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Latest revision as of 13:43, 25 April 2021

Of things going on
Date of Scene: 22 April 2021
Location: Skye's Brownstone, Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Skye and Clint discuss ongoing events, future events and secrets
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Barton), Quake

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint Barton tosses the full sport bag on the floor, then dives on the couch in the large living room at Skye's. God, does he hate packing up for special ops, when all you know is the departure time, never the return time. This one will bring him to an undisclosed place, for about two weeks. It's not certain that Skye is aware of this mission, chances are that she is.

"Man, I'm getting too old for this crap," he groans, thinking that he just recovered from a bad encounter with the Hood.

Quake has posed:
"Never!" Skye didn't know what the circumstances were, but she had heard through the grapevine that Clint was one the team going. He was right, though, sooner or later, he might hang up his mission 'sneakers' (come'on , Clint wearing sensible shoes?!) for a desk job. But that wasn't in the cards for years to come.

Skye had just returned from the Triskelion, in particular the medical section where she had done some tests. "Did you feed the cats? I spent last night in our apartment on site."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
It's not that he's tired or anything, mostly Clint is just trying to get as mush rest as he can, when he can, before departure time. He waves a hand a Skye, from his comfortable spot on the sofa.

"Cats, check!" he reports, "And what about overthere?" he asks, it being clear between them where is /on site/. "I've heard something, it wasn't clear but I had no time to ask details, the ops briefing was a drag. Something's up?"

Quake has posed:
Skye sits down *right* beside him, despite there being a whole couch, and one besides, and curls up with him."I had to stay in medical for some extra tests. I did something that surprised them." And her. "I was just tired. Not something I will do, unless there is no alternative." She scrunches her face. "I maintained Yao's heart by beating his with my own. What's up with you? I heard you're on a mission?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint's arm circles her slim waist, in a loving and protective gesture. Listening to what Skye did, saving a life, he raises an eyebrow.

"You did what? I mean, woah. Never knew you could do that. Should I call ya my lil' pacemaker now?" He grins at that, though he's quite surprised and curious about this event. "And who the heck is /Yao/?" Right, he's been a bit away due to the Hood welcoming party, and he noticed many new faces on site today. He'll mention his mission once Skye provides more details, her story being way more interesting than his mission.

Quake has posed:
Skye laughs, and smacks Clint's chest. "Don't you dare!" But she sobers immediately. "Yaozu lives in the apartment next to us in the Trisk. But that's not why I happened to help him. I was coming after my archery practice, and wandered by him in the gym. I had heard he was supposed to practice with me." Now that she was back on the schedule, and furthermore, was now as often the heavy hitter, Yao was the perfect agent to pair up with her. "He.. for some reason his heart didn't work. And it just happened?"

She did it, but she did not like it.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint listens to Skye describing the events, still something seems wrong. Frowning still, he wonders.

"Kay, got that, I mean, the new guy trains and has a heart attack or somethin'? I mean, c'mon, is SHIELD so strapped for cash that they can't have their recruits pass a medical before signing 'em up?" That is said in jest, as he very well knows that SHIELD has a generous - if not unlimited - budget. Still, it doesn't make sense to him, who doesn't know Yao.

Quake has posed:
"Something is going on with him." Skye doesn't know all the details, just enough to be irritating. "Remember when I went through the change to become Quake? I think he's going through something like that. Only different. It's taking its own sweet time, rather than all at once like I did."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint nods at that, he's no medic - thank God - and doesn't really have a great interest in such matters, unless it involves Skye.

"Heck, he's lucky you were around and knew what to do... or to try, for that matter." He pauses, thinking, "So, you're sayin' he's changing in some way? Poor guy, he's gonna move to the medbay for a while, and feel like the latest guinea pig. Hey, that's cool, so maybe next time they let me out faster!"

Quake has posed:
"I just reacted. Good thing the Dr.was there. And, yeah, poor guy. I remember what that was like." Still was like, as it happens. Though, Skye laughs. "Trust me, nobody wants you in medbay longer than is needed. I'm surprised they kept you at the Avengers medbay as long as they did." Of course, there was Skye and Captain America scowling at him.

"You're okay, checked out with perfect marks?" He must have, or else he wouldn't be going on this mission, right! "Speaking, anything you can tell me, or is this hush hush?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
A light chuckle echoes to Skye's mention of sickbay. So many - but not so good - memories. "As soon as Methuselah left, I started plannin' my escape," he laughs. Well, he could only /escape/ once the pain killers and other medication couldn't keep him asleep.

He pauses, thinking for a moment, about what he can say about the mission. Skye being one of the most /in the know/ agents, Clint feels at ease to say the few he knows so far.

"South America this time, jungle life for me! Small group, part of the reconnaissance done just before action. It seems to be some sort of pressing matter. I'm surprised Nat isn't part of it."

Quake has posed:
"Don't let him catch you calling him that!" Skye laughs. Methuselah! Ha!

As for Nat..

"Nat is taking some time off." Skye frowns. Again she knew a little more than she was telling. "I'm worried. Mind you, she'll get off having to listen to you bitch about the rainforest."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Alright, that is surprising. "Time off? Nat?" he replies, "I never thought this could fit in the same sentence." He grins at that, but then gets a serious look on his face, as he turns to look at Skye.

"I'm more than worried," he says, "Time off makes no sense, she didn't mention anything last I saw her. I think I'll find her and talk to her. Something must be wrong." And he might just do that, go out and find her.

Quake has posed:
At that Skye really can't say anything. "It is off for her. Perhaps she'll tell more." Which is the only way he will hear about it. Not from Skye. But, dammit, she really wanted to explain bits of it to Clint.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
He could locate Nat very quickly, but maybe not quickly enouh before departure time, which is in about eight hours. There was some vague announcement about Nat taking some weeks off, but she didn't see fit to tell him personnally.

"Right," he says after a moment, "Guess if she wanted to talk to me, she would have contacted me. She's old enough to talk to whoever she wants, and not talk to whoever she doesn't want to." And that s all he will comment on it. Secrets among spies isn't new, secrets among friends is rather unexpected.

Quake has posed:
Skye takes a deep breath and lets it go. "I found out in the usual way, or else I wouldn't have found out any faster than you, Clint. But she's doing it her way. It's more complicated than time off. I'm sorry, I can't tell you. Sort of, well, when you and I have missions that we can't tell each other, we said we'll trust the other person? Tell them, it's secret, and I'll let you know when I can?" She waits for a nod for him. "I can't tell you the truth. Just trust in Nat?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Skye doesn't have to wait long for the nod. It would be strange to find a spy unable to keep a secret, right?

Clint slowly stands, and grabs his wallet on the coffee table. "Well, I'd rather you keep a secret, than lie," he states, "I'm glad Nat has a friend she can trust." And it's not him. Note taken.

"Anyway, I'm going for a pizza, care to join? I doubt I'll find any Pizza Hut in the rainforest, heck, I'm even thinking about having a cold one right now."

Quake has posed:
Skye kisses his cheek. "Thank you for understanding.. And could I join you? You better believe it. Gino's?"