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Latest revision as of 10:13, 30 May 2021

Happy Birthday, Stark!
Date of Scene: 27 May 2021
Location: Penthouse - Stark Tower
Synopsis: Stark survives another year!
Cast of Characters: Thor, Winter Soldier, Black Widow (Romanoff), Scarlet Witch, Beast, Iron Man, Captain America

Thor has posed:
    Bright lights shine across the body of Stark Tower, brilliant gleaming spots flicker up and over the low hanging cloud cover, giving an ethereal feeling to the night now lit up as if Manhattan was embracing the celebration entirely. Around the base of the tower and throughout Greenwich there are people celebrating as in typical Stark fashion the week long extravaganza's first day has overflowed out of the tower it is being held in and has caused the nearby cross streets to become vibrant with party spectators.
    A solitary drone whirs on a quartet of helicopter blades as it flashes across the panorama, taking a flowing shot of the crowd, the people laughing and dancing and eating from the free food trucks that had been hired to cater to the visitors. The whirring vehicle passes over various news trucks catching snippets of broadcasters commenting.

    '... a grand event, started some three years ago...'
    '... spectacle of wealth and privilege...'
    '... the hot place to be for... '
    '... select invitations to the penthouse...'

    Even as the drone flies across the crowd, coming close to the tower itself and begins to whir upwards, gaining altitude as it flashes past floor after floor of Stark Tower. The lobby is lit up, decorations are prominent, party-goers dancing as the music from all the speakers in all of the floors in Stark Tower belt out the same song. The music continues to flow as the drone flies up up up along the side of the tower, more floors of party-goers, some entertainment seen, a flash of fire through a window as a flame-eater expels a fireball into the night sky as the singer's heard.

    << Back in Black! I hit the sack! >>
    << It's been too long I'm glad to be back! >>
    << Yes, I'm let loose! From the noose! >>
    << That's kept me hanging around! >>
    << I've been looking at the sky and it's gettin' me high! >>
    << Forget the hearse cause I never die! >>

    Laser lights flare out of one of the upper floor windows creating a criss cross latticework of beams that dance on the low hanging clouds. Higher and higher the drone flies, almost reaching the rooftop penthouse that is lost in the heights of those pale clouds only for a brief holographic image of a hand waggling appears in front of the quad-copter as it ascends and a familiar recorded voice can be heard saying over a nearby speaker.
    "Nuh uh, off limits guys. This is my drone now."
    And suddenly that drone flickers and flashes... and the lights go out as it finishes its flight, floating over the railing of the penthouse balcony and then settling... right onto a pile of a dozen other drones even as up there in the heaven above the clouds in that penthouse the party goes on.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    James Barnes really isn't much of a social butterfly... anymore. It used to be that he would be the hit of the party, cuttin' a rug with every dame that crossed his path or some such. Now he just gets a little uncomfortable in social situations. Like really? Is that MUSIC? Ugh. Is he supposed to try to dance to that? There's no way. But it's Tony and as much as he may grouse about the man, he's a friend and a friend deserves the respect of a birthday party appearance. So he's here now, hoping to make an appearance and beat a hasty retreat. He's dressed well enough for the occasion, not black tie, but black pants, a freshly pressed and starched white dress shirt and some shiny black shoes. His hair is pulled back neatly at the nape of his neck. That wall wouldn't be standing if he wasn't leaning on it, drink in hand if only for appearances.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha usually missed these parties. Usually it is work related. Not always. Yet tonight, she managed to get the day off. She also managed to finagle that day off for one Alexander Aaron as well. They were dressed appropriate for the party, him in nice slacks and shirt, her in a sleeveless little-black-dress. She had her arm linked through his.

"Welcome to the world in the clouds," Natasha murmured to her companion as he took in the sights and sounds. "Why don't you grab us some drinks? Then I can introduce you to everyone."

There was a tiny sparkle of humor in her eyes, remembering how he had reacted to meeting Captain America. Which, to be fair, the man was a living legend. Yet she wasn't sure how he might react to some of these others.

