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Latest revision as of 02:52, 25 April 2021

Almost drowned, but mostly dry
Date of Scene: 24 April 2021
Location: Jeremy's Room (West Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: Rosie checks on Jeremy to find out if he's okay. She finds out he's not only okay, but he's put a lot of thought into his friendship with her and Gray. Why be conventional?
Cast of Characters: SpyderByte, Antigravity

SpyderByte has posed:
Having spent the night in the medbay, Jeremy had came back to his room in the morning once he was cleared and his powers returned. He had a few visitors in and out through the day, but for now, he's alone and currently working on his computer. He's dressed in his usual dark clothing, the window finally opened up half way to let the fresh air in. Even he can't deal with the heat all the time.

Antigravity has posed:
    That's when his door flew open, and Rosie was standing in just one of her T-shirts and jeans, with socks, not even with shoes. Her hair is completely a mess, looking a bit like she lost a fight with a wind tunnel, her hazel eyes wide as she takes a deep breath, and then asks in a sense of incredulousness: "WHY AM AH THE LAST TA KNOW YOU ALMOST DIED JEREMY?!?!"

SpyderByte has posed:
Having been hunkered over his computer, Jeremy nearly falls out of his chair, letting out a startled 'scream' at the sound of her yelling and the door flying open. He clutches his chest as he wheezes, turning around in his bucket chair to stare at her.

<< I'm sorry, they were just making sure I rested and my phone was broken. I had to get a new one. I had no powers either for a day to contact you. I'm sorry. >>

Antigravity has posed:
    Rosie catches her breath, and slips into the room, checking for Gray's presence and then closing the door behind her. She rubs the back of her head a moment, and then says "Couldn't one a' the nurses told me? Ah was worried when you weren't here last night but Ah figured you were... y'know. Workin'." she states quietly, and then her shoulders sag.

    And then she shows the bag of dry rice she's brought.

    "... Ah figured you had some tech on you, I heard this helps?"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I didn't think to let everyone know. I was .. having a hard time without my powers. I haven't been normal for awhile, I had some trouble adjusting. I can't speak without my powers. At least not well. I just wanted to be along for a bit, listen to my own thoughts, my real thoughts. >>

Jeremy slides out of the seat and makes his way for her, offering up a smile as he brushes some hair away from his eyes. He glances to the rice, then back to her, then steps in to curl his arms around her to pull her in for a firm hug.

As he presses his chin to her shoulder, he lets out a soft breath.

<< Thank you for being here now. >>

Antigravity has posed:
    The rice gets dropped off to the side, and Rosie wraps her arms around Jeremy, hugging him tightly.

    "Ah didn't know what kinda stuff to grab that would make you more comfortable... Ah am so, so sorry Jer that Ah wasn't there to help." she states quietly, stroking her hands along his back as she takes a deep, shuddery breath.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< It's okay. I just watched TV and read a book. I am fine. Rogue was quick to pull me out of the water. >>

Jermey tries to be assuring as he holds her tighter for a moment before he leans back. His hands brush along hers, then curls his fingers in them as he holds them tight. He gives her an assuring smile.

<< You brought me rice. >> He can't help but quietly giggle.

<< It was weird, not having the stream of signals in the back of my mind. I felt both lonely and at peace at the same time. I never realized how much I tune out so naturally now that I have control. >>

Antigravity has posed:
    "... to... to dry out -- y'know, your phone. Ah read it maybe helped..." she states, and then looks at the bag of rice, and then back to Jer as he smiles, and she leans her head against his chest.

    "... so it got quiet, an' you got the sense of what most a' us who don't have any sorta brain powers get, huh?" she quiestly asks.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< It was just weird. I haven't felt this way since I was fourteen. For the last four years I have had so many noises in my head and then it was quiet. Just me and my voice. I forgot what it felt like, to be alone. Really alone. >>

Jeremy gives her hands a squeeze, then curls her closer against him as his hands loop around her waist.

<< But I think it was nice also, to be by myself and just myself for a night. I thought a lot of things. I worked out a lot of stuff that I was holding back on. >>

Antigravity has posed:
    Rosie gives a slight smile, and she keeps her arms around him, brushing her fingertips over the back of his... well... back. She's awkward about the embrace, but she wanted to make sure he knew she was there.

