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Latest revision as of 22:18, 28 May 2021

Monkey business
Date of Scene: 09 March 2021
Location: Apartment 214, Hugo Building
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Sentinel (Dallas), Willow Rosenberg

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Austin Dallas had asked Willow to "Monkey Sit" for him earlier as he had several exams to take this morning, promising to bring back Indian food when he stopped by again. Tina meanwhile is in a Supergirl costume, detailing animatedly about her and Austin's encounter with the same. Of course it's in monkey chitter, so allot has to be left to interpretation but still.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"You know what," Willow munchies on a cookie. "Supergirl is a friend of mine. No really!"

Who is Tina about to tell ??

Thank goodness she had neither a job or lecture today. Mostly she was studying for a big end of semester exam.

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
The monkey stops mid chitter and turns to face Willow more directly, He jumps to Willow's shoulder and chitter's furiously for a second, perhaps scolding the Witch for not telling her sooner. Then she jumps back, resting her chin on her palms and looking patent. A sort of "Tell me everything" pose.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow has to laugh. "You're a fan, aren't you? I've known her.. mmm.. two or three years now. And, no, I'm not going to tell you her secret identity! But she is really cool - both with the costume and without. We worked on rescuing Superman.. Didn't I tell you yet?"

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Tina gives a long "Oooo." and is obviously completely enraptured by the idea. She grins a bit and gives a "girl Power" salute, waiting for her to elaborate, only for Austin's unmistakeable "Shave and a haircut" knock on the front door. Tina just waves at the door as if to say "Ignore him, get on with the story.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow giggles. "I went with her alter ego to the Pacific National Exhibition. That was fun!" She calls out, "It's open!" to Austin, and continues on.

"She was fantastic! Seriously. She was angry and scared, but she held it in, in order to lead the fray against what would eventually be a massive plot to bring back an Apokolips given using Superman's body and blood." She shivers at that. "We all went to the planet.."

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Austin Dallas is accopanied into the apartment with the spicy scent of indian cuisine, since the self avowed canivore only knows so many place with vegan options. He sets the bags on the table and grins a bit, "I hope she wasn't too much trouble..." Before being shushed down by the Monkey who is listening with rapt attention.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Tina?" Willow shakes her head. "Not at all! At least not until I mentioned something, and then my study time was over!" She laughs.

"Oooo," she smells the food. "Did you find enough vegan cuisine?" She knows there's enough on the regular menu, but for somebody like Austin he might have had a bit of a problem figuring out what stands for vegan!

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Austin Dallas grins a bit, "I cheated. I asked the server." He says with a bit of a grin, taking out the cartons and laying out the food. Most are marked with a black V, though one of them has written in red marked "Filthy Meat Eater".

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Good plan!" Willow has to admit it was a good plan. "I'm sure some of them even *you* would eat. Like these pakoras. Really!" But she doesn't push it, filling her plate. "How did you think you've done?" She asks about the exams from this morning.

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Austin Dallas sighs a little bit, going to get plates for them to eat off of. "Pretty good, mostly. I'm a little nervous about my English Lit Essay. I was supposed to 'Compare and Contrast Pride and Prejudice with Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.'" He sighs a little bit... But for the life of me, I completely blanked on what Jane Austin added."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Eeek. Though to be fair, Jane Austin didn't *add* to it, she's the original author.The 'and Zombie's' was written around 2016. At least the movie was out then." Willow frowns. "You know, I haven't watched it before."

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
"2009," Austin corrects with a slight smile, "And I haven't seen the movie either. Loved the Audio Book though." He ays with a shrug, "And you know what I mean, I couldn't recall anything that was /Exclusively/ from the original." He hands Tina a small plate and fork cautioning her "Careful, it's spicy." The monkey rolls her eyes at him and takes a big bite... Then her eyes go wide. She jumps from the table to the counter, dashes over to the sink, turns on the water and puts her whole head under the stream.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"That's when! I was remembering the movie!" Willow was just about the speak up when Tina took that fateful mouthful and took off for the kitchen sink.."Really she should be having milk or raita. Water just moves it around."

She roots through the bag for it.

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Austin Dallas nods slightly and while Willow searches for the Yougert, Austin takes out some honey and peanut Butter and mixes it into a paste handing it to the monkey on a spoon. "Here, MatPat says this is the best cure for spice." He promises. Poor Tina pulls her head back out, looking rather bedraggled now with her fur pasted to her head.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Poor Tina! Really, with her fur sticking out..

Willow begins to give her food that is less spicy, along with some raita. "Next time we'll get an extra plate of something you like Tina. After all, we get my favourite as well." She adds some pakoras and samosas to her plate. "Here, you will like these."

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Poor Tina wimpers slightly, looking down at her now soaked Supergirl costume and her lip begining to tremble. Austin smiles and takes a cloth to dry her fur some and then goes to his back pack pulling out a fresh set of clothes for her. As Tina scurries off to change he smiles, "She hates to be seen with even a hair out of place. Thank you." He says brushing his lips to her cheek.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Oh? Should we wash it? After all, I take it that she *loves* Supergirl." Willow contemplates and adds. "I've met her. I was just telling her about my working with her when you arrived.. oh.."

Oh yes, Willow blushes.

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Austin Dallas grins a little bit smiling slightly and saying "It'll be fine, It's not dry clean only or anything. We get allot of her clothes from like Build a bear and such, so..." He smiles a bit and makes himself a plate. He grins slightly, "You've met Supergirl?" he asks smiling. "I didn't know that.."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow nods as she holds the 'kiss' to her cheek. "She's about my age. Tina seemed to want the excitement, but I know her and just a regular girl as well. Didn't I tell you about my extracurriculars? I almost could have sworn.. what /did/ I tell you?"

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Austin Dallas grins a little bit, "You told me some of it," He says with a smile taking a bit of his own food and tilting his head a bit, "Though I'd love to hear more if you care to share." He says with a smile grinning slightly.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Well, there isn't much. Superman has been okay for a long while. I still have monitor duties at the WatchTower. Usually in the evening on the weekends. There is more crime on earth than what I see in outer space. It's pretty boring, but I can catch up on my schoolwork, so, win-win. Really, they have little use for a magic user, usually." She shrugs, and eats while she talks. "Mind you, when they *do* need one.."

"And you know about the scooby's right?"

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Austin Dallas grins a little bit, "You know, It's kinda intimidating how you just so casually go off to a Space Station on your odd weekend." He says teasingly, though totally playfully and smirks a little bit. "You mean those meddling kids who go around ripping off people's rubber masks?" he asks amused.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Well we call ourselves Scoobies, but there is little ripping off the masks. It's a joke. Really we deal with vampires and ghouls and ghosts.. that kind of thing."

Willow missed the joke about what she does on the weekend. After all she's been doing this for a goodly amount of years. To her, it's normal.