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Latest revision as of 12:56, 15 April 2021

Discovering The Coffee Bean
Date of Scene: 08 April 2021
Location: The Coffee Bean - Manhattan
Synopsis: A friendly encounter at a cafe.
Cast of Characters: Scarlet Witch, Wonder Woman

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The afternoon sunshine is bright, and warm, where it shines in through the windows onto the booths and sofas nearest to them. Settled upon the bench of one of the booths is a redheaded woman, her hair loose and flowing over her shoulders and down her back. She lifts her right hand, no gloves today, and tucks a bit of that red hair behind her right ear. Then she reaches for the malted sundae sitting on the table in front of her. Judging from the color, the malt is a chocolate one. The remains of whipped cream can be seen on the top, half melted into the chocolate. It gives an idea of how long Wanda Maximoff might have been sitting in this booth soaking up the sunlight.

The malt is not even a quarter finished, but condensation lines the glass it rests in. She lifts it with graceful fingers, a light sip being taken of the tasty slushed liquid within.

At about this point, one of the coffee shop attendants approaches Wanda's booth, a small tray in hand. Upon the tray, a plate with a quartered up sandwich and a cup of soup. The sandwich looks like a club, for those who know what such things are. The meat and cheese is thick, and the sandwich is a decent size, all told. How the dainty little redhead is going to eat all of it is something the attendant looks skeptical about.

Never the less, the brunette has a grin on her face as she sets the meal down on the table. "Here you are. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask." She waits for a moment for a response from the redhead. Wanda turns her eyes from the window to look at her, a warm smile on her face that lights up her jade green eyes. "I won't, thanks." She reaches for the plate as the attendant moves off to another customer.

One quarter of the sandwich is picked up and the toothpick holding it together removed. It, perhaps miraculously, stays together well enough. Wanda dunks it into the soup and then eats a bite.

Wonder Woman has posed:
After the winter that's been, the sunlight is something definitely worth basking in. Given the proximity of the coffee shop to the embassy, it's no great surprise that Diana frequents the establishment. The door opens, and she steps through the doorway of it and into the shop. She holds the door for a person who follows her in, giving a small nod to the fellow. Then she releases the door to let it fall closed as it will. For today, Diana is wearing a pair of charcoal slacks, mid-heeled shoes, and a dark purple silk blouse with long sleeves. No jacket, interestingly enough.

Lifting her right hand, Diana lightly pushes some of her hair from her face. There's a brief glance given the others who are within the space, and she lines up to wait her turn to be served. She's in no particular hurry. The redheaded woman is noticed as being someone she knows albeit not well, but she's not approached for the time being. The sandwich taken to the redhead is noticed, and it's one that Diana herself often orders. But then, she tends to have a good appetite.

Seeing the sandwich serves to remind the Amazonian that her last meal had been a while ago. And that there had been training in between then and now. Food would certainly be a good idea.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff is pretty engrossed in enjoying her sandwich. But still, she keeps an alertness about her. For the simple fact of probability. While it almost always works in her favor, sometimes it brings really interesting things, or people, her way.

As it seems to have today. She lifts a hand to wave to Diana and lowers her sandwich long enough to wave her empty hand to the Themysciran. "Diana," she greets. The place is not all that big, right? Easy conversational distance. "Join me?" Oh yes, she remembers the Amazonian woman. She may not know her /well/, but the meetings have at least not been horrible.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The line up in front of Diana seems to move readily enough. Sooner than expected, Diana finds herself at the front of the line and placing her order for a coffee and a club sandwich. One of the waitresses hands her the coffee first and tells her that she'll bring the sandwich out when it's ready, to which Diana gives a nod. It's busy in the shop, and delivering the sandwich when it's ready will keep the line moving. It's not the first time for it to happen.

