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Latest revision as of 01:36, 13 April 2021

The 'Siblings' Catch Up
Date of Scene: 12 April 2021
Location: Rogue's Room (North Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: Kurt and Rogue have a chat over tea in Rogue's room.
Cast of Characters: Nightcrawler, Rogue

Nightcrawler has posed:
It's somewhere around noon, and it's a rainy day outside. It's been a light day, where classes are concerned, and the one class that he had to teach is done and over with. He's showered and dressed, wearing a pair of black jeans and a grey t-shirt. For the moment, he's chosen a more mundane method of arriving at her room. He's walked there rather than teleporting. Once to her room, he pauses outside for a moment. His ears wobble, briefly, but then he adjusts the weight of the tray he carries before lifting a hand to knock on her door.

The tray itself has a teapot and mugs, a sugar bowl, and a creamer filled with milk. There are also lemon slices in a bowl. And a plate of assorted biscuits as well as a plate of more savoury yummies to eat.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue isn't a teacher, so all she ever has to worry about is who she's spending time in a classroom with at the end of the week because of detention. She's also been very social lately - which has taken her a little out of her comfort zone - so today with the rain and just the overall blahs, Rogue was spending time in her room with just herself. It meant she could sit in shorts and a tee shirt, without gloves on, and when there's a knock at her door, she frowns. Though she also stands and pads over to the door, opening it slowly to peek at who's there and then opens it fully upon seeing Kurt. "Well hey you. Come on in..." She offers, shifting enough so Kurt could walk in and then she could close the door behind him.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Being social has a way of doing that. Kurt, himself, has been somewhat social, when he hasn't been getting into trouble with various and assorted things that try to kill him. His tail lightly swishes behind him, a slow and sinuous movement from side to side. He waits, not really sure if Rogue is in her room or not, but guessing that she is. And when she answers the door, his ears perk up a bit and there's a warm smile to his features. "Ah, meine dame, you are here," he says, his glowing eyes bright. He moves to step inside once she's made the space for it, and then he uses his tail to flick the door closed. "I brought tea," he offers. Master of the obvious.

Rogue has posed:
"I don't know where else I would be but here, Kurt, considerin' the weather. I suppose I could'a been out there enjoyin' it...but there's somethin' about stayin' in and just listenin' to the rain that's nice enough." Rogue offers and then gives a grin while she motions him to follow her and leads him to those chairs in front of the fireplace. Luckily there's a coffee table where he can set the tray down. "I do appreciate the tea, Kurt, but you don't just stop by willy nilly for no reason." She surmises. "Kinda nice ya did stop by tho, cause I need to talk to you about somethin' but if you got a thing on your mind, you can surely go first."

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Well... I suppose that is true, now that I consider it," Kurt says, giving her a sheepish look. With his teleportation, sometimes the bad weather is easy enough to avoid with a jump or two. "Ja, it is nice to listen to the rain. It makes a pleasant sound," he adds, giving a small nod of agreement. He steps over to the fireplace and sets the tray of tea on the coffee table there. He lifts the lid of the teapot, checking the tea briefly, and then he picks up the pot in order to pour a mug of it. He adds sugar, and a slice of lemon before stirring it and setting the spoon aside. With the mug in hand, he perches on one of the arm chairs there, his tail resting over one of his shoulders and the end of it idly tick-tock'ing back and forth. "Not usually, I guess? There have been... things, I suppose. Being shot. The Neyaphem. The man-ghost thing," he says softly, his brow furrowing a little. He settles a bit more, and he takes a sip of his tea.

Rogue has posed:
"Yes, I remember Dani being rather upset but I wasn't sure if she was bein' playful or serious..." Rogue offers, making herself a cup of tea with sugar and lemon but no cream. She stirs the tea a moment before looking to Kurt more pointedly. "I know being shot at isn't new for some of us... it's the Nyaphem and the man-ghost that's got me worried about ya, Kurt." A pause. "You're the closest thing I got to family aside from everyone here, and I don't wanna find out one day that you got in over ya head one too many times." She takes a sip of her tea then before looking to the fireplace that's never been lit, perhaps pondering a nice fire to go along with the rain outside. "Also, me an' Summers are wonderin' if you wouldn't mind helpin' us find that Deadpool guy. Something...happened...the other night and... he's missing." Or maybe not missing, if Jean and Scott had their way of it but Wade is technically being helped by them so for him to be gone is concerning.

Nightcrawler has posed:
The pointed blue ears of the fuzzy blue elf lower a little bit at Rogue's words, and he gives a little bit of a nod before looking down into his mug of tea. "Ja, Dani was pretty mad... I think she might still be," Kurt says softly, his brow furrowing a little bit. "I need to find a way to make things right with her, still," he adds, frowning a little bit.

