so Skye can see the time listed. Clearly, someone in medical didn't get the memo that she doesn't do before noon! "Dunno why they have me doin' physicals, though. I'm supposed ta be in the science labs. Ah well. Must be short bodies." He laughs at that.

His head turns from Yaozu to Skye, back to Yaozu, and then back to Skye. "Eh? Oh. I see." Blink blink of large round, glacial blue eyes. "He's not my lover, if that's what you mean. He's a field agent. Dunno why it happened. Just did. Guess we should check on that, yeah?" He owl-grins, and his tongue is briefly seen. Like a tube, kind of like a worm, it is. Pink in the middle, tan-ish pink at the end, and what little can be seen at his throat. Then the beak closes and hides the 'view', such as it is.

The phone is then flipped so Yaozu can see it if he wants. Briefly. Then the screen shut off and the phone tucked back away. He has already recieved patient files, yup! At least, those on his list. And he's likely gone through a good many of them during his shift through the night. Maybe even Skye's! But it's hard to tell, and he's not saying.

At the words that Liansong is concerned over nothing, the eyes narrow just a little bit. Like he's not sure he should believe the words. But then he nods. "Alright then. If something is, please tell me so it can be taken care of." For once, the hyperactive, and often very silly, PhD is being serious.