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Latest revision as of 04:15, 8 May 2021

The Farm: Juggernaut brings the X-Men the intel.
Date of Scene: 08 May 2021
Location: Danger Room - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Juggernaut brings intel to Scott and Jean. A war party is being put together.
Cast of Characters: Juggernaut, Cyclops, Phoenix

Juggernaut has posed:
To his credit..he's been -remarkably- well behaved. He hasn't busted through any walls, ripped out the foundation, caused any earthquakes and has actually managed to not verbally abuse to many people. Probably because most have had enough sense to stay the hell away from him, lacking certainty on just what he'd do or say if they did try and interact with him. Truthfully..he's just a regular ol'joe if someone just wants to banter politely with him and doesn't get on his nerves. He' s got opinions about recent events, the mutant plight. Heck, he even watches reality TV from time to time. Just ask him about latest season of The Real Housewives of Latveria.

But when people mostly know you for being an unstoppable force connected to some sort of crazy elder god-esque being..small talk doesn't come easy.

"HEY! Somebody turn the juice on in here! I'm getting bored!!?"

Outbursts like that don't help either.

He currently stands in the center of the room, looking around and then towards what he surmises is the latest version of the control center. His helmet is..actually off? His grim, brutish face exposed, tossled red hair and unshaven jaw and all. A of trust on his part, meant to cement he's here on good faith.

Cyclops has posed:
The doors swish open to reveal Scott Summers, dressed in his blue and gold uniform and red visor. He makes his way towards him, giving a glance about before he taps a button on the armband contol. The world swirls from cold, stainlesss steel, to that of a pure blue sky with thick clouds surrounding them. Don't look down! If you do, you will see the entire world below. No one will fall though, it's just thematic. As he pulls up a cloud to sit down, he turns his attention upon the large man.

"Hello again, Mister Marko. Have you been winning any cage fights lately?" There is a twitch of his lips upwards of the time they last met. "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, I was finsihing a few reports and a debrief that I had on my schedule. Did someone get you anything to eat or drink while you were here?"

Phoenix has posed:
<< To be fair, we did bust in on his evening. Now he's stuck in here. >> It's a quiet, subtle sort of human that Jean's voice holds in the back of Scott's head as the booming voice of Cain Marko hammers off the alien metal cladding. She steps in alongside him in the green and gold uniform emblazed with a phoenix crest. << I'd be antsy too. >>

She looks to the waiting man as Scott asks his questions, though there's no cloud for her to get comfortable on. She seems at home just standing on what seems to be open air. "I can go get you something if you want."

Juggernaut has posed:
"What is this. A job interview? I've been beatin' on you kids for too long and too often for 'Mr. Marko'." grunts Cain. His nose wrinkle slighlty and he looks at the two senior X-Men with that mild skepticism and distrust that comes from someone not used to be talked to nicely and treated politely. A dash of lack of certainty in their sincerity coupled with his own personal hangups.

"..I'm fine." he finally concludes, relaxing a little more even if he's standing on air. Unlike them..he does -not- look comfortable with this. This bizarre feeling of not being grounded or braced is pervasive, even if it is an illusion.

"..Let's just get this over with. I got some info for you. I said I'd keep my ear to the ground and I keep my word. I was hangin' in Mutant Town after puttin' some feelers out to mercenary side o'the fence and it paid off. Got a tip from a mutant kid I know.."

Cyclops has posed:
"If you look at the score card, Cain, I don't think it's really as even as you'd like for it to be. Either way, I prefer to treat people with respect. When you're here in my home, you aren't 'The Juggernaut'. You are our guest." Scott says with a nod towards him.

"But, yes, let's hear what you have. I'm eager. These are the same people that kidnapped you, right?" He asks curiously. He takes out a bottle of water from a pouch he has on his belt, then takes a small sip from it. He gives a grin over toawrds Jean, motioning he to take a seat as he yanks some of his cloud off and floats it to his side as it forms another thick fluffy seat.

Phoenix has posed:
"We live in a grey world." Jean says calmly, like she was pointing out that it's a nice clear day here in the DR, but with the subtle edge of downturned emotion like it was due to rain later. "On the battlefield, we're enemies. Outside of it? ...we're people surviving in the world how we can. If none of us are here interested in a fight, why make one?"

As he mentions having information, she crosses her arms over her chest and gives a faint nod of her head. For the moment, she doesn't interrupt the man and lets him speak and for Scott to ask. She does look to the offered aerial pouf and moves over to sit on it after giving it a few nudges of a foot to fluff it up a little more first.

Juggernaut has posed:
Cain's nostrils flare as he grunt out a bullish snort and purses his lips tighter in a look of mild annoyance at Scott's words. But he also..has no comeback or ability to really refute what was said so..Cyclops: 1. Juggernaut: 0

He casts his gaze over to Jean as she speaks up as well and together their words make to much sense for him to be petulant about it all. "Right.." he ends up growling out. "Right. Anyway yeah, it might be. Or at least loosely related. Does the term 'Mutant Farm' mean anything to you? Or 'The Farm'? There's a place in Ontario I got the coordinates to.. The word is that they're collecting mutant kids and shipping them off. Maybe to buyers? There's a lot of folk out there looking to get a hold of easily trained and impressionable super beings.. Course calling it a Farm might be implyin' more.."