With the coffee in hand, she turns away from the counter and notices the wave being offered by the redhead. That brings a smile to her features, and she inclines her head towards the woman as she steps forward to her table. "Thank you, Wanda," Diana says. It would seem that she remembers her name, too. She settles on the bench at the opposite side of the table from Wanda, then sets her insulated paper cup of coffee on the table. "It has been a while. How are you doing?" she asks.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff has gone back to eating her sandwich by the time Diana joins her, and it's most of the way gone. She must have been a /hungry/ redhead. She swallows her present bite before offering a nod of welcome to Diana. "You're welcome," she says. "How is the hurricane situation these days?" There never had wound up being a trip to Themyscira, not as of yet, at least, but she's more concerned with tropical storms than island visits.

"I'm doing well," she says. "And yourself? How are your people?" Surely she's been in the embassy not far away a time or three since their last encounter to see what's what and how things are going. Afterall, it's not that far from the Avenger mansion. She reaches for her malt and has a drink of it, then dips her sandwich and has another bite of it.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Smoothly, Diana crosses her legs at the knee. Her attention holds to the redheaded woman who sits across from her, though there is a brief glance across the rest of the room. Keeping an eye on things, it seems. It wouldn't be the first time that she went for coffee and things went sideways. "These days, thankfully, it seems quieter," Diana says, a smile touching at the corners of her lips.

"I have also been well, all things considered. I spent some time at home, not all that long ago. I was there for a number of weeks. They are doing well, both at the Embassy as well as on the island," Diana says, a thoughtful tone to her voice. She reaches out to her coffee, picking it up to take a drink of the hot brew. "Do you happen to know anything about a group that calls themselves the Foot? A friend of mine is having some issues with them and was looking for some information," she wonders, a thread of curiosity to her voice.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
And, when Wanda is around, things have an even better chance of going entirely sideways. Of course, they usually wind up going sideways in /her/ favor, but that doesn't always necessarily mean anything good for anyone else! Wanda nods approval. "Quiet is good. Pretty quiet on my end too, for the most part."

Wanda finishes off her sanwich while she listens to Diana's update. She eats the soup more slowly, the majority of her hunger having been sated by the main course of the meal. "Good to hear. I'm glad they're all doing well. And that you are."

She is reaching for her malt when the question of feet comes up. Wanda's brow furrows as she looks at Diana. "A group of feet? That makes no sense at all. What, or who, are they?" Clearly, Wanda has no idea.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Quiet is good, yes. Especially with storms," Diana says, a smile touching the corners of her lips. She's quiet for a moment, lifting her cup to take a drink of her coffee. "Things here, since I have returned from Themyscira, have been somewhat less so. There have been a few things that have happened, but I am fairly certain that they were not related to one another," she comments, considering things for a moment.

As a waitress brings her sandwich over, Diana is quiet, though she gives a nod of thanks as it's set on the table. And she waits until the waitress has left before she says anything further. "Ah, no, not quite. They call themselves the Foot. Apparently they are a group of ninjas, of some sort. Other than the fact that they have been disposing of bodies in shipping containers using some manner of mulch, I am afraid I have naught in the way of information beyond that," she says, one of her eyebrows quirking up a touch. She pulls the toothpick from one section of her sandwich, then picks it up to take a bite of it.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff smiles at the other woman, and it touches her jade green eyes, lightening them just a touch with it. "Agreed, agreed. No storms or quiet storms are good. Rain without devastation." She sips some of her malt, and then finishes her soup while she listens.

"Oh? What sort of things?" She considers the information about this group of ninjas mentioned. "Hm. Have you asked anyone else you know? Maybe others who have similar sorts of skills? Beyond that... I'm afraid I'm of little use in figuring out who they are. If it comes to fighting them, I might be of more help there." Which probably should translate as 'will be of great help in a fight against them', but Wanda doesn't put it that way. She never does. And she never draws attention to just how much she could potentially do, but there's always a subtle confidence to her, the type that says she really is capable of anything. Of course, that might be a bad thing, rather than a good one. Her soup finished, she leans back and nurses the malt.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Agreed. Rain without devastation is the best not just for people but for the growing things as well," Diana says, a thoughtful note to her voice. She finishes the first part of the sandwich, then picks up her coffee to take a drink of it. "There was a rather good thunderstorm not that long ago, here," Diana says, a thoughtful note to her voice.

