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A Spyder's Web We Weave
Date of Scene: 12 May 2021
Location: New York
Synopsis: Beast reaches out to Jeremy to save Havok's life. The 'old' Spyder Byte made an appearance. Gray and Jean assisted in the medbay.
Cast of Characters: SpyderByte, Beast, Gray, Havok, Phoenix

SpyderByte has posed:
The voice of Jeremy can be heard coming from a speaker:

<< Hello Raphael Castillo. I know who you are. I know that you're married with two kids. I know that you have spent fifteen years in Rykers for armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon and that you have two more years of parole left. I know who your employer is. You will stop your vehicle and let my cargo go. You have four hundred seconds to comply, or I will send three men to your home and they will cut your wife's throat. You will then have four hundred seconds after that to comply, or they will cut your daughter's throat. If you do not comply, I will take your last daughter and I will remove one finger for every hour that I do not have my man released. This is not a threat Mister Castillo, this is a promise that I will surely deliver upon. Los Muertos takes care of their own and you have stolen from me. You have four hundred seconds. >>

The young Goth sends the message through the computer, ghosting the IP address and re-looping it several times over as he pulls up a satellite image of a traveling vehicle. He zooms in, then focuses as his nose starts to bleed. The car? He looking to control it as he hammers his fingers along the keyboard. He has grown stock still, his eyes locked on the screen in front of him.

He is at his computer, surrounded by monitors as he reclines in his bucket seat. His boyfriend, Gray, is standing next to him and probably concerned.

Beast has posed:
"Ohhh, my clever boy," Hank has a very responsive car. This is his baby - and no, it isn't called Greased Lightning, although it possibly should be. No, he named his car Bob. With the technomancer online and active, he keeps a safe distance from the vehicles, tailing them studiously though. No children in the way to get caught in the cross-fire here, after all.

Gray has posed:
Gray is gripping the back of Jeremy's chair, looking /very/ concerned. He frowns at the speach, looking from the screens and down at the technopath with a sort of shocked expression in his eyes as he blinks rapidly. His breath catches at the start of the nosebleed and his hands shift from the back of the chair to the other teenager's shoulders. He might be helpless to do anything of real substance right now, but he can at least offer support. Even if Jeremy is pretty terrifying right now.

Havok has posed:
    Jeremy's good. He has all the right information, but what he underestimated is the information that these men have on Alex. <<Los Muertos :D. Tell Scott Summers if he wants his baby brother to live, he'll come alone when he gets the call.>> Seems Raphael no more believes that the X-Men will kill his family than he believes in Santa Claus.
    The technopath does begin to wrestle control of the vehicle, but as soon as he does, as soon as they notice something's amiss another test... <<I will put a bullet in his brain.>> The 'if you don't stop that' is implied.
    Either they haven't noticed Hank yet, they haven't decided what to do about him or they just don't care because they're taking no steps to avoid the Beast.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I will blow this vehicle up by over-riding the electric battery if you kill my cargo. I have already locked the doors and ensured that you will not escape. >>

The locks on the door go 'clank', the front panel of the screen fritzing out a few times, followed by the ominous green spider on the front, staring at them.

<< Mister Castillo, do not underestimate my lack of empathy. You are not dealing with Scott Summers, you are dealing with me, and I assure you, I am just as bad as Magneto. I can crash the stock market. I can cause a world war with a thought. I am not an X-Man. >>

A picture comes through on Raphael's phone. An image of his house from across the street. He accessed the neighbor's RING security system. Five more photos follow as well from several other angles of his neighborhood.

<< Do you want to test me? Do you want to /fucking/ test me? >>

The car's wheels slam on the brakes as they lock up. Darn those 2029 Electric cars and emission regulations passed years ago. Everything is a computer.

<< Three hundred seconds. >>

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy clucks his tongue, tailing with narrowing eyes behind the glasses. "Jeremy, pull up the specs on those people carriers. There should be a set of triggered airbags with gas cannisters lodged in the front, the side panels and at the back. Alex is wearing a collar at the moment, but they'll have him in the middle. Blowing the airbags will cushion him, but play jimmy havoc with the drivers."