She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as he headed over to the bar, which was packed with people. He might be a little bit. Then Natasha began to wander the crowd, looking for a familiar face or three.

Thor has posed:
    For the Avengers it is one of the few places, one of the few times when all thought to the greater world can be left behind. At least for a few hours when a celebration rears its head and demands the attention of the World's Mightiest. No cameras function, no cellphones work, and the pile of drones attest to the strong security in Stark Tower while the artificial intelligence in the Avengers' monitoring systems keep watch for any pertinent threats.
    It allows the vibe in the penthouse to be festive. Laughter is prevalent, punctuating comments made in the burble of activity. Conversations layer over each other as participants move about the room and mingle. Some of the up and comers of StarkTech are making their first appearance at a Stark party and they seem visibly nervous. While across the way the old hands of social elite just take the gig as something they've seen before. Exciting, yet they try to play it off.
    Yet for Tony's friends, it's also a time and a chance to express some hint of affection as the pile of gifts next to the chocolate and champagne fountains can well attest.
    It is there that Thor, God of Thunder, has a small coterie of people around him as he regales them with the latest tale.
    "And so I said, 'Well then, Avengers... let us pay the man.'" A beat, "And I threw my hammer at him."
    Polite laughter lifts as a few young women take that moment to lightly touch Thor's arm ever so coincidentally. Only for the Asgardian to raise his voice and laugh as he espies an old comrade, "James Buchanan Barnes!"
    It is from that crowd that Thor emerges, stepping past the on-lookers, past nearby comrades and advances on the man for a good resounding thump to the shoulder. "How fare you, my friend? Well and recovered from our trip?" Though distantly he catches sight of Natasha and offers a wave...
    Even though it's unlikely she would miss him in the crowd.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    Doesn't it figure... he's trying to be a wallflower and blend into, well, the wall and here's the loudest most prominent, most difficult to ignore person at this shindig calling out his damned name. James lets out a little resigned sigh before Thor's actually close enough to really catch it and pushes off the wall to stand a little straighter. ...right before he's thumped. Sure, he's strong, but that's THOR. The thump rocks him back just a tiny bit. He manages a little crooked half grin. "Yeah, at least we made it back alive so I don't have to kill you, huh?" He glances around the crowded space and can't help but to actually chuckle a little. "Leave it to Stark... to be late to his own birthday party?" He almost misses Nat's arrival, but he very nearly has a radar for the one person he trusts almost as much as Steve. She gets a little finger gun 'bang' gesture and a wink if she looks his way. More than most would get.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The social circulating is happening. A pause here or there to speak to someone then moving on to the next. Then she sees the large man with the eyepatch waving her direction. Definitely difficult to miss him. Then she saw the less flashy figure next to him.

She diverted her course and joined the pair. "Thor. Bucky. Good to see you both," she said with a smile as she gave them the once over. "The party seems to be going well although I haven't managed to find Tony yet to say hello." Sort of a statement and a question all in one, hoping one of them might know where she can find the man-of-the-hour in the crowd.

Thor has posed:
    "A great weight from my mind, I assure you!" Thor offers as he liberates a large mug that had been carried by a server who had been wending her way through the crowd toward Thor for the last few minutes. Assuredly it can be a difficult thing following after the man as he moves through a crowd with more ease than some.
    Mug in hand he lifts it up and takes a sip, then laughs roughly. "Aye, yet one must agree it is the most Stark thing the man could do?"
    The Thunderer had been looking across the way at the crowd, then looks back quickly to Bucky, his good eye narrowing a touch. "You have naught to drink? Come, you should avail yourself of some of the fine beverages that are on hand."
    Though that is the moment when Natasha makes her way there through the crowd and the people, "Well well, Lady Romanoff." The Warrior-King quirks an eyebrow. For his part Thor looks rather well, black dress pants, a black leather belt, black leather shoes, and a grey collarless buttoned down shirt is all he wears. It's a fine silhouette, but far from his usual fare.
    "Good of you to join us."