    "Oh? Like what?" she questions, hazel eyes turning up to Jeremy's face.

SpyderByte has posed:
There's a smile from Jeremy at her question, shoulders lifting upwards.

<< I am too dependent on all of this. Technology, my powers, taking the easy way out in life because of how my brain processes information. I also realized that I am putting other things that are important off to the side that I could focus on. >>

As he turns his eyes into hers, he stares into them, then leans forward to brush his mouth against hers for a soft, brief kiss. He gives her another squeeze before he leans back.

<< Like that. >>

Antigravity has posed:
    Rosie is held in place by their embrace, listening to Jeremy, to his thoughts, and when he looks to her hazel eyes, there's a bit of blush about her cheeks, a glow touching her ears -- and then Jeremy kisses her! She blinks, in surprise, and then gives a bright smile as she leans into Jeremy, and gives a small giggle.

    "So, now your focus is gonna be on kissin'?"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Yes. Maybe. Living more and spending time with those who really care about me. >>

Jeremy says as he gives her a tighter hug, then leans back with a grin.

<< And that's you and Gray. Rosie, will you go to Prom with us? >>

Antigravity has posed:
    "... Ah... um..." Rosie blinks a moment at the idea of promenadin' around with two guys.

    And she feels her throat tighten a moment, her hazel eyes going wide, and she releases her hold on Jeremy.

    "Ah... thought you didn't care for such stuff. 'Sides, it's at Mr. Sam's club ain't it? Nothin' but adult supervision as far as the eye can see..." she trails off, her shoulders rising up a moment before she turns away.

    "... you know Ah can't dance."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< And you know that I can't dance. I am sure Gray will say he can't dance, but I have a feeling he may have some moves left. >>

Jeremy says with a smile as he shrugs his shoulders upwards.

<< It will be fun. The three loners. Even if we sit at a table all night and drink soda, we'll be together. We can pick out matching suits and we can find a dress for you, unless you want to wear something else. We'll look cool. >>

Antigravity has posed:
    "But what if Ah have homework that needs ta be done up? An' sides, we practically live together an' there's no way y'all'll be surprised when I come out in a dress. An' dresses are stupid expensive anyway.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I can buy it. Just pick out what you want and order it. Don't even have to show us. That way we can surprise each other. >>

Jeremy insists as he gives her a smile, rocking a bit on his feet back and forth slightly. His hands slide into hers again for another squeeze, then sinks his fingers over hers as their palms meet. He curls his fingers around to rest them on the tops of her hands.

<< Are you going to say yes, or do I need to hack your alarm clock to go off at three a.m. every day singing Baby Shark? >>

Antigravity has posed:
    "... if you do that I will break inta your room via your window to plant your bed against the ceiling in retailiation." she states defensively.

    "... my alarm clock plays music I like an' if you change it, Ah'll not forget it! "

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Then I suppose we should save each other a great deal of stress and just say yes. >>

Jeremy says as he gives an amused grin.

<< This is the first time I've asked a girl to a dance and it's the last one we will have before I graduate. If you say No, I'll be /really/ sad. >>

See, he's totally sad. He even musters up a puppy dog look. It's not a good one.

Antigravity has posed:
    Rosie blinks a moment, and she opens her mouth, and then closes it. And then she raises a hand, and then lowers it, and then she pokes Jeremy in the chest.

    "Why an' how did Ah ever let myself get tangled up with you two?" she asks, and then she smiles, goes to her tip-toes, and kisses Jeremy's jaw.

    "/If/ Ah can find a dress Ah like, and *if* Ah get all my homework done, we'll go. Otherwise? Ah don't mind sittin' at home."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< You're going, homework or not. >>

Jeremy laughs as he blushes at the kiss along his jaw. He reaches out to brush his fingers through her hair, pushing it back behind her ear.

<< You know I will help you finish it otherwise. I am really glad that the three of us have come together in friendship. >>

He smiles, resting his forehead to hers.

Antigravity has posed:
    Rosie gives a smile. "Me too. Here Ah was worried I'd have trouble makin' friends and..." she pauses, and then she gives a pained expression.

    "Ah mean, we are... y'know, together too, right? ... it wasn't just pullin' a joke on the dumb girl from Alabama?" she asks gently. "... 'cause otherwise Ah might hafta go down an' re-Baptize myself or somethin'."