He pauses, trying to think and then adds, "Not sure why I got tied up into it. I'm thinking that whoever picked me and Deadpool up were a splinter group from this main farm looking to make a few extra bucks. I aint a mutant and he's obviously no kid. On the outside..."

Cyclops has posed:
"You're a juiced up super power, Cain. Your DNA alone is probably worth something, if anything just to experiment on. Don't sell yourself short. Maybe they'd just brain wash you and use you to run headfirst into the White House for all you know. Feel flattered. Deadpool though?" Scott trails off. "High priced assassin who is wanted on an International level? I can see the appeal of bagging and tagging him."

"But, we aren't familiar, but perhaps Logan may be. Ontario is his familiar stomping grounds. If you got the coordinates, I'll take them and we can head out and take a look, provided this isn't a trap."

<< It's not a trap, right babe? >>

"You're coming with us I take it?" He asks the large man curiously.

Phoenix has posed:
"A /farm/?" Jean says. Her voice is still quiet, but there's nothing calm about it now. It's cold and hard like the metal plates hiding under the cheerful, blue, and utterly false sky. "Farms don't usually collect. They breed." And sell, as he said. And slaughter. Her eyes seem a little more hazel, a little more gold than green under this light.

She glances aside to Scott even if she doesn't need to see his face to know his emotions. He could see and feel hers as easily. She's clearly convinced. "This needs to stop, all of it. We already have kids here with us who've been rescued out of /crates/ like cargo. Now this, and this one not just grabbing kids. We need to go, as soon as we can call in the team. I wager you want to settle your score." She says to Cain. Not asks. Says.

Juggernaut has posed:
He almost says 'Yes Ma'am'. It's definitely on his face for an instant as Cain blinks a few times at Jean and then gives Cyclops a quick sideways glance.

But he recovers quickly enough, "Yeah. I'm in. I'll do my combo of doin' a good deed while also getting some revenge."

He tilts his head from side to side, thinking before nodding and also addressing Cyclops previous words, "And you're probably right. Thing is, my powers are magical but they don't know that. They'd try. Either way, yeah, there's lots of value to folk with powers.. especially if you can get 'em young. Now breedin' them? Yeah...that sounds about right.. Something folk like that would try and do."

Cyclops has posed:
"If you come with us, you follow my command. There's no wiggle room for that." Scott says with a serious tone on his voice. "When I'm in the field, with my team, their safety and yours is my top priority. We will get to the area and I will send in a small team to scope it out. We'll create an entrance and an exit strategy and then we will hit them like a nuke. I'll let you have your fun, but we do it my way. I can't run the risk of something going wrong and then I not only have to save children, but save one of my own."

RRising upwards, he gives a firm nod of his head, giving another glance over towards Jean. He has his poker face on, but there is a ripple of anger beneath his stoic surface, one that Jean can clearly feel between them. "Send the coordinates to my email. SummersS at Xavier dot net. I'll have our systems run a diagnostic on it, pull up some aerial shots if we can, get an idea of the terrain."

He ponders for a long moment, then lets out a sigh. ".. We have a guest room if you wish to stay in it. Has it's own shower. Cain, promise me, no fighting in our school? Not even with Logan, not Deadpool, definitely not Victor Creed." Wait, what?

Phoenix has posed:
"You know firsthand how we work." Jean says to the Juggernaut. "Nothing can stop all of us hitting in a coordinated front. After all of this is done, you'll be free to go on your way with a few less people around the corner to worry about. We just make sure the kids get out first, then us."

She looks to Scott then as she states, "And I guarantee, I wouln't be leaving there without ensuring those kids are safe, even if I have to hold the back line myself to do it while you all get out with him leading the charge through them." She says it so easily, like she's done it all before. But then, she has, hasn't she? "Just so you know going in."

Back to Cain she looks then as Scott speaks about a place to crash. "Can't say who's crashing in your old room, if it hasn't been converted. But you know where the kitchen is."

Juggernaut has posed:
Cain considers Scott as he issues his mandates on how the mission is going to go down. When they last broached this possibility, Juggernaut made it clear he gets carte blanche if he comes along to help and something wells up within him. Cyttorak stirs in his blood. A rising urge to erupt at the X-Men commander in fury over the implication that he can be simply ordered around.

He quells it. He's been in the military before. Worked with others. He's not some uncontrollable loose cannon even if that's what the power inside him wants.

"Fine." he says with some difficulty at first, after Jean speaks and adds to Cyclops words. Then grunts and says, this time more casually and easy going as if it's no big deal to him, "Fine, fine, fine. Alright already. I'll follow you guys lead. I know all about orders and teams and stuff. What, you think I'm, some sorta wild animal? And what is this, a school or a psychiatric ward? What're you doing holin up the likes of Deadpool and Victor Creed? Just make sure you hand out demerits or somethin' and keep them from annoying me and we won't have any problems."

Cyclops has posed:
"Trust me. Those decisions that are made are not easy to come by. Just like this one." Scott says as he rises upwards and taps his communicator as the world goes back to a steel dome, clouds and sky melting away. He starts for the exit as he pulls back the mask over the top of his head to reveal his thick brown hair.

"Jean will show you to your room, I have to put a team together. I'm glad you came by, Cain. It's nice to sit down and talk to you like people, instead of enemies."

He glances over his shoulder briefly, his smile tight. "Feels kind of good for a change, huh? Have a good night."