Gray has posed:
"Jeremy..." Gray's voice is quiet, "What the hell are you doing? You wouldn't actually kill this asshole's family would you?" He's pretty sure that the other boy wouldn't do anything to actually hurt anyone-not anyone innocent, anyway-but right now? Right now the goth is starting to scare him, "And who the hell is Los Muertos?" It's questions that he doesn't expect an answer to, but still needs to ask. For his own sanity, if nothing else.

Havok has posed:
    Maybe Raphael is starting to get a little nervous now. His partner definitely is... "Stop the car, let me out!" Of course, no one else hears that, not even Alex. He is between them but he's unconscious. If Jeremy hacks into the color, that fact might be obvious by the vitals it's throwing out; respirations and heartbeat that are even and steady. "The car IS stopped Larry!" he screams at his panicking partner.
    <<He's already dead if we don't get him to the drop point.>> That's a cryptic reply.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Two hundred and fifty seconds Mister Castillo. Asesinaré a toda tu familia. Te quitaré todo lo que amas. Eres el único aquí con algo que perder. >>

As Jeremy works, he throws his hands out at his sides, watching the four monitors in front of him rapidly scroll through thousands of lines of code and video feeds. His other nostril starts to bleed now, dripping down the front of his shirt. He is breathing slowly, the words of Gray passing over him as if he was a thousand miles away.

One hand slowly rises upwards, then snaps his fingers. All the airbags all at once within the car explode with a loud BANG, slamming into the occupants. The radio cranks up loudly next, blasting Metallica's Master of Puppets. It's designed to confuse amidst the chaos. As of right now? He's sending the data from the collar to Beast's phone. A small text comes through: << Do I turn it off Doctor McCoy? I think they may have done something to him. He is unresponsive, but he has steady vitals. What do you want me to do? >>

Beast has posed:
And meanwhile, the sunroof has scrolled back on the convertable and Beast has said: "Bob, take the helm. GTA mode." The onboard AI speeds up, driving in parallel with the fucked up cruiser infront, the confusion of the airbags going off in unison the least of the worries, honestly... relatively speaking.

You see, he might be big, blue and fuzzy and generally very amiable. But he can also benchpress about ten tons and punch clean through a wall. No, really. He's just not as strong as some of the real powerhouses. Add that he's agile and is actually capable of dodging a predictable bullet and what comes next ought be little in the way of surprise. Hank undoes the seatbelt, leaping from his car to the top of the cruiser, digs his claws into the roof and literally rips it back over the two 'cops'. Ignore him at your peril, that might have been a very bad move, what with airbags in the face, ominous music, their car talking to them and suddenly there's a very real danger of being /literally/ ripped out of their seats and flung.

Havok has posed:
    The airbags deploy, Larry screams like a little girl, Raphael ends up dazed and confused for about a split second. He likely would have recovered quickly enough from the airbag fiasco, but the sight of Beast in Beastmode? Well, he sounds a little girly when he screams as well. He's also TRYING to get his sidearm drawn from its holter and up aimed at the blue monster that just ripped rooftop like a sardine can.
    ...and Alex is just there, being tossed around like a ragdoll, completely unaware of it all.

SpyderByte has posed:
As the camera feed zooms in tighter from above his hijacked satellite (Thanks Bezos), Jeremy watches the screen refresh a few times, then reaches up to wipe at his face, brushing it over his nose to smear the blood to the side. He reaches out to pluck a few tissues from a box near by, then blows into it, then goes about dabbing himself off. Giving a glance to Gray for a moment, he looks up at his boyfriend for a long moment before he turns his attention back to the screens.

By now, he has copied both men's phones. Contacts. Pictures. Hard drives. He's copied the car's GPS coordinates if there was any. He's ran the VIN number. The license plate. All of it encrypted on a monitor to his left.

He just waits now, watching. He can't do anything else at this point besides be patient.

Beast has posed:
"NOPE," Beast doesn't roar, but he does snarl after that one word and grabs the back of the driver's chair, hauling back. Chair, seatbelt, part of the chassie, the whole kit and kaboodle is ripped from the vehicle, causing all sorts of things to go BING as he tosses fake cop, gun, chair, chassie, flooring, bolts and seatbelt to the side of the road. End over end, the bucket of the seat skids and spins in a circle and he slides into the hole /glowering/ at the other cop. "Be clever. Sit. Stay." And he yanks the wheel to the side of the road, flips the lights to rolling and kills the engine. One quite quick rabbit punch to the jaw of the second guy who screamed like a little girl should knock his lights out and -then- he's looking into the backseat, staring over Alex. Smartwatch to the rescue: "Bob, pull over. Jeremy... prep the medbay. I suspect Alex may have been poisoned or drugged, he's out cold." Pause. "Also, call the actual cops. Impersonating a police officer is a federal crime. They're going to have a field day with this."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Police are enroute nine minutes. >>

The message comes through almost instantly.

