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Strangers Meeting in the Woods
Date of Scene: 20 May 2021
Location: Silver Lake Wilderness
Synopsis: The Scarlet Witch finds Yaozu in the woods and an unexpected visit comes out of it.
Cast of Characters: Yaozu Lin, Scarlet Witch

Yaozu Lin has posed:
It was a fairly quiet day, for the rest of the first day that he spent out in the woods after the tree spirit had left. He'd laid out a blanket on the floor of the little cave, as a place to sleep. He had fished in the stream for his dinner, and he had been lucky enough to catch a fish that was big enough to feed him. He'd cooked it and eaten, and had a bit of flat bread from his rations with it as well. It made a fair enough dinner for him. Since his breathing has been better, he took a small risk, a chance, and he slowly went through a couple of karate katas. Then he'd settled to watch the stars come out in the night sky, simply admiring the wonders of nature. When he was tired, he retreated to the cave, and laid on his blanket to sleep.

The next morning, before dawn, he woke up. Unless he extended his stay in the woods, he had today, that night, and the next morning. There was nothing that he had to do other than the things that he felt to do. And being out here was already being good for him. After rising from his blanket, he folded it neatly in half. Then he slipped out of his outer robe and inner robe, leaving them laying atop of the blanket. He pushed up the sleeves of his undershirt, to around his elbows, and then he picked up his water bottle in order to walk the short distance to the water. The bottle needed refilling, and he wanted tea.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
There are times when even Wanda Maximoff wants to get away from the city. Perhaps those times come to her a bit more frequently than to the others. But, given who she is and what her capabilities are, she has a lot easier time of actually doing so that a great many of people. For her, it's a matter of a single moment of thought, and a gathering of energy. And that is precisely what she does now. A flare of energy, a flash of what appears to be fire engulfs her and disappears, taking her with it.

When she reappears, it's in a forest, far nort of the city, in the upper portions of the state. The first sign of her is that flash of flames. It seems almost like a portion of the forest might be on fire on the other side of the stream. Then the fire fades, trailing along Wanda's arms, then gathering at her hands and disappearing there. The redhead's jade green eyes look around, alighting upon the man with the tattoos. A man who is very obviously Chinese, from the look of him. Or perhaps Japanese. Hm. She doesn't speak Japanese, but she does speak Mandarin, so... "Ni hao," she says, greeting him.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
If only travel could be that easy for everyone. Alas, for Yaozu, it had taken considerably more than a moment in order to end up reaching this spot. Even more if one takes into consideration the distance he had walked with the tree spirit yesterday. The Chinaman has been enjoying his time in the woods, thus far. He had just unscrewed the cap of his water bottle and been about to lower to one of his knees next to the water when he caught that flicker of light in his peripheral vision.

The look of it was reminiscent of fire, and yet... there was no crackling, no sounds to indicate that very thing was the case. Yaozu shifted his weight back slightly as he turned his head to look in the direction of the flame-coloured light, and he tilts his head faintly to one side. In the next moment, he slips his right hand so the back of it is against the palm of his left hanad, keeping hold of the water bottle and its lid, and as he extends his arms, he bows to her in a graceful motion. "Zaoshang hao," Yaozu says softly, his braid sliding over his left shoulder. 'Good morning', in Mandarin. He straightens, speaking further as he does. "Wo shi Lin Yaozu. Wo zheng yao pao cha. Ni xiang yao yixie ma?" he asks, one of his eyebrows quirking up just a touch. 'I was about to make some tea. Would you like some?' He shifts his right arm slightly, a surreptitious attempt to make the sleeve slide back down his arm, though it doesn't.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Alas, travel in that manner is only available to a very limited number of people. Wanda just happens to be one of them. She tilts her head and smiles at the offer. And continues talking in Mandarin. I am Wanda Maximoff," she replies. "And I would dearly love some tea." She walks toward the man and looks curiously at the stream. Then hops lightly over it as though it's no more of a worry to her than taking a step would have been over solid ground.