Kurt lifts one of his hands from his mug of tea to make a slight gesture before he gives a small shake of his head. "Being shot was... the lesser of two evils. It was either be grazed by a bullet or be hit with a Cure dart, and I could not risk the latter. It was while we were rescuing the prisoners who were 'curing' mutants," Kurt explains. He lifts his mug, taking a sip of his tea. And he's quiet for a moment, considering her words before he gives a nod. "The Neyaphem is not what I would consider common. It happened in the Brimstone Dimension," he says, lifting his gaze to her. "The man-ghost, well... he could have killed me, in the moment. Could have. Wanted to. He missed," he offers. That's the only reason the man-ghost didn't end up killing him. Kurt had been entirely ready to die in the moment, and relying wholly on his faith as a shield. It was, as Dani is fond of putting it, fatally idiotic.

"I don't mean to worry anyone, but... it happens, all the same," he says, his tail lightly moving to wrap a bit around himself. Then he tilts his head a bit to one side at the request, and he raises an eyebrow slightly. "Help to find Deadpool? I can look around. Ask around. But he may not want to be found," Kurt says, a thoughtful tone to his voice.

Rogue has posed:
This is one of those moments where she'd want to hug him and just let him know that he needs to be a bit more mindful because there are people who actually care about him. She has exposed skin, however, and so touching Kurt would be a bad thing. "I'd hug you, but I can't right now. I will say that you have people who care about you here, and I actually agree with Dani. That was fatally idiotic. You need to remember that it ain't just you out there against the world and your faith anymore, Kurt."

Of course she knows his faith is important to him, but faith alone isn't what will save someone at the end of the day. She won't say that, but she'll think it all the same. There's a chuckle when he offers to look or ask around about Deadpool but then she shakes her head. "I dunno Scott's plans, but this is more like the three of us will be going on a mission to find the man I lost." A flush of color hits her cheeks as she takes a sip of tea once more. "He pretty much threatened me into giving him a ride somewhere, got into a fight, and then he got grabbed...and I didn't do much to stop it..."

Nightcrawler has posed:
It's likely that, if she didn't have exposed skin, Kurt would accept the hug. But she does, so there isn't one, and he remains perched on the chair, semi-crouched in that way of his. "Ja, I know, and I appreciate the thought," Kurt says, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. His ears lower a little, and he ducks his chin, looking to her through the veil of his lashes, all sheepish. And he gives a little nod. "Ja, there are people who care, here. I know. And... well... I have to agree with Dani, as well. It was fatalistic, and it was idiotic. He... could have cut my head clean off," he says in a quieter tone. "I'm trying, to remember it, to keep it in mind," he adds, glancing towards her before he takes a sip of his tea.

Faith is a thing that is strong in him. There was a time when he nearly took a different path than the one he's on, for as strong as his faith is. Kurt tilts his head a touch to one side, studying her as she speaks further on the situation with Deadpool. "That is... odd. If he threatened you, then you had a fair reason for doing as he said. I'm not sure what could have been done in order to stop it, if the ones that grabbed him were determined enough. Had you interfered, you could have been hurt or killed," he says, a thoughtful and concerned tone to his voice. "We will find him," he says, giving a small nod.

Rogue has posed:
"Well at least you think that..." Rogue says, taking another sip of tea before setting her cup down. She stands then and moves to grab a sweatshirt from the floor, putting it on over her shirt and then puts on her gloves. It's just habit for when she's talking to someone, and perhaps even lets her be a little more comfortable when talking to them. "Summers reminded me in not so gentle tones that I'm one of the strongest and versitile of the X-Men and that I could have taken Deadpool in a fight..." She chuckles. "Like I was supposed ta fight him in the garage and risk damaging a hell of a lot of property..." Then she's grabbing thigh high leggings, putting one on and then the other. "I'm sure we'll find him...if he don't pop back up here somehow in the next day or so. But I'll let Summers know you're willin' ta help us..." She walks back to the chair she was sitting in before, now fully covered except for her neck and face. "Thanks. So...anything else you wanted to talk about? Catch up on?" Did he know about her time away? Her breakup with Gambit about a year or so ago? She wasn't sure, and she keeps herself isolated so much sometimes no one really knows.

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Thinking it in hindsight does little good, though," Kurt comments, wrinkling his nose slightly. He could have ended up dead! That's a bit of a sobering thought. Or more like a lot of a sobering thought! He looks down at a point somewhere on the floor, and he lifts his mug of tea to take a sip of it, savouring the brew and the heat that seeps into him from it. Tea always helps. Almost always. He tilts his head a touch to one side, and then he gives a nod. "You are. And sometimes, we need to be reminded of these things," Kurt says softly, giving another little nod.

"It is seldom that I'm unwilling to help, as you well know," Kurt comments, giving a soft chuckle. He's quiet a moment, taking a sip of his tea. His ears wobble a little bit, and he lifts a hand to pull his fingers through his hair. "You must promise not to tell," Kurt says softly, lifting his glowing gaze to her and watching her, studying her. "There... is a girl... a woman that I have been seeing sometimes," he adds quietly, ducking his chin a little bit. Shy and sheepish, maybe. No names, no other details, just that much offered.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue thinks on that for a moment and then nods her head. "Just means we should keep such things in mind goin' forward. You should rely a little more on your friends and family to help you stay safe. I should rely more on my powers when the situation calls for it." This as she finishes her cup of tea and then eyes the fireplace again. Finally, she stands and moves to a window instead, opening it to let in the scent of fresh rain and a bit of chill that comes along with it falling.

