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Latest revision as of 17:56, 13 May 2021

Waking up is hard to do.
Date of Scene: 13 May 2021
Location: Medical Lab - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Alex wakes up still in a mood. He and Scott disagree and Rogue takes Alex's side. It doesn't end well.
Cast of Characters: Havok, Cyclops, Rogue

Havok has posed:
    When little Miss Jeanie gets all up in someone's head and suggests that they 'rest', well it sticks. It especially sticks when one was already exhausted to begin with. Alex was sound asleep all night. He's still sound asleep, until he isn't. His transition from asleep to awake isn't a smooth, calm, quiet thing. His eyes fly open, he sucks in a gasp of a breath, his hands go up defensively and... the medbay wall may have a new door in it? The damage isn't as bad as it could be because, well, he's still half asleep so that blast was kind of like the scream that comes out as a whimper in the waking world. In his MIND, he blew his target to bits.

Cyclops has posed:
Good luck blowing the door off anything down here. It's fortified to take on attacks from most bad guys, except maybe the Juggernaut. As the smoke hisses off the doors, they swish open to reveal Scott Summers. He is sipping a coffee as he steps in, giving a casual glance at the doors, then back towards his brother. He heads over towards the bed and sets a thermos of coffee down, as well as a bag of breakfast sandwiches.

"Hey. Looks like you're up. How're you feeling?"

He slides down into a chair next to the bed, taking another sip off his mug as he lifts his brows over his red visor. "Jean told me what happened. Don't worry about the details right now. You okay?"

Havok has posed:
    It still takes Alex a moment or two to focus on what's going on outside his head. The smell of coffee might bring him around a little quicker, but first his hands frantically fly to his neck. "Fuck..." he breathes out along with a sigh when his hands don't find the collar they were expecting to find. He blinks a few times as if doing so will push down the fog and confusion still floating around in his head. "What?" His brain catches up with his ears. "...yeah, fuckin' peachy," he grouses. Oh he's in a MOOD still.

Cyclops has posed:
"Good to hear." Scott says as he gives a motion towards the coffee and breakfast. "I was worried about you, but only for a moment. Soon as I heard Hank and Jean was on top of things, I knew you'd be okay. That and you're too stubborn to die." He takes another long sip. "Soon as you feel up to it, let's talk about what happened and how we're going to resolve it."

Havok has posed:
    The only acceptable resolution in Alex's mind at the moment is to hunt those sons of bitches down and make them pay in blood and tears to the last man. He doesn't say as much but it's there, in those blue eyes, when he glowers at his brother. There's murder in those eyes. "Sure..." is all he actually says as he snatches the bag to dig through it. Something in that bag BETTER HAVE BACON ON IT.

Cyclops has posed:
Of course the sandwiches have bacon on it. Scott isn't a monster and he knows his brother. It's even from his favorite place. Taking another sip from his mug, which says: Charles' #1 X-Men, a gag joke from the team a few years back, he hums around the rim some. "Why you giving 'me' that look for?" He says as he furrows his brows.

Havok has posed:
    Alex's eyebrows shoot up questioningly - huh, what look? He unwraps one of the sandwiches and takes a HUGE bite, if only so his mouth is stuffed full to keep him from spilling everything on his mind. He LOVES his brother and the way Alex is feeling right now, the things he might say, well, they might be not so nice. He finally finishes chewing and swallows the first bite before his attention falls on Rogue in the chair. His expressions softens just a little. "She been here all night?" he asks quietly.

Cyclops has posed:
"Yes. I was going to assign someone else, but she insisted." Scott says as he reaches into the bag to take out a sandwich for himself and unwraps it. He likes bacon too. He takes a bite, chewing thoughtfully, then swallows quick and efficiently. "You're going to be fine. Hank and Jean was able to cure you from whatever they put into you. You got lucky last night." He says as he gives a lick of his lips. "But that's how we live most of our lives, huh? By luck and being stubborn."

Rogue has posed:
The stubborn southern belle works her stubboness on so many levels, it can often be uncanny. She'd been there when Alex took off, when he got taken, and knowing he was back - of course she insisted to be there for him still. It's not only the talking, but the subtle scents of food that stir the touchless wonder into waking, giving a slow stretch and blinking her eyes open. "Oh hey. Yer awake..." Offering this to Alex before glancing to Scott. "Hey Summers."

Havok has posed:
    Alex's nostrils flare with sharp inhale of breath. He lets it out slowly and the words, "I didn't get *lucky*." Oh there's more he wants to say but he stops himself before ... well, before he goes on and won't be able to stop himself. He shifts his attention to Rogue instead. "... you should check the bedhead, sleeping in a chair wasn't kind," he quips playfully. But then his expression goes all sour and dour again. "They knew, Rogue... those fuckin' Not Cops knew. That's why I thought they were legit. The KNEW the name of the guy that pressed charges in San Diego. When they said his name I just thought, fuck I dunno what I thought... but it made them seem legit."

