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Latest revision as of 18:45, 10 May 2021

Blame the Bunnies
Date of Scene: 10 May 2021
Location: Medical Lab - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Jeremy and Bobby visit a pretty much OK Rogue.
Cast of Characters: Rogue, SpyderByte, Iceman

Rogue has posed:
It just HAD to be bunnies from gods-only-know-where to wind up taking down one of the more heavy hitters of the X-Men. Course, after the fact, Rogue was brought to the medlab and had Kurt by her side for a long while forcing her to stay awake just in case she had a concussion. At some point though, Kurt left whether because he was tired, or Rogue finally insisted him away but at least then she could get some sleep due to necessity and not the raging headache she was suffering.

She's not even hooked up to any machines, but this is where Kurt took her and it was quiet and comfortable enough she wasn't going to fight being here. Gives her an excuse to give Hank some trouble as well. For the moment, however, she's actually resting her eyes - and since she hasn't changed one can still see all the gashes in her suit and the spots where she was bleeding on her arms and legs. Damn bunnies.

SpyderByte has posed:
The doors swish open to reveal Jeremy, then makes his way in as he gives a glance about. He spies Rogue and makes his way over to the bed, carrying a bag of breakfast bagels from downstairs and an energy drink. It's what he would have, so it makes sense every one else would too. He puts the bag down next to her bed, then tilts his head as he stares down at her unblinkingly. He gives a flick of one hand, snatching something out of thin air and then glancing down at his palm for a moment before he lobs it towards his phone.

He takes a few moments to review the data that only his eyes can see, then frowns. Rabbits? He takes a seat down in one of those swiveling chairs and gives a few spins around as he pushes off with one foot. As he twirls in the seat, he takes his phone off his shoulder, staring down at it.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is, at times, a light sleeper and for a few reasons. So while she was resting her eyes and dozing off in the moment it's not the swishing doors that wake her up but more that sense of someone being in the room with her again. She gives a bit of a groan before taking a breath through her nose and opens her eyes with a blink. Glancing over to the technophile, she gives a little smile and moves to sit up a little. "Hey Jer. When'd you get here?"

SpyderByte has posed:
As he puts a foot down to stop spinning, Jeremy wobbles a bit before he straightens up. He gives her a big smile.

<< Not long, I brought you a Red Bull and bagels. It's what I had for breakfast too. I am currently going over last night's field report. You were attacked by rabbits? >>

There's a look of confusion upon his face, squinting one eye a bit. << But I am more interested in the new kid, Lucas. >>

Rogue has posed:
"Ah, thanks. You can keep the red bull though. I'm not really a fan of energy drinks. Bagels sound good though." Rogue offers with a smile and reaches for the bag of bagels if offered, just reaching in to grab one and then sets the bag aside. "Ah, that the kid we rescued from some sort of...mutant farm? I haven't really met 'im yet." She pauses as she picks off a piece of bagel. "Had been more interested tearing the farm to the ground..."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Yes, that much I am interested in. I would like to continue to track their movements and so I would like to speak with him later. >>

Jeremy takes the Red Bull and pops the tab, then takes a long sip from it, then puts the can to the side so that he can squeeze his phone between his hands.

<< I have gone over the field reports and I am hoping to gain access to this group's systems and extract whatever files they may have. >>

Rogue has posed:
"I think we were supposed to try and grab something for you that could give you intel, but I'm not sure if anyone was able to grab anything. We were looking for the other kids there..." Rogue says, taking a slow breath and then shakes her head. "Kids weren't there. I think that pissed a lot of people off." She pops the piece of bagel in her mouth to chew on it thoughtfully a bit. "Also, yeah, rabbits. Gibberish talking, bipedal rabbits that had blades and rocks and stuff... one of them shot a rainbow colored...rock...thing...at me. hit me in the head and exploded. Like a firecracker. But it was enough, and close enough...guess it knocked me off my ass." A pause. "Would you accessing their systems require us to take you to the location we were at?"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< No, I can access anything, anywhere. I just would like something to make it easier for me. As long as it has a network connection of some types, I can make my way through their firewall with time. But if I have physical access to a server or something familiar, it makes it easier. Otherwise I have to jump through a lot of systems until I find it. >>

Jeremy says as he taps along his phone a few times with his thumbs. He scrunches his face up.

<< I would like to find those kids. Or at least help point everyone in the right direction. >>

Rogue has posed:
Rogue gives a nod and tears another piece of bagel to consume slowly. "You and me both, Jeremy..." She says and then takes a breath. "Lemme see if anyone grabbed something, or hell, maybe a couple of us can go back and grab something if they haven't done any clean up work. Whatever makes things easier for you." A smirk then. "We sure are keeping you busy." Then, she remembers something else. "How about that phone and nav sat I gave you the other day? Anything come from that?"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< No, unfortunately. The Nav has directions to Chicago and the call I made was to South Dakota. Burner phone. I accessed the camera but it was inside a garbage can. They threw it away. I have captured video feed of the area but it was a high traffic place. Lots of faces. Could be anyone. Maybe I can pass it on to Mister Stark for Shield to look through. >>

Jeremy scrunches his face up.