"Out here to get away from the city?" She sounds curious as she walks on over to him. Her eyes are drawn to his right arm as it's shifted, and she looks curiously at the tattoo there, and then at his other arm. "Gorgeous ink," she says.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
Much like the redheaded woman, Yaozu also continues to speak in Mandarin. It's one of his native languages, and he's more than comfortable in it. "It is an honour to meet you, Miss Maximoff," he says softly, inclining his head towards her. He's not met her before, and her reputation has managed not to precede her to him. Though he had taken a moment to give a glance towards her hands before applying the term to her, just in case. He gives a small nod to her when she accepts the offer of tea, and there's a smile that comes to tug at the corners of his lips. "It is silver needle tea. I hope it will be to your liking," he says softly, half bowing to her. It is all he has, out here.

He turns his attention to the stream, lowing to one of his knees before reaching out to sink the water bottle beneath the surface of the water, to allow it to fill. He glances twoards her at the question, and then he gives a small nod. "Yes. The city is... very loud. Such spaces as this are not as common here, as where I am from," he says softly, a thoughtful tone to his voice. There's a glance cast swiftly, briefly, towards the tattoo at his right arm, and he ducks his chin slightly, a bit of colour rising to his cheeks. "Thank you," he says quietly, a bit shyly. He normally doesn't let anyone see his tattoos, and the only other one who has here is Liansong. He rises to his feet, with the filled water bottle, and he lifts his free hand to gesture slightly towards where he had made his fire the night before. It's just within the cave, but so that the smoke will flow out of it.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff speaks relatively decent Mandarin. Enough to get by. Enough to make herself understood. But some of her sytax is off, and she isn't entirely fluent. She clearly is not a native speaker of that language, but does have some little experience with it. "Silver needle isn't bad," she says. "I like it well enough to be pleased to drink it. Especially out here in the wilderness."

A nod follows his words. "Yeah. I've been to China. It has a lot of nature places. Wild places. There are such places here, but not as common as there. I can imagine it's been a bit of culture shock for you here, too." She smiles at his blush and thank you. "You're welcome." She turns to walk with him toward the place he'd gestured at, pausing at the cave to let him go inside his home away from home first. "How long have you been in this country?" Her accent, for she does have one, is not the one typically found from Americans while speaking Mandarin. She might not be from here natively either.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
The Chinaman doesn't seem to mind that some of her syntax isn't quite right. He still understands her, or seems to make sense of what it is that she's saying. "It pleases me that you like it that much, at least. It is the only tea that I brought with me, here," he says, a smile touching just at the corners of his lips. He studies her a moment, then tilts his head a touch to one side. "Would you be more comfortable to speak in English? I am fluent," he offers, his tone polite.

One of his eyebrows quirks up slightly when she mentions that she's been to China, and he gives a small nod. "It is quite different there. I used to often go to the wild spaces there. My Laoshi would take me," he says softly, a thoughtful tone to his voice. He nods again. "It has been. It still is. I am still adjusting to things, here. I have been in New York City for about six weeks," Yaozu says. "You are from somewhere else as well?" he asks with a hint of curiosity to his voice. He had detected her accent, which had prompted the question. He gives a small nod to her before stepping into the cave, and he lowers to one of his knees before setting the water bottle aside and reaching out for some of the wood from the stack of it that he'd gathered.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff would probably be grateful she can be understood, but even if she couldn't, there are ways to make herself understood. She would be grateful not to have to resort to such methods. She nods about the tea, and then again at the offer of English, and switches to speaking in such. "Yeah, that'd be preferable. I'm passable in Mandarin, but not what I would like to consider fluent," she says with a smile. Her accent in English is different too. Somewhere European.

"Your Laoushi sounds like a good person." She looks around curiously once in side the cave. "I am. I was raised Romani." She steps up beside him and bends down to help retrieve some of the wood, not shy at all about helping him. "Nice campsite you have here."

Yaozu Lin has posed:
There's a smile that comes to find his features as she accepts his offer, and he inclines his head towards her. Easily, then, he switches to speak in English. "English, it will be," Yaozu says softly. He gives a nod, again. "Your Mandarin is passable. Some of the pronunciations are slightly off, but I still understood what you meant in what you were saying," he adds, watching her for a moment.