Winter Soldier has posed:
    There's really not a thing James can do to fight it. Seriously, Thor's just a presence that even rivals Steve's. It's just too much effort to fight the tide with that one. "Yeah, yeah... alright..." But he'll wait until the next server makes a round rather than chase one down. He still seems pretty comfortable off in this little corner, near he wall. He turns his attention to Nat and graces her with a warm, genuine smile. When he smiles like that, his blue eyes actually seem to get a little brighter and a few decades of shadows fade away from them. "Smokin' isn't she?" he comments to Thor, mostly in jest. But she DOES look good in a little black dress, doesn't she?

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"I'm right here. I can hear you," Natasha points out to Bucky with a grin showing she isn't really offended. It was a compliment, of sorts, even if he was directing his words to Thor. "And thank you. I do like to think I clean up well." Her hair was still short, in that pixie type cut she'd adopted a couple of weeks back. She changed her hair pretty often. Cut it short then let it grow out then various styles before cutting it short again. It was a cycle she'd done for--well, decades now.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff arrives as she doesn't usually tend to do. She walks in. She's dressed in crimson and black with black heels. Her red hair hangs loose around her face. She hangs at the edges of the gathering, as seems to be about normal for her. Rarely does she ever get into the thick of things during social gatherings. She holds a glass of something to drink. Probably juice. Maybe wine.

Thor has posed:
    "Aye," Thor answers Bucky's comment about Natasha, though he hides the smile with a slight wry twist of his features. "Many a heart shall suffer, so stricken with merely a glance of the famed Black Widow. I do not envy them such turmoil they will be set upon with." He then rests an arm upon Bucky's shoulder, "Fortunately for you and I, my friend, we are immune from her wicked ways."
    Though Thor's smile, as well, is warm and friendly.
    The music kicks into another classical rock song that is likely not entirely to Bucky's liking. Around the room the conversation continues, laughter is heard. There's a gasp as someone spills their glass which has a few of the servers moving to help. But all in all a steady party vibe.
    "Ah, and there is Wanda!" Thor announces and gestures her over should she so wish to join Bucky's hidey hole corner which is suddenly becoming a focal point of the party.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy just spent a good long time getting ready. Looking good, hair all groomed, fur also all groomed. Glasses polished, snappy suit of the expensive kind, gel in the mane to make sure it's not unruly. And then a long car ride and a not-terribly long elevator ride "...Damn those lifts are fast..." stepping out into the penthouse, it's time to adjust to the abundance of sound, smell, people and Avengers. "Holy mackerel, I forgot how big Tony likes to go, sometimes... Excuse me, pardon me," sidestepping servers and part of the Thor crowd that are jiggling to a beat near the general orbit surrounding the asgardian, beast inches closer, raising a hand to wave toward Bucky -- actually he crabwise walks, because otherwise personal space can become an issue.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    If it was anyone but Wanda that Thor called over, James might be rethinking the 'not killing the Thunderer' thing. But... he's okay with Wanda. She's in his BuckyZone actually. There's that smile again, the one that makes his eyes twinkle! He really needs to smile like that more. "There's that Witchy Woman," he greets playfully. Then there's Henry! His favorite people gathered in one place. Now if everyone else would just go away! But, as it is, he's pretty much surrounded and hidden by... some of his favorite people. He's actually starting to relax. "Hank, you made it. I'm glad."
    "I can see that you are, Nat. Definitely can see that you are..." Right there. "That man of yours is the lucky one."
    Finally to Thor, "...and she is wicked, yeah?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Bucky's hidey hole seems like a very good idea. And so when her name is called by Thor, that's where Wanda heads. "Thor," she greets. Her jade green eyes settle on Bucky and there's a warm smile for him. "Bucky." She smiles at being called a Witchy Woman. It's true! She sidesteps to one side of Bucky as Big and Blue joins them. She's met him, but not closely. She offers a nod.