"There was an attempted robbery here, the day I came back from Themyscira. I came in for a coffee with a friend of mine and was able to stop it. The police came, and I left just before they came in," she says, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "A while after that, there was an infiltration that was attempted at the Embassy. They cut the power and came in with unknown intentions. Given what they were armed with, it could have been to steal or to kill or to capture someone. The latter seems most likely since they had net guns. Most recently, there was a friend of mine that was hunted by some manner of demon who had a hunting pack of beasts," she offers, giving a brief rundown of things. "I have not asked anyone else about the Foot, yet. I only found out about their name the other day. But I do intend to ask, to see what might be learned of them. If your help is needed in fighting them, I will be sure to let you know," she adds, a warm smile coming to her features.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"And animals also. Plus the topsoil. Too much rain washes it away. That's one reason I'm reluctant to mess with the weather. You never know what a little nudge here will cause. Sort of like the proverbial butterly effect. A flap of a butterly's wings in one place can, supposedly, cause a hurricane somewhere else." Wanda looks curiously at the other woman at the mention of a thunderstorm. "Oh? Was there? I have been roaming around for the last couple of weeks and haven't really been around all that much."

Wanda sips her malt again, happy enough for it. She shakes her head at the things described. "A robbery. A.. potential kidnapping? A demon. These Foot ninjas." Wanda shakes her head again. "Sounds exciting. I'm sad I missed it. The worst I've seen recently is the thing with Lex Corp's new reactor. It tried to.. well. Explode. Nearly brought a building down with it. Nothing else of note on my end. Been pretty quiet."

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Yes, those things as well. I can understand the reluctance. Changing the weather in one place would lead to it being changed elsewhere. It can be unpredictable," Diana says, a thoughtful tone to her voice. "It is not worth the chance to change it in one place that it could make another place worse. It is akin to robbing Peter to pay Paul, as the saying goes," she adds, then gives a small shake of her head. "There was, yes. It was in the middle of the night," she adds.

"The Foot ninjas are thankfully not in Manhattan. They are operating in another city, although I would oddly not be surprised if they were here as well and simply being quite enough to avoid attention. It has been... interesting," she comments, giving a soft chuckle. One of her eyebrows quirks up at mention of a reactor. "That sounds decidedly dangerous. Hopefully if it is rebuilt then it will be more stable. We should get together more often, I think. Compare notes," she suggests with a smile. She checks her watch, briefly, then slightly wrinkles her nose. "Sadly, I am out of time for right now. I need to head back to the Embassy for an appointment," she says. She finishes the rest of her sandwich, then picks up her cup of coffee, giving Wanda a warm smile. "Take care of yourself, Wanda, and I am sure that we will run into each other again soon."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff nods. "Yes. Exactly so. You never know also if changing it in that one place will cause a draught or for how long. Or flooding elsewhere. So unpredictable. It's chaos." Which, well.... That's one of Wanda's specialties, not that she tends to advertise that fact! She nods her agreement about robbing peter to pay Paul. It's the truth, it is. "In the middle of the night? Interesting. Either I slept through it, or I was out of town."

Wanda finishes her malt and considers what has been said. "Well. It would be more surprising if they weren't operating in Manhattan too." She wrinkles her nose and shakes her head. "It wasn't destroyed," she corrects. "And I have put a two-fold spell around it. One part to contain it if it should go critical again, the other to alert me so I can come put it back to quiescent. The spell won't hold out indefinitely. It has the power of a miniature sun."

Wanda grins. "Yes, we should get together more often. And on purpose, too." She chuckles. "And like you, I am also out of time. Take care, Diana. Until next time, hm?" She rises to her feet and makes her way out, heading for the Avengers mansion. For a change, she walks rather than teleporting there directly. Maybe she feels like stretching her legs?