Cyclops has posed:
"You got kinda lucky." Scott says as he takes another bite of his sandwich. "Either way, we're going to find these guys, and we're going to do something about it." He says as he takes another bite of his sandwich. "No one is going to come after our family and think we're going to just let it slide. This sounds like something I should talk to Betsy about."

Rogue has posed:
"Oh bite my ass, Alex. Like you're a picture when you wake up yourself.." Rogue quips right back, shifting to straighten up a bit more and then she blinks while listening to him and then scoffs. "Knew we shoulda just taken them out while we were all there. It didn't make sense...but you told me to stand down, so I did." Wasn't the only thing Alex told her to do, but she never got a chance, and figured when she saw Beast on the scene it'd be taken care of another way. There's a look to Scott then, "S'long as it's more than some sort of slap on the hand, quit fucking with mutants take..."

Havok has posed:
    "And tell me, Scott, what are we going to *do* when we find them? Smack them on the nose with a rolled up newspaper? I mean we can't hurt them or kill them because they're ONLY HUMAN," Alex's rant comes out just about the same time as Rogue's so they're sort of talking overtop one another, but with the same sentiment so he stops and jabs a thumb in Rogue's direction. "Yeah, what she said."

Cyclops has posed:
"I don't know, Alex. What do *you* think we should do about it? Should we start yanking limbs off people? Cutting their heads off? Maybe make a grand display of it in Times Square? I'm sure the headlines will be kind to us. Mutant superheroes murder humans, news at eleven." Scott says as he rubs his face with the palm of his hand. Pushing himself up from his chair, he stares down at him. "I'm the one who brought Victor Creed into our home and unleashed him upon our enemies. You weren't there when I watched what he did, under *my* order. I'm the one who has to deal with that on my conscious, not you. Don't mistake me for some boyscout, Alex, but I also have to make decisions on what is best for not only our team, but for our /people/. If the two of you no longer believe in Xavier's dream, say it."

Rogue has posed:
"Oh please..." Rogue offers, looking to Scott then. "Even the other night when we went to go hit that farm place and ran into that kid Luca or whatever his name is... what was one of the first things you told us? They're only humans." She shakes her head then. "And where does that get us every single fucking time? Alex didn't do a damn thing, and they still stuck a collar on him. In public. Granted... I suppose it wasn't *really* the cops, but does that make a difference? When do we actually make a stand that sends them a message?" She glances to Alex for a moment and then takes a slow breath. "We're all tired of it, Summers. Every day it's another kid, another group, another *mutant* being taken away...and all we do is save the few and pray the humans get the message.." Finally, she shrugs and looks back to Alex. "Fairytale's lost it's magic..."

Havok has posed:
    Oh, no, this is not a situation in which Alex is going to sit still for being stared down at. It's a struggle and damned if he doesn't almost fall over once, but he pushes himself up and out of that bed to stand straight. He also has sooooo much he wants to say. He jabs a finger in Scott's direction, opens his mouth to speak and then... Rogue spills over with everything he wanted to say anyway. "What we're doing, it isn't fighting back, Scott. It's rolling over and letting the bullies on the playground keep on bullying. Being *only human* doesn't give them the right to harass, collar, cage, attack and *murder* us with no more than a smack on the nose."

Cyclops has posed:
"Last year they came for us with Sentinels!" Scott barks back down at them. "Innocent civilians got killed in plain sight. That is a reaction caused by *fear*. What do you think their next reaction is going to be? Do you want it to be something a lot worse? Yes, they are just human. They are stupid, scared, humans. That is brought upon by *fear*. They're ignornant because they're scared of us, because society told them to be scared of us. We built Xavier's to be a safe place and a school for children, to learn how to grow their powers, to learn how to protect themselves, as well as carry on a message of unity. We may not find peace tomorrow, but we won't find peace at all if we start going after them with big guns and making an example of people. Mutants like Magneto is what caused this fear. Apocalypse. Sinister. Every jackass that sets us back years. Am I going to put together a plan to resolve this? Yes. Are we going to just walk in full uniform and murder people?" He folds his arms over his chest, scowling. "Is that what you want to do, Alex? Do you want to burn someone so badly they melt in your hands? What about you, Rogue? You want to crush someone's skull between your fingers? Do you think either of you will feel better about it? Sleep well at night?"

Rogue has posed:
"If we don't start actually fighting back somehow, when's it all gonna change, Scott? We keep rolling over and slapping their hands one way and then turning around and askin' for more the other." This while she stands there, staring the older Summers brother down. "This is only a safe place while the kids are /here/ behind walls of some secret location. What difference does that make if, while they're out in town shopping and socializing and doing what kids do...they see something like what happened yesterday. Or worse yet, it had been one of them taken and not Alex?" She breathes. "Alice, and Megan were at that shopping center, Scott. They saw it first hand..." That last commented question from Scott has Rogue stopping for a moment. She doesn't have to crush a skull. She's killed with a lot more 'normal' action. "...just saying there has to be a stronger pushback than slapping these idiots on the hand with a 'bad human, no treat' type of reaction is all..."