"Yes. He is a good person. I left him behind when I left Beijing to come here," he says softly, his brow furrowing briefly before his expression clears. He'd had a chance to tell his teacher that he was leaving, at least. It takes a moment for the fire to start to lick at the wood added to it, and while it does, he lifts the water bottle in order to pour the water into the small pot that hangs from a tripod there. His hazel gaze lifts to her when she mentions she's Romani, and he gives a small nod. "Mmm," he acknowledges, in regards to her being Romani. He glances across the camp he's made here, and then brings his gaze back to her. "I was fated to be here," he says softly, a bit of a solemn note to his voice. He was led here by a tree spirit, and that is something of a special sort of thing. He shifts his weight back to rest on his heel, and then he reaches out to his pack to bring it closer in order to open it and bring out a pair of metal cups, and then a tin with the tea held inside.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Mandarin. It's a beautiful language, both complex and simple. I really have no idea why I never studied more of it," says Wanda, her expression thoughtful. She stays that way, jade eyes staring off into the distance for a few seconds, before she comes back to herself with a shake of her head and a smile. And then? Then she switches back to speaking in Mandarin. It's good practice! "Look at me, reminsicing over what has already passed. Ah well. I'll simply have to talk in Mandarin more often."

Now Wanda studies him. Lin Yaozu. "You miss him," she says, and it's not a question. Not at all. But a statement of fact.

And Wanda makes up her mind then and there. "Where in Beijing?" she asks, and reaches out a hand to stop him from doing anything further with the tea. "Would you like to see him, your Teacher?" She offers her hand out to the man, jade green eyes reminiscent of his home, open and honest as she looks at him.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
"It is, yes. If learning more of it is something that you wish, then I can help you with it," Yaozu offers, giving a small nod to her. "Sometimes, life has things that get in the way, that prevent us from doing things that we might wish to do," he says softly, a thoughtful tone creeping to his voice. He glances briefly to the distance that she loosk towards, then brings his gaze back to her, watching her. And one of his eyebrows quirks up when she switches back to Mandarin, a thing that causes a moment's worth of surprise to him. And he, too, switches back to Mandarin. "It is a thing that happens with the past. Practice is good for learning," he says, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

The statement she makes catches him off guard for a moment, his hazel gaze falling to the pot of water as he gives a single nod. "Yes," he affirms, but doesn't elaborate on it. He does miss his teacher. He was accustomed to seeing Xiang Rulan multiple times a week, save for when he was on a mission.

His hands still at the touch of hers, as he was about to open the tin of tea. He lifts his gaze to meet hers, and for a moment, he's quite still. Considering her offer. "Yes. I would like to. But China is not as here. To return there could bring risk to him, to me. There are agencies, if you will, that would not have understanding towards certain... details," he says quietly. It's part of why he hasn't even told his parents about what's been happening, where the ongoing mutation is concerned. What would the various agencies do to try to lure him back if those he cared about knew what was happening to him, what he was becoming? He likely doesn't realize that she intends to use out of the ordinary travel means. "He would be at the dojo," he says softly, considering the time difference. The memories of the dojo, and his laoshi, easily return to his mind -- he used to walk to and from the dojo, for years of his life, and he knows well where it is, the image of it clear in his mind.

His hands move quietly away from the tin of tea that he holds, and he tilts his head faintly to one side. And his hazel gaze lowers from hers, to fall upon the hand that she offers out to him. It takes him a moment -- in part due to culture, in part simply from the fact that he's uncertain what she's offering, but then he reaches out his right hand -- with a silver ring upon his middle finger and a pulse oximeter ring on his thumb -- to place it into the one that she offers to him.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"I certainly won't be saying no to any offers of help learning more of anything," replies Wanda, a smile coming easily to her features. "Yup. Life has that tendency. It throws curve balls." But, that tends to be how life is. It just... is. Sometimes good. Sometimes bad. Mostly somewhere in between.