<< I have sent data on the collar to your devices. You should have full access to it. I can turn it off or turn it on. I don't want to touch it yet. They said he is dead no matter what. >>

Jeremy's voice comes through the speaker, that soft, silent tone as usual. Digital.

Havok has posed:
    Larry is sitting in a puddle of his own piss. He's not about to move. He does find enough nerve to speak, if only because he thinks being helpful might save his own ass. "They told us to give him this shot when we got him in the car," he babbles, words tumbling out fast and one on top of the other. "...Raph wasn't lyin', Summers'll die if he doesn't get the other one that's at the drop point. We weren't supposed to give it until the other one showed up." .... OUCH! ...and then he's OUT.
    Alex is cluelessly unconscious and... he's starting to radiate some unhealthy amounts of heat.

Beast has posed:
Beast does a rapid sniff-around for the spent syringe or hypospray, stooping down and grimacing at the smell of fear and piss. "Well, thank you for being helpful Mister Fake blue line," sniffsniff, AHA! "Come to daddy you beauty," picking up the empty syringe from the floor at Larry's feet, where his flat foot had caught the edge of it and prevented it from being sucked out when the floor to the side was ripped out. He pats the poor fellow on the knee, scrabbles out of the vehicle and rips the driver's side door off the back, because it's more expedient than trying to get it unlocked. "ALex? Oh, green on a grasshopper, that's not good..." lets unclip the seatbelt, grab ALex by the scruff and drag him out, hussling toward the Bentley.

"Jeremy, we're on the way back. Please see if you can get a large bath of ice, too. We'll need it to buy time." Aaaaaaand some stunt driving back to the school will ensue, provided nobody causes hassles along the way.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Don't worry Doctor McCoy, you will have only green lights from here out. Feel free to speed. >>

Jeremy rises up from his chair and gives a long stretch, then turns around to face Gray. He reaches out to brush a hand against his for a squeeze, giving him a small smile.

<< Not all heroes wear capes and spandex. >> That is for his boyfriend's ears only as he gives him a slow nod. << Come with me? We have to meet them at the Med Bay. I need to prepare it for him. >>

To Beast, a message pings: << Do I get Shannon or do you want Auto Doc to take care of this? >>

Havok has posed:
    The trip back is uneventful other the fact that Alex is still getting ... hotter (...and not in the super sexah kinna way!)
    Unfortunately with Beast leaving before the cops arrive, they'll get nothing but a story about a deer and losing control of the car out of Raph and Larry.

Gray has posed:
Gray kneels at the side of Jeremy's chair, "Jeremy. Come on, man. You're /bleeding/!" Yeah, he's in full panic mode, now, in spite of the fact that the room is quiet other than the hum of the computer. Then the other boy's voice comes from the speakers again and he nods, "Long's we're getting you checked out." Because blood? /NOT/ a good thing!

Beast has posed:
"If Shannon heals him, she'll go off the deepend. If it's poison, it'll just switch off. Autodoc. Boot up the mass spec too, get her purring Jeremy. We're coming in hot." Zooooooooom. Zoom zoom zoom. Hello Cameras. Hello green lights, hello gates, hello driveway, oh how we've missed thee and we only went out to get Java Lava. Never a dull moment.

"Hang in there Alex. If you expire on me, I'll kill you."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< It's fine. I pushed myself too hard. My power is psychic based. It was a lot to do all at once. >>

Jeremy reaches out to take him by the hand, giving it a squeeze and wrapping his fingers around him.

<< Alex Summers needs help. He may die. He's been poisoned. Right now, he is more important than me, okay? I need you to help me, Gray. >>

He starts for the door quickly, practically dragging his boyfriend behind him by the hand. He's moving quick, breaking into a run the moment he hits the hallway. He'll be heading for the elevator to take it down to the Base. New Mutant credentials will get him through.

