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Deadpools and Vroomsticks pt. 2
Date of Scene: 11 April 2021
Location: Jean's Office - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Rogue visits Jean's office to find Jean and Summers. She then tells them about the recent Deadpool episode she had a small part in.
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Cyclops, Phoenix

Rogue has posed:
It's the morning after the evening where Rogue was essentially car jacked, or ride jacked? Somehow she still doesn't know how it all happened, and then things escalated from there up to a point that means she has to come to Jean's office to bring up an issue. Or several. She gives a knock and then opens the door without waiting for anyone to say that she can come in, stepping into the office and looking from the desk and around to see if Jean is even *in* her office this morning.

Cyclops has posed:
Inside Jean's office is Scott Summers, who is currently putting some of her things into a box. Just a list of personals that she asked to bring to the new house. Just to de-clutter a bit. Being it's the weekend, he's wearing a relaxed pair of jeans and a solid t-shirt over his body. "Hey, Anna." He says as he straightens up, giving her a smile. "Jean should be back in a bit, she was just down the hall. What's going on?"

Phoenix has posed:
While Scott's in her room getting a few personals that she doesn't need to keep at the school, Jean was taking one of their boxes of stuff out to one of their cars. It was a slow afternoon and paperwork was caught up, so it was a good time to take care of the other work at hand. The sound impact of her low heels can be heard crossing the polished floor of the former ballroom as she approaches the office a minute or two after Rogue arrives.

"Hey!" She says pleasantly as she steps through the door. "Sorry, hope you weren't waiting long, just had to step outside for a minute."

Rogue has posed:
"Hey Summers..." Comes Rogue's response, and because it's Summers she's not flinching at the use of her real name. "I hope I'm not interupting anything..." This said just as Jean makes it in and Rogue turns her gaze to the other woman, giving a shake of her head. "Not long at all. Just got here really." This offered and then she looks between the two of them. "So... something happened last night..." Beginning there and then she takes a breath...

"I was just coming back from a little joy ride, and when I parked my car, I was confronted by Wade." Wade? Deadpool? She's not sure how to address the man. "He was lookin' for a car to steal, said he needed to go somewhere and that he'd be back before the morning. I wasn't havin' that, but it sort of escalated into a threatening sort of thing. I guess? I didn't really think much of it...was just tryin' to help him.." A pause then, as she trails off, her eyes going to the floor as she wrings her hands together, more nervous than when she walked in only moments ago.

Cyclops has posed:
Raising his brows upwards as he listens, Scott sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Great. Okay, so what happened next? I'm assuming that you took the responsible route by giving him a ride instead of letting him steal your car. I know that .. in a physical altercation you can.. flatten him. You have the upperhand." He pauses curiously.

"I would assume that you would based upon your skill-set and the fact I have personally trained you to handle yourself."

Phoenix has posed:
<< Remind me to go check the cars for bombs and missing parts. >> Jean says dryly towards Scott over their personal link. << And just the garage in general. >>

"Any details that you have of what he was saying or doing will help." Jean says out loud as she sinks into her chair and gestures Rogue towards another instead of standing there. Her tone is calm but grave, though her simmering seems directed at the man in question and not the woman speaking to them. "He's on probation, so if he's causing trouble, or worse, threatening people here than we need to know. Especially since he's around students."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue bites on her lower lip and then nods to Scott. "I sure as hell ain't lettin' no one steal my car, let alone drive it as a whole. Even Gambit wasn't allowed." She offers. "Maybe I could take him in a fight, but...he didn't have his belt. Somethin' about Jean keeping it from him. He did have swords though...and I didn't feel like gettin' stabbed." At the invitation from Jean, she moves to sit in one of those chairs in front of Jean's desk.

"So yeah, I gave him a ride. He mentioned something about a circus but we went to some bar called the Rusty Nail? ... Next thing I know he's being taken by someone in a van, and THEN the van gets crashed by a truck and ... there were people in black, someone saying that his...nemesis Bruce? Is back? There were gunshots, and he was killing people and..." Okay, even thinking back on it Rogue is unsure how to feel about it all. Torn. Sickened. Worried. "He told me to run...well... he wrote run in blood where I could read it...so I.. I left...I left him. I could have helped m'sure but..." Another trail off. "I'm sorry. I didn't think, I didn't *know* what I was gettin' into. But I also didn't wanna piss him off from the beginning..."

Cyclops has posed:
"You have alpha level invulernabilities, Anna. His swords would snap in half. You're one of our strongest X-Men, next to Piotr of course. You can throw the Hulk over your shoulder into a new zip code. Do not doubt yourself or your abilities. If we need to work on your confidence, we can spend some extra time in the Danger Room on drills." Scott folds his arms over his chest as he leans against the desk, glancing over to Jean.

"So, he murdered a number of people. I am .. going to assume self-defense. I don't know who this Bruce is, but he wouldn't have got into that situation in the first place if he just stayed here when we told him to. I am tempted to just .. contact Fury and turn him over to SHIELD."