She doesn't really need him to elaborate to be able to read his body language. He's not so closed off as all that to anyone who has eyes. "No. China is not here," she agrees. She doesn't offer any further details herself, but it's clear she has something in mind. She simply waves a hand dismissively. And considers what he says. A dojo. With how probability works for her? Wanda thinks it won't be any problem at all to arrive at that specific dojo.

Once his hand has been placed in hers, Wanda glances toward the cave entrance. She lifts her right hand and waves it, and a rippling barrier of energy appears there. "It looks like the cliff face, on the other side," she says. And then? What appears to be fire surrounds them. It clears slowly over the course of a few seconds, receeding toward Wanda's arms and then her hands before disappearing. It doesn't burn, though, and there's no crackle of sound like there would be with real fire.

And there they are. In the dojo that Xiang Rulan owns and runs in Beijing. It's night, in this part of the world, so the dojo is dark but for a couple of night laterns that Rulan had had a tendency to leave burning, just in case of emergencies. The place is deserted, but from the back where Rulan lives, the door between personal living space and dojo opens on silent hinges.

It's Rulan there, dressed in a hastily pulled on outer robe in shades of grey resembling storm clouds. He blinks as he spies the people in his dojo. "Yaozu?" That voice is unmistakeable. Slightly gruff, deep, but very gentle. And holding a thread of surprise. Clearly, he wasn't expecting to see Yaozu.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
"Mm," Yaozu acknowledges, giving a small nod to her. "Then you will have my help with your Mandarin. I have a relatively open schedule, lately. I will give you my contact information before we part ways from one another," he promises, inclining his head towards her. Life's had a few curve balls that it's tossed his way recently as well. And he's still coming to terms with some of them.

That dismissive wave of her hand his Yaozu wondering, though. What are her intentions? He doesn't know her, beyond what conversation that they've had today, and yet... the offer to see his teacher had been an honest one. Was it possible, to get there and back without authorities discovering his presence and his situation? A lot of people don't tend to pay attention to his body language (and the robes do wonders to hide a lot of it) -- but then, he'd let his guard down since he came out here, he'd let himself relax.

The Chinaman follows her glance towards the cave entrance, and he tilts his head faintly to one side. At the barrier that she creates, there's a flicker of surprise to show in his hazel eyes, and they widen just a touch as well before he looks quickly back to her. He's at a loss for words, in the moment, and he tilts his head faintly to one side. "How...?" he asks quietly, his voice near a whisper in volume, and then he quickly adds, "Thank you." It was, he realizes, to protect his camp here.

And then there's the fire that isn't fire that surrounds them. He keeps his hand in her own, though he looks around as though attempting to look past the fire, at least for the moment that it's there. He blinks, makes a little surprised and quiet 'oh' of sound, recognizing immediately where they are. He looks to her, studying her for a long moment, and then turns his attention back to the dojo. Across the world in the blink of an eye. This... this might take some explaining when he gets back, on account of the tracker that he's wearing on his left wrist. He's clearly amazed and in a sense of wonder over it, yet Rulan's appearance distracts him from both of those things.

And he realizes, in the moment, that he is essentially only half-dressed. He slips his right hand away from Wanda's, then gracefully rises to his feet in order to turn and face Rulan. The back of his right hand easily comes to the palm of his left hand, and he bows respectfully, his arms extended. His braid falls forward over one of his shoulders. "Shifu," he says, a warm note to his voice, a bit of surprise as well, his smile audible in his voice. He hadn't expected to be here! Or to see Rulan, either. "My apologies, to come without any announcement. It was... unexpected," he offers, straightening before he glances towards Wanda. "Wanda Maximoff, this is my laoshi, Xiang Rulan," he offers in introduction, lifting his right hand to gesture slightly towards Rulan. His sleeves are still pushed up -- he'd never ended up pulling them down, and his left hand slips behind him to rest at the small of his back.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
There is a single nod about contact information. Most likely, Wanda will also provide hers. A smile at the question of how. "Magic," comes her voice, just before they're engulfed in the 'flames' of her magic. Oh, it's certainly going to take some explaining. /If/ anyone is keeping an eye on the tracker's location. Afterall, it's primarily for emergencies, in the case of if Yaozu fails to return or check in when he's supposed to, not to monitor his location. Even the oxygen meter isn't being closely monitored. It, like the other, is set to send a warning if there's an issue.