Gray has posed:
There's very little effort needed to get Gray to his feet and following Jeremy. Thank God he's a little taller and has longer legs or he might actually get dragged! "You need to get checked out too, though." He gives the hand wrapped around his a squeeze, "I'd hate to see somethin' happen to that brain of yours." Or any other part of the older teen.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy kind of powers into the garage, tosses ALex over his shoulder fireman style and hussles at a rather quick rate past the parts of the school that have 'school' written all over them and down, down to his lab. He may have growled at the elevator to get the hell down there, chop chop. Not that this helps, but it makes you feel better.

He has yet to take off the collar. "Bobby? Jean? Either of you around to help in the Medlab? I need a hand to buy time."

SpyderByte has posed:
Having arrived before Hank, Jeremy and Gray had started to fill up a tub full of ice and water. The goth has some blood smeared across his face that has dried, but he does not appear to be worried about it right now. On the computer screens is the data he hacked out of the collar.

He slices open another large bag of ice, dumping it into the tub as he looks over towards his teacher. He blinks slowly at him, his voice pinging from all directions of speakers.

<< I hope this is enough ice. >>

Phoenix has posed:
When she moved out, Jean thought her phone's texting plan may get a break. She was wrong.

So it is that several hasty texts later and talking her fiance down from calling in the whole fleet with guns ablaze, the woman was arriving at the school in the still warm wake of Hank's arrival.

<< Already behind you. >> Is her reply to Hank as she makes her way downstairs and towards the medical bay with haste. She's through the door just minutes after they start their work and is tossing her jacket over to one corner of the room and shoving up her sleeves. "Details later. What needs done now?"

Gray has posed:
Gray is helping to fill the tub, looking jittery and, honestly, pretty terrified after the unexpected interruption, "Want me to go get more?" Better safe than sorry, right? He flinches a little anytime he looks at Jeremy, just because of the dried blood on his face, but seems to be trying to do whatever he can to help.

Havok has posed:
    ...and then Alex seizes. It's not that terrifying thing they show on TV all the time. It's terrifying yes, but it's more subtle than that. His body stiffens, his back arches slightly and his jaw clenches tightly enough to nearly crack teeth.

Beast has posed:
"That should be enough for now, if... " well, there's a Jean in his brain and soon there's a Phoenix in the room. He smiles thinly at her, looking at the lads, as he tosses the empty syringe toward Jeremy and Gray. "Extract a slide of the contents of that, run it through the mass spec..." he slides Alex into the cold ice-water and it will probably start steaming pretty damn quickly. "Jean, I need you to do that thing where you control the nature of a particular matter. The ice needs to stay being ice, possibly colder than ice. It all ..." and when Havok seizes, Hank is down on his knees, holding he man's head back and his airway open. "Get an IV with 100g bag of Magnesium -- this is pyretic seizure, likely going to end up going into critical cascade. C'mon, kiddo. C'mon..."

SpyderByte has posed:
Catching the syringe mid-stride, Jeremy gives a nod of his head. He takes Gray by the hand again, leading him over to one of the data tables where he starts to go to work. He reaches for a pack of wet wipes and uses it to clean his face real fast, lobbing it into the trash, then pulls on a pair of gloves. He takes out a q-tip swab and starts to work it inside the syringe before placing it on the slide, then adds it to the mass spec. He hits the run button and listens to the machine hum.

He turns to Gray and gives him a smile, stepping in to give him a firm hug. << It's going to be fine. >> The speakers on his phone chirps from his shoulder softly, just for him. << This is what they train us for. The New Mutants. >>

He leans in and gives him a quick kiss, squeezing his hands, then glances over as Hank speaks up again. He steps away from Gray and moves to a cabinet, opening it up to take out the bag, then goes about setting it up on the IV stand, wheeling it towards him.

Phoenix has posed:
One would think Jean would freak out to see her to be brother-in-law seizing on the table while students are there in various states of concern. If she is, she has that so compartmentalized it's not likely to be found until someone renovates that corner of the attic. There's just a firm, singular nod to Hank and the quickest grin to Jeremy and Gray as she moves alongside the tub and plunges her arms right into the water. It's rapidly illuminates in a pink glow that shifts within seconds to have a warm pink-orange hue that reflects off her eyes. Despite the color, the ice doesn't melt like one would expect as the melted water seems to be pulled back towards the ice cubes still present.

