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Scott and Warren spends an afternoon together
Date of Scene: 21 April 2021
Location: 714 Titicus Road, Breakstone
Synopsis: Scott and Warren have a man date to talk about life. Jean comes back and gets a car wash.
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Archangel, Phoenix

Cyclops has posed:
Having officially moved in, Scott and Jean spent the last two weeks painting, rearranging, furnishing and easing into their new home. With classes over and the pair having headed back, the field leader lobbed a text over to Warren to join him for a beer and for dinner. A time to catch up with one of his best friends. The scent of meat is sizzling on the grill in the front yard as he is standing before it, grilling a trio of steaks as well as some cobs of corn.

A radio is set up to play some music from the 80's, a bit of Journey and Speedwagon on an oldies station. It's a generation that he can identify with and helps him wind down after a long day of dealing with the students. As he flips the meat on the grill, he coats a few swipes of butter along the surface that he had melted earlier. He is wearing a pair of jeans and a snug black shirt along with his raybans over his eyes.

Archangel has posed:
Warren doesn't arrive by car, because have wings will travel. Being a publicly outed mutant does have many downfalls, but it also has its perks as he doesn't care if he is seen flying overhead as he makes his way to Scott and Jean's new place.

Dropping from the sky with a six-pack in each hand of some expensive imported brew, the Angel touches down behind Scott with a grin, "Smells great, Scott."

The winged mutant plucks one of the bottles from its cardboard housing and tosses it over towards the other mutant before pulling out one for himself, "I like mine medium-rare to medium. Red joining us?"

Cyclops has posed:
"She has a few work calls to clear up first, but then I think she'll be out to see us." Scott says as he catches the beer. He turns it around to inspect the label, then cracks it open by the tab built on to the fancy grill. "Medium it is then." He confirms to him as he takes a pull from the bottle. He puts it down on one of the grill shelves and licks his lips.

"I'm glad you came over. How are you doing?" He asks as he turns to face him as he lets the meat sizzle for a bit before he will flip them once more. "Hank is in the infirmary, or else he would be here too. I plan on making him up a steak as well for you to bring back with you if you will. He got shot in the chest while out on a mission with Kurt and Marie, but they recovered a few mutant kids from a trafficking ring."

Archangel has posed:
Popping open his own beer, Warren takes a sip as he listens to Scott talk, brows furrowing slightly as he gets to the part about Hank, "Hank ok? Must of been some big caliber if it got through that thick hide of his he calls skin. Of course I will take one back to him, though I make no promises that it will still be warm by the time I get it there. I didn't bring a insulated bag with me, I'm not a Domino's pizza delivery guy you know."

Warren wanders over towards the garage, leaning his back against is as he takes another sip from his bottle, "I'm good. Busy, but when am I not?" the billionaire exclaims with a smirk, "Being the CEO of a company is a great gig, except when the people below you actually expect you to work at it. I mean, I just though I got to get the money and let everyone else do the hard stuff," he jokes, "I feel ripped off."

Cyclops has posed:
"He's okay. He tangled with some cybornetics called The Bobs. They went up against them before. They have an anti-power dampener radius around them. They are hiring local gangs to steal kids. They've been working with that new group, Cloak and Dagger in Hell's Kitchen to rescue them. Hank decided to create a distraction by cannonballing them. HIs powers turned off, lost his fur, went back to normal Hank right before he took a bullet to his chest, blew out a lung. He's fine now, stable and healing. He's got most of his fur back now that he's out of range and back home."

There is a slight shake of Scott's head as he takes another sip of his beer. "Don't worry about the bag, we got one inside. We weren't sure if you would drive or fly over." He says with a smile to his friend. "You know, good friend of mine told me once that I should just quit and just spend time at home." He teases his friend, lifting the bottle upwards. "Maybe you can take that same advice."

Archangel has posed:
Warren Worthington says, "Yeah, I know Cloak and Dagger. Dagger has been over to my place in Manhattan before to freshen up once or twice. I try to help them out with supplies here and there. I offered to put her and Cloak up in a place that wasn't some church, but she wanted nothing to do with that. I guess being in the grit keeps them focused or something like that." Warren takes another sip of his beer, "Glad to hear that Hank will be ok. Must have been a shock for him to go 'normal' after all this time, but I am glad he wasn't killed."

Warren smirks, "Difference is, Summers, is that I am not getting newly married. I'm already married...to work...and damn is she a harsh mistress sometimes. But, you're right, I should pull back sometimes and take a breather.""