Wanda releases Yaozu's hand when he moves to claim it, and she takes a step further away, so that she's not within his personal space any longer. She inclines her head to the elder and studies him. The last time the Chinaman had seen Rulan, his long hair had been all dark with nary a thread of silver to it. Now, there are threads of silver to be seen amongst all that obsidian. But his face remains as unlined as it had been before. He looks not much older than Yaozu's shixiong. For now, Wanda remains quiet.

Rulan looks her over, his gaze steady, his eyes telling her he knows what she is. He doesn't study her for long, though, before turning to his student. "Yaozu," he says. "Your parents told me you had gone to America and why. And yet you are here now." He studies his student now, and with a wave of his hand, the lanterns in the room all light up. Clearly, his student has been introduced to magic, so there is no need to hide just exactly what he is any longer. "You are changed," he states, his brow furrowing. Now he inclines his head to Wanda. "Pleasure to meet you, Wanda Maximoff," he says.

To which she nods and smiles. "The pleasure is all mine, master Xiang. I hope we didn't disturb you too terribly. I met him and he was missing you." She glances at Yaozu. "He didn't say so, but I could see it in him."

Rulan nods once to her, and looks back to Yaozu. "I was missing him too. He is a good student. Never any trouble." He flips his sleeves back and turns to start preparing some tea. "Yaozu. Sit. Tell me what has happened." And now that Yaozu has met his shixiong, the similarity in that one's accent to Rulan's is obvious.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
'Magic', she says, as though it's as plain as the nose on his face. He doesn't, at least, seem to lose much in the way of composure over it. It makes a certain amount of sense for it to be magic, and his culture isn't without such myths and legends. And hadn't he met a tree spirit just yesterday? Or at least, that's what he believed Groot to be. He's going to have to be picky about what it is that he says when he gets back, though given the friendship that he has with Liansong, it's likely that the avian will get a longer version of things than anyone -- everyone -- else.

Though Yaozu notices the silver threads that have woven their way into Rulan's hair, he doesn't make mention of them in the moment. With his keener eyesight, he assuredly notices them, though. It gives Rulan's hair the appearance of a midnight sky with stars shining through it. He tilts his head faintly to one side at the statement about his parents, and then he gives a small nod. "Yes, Shifu. They suggested that I should see more of the world," he says softly. He looks briefly to Wanda, then back to Rulan before giving another small nod. "Mm," he affirms. He is here now, that's true. There's a quick glance towards the lanterns when they light up all at once, and one of his eyebrows quirks up, a flicker of surprise showing in his hazel eyes. His attention returns rather swiftly back to Rulan, and it is then the student's turn to study the master, a smile ghosting his lips. "I did not imagine such things were possible," Yaozu says softly, a thoughtful tone to his voice. He doesn't seem to mind that this is the first he's seeing of it. "Changing would be more accurate, Shifu," Yaozu adds, a touch sheepishly. The mutation isn't done with him yet.

Yaozu ducks his chin and looks down at Wanda's words, a bit of colour coming to his cheeks. He does miss his shifu, though he hadn't admitted it. There's a brief glance towards Wanda, and then his attention turns back to Rulan.