"I know it's been a long time since we practiced it, Hank, but I can patch your big brain into mine and you guide me if we need to go in to fix anything. Tell me if I need to slow his system down more." This is his arena. Here, he calls the shots.

Gray has posed:
Well, crap. Gray is just not dealing well. The once homeless kid's eyes are huge and he looks more than a little lost, swearing softly to himself. He's seen friends OD before and it was just as terrifying. He's visibly fighting the urge to just veil and book it out of there, but he does manage to stay put. Mostly by getting out of the way and looking from one responsible adult to the other before focusing back on Jeremy as he's dragged across the room. He nods at the reassurance and takes a deep, shaky breath in an attempt to CALM DOWN before resting his hands on the other student's shoulders, "What do you need me to do?" Other than not have a bloody panic attack. He Clings to the hug, a little startled by the kiss, but still stays back, "Maybe I should get in on that training..." Because freaking out doesn't do /anyone/ any good and he's feeling pretty useless right about now.

Beast has posed:
"Gray. Go to the drugs cupboar. I need you to start preparing a suspension -- base of normal saline, about 20CC's should do. There's a fridge at the back, electronic lock. Jeremy will unlock it. Get one 1 ml vial of X-CII. Steady hands. Draw half a mil and add it to the saline suspension and get a bolus syringe -- they're the bloody big ones with the very long needles. You need a 16 guage. Go read the labels, make it happen." Give the kid something to do, Beast looks Jean in the eye, reaching blind for the IV line and bleeding it through with practiced hands, sliding it into the right sub-clavian and releasing the guage to an automatic 5 fifteen drips per minute into Alex' body.

"Look in my mind, Jean. You need to target his hypothallamus, slow the signals, get his metabolism to start hypothermic shutdown. He's in metabolic cascade -- once we know what he's had in him, we can add the rest of the anti-toxin combination." Pause "Jeremy, talk to the mass Spec. Get her humming on hyperdrive."

Havok has posed:
    When the seizure subsides, the screaming begins. Not that anyone but Jean can hear it. Alex isn't unconscious, he's just immobile. For all outward appearances, he's out like a light. Even his vitals would indicate unconsciousness, as if whatever drug he was giving is controlling them, keeping him stable, suppressing his nervous system while keeping his mind awake and aware. <<Jean! Jean.... it hurts! I can't let it go! I can't release it.>> If he keeps absorbing energy at an accelerated rate without being able to release it, will he just... explode? Inquiring minds!
    The substance from the syringe is nothing short of awe inspiring to... well Hank. Or it would be if it wasn't so devious and nasty. Whoever made it must have had some of Alex's DNA (...do they have Scott's too? OH NO!) because the serum... or poison or whatever name one choices for it is designed to react with ONLY Alex's DNA, to temporarily dampen one side of his powers (...the release of energy) while enhancing the other exponentially.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Just breathe, Gray. Okay? I will help you. >>

Jeremy snaps one finger as the electronic locks on the fridge 'click'. He moves over to the mass spec, leaning over to whisper softly to the machine, brushing his fingers along the device in a loving manner. As the machine whirls at a faster rate, he makes his way over to the fridge to open the door.

He motions Gray over, handing him some of the components as he goes. He moves methodically through the lab, his chains jingling about his legs.

<< Can you do this? >> He asks him.

Gray has posed:
For a moment, Gray just stands there when Beast gives him instructions. It takes a few seconds for his brain to process past the whole 'OMG! What do I do?!' thing. Jeremy gets a slightly dazed nod and he moves to do what he's been told. Honestly, for all he's been trembling slightly this whole time, his hands are surprisingly steady as he works. Muscle memory is a pretty awesome thing, after all. He nods, visibly swallowing as his eyes linger on the bottles in the drug cabinet, "Y-yeah." As long as he can resist temptation, that is.

Phoenix has posed:
Could Jean do it herself? Maybe. But the Phoenix isn't a creature of tiny details like blood vessels and nerves, and Jean's knowledge isn't enough to do it alone. She closes her eyes to block out the distractions of her surroundings and begins to focus on the job at hand.

First, her mind touches that of Alex. << I hear you. I'm here. Scott is fine. Focus on breathing. We wouln't let you go. >> We. There's a subtle vibration to the word.

