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Latest revision as of 21:31, 12 April 2021

Putting on the bandaids
Date of Scene: 12 April 2021
Location: Jeremy's Room (West Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: Ted and Jeremy has a talk and put to rest old wounds that was opened by accident.
Cast of Characters: SpyderByte, Ted Gammage

SpyderByte has posed:
With Gray most likely out and about for a few hours, Jeremy has the room to himself. Having a room mate has been interesting for the young Goth in a number of ways. Currently he is sitting in front of his computer with his four displays mounted on the wall. Instead of typing on the keyboard, he is just staring at the three flickering screens and the one that has a video feed that looks like an overhead sattelite staring down at some type of military camp.

He is dressed in a short sleeved black shirt that reads: Loser, across the chest in dark red font, and a pair of black slim jeans that are a 'stacked' style with multiple shreds through the legs and thigh. His hair is wild now, thick and long to his shoulders, painted black with the roots slightly brown.

As usual, it's hot as hell in his room, the windows cracked open slightly with the lights off. He has a large energy drink called: Ka-Blam sitting next to him, cracked open and half consumed.

Ted Gammage has posed:
Having given up trying to figure out how to do weight-based exercises since normal equipment's not really useful to him, he's started just going for pre-lunch runs. He's just returning from one of them, passing by Jer's room. He figures its been a bit since he's heard much so just gives a light knock on the door. "'ey Jer, y'all here? Jus' checkin' up on yah." He also knows that Gray's been there so doesn't want to spook the new guy since he seemed skiddish.

SpyderByte has posed:
Having 'felt' Ted making his way down the hall by the way of his familiar cell signal, Jeremy glances over his shoulder at the knocking. He tilts his head back to his 'work', staring at the video screen for a moment before he lets out a sigh. The phone in Ted's pocket makes a noise.

<< Come in. >>

It's a soft female's voice. SIRI. The default voice on most devices now these days. It seems he has abandoned using his own voice, for now, at least for the most part. He squints at the video again as he leans forward, using his powers to magnify the images, then glances over to another screen as he takes notes in his own language filled with symbols.

Ted Gammage has posed:
As there's a pause, Ted almost starts to leave figuring he's not there or is busy or something. As his phone speaks to him, he says "Oh, awlright." He gently opens the door and is almost instantly reminded of the sauna-like conditions in which Jeremy lives. "Woosh, still don' know how y'all do this. From down south an' this is still a lil' warm." He glances around, "Roomie out?" He gives a tired smile, "Guess that's workin' out ok." He doesn't look at the screen, figuring its generally impolite.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I think he's gone. It's hard to tell at times because his power is invisibility. But being that the bed doesn't look sunk in, I'm assuming he isn't here. His weight would still displace the physics of his mattress. >>

Jeremy rises up and heads to his window, pushing open his curtains, then jerks the window open so that the hot air can filter through. As he turns around to face him, he peers out from beneath his thick hair. One hand drops to his side, snapping his fingers as the lights overhead comes on.

<< But, yes, it is working out. We are both born from the same cement which has created broken sidewalks. >>

Ted Gammage has posed:
"Oh damn, ah hadn't thought about it." He looks around as if trying to see something that might not be there, then just puffs out a breath, "Aw, y'all don't gotta go to that trouble, if yer comfortable. Ah it's jus' like... um, commentin' on the weather? Idle chat, though guess yer not one for that. M'just checkin' on you is all." He nods lightly, "Ah'm glad y'have a kindred spirit, then. Ever'one needs someone t'relate to."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< How come you haven't checked up on me in months? >>

Jeremy's voice bounces around the room in the soft female voice. From a speaker between the beds, to a speaker behind him. He has created a 360 audio experience in his room. It's actaully quite an immersive audio experience.

As he sinks down into his chair, it practically molds against his body. It's expensive and it moves with his body. He settles his hands on the arm rests, tilting his head to one side as he blows some long hair from his face.

<< I thought we were friends. >>

Ted Gammage has posed:
"Th' last few times ah saw you y'were..." he tries to thikn of the word, "Kinda grumpy maybe?" He looks off, "Ah'm usually one t'let sleepin' dogs lie, figured things'd be better at some point." He leans against the doorframe a little bit. "Shan said there was stuff b'tween y'all, that she thought y'all were friends. Ah didn't know why y'were mad till then, honestly." He looks off, "At that point..." He shrugs, "Ah dunno. Felt bad it happened. Like things were mah fault despite it prolly bein' an unfortunate confusion but eh." He puffs out his cheeks a moment, "AH'm bad at conflict. Well, physical conflict ah could probably do with, but all th' emotion stuff. Never got good at it cause ah was hidin' so long."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I thought she and I had something more than being friends. We would kiss, hold hands, go to the movies together. I'm just awkward. I'm not good at that. It's fine. I'm just upset that no one talked to me, or cared enough to. That she didn't even bother to talk to me and ask about my feelings. Instead, I was ghosted by someone I thought was my best friend, and another who I thought was my teammate. >>

There is a boneless shrug of Jeremy's shoulders as he glances back to the computer.

