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Latest revision as of 18:21, 13 April 2021

Monkey Mayhem!
Date of Scene: 13 April 2021
Location: Coney Island
Synopsis: Monkeys attack Coney Island! Can Tyler and Andrea stop them?
Cast of Characters: Twitch, Rage

Twitch has posed:
Coney Island. A place of thrills and enjoyment for all sorts of people. As it's a relatively nice day the parks are open and people are out there living it up and loving life. Even Nathan's Famous Hot Dogs is packed. Just seems like a nice day.

Of course, this being New York, there's always the chance for mischief to occur. Though that's not why Tyler Grant is here. Nope, he's just out to enjoy himself, grabbing a funnel cake from a food stand and starting to dig into it. As he chows down he looks through the crowds, thinking hard about what to do next.

Rage has posed:
"I'm telling you, Ty. Chili dogs is where it's at." Andrea is out with one of her long term friends tonight as she takes a large bite of her hotdog, giving a lick of her lips afterwards. After a swallow, she dabs at her mouth with her napkin. "I'm down for rollercoasters and ferris wheels. I didn't get to do that as a kid. Always traveling and too busy."

She is wearing a baseball cap and a pair of glasses, along with a NY Giants jacket over a simple t-shirt and torn jeans. She is trying her best to not stand out and get caught up by fans.

Twitch has posed:
"Chili dogs are so good, too. That'll probably be second lunch," Tyler says with a grin at Andrea. Then he nods his head, "Sounds good to me. I enjoy the rides here and it sounds like you need to play catch up on them, too."

As he munches and starts walking towards the rides a moving truck pulls to a stop at the entrance to one of the piers. The driver gets out and a police officer moves to speak to them, calling out: "You can't park here. You'll need to move your vehicle."

The driver ignores them and runs to the back of the truck, flinging the door open to reveal... dozens of capuchin monkeys. Without hesitating the driver touches his temple and the monkeys leap out. Six of them attack the police officer, rapidly overpowering him and knocking him to the ground. The others run towards where armored car personnel are carrying bags of money towards their vehicle.

Tyler looks at the goings on and frowns, "Are you seeing this?"

Rage has posed:
"Kinda wish I wasn't. I really wanted to go on the ferris wheel." Andrea says as she takes another bite of her hotdog, chews, swallows, then lobs the rest into a nearby trashcan woefully. There is a slight glance over towards Tyler for a moment.

".. We could just walk away from this you know. I mean.. they're just stealing cash and .. they're monkeys. You want mutant rabies? That's how you get mutant rabies."

Twitch has posed:
"Your call," Tyler says to Andrea as he continues studying the monkey situation. That's when one of the primates obtains the cop's gun and fires it wildly, the recoil nearly knocking the gun monkey over. "I think we should at least get that gun away from the monkey before it hurts someone." He stuffs a bunch of funnel cake into his mouth before sending the plate into a trash bin.

When the gunfire erupts the armored car guards draw their sidearms and start scanning for threats. As the monkeys reach them they let off a couple of rounds, none finding a target, before the small mammals get to their targets, clawing, grabbing and biting.

Rage has posed:
"This is going ot be on the news." Andrea says with a soft sigh as she unzips her jacket, folding it up and stuffing it behind a vendor booth. "You'd think the cops could shoot a monkey. They shoot everyone else even without probable cause around here."

With that she's in motion, giving a low rumble in her throat as starts rushing towards the fray. Her clothing melts away with a ripple as she bursts upwards into the large eight foot bulk of a beast. Her black claws gleam under the neon lights as she lets out a growl, aiming for the monkeys.

It's time for these circus animals to meet an apex predator.

Twitch has posed:
"Cops generally can't shoot for shit when they're taking on actual threats," Tyler says as he runs towards the pack of monkeys. As he closes in on them he jumps into the air, lashing out with a kick aimed for one of their little bodies. Following the jump kick comes a spinning back fist, a quick hook and then a knee strike, "Leave them alone, you damn dirty apes!" Tyler may not know that monkeys are not apes, or he may just like Charlton Heston movies.

Rage has posed:
As she snatches one monkey up by the neck, Rage /roars/ into it's face before she slams it on the ground, nostrils flaring as she lowers her muzzle towards it. The monkey drops the gun with a clatter, throwing it's hands upwards to shield itself. With a wrinkle of her nose, she drags him back towards the van that released them.

<< Time to meet your master. >>

She grips the backdoor of the van and tugs it open, looking to throw the monkey back inside. She slams it shut, then starts to stalk to see who released them.

Twitch has posed:
The Monkey Master mutters, "Oh shit." Yeah, the look of Andrea in her war form will do that to a guy. He turns to try to get into the driver's side door of the truck while yelling, "Capuchins, deal with that thing!" The monkeys not currently getting beaten up or locked in the back of the van all turn as one to charge towards Andrea.

Tyler calls out, "Incoming monkeys!" But he's at least as fast as the little beasts and able to grab one in each hand before they can disengage from him, tossing them off of the pier. "I hope monkeys can swim..."

Rage has posed:
Grasping the side of the truck, Rage digs her hind legs into the ground and gives a hard shove, looking to throw the vehicle over on to it's side before the monkeys can latch themselves upon her. She gives a loud growl, spinning herself around as she looks to reach around and grab at one to yank it off.

She is pretty sure that monkeys can't swim. Maybe.

As she throws one to the side, she snarls at the rest that are approaching her, ears slicked back and teeth bared, dripping saliva.

Twitch has posed:
The truck falls over on its side, but the Monkey Master is quick to recover. He starts slamming his feet into the windshield, causing it to quickly spiderweb. He'll be out the front of the truck in less than a minute at this rate.

The monkeys don't seem to notice the ferocity of the wolf beast as they scamper towards her. Their minds are definitely not their own right now. The cute creatures leap and sprint, teeth bared and ready.

Tyler catches a monkey by the tail, spins around and launches it into trash can.

Rage has posed:
"Tyler! The driver!"

The voice comes out in a drawn out throaty growl from Rage as she keeps herself busy with the monkeys. She'll make herself the focus of the attack so that civilians can clear themselves and the police can gain their bearings. She just hopes that they don't shoot at her next.

Twitch has posed:
"Got him!" Tyler says as he heads for the front of the truck, letting Andrea deal with the majority of the vicious little simians. When he gets there and sees the Monkey Master attempting to escape he shakes his head at the man and yells, "I'm going to kick your ass so hard, you son of a bitch!" The Monkey Master kicks out the windshield just in time for Tyler to get to him. The young man is a blur as he starts striking, delivering powerful, rapid fire punches to the monkey man's head and torso.

Rage has posed:
As she launches two more monkeys into the back of the van, Rage makes her way over to Tyler as she watches him wail on the man. She may be bleeding from a few bites, but she isn't too bothered. She leans down and gives Tyler a poke in the side with a claw.

"Don't. Kill. Chill."

She is fairly sure he knocked the guy out about four punches ago.

Twitch has posed:
When Andrea pokes his side Tyler looks over towards her, lets out a deep breath, and stops his punching. He gets out of the cab of the vehicle and dusts himself off, "That was exciting, but I think we should probably get going. Or at least I should get going. Don't want to end up in jail for stopping a monkey related crime." Then he chuckles softly, "Cute little buggers, though." The monkeys, now that they're no longer under the control of the Monkey Master, start running around more or less randomly, taking food from people and food stalls. One climbs into a stroller with a baby and lays down to take a nap. Another steals the police officer's hat and runs off with it.