Iron Man has posed:
The man of the hour is likely going to be late to his own funeral. As it stands, the party has started without him, no sign of Tony at all from inside his penthouse, and anyone who's tried to contact him got no response. Then, suddenly, as if he's been there the whole time, Tony can be seen in the middle of the room, talking to ... someone. A random face among the crowd. Suit and tie. Tinted glasses. Glass of whiskey. Seems the man has been there for a while. Maybe.

Thor has posed:
    It has indeed become a bit of a draw. The crowd has focused upon the gathering of worthies though Bucky is protected from view by perhaps the large shoulders of one hero or another. It is a fine gathering as they chat, with Thor commenting. "Indeed, the most wicked, and yet a worthy companion and friend."
    That likely said to prevent any reprisals that might come his way from the former Russian assassin.
    "Good of you to join us, Wanda. Has anyone seen..."
    Which then falters as it becomes apparent that Tony... is already with them. In the crowd with an acquaintance and apparently deep in conversation. It's enough to cause Thor to blink and draw back. "Ho now." He says, "Stark is here!"
    And then the loud voice of the boisterous Asgardian raises, "Stark, you scoundrel! How dare you come upon us in secret!" Which naturally brings the attention of the party-goers around and there's some comments made and laughter, and even a small outbreak in applause to announce the birthday boy's arrival.
    Which, upon his appearance, one of the servers starts to make their way over towards Thor with what looks to be a large deer skin flagon that could fit easily over the Asgardian's shoulder.

Beast has posed:
"Yessirree, I did indeed, Bucky," smiling for the Winter soldier, Beast edges clear of the crowd to occupy the tidy-nook space with Bucky and Wanda, although a little to the side. After all, there's a thunder god leaning on his friend at the moment. "Hello Wanda," the smile is full of teeth as he slides his glasses up his nose with his pinky, he extends his hand thereafter, "Hank. Hank McCoy. I know we've sort of met but it's been..." he gestures his OTHER hand to the side, kind of scooping the motion across infront of himself "...sort of like ships passing in the night."

He takes a moment at this point to actually look out of the windows to the city beyond. 'Wow' is just mouthed. ANd now, now we shall witness what happens when polarity of personality collide, as he nods to Natasha, giving a little salute with it, but apparently not wanting to engage anything further right at the moment, possibly because he might have to dodge out of the way of deerskins and merriment.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Wanda, you look amazing as always," Natasha told the other woman as she joined the little gathering including representatives of the Avengers, SHIELD and the X-Men with the arrival of Big Blue. "Good to see you, Doctor McCoy." They knew of each other but hadn't really been social in the past. But she was a friend of Logan's, thus had been to the mansion a time or two when needed.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff smiles up at Thor and nods. "As are you, Thor. Even if you're a bit exuberant sometimes," she says with a quiet laugh. Exuberant. That's one word for it! She shakes her head. She's a bit short to really see over a lot of the crowd. Not the shortest by any means, but still. And there's the man of the hour. Wanda smiles to Henry, not at all put off by the toothy smile. "Wanda Maximoff. Awhile, and not really a formal meeting." She smiles then to Natasha. "Hello Nat." Perhaps it's Clint's influence, that she calls Natasha that. "As do you." One redhead to another. And there she'll stay, part of the crowd.

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers was hardly the life of a party, but he wasn't exactly a buzz kill either, at least he tried not to be. He simply was there, was polite, enjoyed the music, didn't mind a drink, and got along with people. He had come to Stark Tower bearing a gift, as was customary. His was on the larger side, and thin, so it was quite obvious what it would be, but the simple brown paper packaging kept it hidden from all but the most extrasensory of perceptions. He would set the large, frame-like package down with the others, and make his way to the man of the hour, tapping him on the shoulder at a convenient moment, which was easier said than done, and said, "Tony, happy birthday." It was short; it was simple, much like his dress. He wore comfortable beige trousers, the girl who sold him had told him they were called Dockers, and a forest green long sleeved polo shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to his arm, and the top two buttons of the collar undone. He seemed to be wearing a white t-shirt underneath.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "Such a Stark move," James comments, but there is a hint of fondness in his voice. Anything he had to say to everyone else, is cut short by the arrival of the Birthday Boy and the applause that follows. With all eyes on Tony, it's the perfect opportunity for James to snag that deerskin, or try to. The Asgardian server's cautionary words fall on deaf ears. Something about, 'You may not want to'...
    The thing is huge, kind of heavy and really cumbersome, but the Winter Solider is no slouch and he manages to drink from it heartily without messing his nice white shirt.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Happy Birthday, Tony!" Natasha called out with the others, adding her applause to the others.