Cyclops has posed:
"From what I hear, Kurt and Dagger are courting again, off and on." Scott says as he takes another sip of his beer. "It's nice to see him getting out there." His lips curve upwards some in amusement. "Unlike you, the eternal bachelor." He says as he slips one steak on to the plate once it hits the desired temperature, handing it over to his friend, as well as a corn on the ka-bob as he calls it. He has long sticks driven through the cores for easy passing.

"But taking a breather is definitely healthy for you, just like it is for Jean and I. She and I talked about your earlier advice and she gave me quite the side-eye. Thank you for that by the way." He says with a smile creeping up.

Archangel has posed:
Warren Worthington says, "Oh, you did, did you? I bet that probably went over like a ton of bricks with her. If there is anyone that takes there job more seriously than you do, it's her." smirks Warren. "So just how much trouble am I in this time?" he laughs.

"Kurt and Tandy are dating again? Good for him. I agree, it is good to see him out and about. As for me, well, I'm sure I will settle down someday...maybe. We can't all find the love of our lives when we are 16 and keep that flame going for the next decade and a half or so. But that does remind me that I owe Ororo a date, I should arrange that.""

Cyclops has posed:
"I swear I recall Ororo going out with Steve Rogers of all people at one point." Scott says with a raise of his brows upwards, looking amused. "Though that was a few weeks ago. Saw something on the Internet about it. Everyone is taking pictures of Cap and she is easily identifiable."

He takes his own steak and leads him to their outdoor patio table and chairs, settling down and begins to cut into his meat. "You're only in a little bit of trouble with her, Warren. I am sure she will personally see to your punishment. Jean can be a cruel mistress some days." He says with a smile, chuckling.

"You did make it hard for me you know. Courting Jean."

Archangel has posed:
Warren shrugs as he follows Scott out, "She could be. I just told her a few weeks ago I would take her out when a mess of us ended up in the gym together. Maybe she hooked up with Cap since then and I am off the hook, but knowing 'Ro she is still going to hold me to taking her our for a night on the town regardless."

Taking a seat at the table, Warren sips at his bottle before setting it down and starting to cut into the steak, "I'm sure...to all of the above. And, if I recall, that was the whole point, Scott. You and I were in love with the same woman, and as they say all is fair in love and war. But hey, you were the better man and it is all past us now, right? I couldn't be any more happy for the two of you, it all worked out how it was supposed to, right?" He motions to the house, and the land around it, "See, all you need now is a white picket fence and your transformation will be complete."

Cyclops has posed:
"Right. Everything worked out." Scott says as he slices into the meat with his knife, followed by taking a bite as he chews a few times. "That'd be a lot of fence." He says as he gives a glance around the yard. He looks thoughtful for a moment before he shrugs to Warren. "You're a good man, Warren. It was a coin flip, really. Some days I still wonder why she chose me. I was built like a string bean and you had the body of a Greek statue with angel wings and money falling out of your pockets."

"Maybe she just likes a fixer upper project." He takes another bite of his steak as he cuts into it. "I hope you and Ro go out and have fun. I look forward to the TMZ article that will come out of it afterwards."

Archangel has posed:
"Well, you don't have to fence the entire thing, Slim. You just do the front yard, unless you are planning on getting dogs or something, then you will either need to train them really well not to run off, or get one of those invisible fences." Warren jokes between bits of steak. "I'm just ok, Scott. You're the boyscout between the two of us, lets be honest. I'm a walking TMZ story, which thank you for reminding me about so I know to warn 'Ro about it, and I am sure the last thing Jean wanted was that kind of attention. I might have had the looks and the money, but with that came the attention and she just wasn't into that...and I can't blame her for it. Besides, it isn't like you kept that string bean figure yourself, Scott."

Phoenix has posed:
When Jean says that her ears are burning, she probably means it in both a literal and physical sense.

She's making her way home after having been up at the school getting work done, and no doubt finding the short commute worth the initial worry of a lack of sufficient space between point A and B. Warmer weather (most days) means she has her 1970 Malibu out, and the red-gold-green chameleon painted car comes rolling up the drivewaParts of her work attire look simultaneously burnt and frozen and she's covered in soot and water drips from her hair. "Hey, boys." She says as she hits the porch and keeps walking for the backdoor. "Long story. Student disagreement. Shower. Margarita when I get back. I'll wash the interior later." And then she's through the back door, leaving them for some more one on one talking and her poor car probably smelling a bit smoky.