Next, she reaches out another part of her awareness towards Hank to pull the information she needs from that genius mind. Anatomy - the layout of the brain, the pattern of nerves, the webwork of vessels. She wouln't remember it later, but she doesn't need to. Now is all she needs.

Back to Alex she refocuses. Into his mind she extends her's, turning the aperture of her focus to a pinhead, traveling across the planes of the brain and the highway of nerves to find the indicated hypothalamus and begins to calm it not unlike she does to calm the mind to sleep. She draws on her own power, but that isn't all. The Phoenix is always with her, and a hungry force it is. As it boosts her own abilities, she uses that need to draw the excess power from Alex and funnel it into the cosmic well inside of her soul. It's a circuit of energy. Generated from Alex, filtered through the Phoenix, and turned into a laser focus in Jean's. The passage of power can be seen like a glow under her skin - blue in the ice, orange in her body, and pink where she brings a hand to rest against Alex's forehead.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy finally gets up, to go and check what the Mass Spec is telling them. His eyes fly over the formulae on the screen, blinking a couple of times and poking his glasses up his nose. It gets them wet but he doesn't pay attention. The polaroids have gone to a dull grey now in in the indoor light. "Well, bugger me with a bargepole and call me susan. I get to use my fun toy!" THis isn't the time to get gleeful, but when did that ever stop some people?

The CRISPR is pulled out and booted up, fingers flying over the screen of it, loading it with a vial of deactivated bacteriophages. Hank hums cheerfully as his fingers fly with supernatural speed over the keys, flicking various genomic groups and altering certain key sequences, looking over at the chemical on the mass spec occasionally.

If this were a TV show where you could see information floating in the air, that string of chemical signatures would be lining up along the DNA sequence on the screen, slotting into various places, turning on and turning off aspects of the X-gene.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Then do it. Time to save a life, Gray. I'll help you as we go. >>

Jeremy closes the fridge and locks it once more, then heads over to assist Gray. He glances over towards Beast and Jean at times, but for the moment he doesn't intervene or make small talk. He isn't going to distract them.

Havok has posed:
    It works. As Jean pulls the energy out of him that he couldn't release himself, Alex's temperature begins to drop. It's all working. Jean can likely hear the trembling mental sigh of relief. But it's just a stop gap, they can't do this forever. So it falls to Hank to make certain they don't have to.

Phoenix has posed:
It's a lot of energy. Jean knows power, but the Phoenix is familiar like a transfusion of her own blood. The power of Alex is foreign, and it's like battery acid lightning trying to blind her from the inside out. But she endures, because she has to, even with gritted bared teeth and shaking body. Eventually it eases some as the power is filtered and processed and repurposed, letting Jean better focus on the task at hand.

<< I got you. You're safe. Just stay with us. Focus on me. >> She's there in the mind's eye of Alex, calm and luminescent with her hands holding his and a field of stars.

All she can do is keep Alex calm and his power checked while the others work.

Gray has posed:
/This/ Gray can actually do! The ordered solution is quickly and efficiently mixed and handed to Jeremy to give to the pair working on Alex. Then it's back to trembling he goes, eyes fixed on the locked fridge as he slowly, subtly, edges back toward the drug cabinet. He's probably not even aware of the fact that he's doing it.

Beast has posed:
"Genome, you lovely little genome," tappy-tappy-tap-tap-TAP. Ok. Beast hits enter, watching the machine like a hawk for a five minute period, as he coded extremely quick. No doublechecking, so one or two flips might have been flopped erroneously. BUT MOSTLY they're all there. Yep. GEEN-yus! He collects the vial of bacteriophage when it disgorges and heads over to Gray, drawing the contents of the vial and adding to the X-CII (Cure serum) the suspension prepared and drawing it all up into the bolus. He switches the magnesium fo the long-ass end of the bolus syringe and as he'd do for someone else in a crisis where a bolus 'sudden action' drug is needed for rapid response, he feeds it into the man's subclavean, nodding slow to Jean. "Should work almost instantaneously. Half a minute at the outside."

SpyderByte has posed:
Reaching out to take Gray by the hand, Jeremy draws him back to him, leading him towards the others so that they can watch. He keeps his hand tight on his, curling his arms around him to draw him closer. For now, he's quiet, letting the two X-Men work.

