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A Chat With the Drowned
Date of Scene: 24 April 2021
Location: Jeremy's Room (West Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: Rogue visits Jeremy to talk about saving lives and talking toasters.
Cast of Characters: Rogue, SpyderByte

Rogue has posed:
It's mid-morning and Rogue - freshly showered and dressed in jeans and a long sleeved shirt - has decided to talk to the one whose powers she had for the better part of a whole day. She doesn't generally make house calls, but this seems like a rather important thing to follow up on, and thus manages to make it to Jeremy's room. Pausing for a moment, almost hesitant, before lifting a gloved hand to rap a knock against Jeremy's door.

SpyderByte has posed:
The door opens to a blast of hot air from within. It's /warm/ inside, most likely due to the fact there is a rather large computer set up with four monitors mounted on the wall displaying various videos and lines of flowing text. The young Goth is wearing a long sleeved black shirt and a pair of heavy bondage pants with chains and straps hanging from his hips. He peers up at her from behind his thick shaggy hair and his thin rimmed glasses.

He gives a slight glance off to the side, then shuffles back to let her in. The room has two beds, though only one appears to be made, which is the far left one. The one on right is untucked and a bit messy. The two rooms are split down the middle between Gray and Jeremy's. In the middle is a small desk with a speaker on it.

<< Hello. >>

It seems he found his voice again at least.

Rogue has posed:
It's alright. Rogue can handle a little heat. What southern born woman can't? She smiles as she sees Jeremy when he opens the door and as he scoots to let her in, she steps forward and gives a curious look around. The computers are impressive, all those various displays of videos and text which cause her to give a sort of side glance to the kid.

"Hey Jeremy." She begins, stepping in a bit further before taking a breath. "I wanted to come by and make sure you were alright. Yesterday seemed...a bit traumatic for you?" Yeah, sometimes she's not the most tactful with her words.

At least her brain's calmed down, but with even that little glimpse, she almost feels bad for Jeremy. It can't be easy and yet he manages and makes it seem such.

SpyderByte has posed:
Giving a nod of his head, Jeremy rubs a hand back through his hair before he shifts one shoulder upwards. There is a side glance towards the computer as the monitors all flicker off rapidly at once.

<< I am fine. Yesterday was hard, but I woke up feeling better. I understand it was a side-effect of your powers. I just forgot what it felt to be normal again. I haven't felt like that since I was fourteen. >>

Heading over to the bed, he takes a seat on the edge of it, feeling his weight sink upon it. He reaches to his desk for his new phone, pulling it into his lap and between his palms as he squeezes it tightly.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue winces a little. She hadn't really thought about how with her having his powers, he wouldn't have them. When the monitors flicker off she blinks but it's immediately followed by a smirked scoff. "I...also wanted to apologize. I didn't mean to drain your powers from you...I just have no control over them. They activate no matter what...and I wasn't going to let that get in the way." Of saving your life. She doesn't say that much though. Could have been anyone, it just happened to be Jeremy.

After a pause, and perhaps any returned comments, she does smile again. "On the plus side, I met some friends of yours. Namely the toaster and the fridge. They're...interesting."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Yes, I know all about how your powers work. I have done extensive research on your profile in the past because I found it interesting. >>

Jeremy says as he gies a few small bounces on the edge of the bed. He continues to squeeze his phone, turning left to right between his hands.

<< You have nothing to apologize for. You saved my life. I would rather lose my powers than die. One of those scenarios I am able to move past, while the other I no longer am able to move. >>

His lips twitch upwards though, amused.

<< You met LaToya and Frannie. >>

Rogue has posed:
"Why does that not surprise me? Though I'm curious as to what about it you found so interesting. My powers are both boring and catastrophic." Which, Rogue suddenly surmizes, could be the precise reason that they're interesting to some people. She just shrugs then and furthers. "I did what anyone would have done, Jeremy. You weren't going to die, not if anyone here had anything to do about it. I'm just glad you're okay..."

LaToya and Frannie. They have names? That's interesting. "Well I dunno which one is which, but the fridge was bein' down right nasty and the toaster was...almost jealous? It was weird. I wound up havin' to go out to a cabin just outside the cell tower range where nothin' would talk to me. I...I can't imagine living with all that and more in your head and still..." She frowns. "There's no way to say it that don't sound shitty. And I ain't tryin' to sound shitty or mean. More like I'm impressed, and a bit more humbled."