<< But, that may be below their paygrade. But, it won't hurt. >>

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sighs, picking off another bit of bagel. "Never a dull moment. If you think Stark can give us any better information, maybe it's not a bad angle to play. I dunno how most feel about workin' with the Avengers, but..." She shrugs then. "I really should get up and walk outta here. Blame Kurt for sticking me in the medlab..."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< You can get up and walk out of here. Everyone does. >>

Jeremy gives an amused smile to her, then reaches up to pull his long hair back behind his head. It's grown past his shoulders now and starting to look girlish on him. It's either he doesn't care about his hair, or this is a new style he is trying out.

<< Did you go to Prom when you were my age? >>

Rogue has posed:
"Then that's what I'll do. I gotta get this suit mended...good thing I'm in excess supplies of them." Rogue offers this and then she lets out a laugh. It's Jeremy's other question that sort of sobers her instantly, there's a bit of pain that fills her eyes and she shakes her head while forcing a smile. "Nah. Didn't go. Didn't wanna go. Was actually pretty much on my own before any prom came up for me."

Iceman has posed:
When the door to the medbay opens up Bobby Drake is standing there with a six pack of Pepsi in his hands. He takes a moment to assess how things look before meandering over towards where Rogue and Jeremy are speaking. "Hey guys," he greets them warmly. "Cold soda, anyone?" The cans do not yet appear to be cold, but this allows Bobby to do his favorite little trick where he encoldens drinks for people. "Heard you were down here, Rogue, wanted to come by and check in on you. Bring you some get well soon drinks and stuff." He pulls a soda off of the six pack plastic holder thing and says, "You like these, right?"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Oh. I am trying to figure out what to get Rosie and Gray for Prom. I was thinking a corsage for Rosie. I am not sure if I am supposed to get Gray anything. >>

Jeremy says as he squeezes his phone a bit tighter in his hands, then dials the volume down a bit as he spies Bobby coming into the room. He lifts a hand up and gives a bit of a wave. As always, he is dressed his all black apparel with a long leather trench coat.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smiles a little as Bobby walks into the room and gives a nod as he makes an offering of a cold soda. "Oh, Bobby you read my mind. Pass one here please." She asks and then tilts her head. "Do a lot of people know? I'm about to break outta here anyway cause, as you can see, m'fine. Jus' a couple of scrapes and bruises now. Heads better." This and then she looks to Jeremy. "Croisage for the woman. Boutiner for the man. It's like a croisage only it pins on their jacket. I think if you got matching ones for both of them, and then wore something matching color wise on yourself, that'd be cute." Not that she knows anything about that, or had done any searching on it for a just in case type of issue. Smiling back to Bobby. "How're you doin'?"

Iceman has posed:
"How about you, Jeremy, want a soda?" Bobby asks the kid with a friendly expression. "I figured this stuff would be less frowned upon than pot brownies since I know we're all drug afficianados here at Xavier's," he jokes as he cools off the Pepsi in his hand and hands it to Rogue. "I'm doing well. Just wanted to check in on my friend to make sure she's alright. I'm honestly not sure how many people know you got laid up in here, though. When you're ready to take off give me the heads up, I'll be the getaway driver."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I have a Redbull. >>

Jermey points to the can with a smile, then reaches out to pick it up, then holds it out for him to get cooled off. It's been sitting for awhile. He lifts a fingerless gloved hand upwards and rubs at his eyes a bit tiredly. They look baggy as always from staying up too late.

<< How are you doing Mister Drake? >>

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smiles, popping open the pepsi to take a long drink before she looks over to Jeremy. "Do you want help picking something out?" Offering that at least before taking a bigger bite of the bagel now. After a moment she looks to Bobby again and smirks. "M'ready to get the hell outta here whenever. Was just takin' my time cause Jeremy was here an' we were jus' talkin'." She figured places where technology was rampant was better than being outside or something. And she's comfortable talking with those she's considering friends.

Iceman has posed:
Reaching out, Drake quickly cools down Jeremy's energy drink before giving the kid a thumbs up, "I'm doing great. Caught up on grading, got my lesson plans all set up. Not a whole lot new with me. How about you?"

"Like I said, just let me know. I'll make an ice tiger for you to ride on out of here. It'll be cool, I swear."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I am doing fine. I am currently tracking a mass murderer through Europe who is cutting throats of women in a copy cat style of Jack The Ripper. >>

Jeremy says to Bobby with a slow blink of his eyes, then brings the can up to his lips to take a sip.

<< I have a video feed of two of the killings, but he is wearing a mask. I am currently putting together a GPS map of camera feeds to try and follow him as best as I can. >>

He blinks again, then sips once more, followed by an awkward smile.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smiles softly, then shakes her head at Bobby. "I really don't feel like riding an ice tiger out of here. My ass is cold enough as is.." She finally stands and then looks from Bobby to Jeremy and back again. "I'm going to go change. I can't leave myself exposed, even the little bits that I am...so...I'll catch you two later?"

Iceman has posed:
"Well, that's pretty terrible. Good on you for trying to catch the guy, though," Bobby says to Jeremy with an approving nod. Then he looks at Rogue and nods his head, "Yeah, I'll catch you later." He looks at Jeremy and says, "Why don't we leave her to get ready and we can try to catch up with her later?"