"I do my best, Shifu. Always," he says softly, the colour lingering in his cheeks. He steps over to the sitting area, his steps soft, and he gives a small nod before he settles in cross-legged fashion. His hands settle to his lap, and he tilts his head faintly to one side. "You and my shixiong have similarities," he says softly, a smile ghosting his lips. Lifting his right hand, he catches up his braid and then flips it over his shoulder to his back. He's quiet for a lingering moment, perhaps considering what to say. "I have not told my parents this," Yaozu says quietly, looking down to his hands, his fingers fidgetting a bit and turning the ring upon his right hand. "I was in America for a little while. A week, I think," he begins, pausing there for a moment, his tongue flicking out over his lips. There's no easy way of saying it, really. "I have started growing feathers. On my back, to start with. My respiratory system has been changing, and my heart stopped once during that, for a little while. My hearing and my vision are both changing, as well," he says quietly. Looking to neither of them, while he speaks.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
That's exactly what Wanda said. Magic. As though such things are a part of everyday life for her. They might be! Wanda notices the threads of silver too, but she doesn't know they're anything new. The way the silver is threaded through his hair, it give Rulan an almost otherworldly look. Rulan smiles at the assertion. "Such things have always been possible, Yaozu. I simply did not show you them, because you were not part of the world of magic." He glances to Wanda, then back to Yaozu. "But you have arrived here on the hand of the Scarlet Witch. Clearly, I need no longer hide such things from you. I am glad."

Rulan nods. "Yes, I agree with your parents. You should see more of the world. Now that you know magic exists, I can take you to the mountain with me in the future." He is assuming, and rightly so, that Yaozo is not here to stay this time, but is here temporarily. Rulan nods about the 'changing' part.

Wanda looks more curiously at the man she'd brought here, curiousity in her jade eyes. She moves to sit in the same area as Yaozu, a quiet witness to what is spoken.

Rulan blinks at the mention of a shixiong. "Shixiong? You have met another of my students?" There's curiousity there, at which one! But he settles too, and listens to the story told. And as Yaozu is not meeting anyone's eyes, he picks up a folded fan that is conveniently sitting next to his favorite chair. That fan lives there. He wears another for other times out and about. But that fan next to his chair is one of his favorites. He reaches out and thumps it atop Yaozu's head. "You are a grown man, Lin Yaozu. Lift your eyes and act like it."

Yaozu Lin has posed:
There's a long moment of consideration of Rulan's words, and then Yaozu gives a small nod. "As it has always been said... there is a piece of truth to every myth and legend. Perhaps it is a larger piece than what I originally thought or had reason to think, up until now," he says softly, a thoughtful tone to his voice. He goes quiet for a moment, weighing things out a bit further, and a smile ghosts his features. "There is a part of me that wishes that I had known of such things earlier, yet I understand the reasons. There is no magic in me to use, so it would not have been very needful for me to know," he says, giving a small nod. He does understand why he was never 'introduced' to magic, and it was -- is -- up to Rulan to determine what was best to teach him for all those years.

One of his eyebrows quirks up when he labels Wanda for what she is, and he tilts his head slightly to one side as he turns to look to her. Seeing her, perhaps, in a different light. "The Scarlet Witch," he says softly, studying her for a moment. "I did not know," he comments, turning his attention back to Rulan. "I am glad that things no longer need to be hidden as well," he adds. Then there's a smile that lights his features, a true smile, and one that reaches his eyes to reflect there, and he gives a small nod. "I would like that very much, Shifu. I look forward to taking the trip with you, to the mountain, in the future," he says. He has much vacation time in order to be able to take the trip. This time, this trip -- this trip is a short visit.

There is a small nod from him when Rulan questions about the shixiong that he met. "The shixiong that I met is Xiang Zhao. I was very glad to meet him. He and I have agreed to practice together. I mistook him for you, when I first saw him," he says, his gaze still downcast. Then there's the fan, thwapping him in the forehead! That's a thing that he hasn't felt in a while. And it has the desired effect, his hazel gaze lifting to Rulan, a flicker of surprise showing in his eyes as he blinks a couple of times. Then he shifts slightly, sitting up a bit straighter, his fingers falling still from their fidgetting, and he gives a small nod, colour rising into his cheeks. "Yes, Shifu. I will try," he says softly. He's been trying for years, literally.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Rulan inclines his head to his student and leans back in his chair. The fan he's holding comes open and starts waving, stirring the air into a breeze. "Exactly so," he says with a tone of agreement. "Every myth and legend as at least a grai of truth to it. Most of them are entirely true. Some are entirely false. But most are at least somewhat true. Most of our legends here in China, at least, are mostly accurate." Without moving from his seat, tea cups with the tea already in them float to each Wanda and Yaozu, another to Rulan. Following that, a pot of hot water. First for Wanda, who inclines her head with thanks, then to Yaozu.