Havok has posed:
    "Maybe it's time that they should be *afraid*," Alex snarls back. "They don't want unity, they want us erased or enslaved," he continues, fists clenched at his sides. He advances toward Scott, one hand on the bed to steady himself and ass cheeks showing through the gap in the hospital gown someone surely put on him after stripping him out of soaking wet clothes last night. It's a tad chilly back there, but he doesn't notice. "WHAT I WANT SCOTT," he bellows... right before he staggers, his grip on the bed the only thing keeping him upright. His voice lowers, more from the fact that his head is swimming and the room is getting smaller in his peripheral vision, "...is..." And then he's out. He's going down hard and fast if he's not caught. It'll only last a moment, he doesn't completely lose consciousness but he's close, close enough that he's barely responsive for a moment or two. It's enough to, at least for the moment, derail the conversation and maybe give him a chance to cool that fiery temper a little bit.

Cyclops has posed:
"Get your ass back in the bed before you embarrass yourself." Scott says as he reaches out to grab Alex by the shoulder, guiding him back to the bed. He has a glower upon his face, frustrated. "A handful of humans who hate us do not represent all of humanity, just like a handful of bad mutants do not represent all of mutants. We will not win over everyone's heart, but your lack of faith in me to deal with this situation is noted, both professionally and personally." Turning, he settles his gaze on Rogue now, his body stiffening. "You of all people." He says with a shake of his head, then heads for the door. "Enjoy the coffee and breakfast, Alex. I hope you feel better. I'll make sure Hank checks in on you."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue helps get Alex back into bed as best she can, and then looks back to Scott a moment. "I think we're dealing with more than a handful of humans at this rate..." This is offered before she looks to Alex, reaching a gloved hand to touch against his arm and squeezes gently. "I think you're gettin' lack of faith, and overall frustration mixed up here, Summers..." This offered before she finds Scott's settled gaze on her and his one comment has her lifting a brow. "Me of all people what? Hey! You can't say shit like that and then walk your ass away...what the fuck do you mean me of all people!?" Oh she was *just* about calmed down too, and with Scott aiming to leave, that may not bode well overall.

Havok has posed:
    "Because it's always all about *you*, Scott," Alex mumbles, but he really does feel like SHIT and the room is spinning and ... he barely manages to hang his head off the bed before he BARFS. He wipes his mouth on the back of his hand and leans back up. "Just let him go, Rogue, he can't see the fucking forest for the few little trees." He's gone from raging mad to someone that just sounds... defeated. "...and it's the forest that's burning."

Cyclops has posed:
The doors swish open and closed behind Scott. Whatever he wants to say, whatever he wants to scream, just gets bottled up as usual.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue frowns as Scott just leaves without saying anything more. Then she takes a moment, against all odds, to clean up Alex's moment from a moment ago. It's all motions to keep herself busy while her mind races but a good look at Rogue will find her cheeks are wet from tears. Once she's done cleaning, she'll move back around and re-claim her chair, but she's silent for the moment, pulling her legs up against her chest to bury her face into her lap.

Havok has posed:
    Alex lets the silence stretch out for a bit, but it's hard to say why? Because he just wants to or because he might barf again if he opens his mouth too soon? Finally, "That was wrong of him to say, Rogue. But he was was pissed, people say wrong shit when they're pissed." He drapes one arm over his face to block the light from his eyes. "He wants so fucking badly to believe in Charles' fairytale that he can't, he's physically unable to see and admit that it might not be working."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue doesn't comment. She can't comment. That look from Scott wounded her in more ways than one, and she's incapable of pulling herself away from where her mind is taking her. She hears Alex's words, but after a moment she just shakes her head. "...I should let you rest..." Standing then, she walks over to where she can dim the lights a lot for Alex. "...M'sure Hank'll fix you up nicely..." A pause. "I'll come back later, yeah?"

Havok has posed:
    "Stay..." Alex doesn't add the please, but it's kind of there in his voice. Truth be told, he's still a little shaken from the night before. They had him *collared* and any mutant that's been there knows how much that can fuck with someone's head, the sense of helplessness it creates.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue blinks at that single word, but also the emotion behind it, and it's enough to draw her back to Alex's bedside. "Alright. But you should rest some more...I ain't goin' anywhere. Promise." She shifts the chair to be a little more at his bedside and her closer, gloved hand moves to rest on Alex's closer arm. Just to prove she's there by not only presence but touch. "Maybe it'll all work out..."

Havok has posed:
    "For better or worse, it will. Shit always works out the way it's supposed to," Alex mumbles in response. He REALLY is exhausted. The sound he makes when she rests her hand on his arm is a contented little sigh. For all the shit he disagrees with about Xavier's, it still feels like home and there's not any better place to be when you're sick than home... and with family.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue shifts her hand down to take hold of Alex's own, if for no other reason than it'll be easier to not lose grip on a hand in the case of them both dozing off again. Which, is likely what's going to happen, with Rogue having the thought of grabbing a spare pillow to rest her head on but also protect Alex from being touched by any 'skin' of hers. Sleep now. Apologize later.