Then, there's something else, and she looks around before grabbing a chair to sit in - so long as Jeremy doesn't freak out about it. "There's something else though. I don't know if you caught it. That I...saw things. Visions. ...Memories really...and if I caught them, then you might have had to see them again...and I wanted to apologize *really* apologize for that..."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< LaToya is the toaster oven. Frannie is the fridge. Juanita is the microwave. Oscar is our oven. They are the four dominant personalities of the kitchen. LaToya is unappreciated because people think she can only make toast, but she can do so much more. She can make bagels and muffins also. She hates Frannie because Frannie brags about how much everyone loves her. She takes her position of power for granted. >>

Jeremy is straight faced as his voice comes through the speaker. He is /serious/ about this. Kitchen power dynamics is important to understand. He blows some hair away from his face.

<< I have studied every member of the X-Men's powers and skill-set since I have arrived. Being that I am utilized not so much in the field, but on specific situations that require my expertise, if I am to give guidance into the unknown where I may only have eyes, I need to be able to deliver intel that will ensure your success. >>

There is a slow blink of his dark eyes a few times, followed by tucking some of his long hair back behind his hair. When she talks about the 'other' thing, he glances off to the side and stares at his phone in his hands, giving it a harder squeeze.

<< It's okay. >>

It's hard to emote through a digital voice, but his is modulated to always sound 'upbeat', even if he is shrinking into himself.

Rogue has posed:
"A toaster is for so much more than toast." Rogue says, dead panned. "I like toasted English Muffins. Or bagels. But I guess when you're one person against a school...maybe we all need to make more muffins and bagels.." She thinks on this and then nods her head. "As far as hatred for Frannie, there isn't much we can do. LaToya might just have to accept this, but also, maybe we can get more use out of LaToya to make her feel just as special." It may be unbelievable, but Rogue is also serious. She heard the kitchen dynamics last night, and whether they're real or just a part of Jeremy's psyche makes no difference. It's real enough to the two of them now regardless.

"It's not, but I appreciate you saying so. I wanted you to know because I understand how those memories would be something kept away. Locked down. And I'm not trying to stir them up yet again, but I just needed you to know that I know those stories. But that fact stays between you and me, yes?" A pause and then, "In other words, you have my sincere promise that what I gleaned will never be told to another...and they'll fade from me in another day or so. Okay?" It seems like it's something important to her, that this is said and understood. It'd be a severe violation of privacy and trust regardless, but Rogue has begun giving herself principles and guidelines. So this is part of that. Her growth since leaving the Brotherhood and going from villian to hero.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Some people know. Doctor McCoy, Miss Grey .. Shannon, Gray. I used to have scars on my body until Josh removed them from me. They autographed their names on me, they cut words into my skin. Removing the scars has helped me with my confidence and self-esteem. I am not the same as who I was a year ago. Xavier's gave me purpose and the ability to heal and move on. I know that what happened to me will never fully heal, but that's okay. Strength comes from overcoming adversity. >>

There is a slight shrug from Jeremy's shoulders before he slowly tilts his head towards her, leveling his haunted dark eyes into hers.

<< But what happened to them is much worse. I made a friend and she took care of me. >>

There is a slight twitch from him before he gives his phone a tighter squeeze between his hands.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue gives Jeremy a nod after a moment. "But I bet they know because you willingly told them. I only know because I took the information from you. I'm glad you found purpose here." She adds that in, settling back a bit. "It's nice to find a place where you can be given a purpose. Better when that purpose serves the better good of mutant kind."

She looks away a moment, to the blank monitors where his computer set up is. Silent for a lingering moment before she smiles and shifts to stand. "All in all, I'm glad you're okay. I just wanted to stop by and ... well ... you know." She looks to the door then back to him. "I won't take up any more of your time. But if you ever need somethin', don't be afraid to come to me, okay?"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Doctor McCoy walked in on me in the showers after gym class, he was the first to see my scars. Until that day, I never told anyone. I was a different person back then. I was scared, terrified and very much unwilling to make friends. Doctor McCoy made me feel comfortable and safe and because of him, I was able to go to therapy and talk about this. I'm not .. ashamed .. anymore. It wasn't my fault. I was a victim, but no longer. >>

Jeremy says as he squeezes his phone a bit more tighter in his hands, then glances up to her. He blows his hair away from his face.

<< But I know how you feel. About touching. We are opposites in a way. I don't want to be touched, but you yearn for it. I'm sorry for your situation as well. But, I have confidence you will find a way. One thing I have learned at Xavier's is that sometimes the juice is worth the squeeze. >>

Rising upwards, he makes his way towards her and smiles, then reaches out to gently touch the end of her nose, just for a half second. He can feel the fizzle between them and he shares one last secret with her ..