<< In the end, I would have just disappointed her. So it's better this way. I am incapable of being anything but this. >>

He gives a motion of his hand towards the computers. His lips pressing together thinly.

<< She needs someone like you. Football player. >>

The voice has no emotional inflection in it. It's just a soft, soothing motherly voice which probably sounds weird being that it comes from the Goth.

Ted Gammage has posed:
Ted frowns at it. Most of it, honestly. "Ah sorry, that's... mah bad. I spoke t'her about it and ah didn't get both ends. An' ah'm not sure, man. All ah can say is sorry an' ah'll try to do better. Last set of friends ah had wanted t'lynch me by the end of things, so ah'm just a bit close to th'vest now, and that ain't right." He shakes his head, "We're all only capable of bein' what we are," he notes. "An' for the record, ah don't think ah'm playing football ever again. Nearly killed someone." He shifts his weight, "Anywho, ah'm here if y'still want t'be friends. If not, ah can quit th' team. Dumb meatheads are ah dime a dozen anyways, m' replacable."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< You don't have to quit the team. You are also not dumb. You are doing adequate in your coursework. The Hulk is the strongest person in the world and he is also a brillaint scientist and physicist. Just because you are the .. third strongest mutant here at the school, doesn't mean you are not intellectually incapable. You should believe in yourself more. >>

Jeremy gives a slow blink of his eyes, then glances back to his computer screen.

<< I don't blame you though. I suppose I can see why you would feel awkward and in the middle. >>

Ted Gammage has posed:
"Pfff, man ah'm held back a grade, ah'm a bit of a brick," Ted says, chuckling very lightly. "And ah ain't no Bruce Banner. Ah'll be glad to graduate, though. Catchin' up, though m'nights are sleepless study." He pauses, "Ah'm the third strongest student?" he muses. "Ah, s'beside th' point. Ah'm jus' sayin' if yer mad, ah get it." He ponders quietly a long moment, then adds lightly "Ah know you're different," he says, "An' ah don't mean it bad, y'work on a different level than ah do. Jus' tell me if you want me t'beat it ok? Won't bother y'no more. If y' still want me t'pop in, ah will, though ah know y'have Gray who's prolly still ah bit timid. Hard bein' new."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< You got held back a grade due to your previous state's poor education system in which they rank forty-seventh out of fifty. You were set up to fail simply by being born in the rust belt in an underfunded system based upon political discourse. This has nothing to do with your natural intelligence. You are /not/ dumb. >>

Jeremy's real voice comes through the speakers now, bouncing around them here and there with clear frustration in the digital tone.

<< You have a higher level of emotional intelligence than most kids our age do. Far more than what I will ever achieve. >>

He pauses.

<< I said mutant. You are the third strongest mutant here. You are the strongest student. Only Colossus and Rogue can beat you in terms of super strength and technically Rogue borrowed hers. So, if it makes you feel better, you are the second strongest mutant here. >>

He rocks side to side in his chair as his feet help him swivel.

<< Gray is fitting in more now. He is making new friends and learning to relax. >>

Ted Gammage has posed:
"Oh," Ted says, "Huh, ah figured there's five o' me runnin around or somethin'." He looks off a moment, then lets out a breath, "Well, bad foundation fer m'knowledge." Jer's real voice coming through isn't lost on him, so he drops it, he doesn't have that good self esteem about his grades, but he's also generally pretty easy going. "Anyways, what ah' mean is, ah don't alway do 'different' good, so y'know, y'can tell me if ah forget t'pop by or whatever. Jus', y'know, poke me on m'phone, ok? If you want." He shrugs. "An ah'm glad Gray's settled in. Maybe y'all be good for each other," he offers, hopefully.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Of course I want you to. You are my friend, Ted. I was not going to assume we ever weren't. I may have had my heart broken, or at least stung, but I was not going to erase you or Shannon from my life. I am healed. No more scars. Trust me. >>

Jeremy rises upwards to his feet again, then pushes his hair back behind him to free more of his face. It's probably been months since he got it cut.

Ted Gammage has posed:
"Well, awlright," Ted says. "Then ah'll not make m'self so scarce." He smiles gently, then adds, "Oh, uh, hey, y'mentioned ages ago 'bout workin' out. I determined with m'last few Danger Room seshes, that while ah'm super duper strong, ah have th'stamina of a toddler. Taken up running. If y'wanna do that sometime, ah'll be yer runnin' buddy." He gives a genuine smile, adding "Ah can only guess my powers kinda take the wind outta me." He then eyes the hair, "Lettin' it grow out?"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I don't know what to do with my hair, so I am just letting it grow out. Maybe one day I will find inspiration. >>

The idea of running with him is almost painful. But, he slowly nods in agreement.