Havok has posed:
    It IS almost instantaneous and so is Alex's utter relief. That was one terrifying ordeal. But the only one that will know he's relieved, the only one he can communicate with right now is still Jean. It'll probably just take a little while for the paralytic to wear off, right? <<Scott! They're after Scott too!>> Now that he can think straight, his brother is his first priority. <<Where is he? He needs to know.>> His panic over Scott is only outshined by the exhaustion she'll also feel coming from him. Right now, that paralytic is likely a blessing in disguise, lest he be fighting to get out of medbay already and start hunting those sons of bitches.

Phoenix has posed:
<< He will. >> Is Jean's response to Alex, the mental image of her resplendent and terrible and her voice so strong that it seems to darken the impression of stars. Or maybe it's just the drugs. << And you know that We would never let anything happen to him. I'll find them. Rest.>> She senses the drugs as they start to calm his system and her powers quicken it to help settle him. Her empathic touch is cooling and further darkens the stars, until the mental images of her and the sky fade to black. << Rest. >>

Only once she's sure that he's stabilizing does she withdraw her mind from his and release the hold of her power. The light in her body fades as she opens her eyes and looks over towards Hank. "...how's he going to be?"

Gray has posed:
There's a moment's resistance when Jeremy pulls Gray with him, but it only lasts a moment before he lets himself be tugged over to watch. Not that he does much watching of what, exactly, is going on. Instead, he slumps and rests his forehead against the back of the other boy's shoulder, focusing on breathing and trying very hard /not/ to think about all of the mind altering goodies that are within reach. He's still practicall vibrating with nerves, though now there's the added fun of /cravings/ thrown into the mix. Worse than it's been in weeks. And it's just /right there/! "I need to get out of here..." The words are muttered softly enough that the goth is likely the only one that can hear him, though whether or not they actually register is up for debate with everyone's attention focused on the younger Mister Summers.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy's head twitches to the side just a hair, his ear twitching. He glances at Gray and Jeremy, nods to the latter. "Thank you. You did good." And at Gray. "Both of you. Many hands make light work.... go." It's a gentle command toward the door, then he glances back at Alex and negligently, as if he were a rag doll, drags the man out of the ice-cold water so the he can carry him to a bed and get a thermal blanket on him and a towel under his head. "He'll be exhausted, sore and I think... Alex. You know how he is. Physically he should be fine. Mentally? Not so sure. He went along with the cops, like he was resigned to it. I don't think he grocked that they weren't real cops at the time. But whoever did this?" He points at Alex with one clawed finger, looking at Jean. "...They have Summers DNA on file. It's a good job he's unconscious or he might get an ego boost from the fact this was a tailored drug. Wouldn't have worked on anyone but him, or his brother." Maaaaybe Remi, at the outside.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Okay, let's go. Doctor McCoy, Gray and I are going to take off. We need air. >>

Jeremy gives a smile to the pair before he leans in and kisses Gray on the cheek, then gives him a tug as they head out the door. He has a feeling what's going on in the back of his gut.

<< Good teamwork. >> He calls over.

Havok has posed:
    ...and Alex does rest. ...that is until he doesn't. It's very likely he'll be up and gone in the middle of the night if doing so is remotely possible. He's not so different from his big brother after all.

Phoenix has posed:
"Later." Jean says back towards Jeremy. It initially would sound like a parting word, but it sounds heavier and with intent. Her next words are softer. "Thank you."

She looks back to Hank then as she shakes her hands, flexing her fingers restlessly like they'd gone numb. "There's several suspects that come right to mind, but that's too many. Which means we have a lot of work to do. I'll let Scott know. He'll want to keep an eye on him."

She drags her hands up across her face hard enough that it drags open her eyes wider before she lets her hands drop away. "First, I need to run a few laps. Too much energy and I need to burn this off or I will not be able to focus. I'll be back in a couple of minutes and then you can fill me in on what the hell went down."

Gray has posed:
Another moment's resistance, a longing look toward where all of the medications are stored, but that praise and permission to leave has Gray almost bolting for the door as soon as he's not going to give either himself or Jeremy a bloody nose because of that kiss. A desperate chant of 'nononononononono' running through his mind as he flees from the temptation within that room. Here's hoping that he never has to step foot in there again! Or, at least, not until he's got quite a bit more self-control and more than two months sobriety under his belt.