Cyclops has posed:
"Thank God for puberty, right? And three a day Danger Room sessions." Scott says with some humor in his voice, shrugging his shoulders upwards. "I'll be honest, I worked hard because I was intimidated by you and Hank. The Professor kept pushing me to be the leader and I felt .. ah .. " How can one say this. "Whimpy ... around you and Hank. You saw how he was built and you were born with abs. I felt like I couldn't lead a team if I can't keep up in a jog, or put the same weight on my shoulders so to speak. "I used the two of you as motivation."

Not Bobby? Not Bobby.

"Hard work pays off." He was going to say something else, but it's the sight of Jean and her current state gives him pause. His brows lift upwards, then gives a glance towards the car mournfully. Speaking of projects, he knows he will be on that one. "Enjoy your shower. I'll put another steak on the grill for you." He says as he rises upwards, giving Warren a pat on the shoulder as he heads back to the wrapped plate of meat next to the grill.

Archangel has posed:
Warren laughs, "Puberty is a double edged sword there my man. While it helped shape us into the men we became, it also saddled us with those dreaded hormones that caused all the strife in the first place. For some of us I am not sure it ever stopped." Warren pauses a beat, "I mean me and my lack of commitment. After Candy, I just don't think I ever gave something 'solid' another chance really."

He shrugs, the movement causing a rippling through his wings as the feathers ruffle. As Jean pulls up, Warren's brow raises and the barely hidden amusement in his face does nothing to mask the slight snicker as he sees the state she has ended up in. "Rough day at the office, dear?" The blonde bites at his lip in an attempt to keep himself from just breaking out into full on laughter. "Tell you what, I'll have my detailer come out and take care of it for you. If he can't fix the interior, then nobody can."

Cyclops has posed:
As he watches her head into the house, Scott shakes his head a bit as he lets out a sigh. "You don't need to do that. I don't mind cleaning her car. It kills a few hours of me not having to mow the lawn." He says with a grin. "I see it as a positive and I actually enjoy working on her car. I rebuilt her engine in it."

He props his chin up in the palm of his hand and thinks for a few moments before he looks back to Warren. "I remember Candy. I thought she was a stripper. Name like that."

Archangel has posed:
Warren lifts his hands in surrender, "Ok..ok. Sorry. I'll keep it in my pants this time and let you handle it as you see fit. Just let me know if it is too much for you to handle and I will make a call."

The winged mutant sighs, sipping at his beer as he falls silent for a few moments to take another bite, chewing slowly before he nods his head once. "I'm sure she got that a lot, especially when she was around me. Unless they knew us, I'm sure she just got mistaken for eye-candy, but Candice deserved better than that. She certainly didn't deserve what she got, and it was all my fault..."

The last words fall a bit quieter than the rest of the sentence as if meant to be said to himself rather than out loud, Warren's skin taking on a slightly bluish shade for a brief second before turning its normal healthy color as he takes a deep breath and plasters on that smile of his to mask what is going on inside, "So, you going to get one of those riding mowers, or are you going to be all old school and get one of those manual push ones that doesn't even have a motor?"

Cyclops has posed:
"I'm sorry, Warren. I really didn't know why you two broke things off or what was going on in the background. I was focused. Hard to have periphrial vision when you're named Cyclops." He says as he leans back a bit to take another sip of his beer. "I liked her though. Thought she was sweet, that much I do remember when you would bring her around."

"I'm getting a riding mower, of course. Figured I'd have a beer holder mounted on it, put the radio on loud in my headphones and get a farmer's tan. I need straight lines." He says as he gives a motion out towards the property.

"Why don't you work on the car with me? We can make a day of it."

Archangel has posed:
Warren Worthington shakes his head with a soft but mournful chuckle, "Funny story, that. Jean and I were alone together and Candy walked in...I guess to her it looked like we were up to something untoward and she stormed off. I probably should have gone off after her, but I made the choice to go help Jean save your butt instead. Next time I saw her was..." he trails off and shakes his head, lifting that bottle to his lips again and draining it before setting the bottle onto the table.

He looks up at Scott, and shrugs a shoulder, pushing on that smile again and giving a nod. "Sure. I don't know much about rebuilding an engine, but I am probably figure out how to clean the interior."

Phoenix has posed:
A quick shower later, and Jean comes back outside with damp hair, an emerald shirt with white 3/4 sleeves, and jeans. She also has a trash bag, which she walks over to the pin and tosses it into. "So much for that outfit. If this keeps up, I'll have an excuse for a new wardrobe shopping spree."

She heads over to the table and sinks herself into a chair with a noisy sigh. It seems like she missed the more emotional discussions, as her next comment is, "Car isn't bad, just needs a quick wipe down and Febreeze. All good. I miss anything exciting while I was keeping the place from burning down and flooding simultaneously?"