Seeing Bucky snag that flagon, she looked his way and echoed that warning. "Seriously, go slow with that stuff. Even if it is the watered down version, which I somehow doubt, it packs a kick." Even with her particular brand of physical blessings from a serum in her blood, she'd managed to get tipsy with that stuff!

Iron Man has posed:
As attention turns to him, when Thor apparently catches him in the middle of the crowd, he gains a smirk and then looks around. A hand lifts and he waves to everyone before also doing a 'cheers' motion with his whiskey and then takes a sip from it. He's obviously thriving from all the applause and the scatterings of happy birthdays that are being shouted to him.

After a moment, when the applause sort of dies down he looks to his friends and team mates and all the others gathered. "Thank you all, I really appreciate it. Thor, nicely done on putting this all together. You Asgardians really do know how to throw down." He grins then before trying to find others in kind. "Buck, Nat, glad to see both of you here. Thanks for coming. Same to you Wanda, Cap." Oh boy, he's fairly certain he's going to miss someone - and maybe try to catch them later to thank them. Finding the blue-furred Doctor among faces he gives Hank an up-nod. "Doctor McCoy, pleasure to have you here. Really, everyone, again. Doing all kinds of making me feel special. I accept gifts of all kinds, and hope everyone just enjoys themselves."

As far as speeches go, that's probably the worst one he's ever given but once he's done talking he almost disappears into the crowd again. Whether it's on purpose or accident is anyone's guess.

Thor has posed:
    Thor is no less into the greeting and the cheering, he even goes so far as to toss a scrunched up cocktail napkin vaguely in Stark's direction though it flies off errantly into someone else's drink.
    Turning away for a moment, the Asgardian has an instant of looking on Beast and blinks a few times with his one good eye. "We have not met, sir." Though he did hear the name float upon the tide of the crowd's murmur and upon Hank's words as well as Natasha's.
    "Dr. McCoy," For a moment he looks toward Bucky for support, perhaps not likely to find it there as the man is in discussion with a server, "From that television show? The Trek to the Stars." His brow furrows as he seeks the proper reference. Fails.
    "In any case," He extends an arm to offer a shake to the X-Man, "I am Thor, Son of Odin. A pleasure." And if it's accepted such a mighty shake there will be. But not rude nor painful.
    Though he's distracted shortly after by Nat's words to Bucky, "Barnes, that was for the toast." Yet it's a mild admonishment as he doesn't stop the man from drinking, likely imagining that his comeuppance is already in the offing at such great drinking of Asgardian Mead.

Beast has posed:
Raising an invisible glass to Tony as he's called out, Beast gives a toothless grin to the birthday boy, who is schmoozing his ass off over -there- possibly to stop getting debauched and very drunk. Too early for that, perhaps. And then? *wince* "Well, the resemblance is uncanny," he replies to Thor, looking down at himself, lifting a hand and buffing claws on his chest. "But what's in a name? I'm afraid I'm not an actor, although I can act, sometimes... I am told I tend to step on cues or I end up being ham-ish. Ahhh," handshake the asgardian, Hank. He does so, firmly but there's no fanboying here. He reserved all of that for Steve, may he never live that down. "I don't think there's a single person alive that doesn't know Thor Odinson, king of New Asgard. You have merchandise. All the avengers do, actually..." Yes, there are action figures and backpacks and lunchboxes.

"A pleasure," because distractions have moved on and it has to be said, the skin of whatever that is, it's RIGHT there and large and Hank leans back to make room for it as Bucky took his swig.