Phoenix has posed:
There's one of those tilted head, half a shrug, 'eh' sort of gestures from Jean that suggests she's not entirely opposed to Scott's idea. She does reach up a hand to drag her nails over the back of her nails. "Killing for him is practically recreational. Doing so dramatically even more. It's certainly not your fault he got into this mess. It sounds like something personal."

She crosses her arms in front of her as she leans back in her chair. "That said, if his enemies are drive by'ing him, that brings up concerns that he could bring them back here. He's not subtle. And yes, I do have his belt. If there was that much of an uproar, then some footage should be somewhere. Maybe we can check local cameras and see if we can get a better look at who got him. I take it there wasn't much in the way of identifiers?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue blinks at Scott a moment and then shakes her head. "It ain't like I got some sort of invisible shield against my person, Summers. I don't think I can rightly take a straight shank of a sword, but if you wanna prove me wrong by all means..." Then he brings up Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D and she shakes her head. "He says he'd come back here. Wade I mean. But I don't know...and I don't like that he's got his head screwed on backwards. If he thought to threaten me, what more else would he do to others.."

She looks to Jean then. "I bet there's cameras that we could peek into. I remeber where the bar was. Some biker joint. The man had a black cloak with a purple hood. All the other people who were tryin' ta nab or otherwise subdue him wore all black. I didn't get much else." She sighs. "That's all I can remember." She finalizes.

Cyclops has posed:
"For someone who is missing his memory, he sure seems to know a lot about whatever got him in trouble." Scott says with a frustrated look on his face. He gives a glance to the boxed items, then to Jean.

<< This is why we can't just be happy and have a normal life. Moving out is a mistake. >>

He furrows his brows again and gives a glance upwards to the ceiling. "I'll talk to him, maybe bring Logan with me if I can fish him out of the woods."

Phoenix has posed:
There's an upwards glance from Jean to Scott before it drops, passing along the surface of her desk while she exhales and then looking back up.

"It wouldn't be a bad idea. Less for trouble with Wade as opposed to who might be giving him trouble. I'm sure he has no shortage of enemies. It's friends that I don't know that he has."

She picks up a pencil to scribble a few quick notes like the apparel. "We may need to go look for him, unless he managed to fight his way out. How long ago did this happen? Was it late last night or earlier in the day?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue seems to think on this for a moment. "It was late night. Probably about...ten or eleven? I think I finally got back at about midnight." Saying this as she looks between the two. "I'd like to help find him, if y'all would let me. Like I said, I probably coulda helped him and just brought him back but.." Then she remembers. "Oh! Someone did mention that Deadpool was stupid for comin' back to the same place twice... if that means anything."

Cyclops has posed:
"It makes sense in the way that Deadpool is definitely stupid." Scott says with an annoyned tone in his throat. "Yes, you can come with us. We'll take Kurt as well just in case we need an exit strategy. Not that the three of us can't handle anything thrown at us. Maybe I'll just have Kurt teleport his head off. Pretty sure he can't grow that back."

That last line is muttered under his breath as he takes a notebook and puts it in the box with a clank of items that rattles about.

Phoenix has posed:
"I really don't want to find out." Jean says, as if the idea of a headless Deadpool lurching around turned her a bit green about the gills. "And Kurt would never do that anyway. Thankfully."

"I'll see what we can get as far as footage, this way we can maybe get an idea of who we may encounter. You three go check out the scene around the bar and see what leads there are. It hasn't been too terribly long, so there may still be some signs or people who may have seen what happened. Want me to tag along?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue nods. "Alright. I surely don't mind going with you..." This much and then she stands and takes a breath. "I admit. I faltered. I probably could've handled all of that a lot better." She pauses, looking between the two and then offers something akin to a smile. "I'm sorry." This offered, again, and then she motions. "Just let me know...and if you want me to talk to Nightcrawler..."

Cyclops has posed:
"No need to apologize. Wade isn't even welcomed here. He's only here because we gave him a shot. One that appears he majorly blew." Scott says as he picks up the box in his arms and gives her a nod. "You can speak with Kurt if you wish, or Jean can let him know." He says as he tilts his head, then heads out of the office with a frown upon his face. Whatever good mood he was in has disappeared.

Phoenix has posed:
"You're fine." Jean says to Rogue with a soft smile. "He's not your's to watch over, and I wouldn't have expected you to jump right in the middle of his fight. He's capable, for all of his... choices, that he makes. If he was easy to kill, he'd have been dead a long time ago, help or no. We'll see what we can do and if we can find him. Go check in with Kurt and let him know. As soon as I get some info, I'll let you all know."

She looks over towards Scott as he moves to go, but she lets him be. She knows that face.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watches Scott go, and that face he has causes her to frown a little. Her attention moves back to Jean then and she nods her head. "Alright. I need to catch up with Kurt anyway so I'll go give him a poke or few. Be lookin' forward to hearin' from you and gettin' this mess sorted if we can." She turns and begins to walk out of the office offering a final, "Later Jean." Before she's out the door.