"Magic was dangerous for you to know about. You had no protections I didn't put on you. You still have no protections not placed by me. I tested you the day you came here, though you likely thought it was simply a drill. Close your eyes, find a piece of quiet within your mind. Center and balance your inner spirit." That is likely something his student does to this day. "If you were magically inclined, I would have seen it the first time you tried that meditation." So he was introduced to magic, he just didn't know it at the time.

The hot pot floats to him, now, and he pours his own cup. Then swirls it around, letting it steep and inhaling the aroma. It's a mix, as he prefers. Black and silver needle teas, along with citrus shavings for a bit of zest.

Wanda inhales appeciatively, and closes her eyes, enjoying the scent, as she likely will the taste when it cools enough to drink. She opens her eyes to nod to Yaozu. "I know you didn't know. You weren't afraid. Most people who have even an idea of what I can do are at least nervous. You were not."

Rulan smiles at his student and his guest. "I look forward to it. I would very much like you to meet my sister." He smiles at the new knowledge of just which shixiong Yaozu had met. "Ah. My nephew." And so the talk goes, catching up on things here and there.

Too soon, it's almost time for morning classes to start and so Rulan rises to his feet. His tea cup is sat on the table beside his chair. The fan is snicked closed and tucked into his sash. "Come. Give me a hug," he says to Yaozu. After, he looks to the Witch, and fixes her with a level look. "Please keep an eye on my student. He has the uncaniest ability to get into mischief. And it's time for you two to go back. It woudln't do for any to lear you were here and send word to ears that shouldn't know." He smiles to them both and steps back.

Wanda rises to her feet and offers her hand to Yaozu again. "You heard the man. Let's go."

Yaozu Lin has posed:
"I may need to take the time that I have to read them again, to see if I might be able to sort out the ones that are real from the ones that are false," Yaozu says, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He has time, after all, given that he's suspended from duty for the time being. One of his eyebrows quirks up slightly as Rulan brings the cups and tea without even getting up. There's a smile that comes to his features, and he inclines his head towards Rulan. "Thank you, Shifu," he says softly.

Yaozu gives a small nod as Rulan speaks of magic being dangerous. "Mm," he acknowledges, a smile touching his features. "I understand, Shifu. I would not be able to protect myself, against any magic... not then, and not know. It would have been too risky for me to have known. I did not even know that you had placed any protections upon me," he says softly, a bit of colour coming to his cheeks, though he at least doesn't lower his gaze this time. He tilts his head a touch to one side, and then he gives small nod. "I remember that, yes. I do it still, usually before I meditate and at the end of a trying day," he adds.

He picks up his tea, simply holding it within his hands whilst it cools somewhat. He looks over to Wanda, and he tilts his head a touch to one side before he inclines his head towards her. "I had no reason to be afraid of you. If you had wished to harm me, then you would have attempted it and no doubt accomplished it, as well. It was better to extend hospitality than to presume that you might be having such intent," he says softly, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Thank you, Wanda, for bringing me here," he adds.

Then he looks to Rulan and gives a small nod. "Yes. Your nephew. I look forward to practicing with him. He and I have not had a chance to do so yet," he says. And so, there is catching up between them, questions asked and answered, information shared and time spent in enjoying each other's company. And here, in the company of his shifu and Wanda, Yaozu relaxes further. The walls he normally has will, no doubt, return after he's back to the base.

The time passes too easily, too swiftly. Yaozu finishes tea and he was already rising to his feet to approach Rulan even before he was bid to. "Of course, Shifu. I would not dream of leaving without one," Yaozu says with a warm smile. And once he's reached Rulan, he gives him a hug. "It has been good to visit with you, Shifu. I hope we can do so again soon. I fear there are many ears that should not learn that I was here, and I hope that none of them come to darken your door," he says softly, giving a small nod. "Thank you, Shifu, for everything," he adds, a warm smile coming to his features.