Captain America has posed:
Having made his well wishes, Steve Rogers would make his way towards the bar, not because he was particularly interested in drinking alcohol, but because it was the social thing to do. Even before becoming Captain America, he rarely drank, partly because of seeing its affects on his father, and partly because he had little tolerance for it with his previous body mass. He would lean against the bar, and when he got the bartender's attention, ask, "I'd like a beer; whatever you've got that's local." Steve was a big believer in supporting local breweries over the larger corporations, whenever possible. Unfortunately, most of the local breweries were owned by the big corporations.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    Maybe James doesn't buy into the warnings, or maybe he takes an extra long long long LONG pull from that thing because of the warnings? Either way, he does have the good grace to look a little abashed when he hands it back to the server. "Sorry," he mumbles in Thor's direction.
    Hmmmm, that's a little warm and tingly in the belly.
    "They have Tribbles on that show," he helpfully informs Thor. "...but none of them are as big as Hank and I don't think they were blue."
    Are the warm and tinglies moving up to his head?
    He raises his fingers to his lips and lets out a loud whistle followed by, "Happy Birthday, Tony!" Little late on the draw there, James.
    It's not a *new* feeling really, those warm tinglies, but it's one he hasn't felt in quite some time. Like Nat, his serum laden blood generally really tempers the effects of alcohol. But maybe not this time. Look at that goofy grin he's wearing! He seems to realize it though and struggles to straighten it back into his usual resting neutral face.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Seeing that smile on Bucky's face, Natasha can just shake her head. At least he is likely to be less a wallflower and more likely to enjoy the party.

She does remain silent though, letting the others carry the conversation as she just reacts here or there.

There is an opportunity to snag a flute of champagne which she does, taking a quick sip.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony Stark took notice of the haphazardly flying cocktail napkin that surely did not make it's destination. "I'm so glad you throw your hammer better than you throw a napkin." He grins and then watches as people drink, wondering what the hell Bucky is thinking drinking that large glass, but there one goes. He glances around the room, likely just trying to figure out who to talk to, before deciding to work the room. Finding most are in conversations with each other, he'll move to stand next to Natasha. "Nat. How have things been?"

Thor has posed:
    "Ah," And perhaps, as Beast reveals he is not the actor, there is ever so slightly the littlest hint of disappointment in Thor's good eye. "Still, you are amongst friends here for I trust my fellows' decisions about those they would call comrade."
    That said he then looks to the others, "Bide for a moment if you would, I shall return directly." Then a look toward Natasha is given before his eye slips back to look at Bucky, "Perhaps keep an eye on Barnes?" A glance is given to the now... decently inebriated former Winter Soldier.
    With that he slips from the circle of friends and begins to brave the way across the room. As he's halfway toward the bar he lifts a hand and points then calls out loudly in passing, "Stark, you will join us for a drink soon!" A royal command assuredly, but it's twinned with a warm smile as he continues to walk. He knows that Tony likely has a /lot/ of responsibilities in such an event and so his time is not his own entirely.
    It's toward Cap that Thor walks, and eventually he makes it to that bar. His arrival is heralded by the rumbly greeting of, "Rogers."

Beast has posed:
"I have him," Beast offers as an aside to THor, but smiles wonkily with it. "Honest," there's a measure of pride felt for a moment at the 'choice of comrades' offering little in the way of why he's here other than "...Bucky invited me, actually." And that said, he lightly elbows the winter soldier. "Come on you, lets find the bar, that way you have an excuse to fake it until you make it." He proffers an arm around his friend's shoulder, only to go a little wide of eye as he aims that way. Steve's there. "Oh, look." HALP. No. Don't. Not again.