After that, she comes back over, only this time she rests a hand on Kurt's shoulder. Now that it's gloved, she can do this without anything happening. "I know. I still want you to know that it's appreciated, Kurt." A squeeze and then she walks back over and sits in her own chair. It's then that he begins talking about how she has to promise not to tell, so she nods. "I promise." Just before he begins to talk about how he's seeing someone. "...Is it Dani?..." She asks, her head tilting just so as a small smirk teases the corners of her lips.

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Mmhmm, we should. But sometimes there are too many things to try to keep in mind in a moment, which tends to mean that something ends up not sticking there very well," Kurt says, a thoughtful tone to his voice. Then he gives a small shake of his head, as though attempting to dismiss such a potentially dark thought. There's a smile for Rogue, and then he nods. "I should, you're not wrong. Though I could have teleported or done any number of things besides what I chose to do," Kurt says, giving a wry sort of chuckle. But he hadn't. He had knelt at the altar of the church and waited to be killed.

He casts a glance towards the window when she opens it, then takes in a deep breath of the fresh clean scent of the rain. "I always like the smell of rain," he says softly, a thoughtful tone to his voice. He looks up at her, at the touch to his shoulder, and then he gives a nod. "I know it is," he says with a smile. Thankfully he wasn't taking a sip of his tea when she suggested Dani! He blinks at her, surprised by the guess, and then he gives a little shake of his head. "Ah, no... Dani is a very good friend. Who probably still wants to kick my ass for being fatalistic," he comments, quirking a grin. "It is not someone here at the school," he adds.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue gives a nod in regard to the first things that Kurt mentions, agreeing with him and so she doesn't really comment further on them. When she opens the window and Kurt takes that deep breath and comments, she chuckles. "Yeah. I like the smell of rain too. I like when it rains at night, cause it helps me sleep sometimes. Makes me miss the storms we used to get down in Mississippi." This much more and then she shifts just enough to refill her cup with some more tea, and even refills Kurt's without really asking if he wanted more. Hers is doctored with sugar and lemon once again and then she stirs it before taking a sip. "Well, I'm glad you're seeing someone. And don't worry. Ain't no one for me to tell your business to anyway." She sighs then, looking out towards one of the windows. "Would be nice ta be in any sort of relationship...I miss it...but I know that in most cases it's impossible for me.."

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a nod from the fuzzy blue fellow, about the rain, and a smile easily finds his features. "It is a pleasant sound, on the rooftops and against the windows. Sometimes, I go up on the roof when it's raining and just... be in the rain," Kurt says softly, a thoughtful tone to his voice. He lifts one of his hands, lightly tussling his hair, and then he brings his gaze away from the rain-splattered window, looking to Rogue.

He gives a small nod, and a smile for the refilling of his mug, appreciating it. "Ah, danke," he says in a warm tone. He's quiet a moment, thinking, and there's nothing more that he adds to his mug for the fresh tea. "It has been for... six months, ish," he says softly, ducking his chin a little bit. "Ja, I know... you are the only one that I have told," he adds, a little sheepishly. "I do not believe that it is impossible for you, you know. Challenging, perhaps, but not impossible. You are not alone, you know."

Rogue has posed:
"Mmn, I should do that at some point. See who yells at me the loudest for hanging out up there and trying to catch cold. Not that I think I can catch a cold anyway..." Rogue seems to consider this a moment and then she chuckles. "Six months? You are going to let me meet her, right? I mean, I'm your pesudo-sister, so it's kinda like my job ta make sure whoever you're dating knows not to break your heart." Then she taps her nose and gives a laugh before sipping a little more tea. "No. Not impossible. Just improbable. Cause I can wear gloves to hold hands, and make sure skin never touches. Could never kiss them unless I want to do the same thing to them what I did to..." She trails off and turns her head away then. Frustrated and upset at the sudden thought and memory she stands and marches right back to the open window, looking out of it in silence while wrapping arms around herself in a personal hug.

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Well, there are some benefits to being able to teleport, ja? They never really know when I'm up there unless someone else is there, too," Kurt comments, giving a soft chuckle. He takes a drink of his tea, and then gives a nod. "Mmhmm, around that long. I mean, there was a while where she was away and taking care of some things, but... I'm kind of not counting that in the time," he says, a smile quirking at the corners of his lips.

"Ja, I will introduce you to her, I promise. And I might even give you privacy to talk to her without me being about so you can make sure of her intentions," he comments, giving a soft chuckle. One of his eyebrows quirks up at her words, though, and he tilts his head to one side, watching her. He shifts, rising from where he'd been sitting, and he places the mug of tea on the coffee table before stepping over to her and slipping his arms around her to hug her. "Ah, my dear... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to stir up ill memories," he says softly, a gentle tone to his voice. "Perhaps... I do not know, but... perhaps there is something that can be done," he says softly, giving her a bit of a squeeze. He'd need to talk to certain people about certain things, to find out what may be possible. He's not a scientist, alas.