Cyclops has posed:
Giving a nod of his head, Scott seems to think for a long moment. It was a long time ago and the memories tend to blur together after many fights. "I understand." He says to him, taking another long sip of his beer. He gives a glance to the car, then over to Jean as she makes her appearance again.

"Didn't miss anything exciting. Your steak is ready." He says as he motions to the grill as he left it on the highest rake to keep the heat warm for her. "We were just talking about how you were both too good for us." He says in a joking tone as he takes the last bite of his own steak, chewing thoughtfully.

Archangel has posed:
Seeing Jean re-emerge Warren clears his throat and straightens up a bit pushing back the mental anguish the memories of Candy brought forth to try and be a bit more 'cheery' and better company.

"Not a thing, Red. Scott was just giving me a disapproving look because I wanted to pull out my wallet and have your car fixed, but he thinks getting our hands dirty is the better option. Not sure I am inclined to agree, but your house and I will play by your rules." He winks, reaching over to grab a bottle off beer from one of the now half-emptied six-packs and tossing it over her way before grabbing his own and popping off the top as he looks over to Scott, "That too, and how the 'better' man won out in the end."

Phoenix has posed:
"You know him, Warren." Jean says with a quiet chuckle and a relaxed grin now that she's home and away from the chaos. "He doesn't trust anyone else to do the job right if he can do it himself." The age-old pride of one Scott Summers.

She hoists herself up out of her chair long enough to collect the beer with a gracious tip of her head and then to the grill to collect her steak. "Besides, working on a car means you'll probably have to lose your shirt, and I know you don't pass up those opportunities often." She says back to Warren so that neither of them are safe from her teasing. "At least here the only person oogling you is the old lady back there." She tips the neck of her beer towards the house through the treelines. "Not that she has a great view, but I know she's eyeballed the company since people pop over at all hours. She seems harmless though, I've 'checked'. Just lonely. I should probably take her some muffins or something."

Cyclops has posed:
"I am fairly sure her eyesight isn't very good and we're just moving blobs from this far out." Scott says as he gives a long stretch of his body, followed by another tip of his beer back to swish it down. He gives Jean a glance over at the shirtless comment, followed by a chuckle as he looks back to Warren.

"There she goes again, getting me all jealous, just like when we were kids." He says in a good natured manner as he leans against the table with his hip. "Though I can't blame her I suppose. It's that Worthington charm."

Archangel has posed:
Warren Worthington laughs in genuine humor at Jean, "Well then I am sure she was all eyes when I flew in. It's not like I was all that subtle. Maybe I should fly over there and introduce myself, make nice with the neighbors. I could bring a gift basket. Shirtless. Though I may give the poor thing a heart attack if I do that...she might think is is just an angel coming to take her away."

Warren glances over at Scott, and rolls his eyes a bit, "Oh please. All those days in the DR didn't do you any harm in the body department, Scott. The only difference is that I don't have to work at it, it's just 'natural' for me, which I am sure got me a lot of nasty looks as I say eating pizza and cheeseburgers and never gained an ounce." Warren grins, flashing a wink over Jean's way as he teases her fiancé.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean does her damndest not to laugh at what Warren says. She mostly succeeds. Mostly. It's a good thing she wasn't drinking at the time. Beer out the nose is a horrible experience. After sucking in a breath to regain her composure, she takes her food and drink back to the table and sinks back down into it. "You're horrible." She proclaims aside to Warren with nothing but affection.

As the two go back and forth about their physical fitness, the redhead rolls her eyes while saying, "Ladies, ladies, you're both very pretty. I have to work harder at keeping abs than either one of you, so I don't want to hear it. Still, I'm not trading a good cheeseburger for anything. Morning runs are good for my head anyway, except in the winter."

Cyclops has posed:
"Well, as Warren just said, he doesn't actually have to work at all, so technically you just work harder than me." Scott says as he finishes the bottle and then drops it in the trash can outside with a clink. He heads over to Jean and leans down to kiss the top of her head from behind. "But your work ethic to your body is appreciated, Jean."

He gives a stretch as he starts for her car to inspect how much damage was done to it on the ride over, giving it a once over as he circles it. He has a critical look upon his face as he lets out a slight noise in his throat.

"So, Warren, you up for it?"

Archangel has posed:
Warren Worthington shrugs his shoulders, causing the feathers on the wings on his back to ruffle with the movement as he starts to stand, "Sure. From what it sounded like it isn't going to be that bad of a job."

Setting his beer to the side, Warren reaches down and strips out of his shirt, tossing the discarded shirt onto the table as he gathers up his beer again, "Where are the soap, bucket, and sponges?"