He looks to Wanda, and then he gives a small nod before he reaches out to put his hand in hers. He is, it would seem, ready for the return trip back to his camp.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
That brings a smile to Rulan's face, his eyes dancing and sparkling with it. He's a lot more expressive than Yaozu's shixiong happens to be. "Trying to figure out which are real and which are not would be good practice for you." He inclines his head. "Mm. You are welcome." There's another smile from the Shifu. "Most of them are gone, and the ones that are still there are fading. The longer and further away you are, the more they will fade until they are gone. Be safe, my student."

Wanda grins sunnily. "You're welcome, Yaozu," she replies. "And if you want to come back, I have no qualms with bringing you. I'll give you my cell number so you can contact me."

If the wrong ears were to hear of this visit, it would probably be at least somewhat bad for Rulan. Unlike Wanda, he cannot teleport. "You are very welcome. Go now. I'm not likely to go anywhere. And if I do, my nephew can tell you where the Mountain is."

And then he watches as Wanda's magic flares up again, and the pair disappear. He goes off and gets the dojo ready for morning classes.

Within moments, they are back in the cavern. Evening sunset can be seen, spilling into the cave and turning it molten gold as the sun sinks toward the horizon. The rippling barrier can still be seen where it had been put in place. A good six or seven hours at least have passed since they left here. Wanda releases his hand and takes a step back. "I think that was a better sharing of tea than what we originally had in mind," she says with a smile.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
Rulan is more expressive than what Yaozu is as well. "I will look them up and start working my way through them," he says softly, a smile turning at the corners of his lips. "You did more for me than what I ever knew, than what I was ever aware of. I will do my best to be safe, Shifu. I promise. Be safe as well," he says softly, the words sincere. "I will try to come back again soon," he adds, giving a small nod.

He looks to Wanda then, and his chin ducks slightly before he gives a small nod. "Thank you, Wanda. I appreciate that, very much. I will give you mine as well. For the practice with your Mandarin, and another trip here," he says softly, a smile touching his features. He looks again to Rulan, and then he gives a small nod. A part of him wishes that he could stay for longer, but this short amount of time has been good for his soul.

And then he's engulfed with Wanda's magic, teleported with her back to the campsite within the cavern. The fading light burnishes everything with its touch, and for a moment, Yaozu simply enjoys the look of it. His hand returns to his side after she's released it, and his gaze turns to her before he gives a nod. "It was, yes. Very much so. I had not expected that I would ever see him again, once the... changes began. It was very kind of you, to take me there. I owe you a debt," Yaozu says softly, a smile coming to his features.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff waves her hand at his assertion that he owes a debt of any sort. "You don't owe me anything," she says firmly. "Thank you for the tea and the very lovely day." She digs into her pocket for a piece of paper and very mundane pen. She writes her number down on it. She pockets the pen and offers him the paper. "Call or text when you have signal again, okay?"

She smiles at him, then. "Take care, Yaozu." She waves her hand and the barrier on the entrance disappears. She steps out it and vanishes in a bit of flame, like she had before.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
There's something about the firmness of her voice that tells Yaozu it's likely wiser to not argue with her. And so, he doesn't. Yet a debt of honour is not so easily dismissed as that. "You are most welcome, Wanda," he says softly. Then he bow to her, respectfully, and there's a smile to his features as he straightens. "Thank you for taking me to see him, and for your company. I have enjoyed it," he adds, giving a small nod to her. He accepts the note, and gives another nod to her before he reads it and then tucks it into a pocket.

"Take care as well, Wanda," he says, his smile easily returning. He watches the barrier vanish at that simple wave of her hand, and then he watches as she leaves. This has been a trip with unexpected occurrences. He steps out of the cavern and, for the first time in a long while, he takes the time to admire the beautiful sunset. For no other reason than that it's beautiful and that he feels truly at peace in the moment. And once the sun has finished setting, then he'll at least attempt something that he hasn't done in a fair while -- since Liansong banned him from it, in fact. He'll start at the beginning, and he'll work his way through the full set of karate kata.