<< I can do that, sure. I have been spending some time in the gym as well and I have put on some weight. It's very subtle. I am proud of myself. I am forcing myself to go outside more, even if it's for a few minutes at a time. >>

He thinks for a moment.

<< You should speak with Doctor McCoy. He is creating a new material that is designed to look like normal wood, but it's impact resistant for super humans. He was having Rogue punch at it yesterday with impressive results. I took the data off his smart watch to study it. Perhaps we can have you hit it as well a few times. >>

Ted Gammage has posed:
"Ah," Ted says, "Ah hear a fade is in style," he says, jokingly. At the physical improvement note, he nods, "That's good. Things start subtly but quickly speed up. Or... so ah'm told. Again, ah'm weird in that regard. Plus ah was doin' outside stuff ever'day with chores on th' farm. Maybe ah should learn t'be some sorta farm-based physical trainer." He ponders a moment, then chuckles lightly. At the news of the new material, he makes a curious noise, "Ooh, that does sound neat," he says. "Ah'm down for givin' it a wack. Wonder what it's made of. Though ah probably wouldn't know where t'begin if he explained it to me."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I could tell you what they're made out of, but it doesn't matter. They are just big words that say the same thing. That it's very strong and mostly impervious. He is designing the material to reinforce some buildings that Xavier's is purchasing to be used for a campground. >>

Jeremy gives a smile to him, a genuine one.

<< The staff is looking to create a summer camp for us, and kids in mutant town, so that they have a safe place to play at and use powers without fear of hurting property. >>

Ted Gammage has posed:
"Right, ah wouldn't get it," Ted says shaking his head, "But yeah, that sounds great. Ah place where ah wouldn't have t'worry about twistin' off the doorknob if ah sleepily stumble to th'bathroom at night or something." he notes, adding "Again" a few moments later.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< If it makes you feel better, even I don't get it. I may be considered intelligent, but Doctor McCoy's brain is far bigger than mine. He is the only professor that I feel challenges me here at the school, and it's why he is my favorite. >>

Jeremy ponders for a moment, then motions him closer to him and the computers. He settles back into his seat and swivels around, then gives a blink as one screen lights up to show the data of the material.

<< The material are based upon tensile compounds which most have a neutonian colidal component. He infused ironwood and xenobiological compounds and fashioned them to look like normal materials. Wood. Stone. Brick. Metal. The idea is to use three plates designed to absorb kinetic and psychometric energy and thus negate as much damage as possible. >>

He won't treat Ted like he's stupid. He will at least lay it all out there for him to digest if necessary. He even has a 3D model of the compounds on the screen that slowly spin in front of him, as well as data based on Rogue striking them with her fists.

Ted Gammage has posed:
He looks at the screen as it starts pulling the diagrams up. He tries his best, gets most of the words. "Ah still think its a lil' beyond me, but I can sorta see it. Ah think." He frowns in thought, "Xenobiological? That...alien stuff?" he wonders. "Plants on other planets, or have ah watched too many scifi movies?"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Yes. Alien. Did you know the Danger Room is built on technology that was borrowed from the alien race known as the Shi'ar? The Professor and the X-Men had many adventures. The material that the Danger Room sphere is built out of an alien material. It's why we can blow ourselves up and there isn't a scratch. It's designed to handle deep space travel. >>

Jeremy gives a smile up at him.

<< See, you aren't dumb at all. You got that easily. Again, just big words that say the same thing. It's very strong and durable. It would be easier to just say that, but everything in science requires an impossible name behind it. >>

Ted Gammage has posed:
"Space metal. Though ah suppose its not too surprising about the Danger Room." He rubs his chin, "Given how crazy it can be." He shrugs, "Well, ah look forward to hangin' in a place not built outta eggshells for me. Kinda hard sometimes t'focus on not breakin' things."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I think the fun part would be if you /could/ break it. >>

There is a smile upon Jeremy's face as his brows lift upwards.

<< Because then you have some bragging rights. You broke the unbreakable material made by Doctor McCoy. That is something to put on your resume. You shouldn't be scared of your powers though. It's all a mental game. You have to push yourself past your fear and that is hwen you learn real control. >>

Ted Gammage has posed:
Ted considers this a few moments. "Well, ah mean, y'said I was trackin' in behind Rogue, so if she can't, than ah dunno if ah could. Ah'd give it a shot though," he says with a shrug. "Why not." He ponders a few moments, "Prolly be tricky, but ah'll give it a bit of thought." He smiles and then sighs, "Ah, should be hittin' the books again, though, ah'll see y'later?"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< You hold back too much. This is an experiment in which you won't have to. Just put your all into it. Throw the shoulder. >>

Jeremy says as he slowly turns in the chair in a spin as his voice ricochets about his room.

<< You can always talk to me if you need tutoring. I can help you. I am going to graduate early so I have time. >>

Ted Gammage has posed:
"Thanks, ah may take y'up on that." Ted says, "But fer now ah'm goign to just read th' assignments and see where th' problems are. Talk later." And he slips out the door.