Captain America has posed:
The bartender would provide Steve with an empty glass and a can of Fifth Hammer Brewing Company's Neighborbrau, which was an unfiltered pilsner meant for straightforward enjoyment. It was crisp with maltiness and fresh-cut hay, with floral notes balanced by gentle bitterness. At least that's what it had to say on the can. He would pour the beer into the glass, careful not to pour it too quickly. Then after a moment, he would pour the rest of it. He seemed to be keeping to the background, being largely a wallflower in this. He didn't really do birthday parties. His 111th was just over a month away, and besides, his birthday happened to coincide with Independence Day. However, as was often the case, Thor had other plans. At seeing his friend and teammate approach, Steve would say, "Thor, try the Neighborbrau. It's not bad." And then as an added incentive, "it's from Fifth Hammer Brewing Company." For all Steve knew, Thor owned the company.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    So far the music... it hasn't been much to James' liking. But... the next song? It's definitely not from his time. But the beat, the tempo? Crocodile Rock by Elton John is enough to get his foot tapping. Then his fingers snapping. Oh no! "I like this song," he complains to Beast as the Big Blue tries to lead him away. He pulls away from Beast and starts for the ... dance floor? "Nat, Wanda! Come dance with me!" he calls out over his shoulder, even as he's untucking his shirt and undoing a few buttons to reveal a white tank style t-shirt beneath. He's decently buzzed, not so much inebriated. He's definitely not falling down drunk! That's evidenced in how well the man can CUT A RUG! Seriously, he can dance. If his hair was shorter, if his stubble was gone? It would almost seem as if he'd stepped back in time. He hasn't aged much, not physically. But emotionally and mentally he carries the scars of a hundred decades crammed into ten. All of that seems to just melt away and damned if he doesn't look like the kid he was the night before he enlisted.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"It's good to see you, Tony," Natasha says as the birthday boy stops near her to chat a moment in his circuit of the floor. After all, he has to make a good impressions. Besides, he was likely loving every second of the attention. But despite all that, he really was a good man and deserved to have a celebration.

Then Bucky is starting to remove his clothing. Wait no, just unbuttoning his shirt and heading for the... That couldn't be right. Dance floor? Bucky?! "I warned him about the Asgardian Ale."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony Stark nods to Natasha. True he was making rounds and enjoying the attention, but that wasn't going to stop him from having a genuine conversation. "Good to see you, too." Though he follows her gaze to see Bucky...dancing? Well that's a new one. "Well, if that's the secret to getting him to loosen a few buttons, I'm not going to complain! Might want to keep an eye on him though - just in case."

Thor has posed:
    A small laugh is given as Thor sidles up to the bar, "I shall have to, though for now I am set as I am." What with his own mug filled with a fine golden brew that the Asgardians had brought with, though not as potent as the mead assuredly.
    Leaning back against the bar next to his comrade he tilts his head to the side, "I am come to offer official invitation to join us. If only to perhaps lend your aid for Barnes. Already he has made his first unwise decision of the night and it is so very early for that."
    And as if on cue that is the moment that Bucky is heading out onto the dance floor which causes Thor to watch with that same smile, and when the man starts dancing... well the Thunderer must mitigate his observation. "Though I must say, he can dance."

Captain America has posed:
Steve watched the mug being filled. Thor could sure drink. Cap had drank, maybe two sips of his beer. But it wasn't a competition. "Glad to," he said at the invitation, not quite certain what he was being invited to, and he would move a few steps from the bar, letting others get to it as they sought refreshment. He was holding up the queue. With a wry smile, he asked, "is that what we're calling it now?" in regards to Bucky's efforts on the dance floor. He was one to talk. He had never learned to dance.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    Yes, yes he can dance. Another thing about *Bucky* back then? He was quite the charmer. He's not at all deterred by the fact that Nat didn't join him. It only takes him about 2.2 seconds on the floor before he's found a partner; just some random young lady in the crowd. Not only is he a good dancer, but he's a good dance *partner*, easily guiding and leading the girl he's coaxed onto the floor through twirls and spins and dips. Swing was the thing when he was ... undeniably Bucky, fast paced and hectic. This? It's nothing for him. He is working up a sweat though. The song's about half over before he has a second girl in the mix. "STEVE! GET OUT HERE!" Oh wow, he's loud when he's not wallflowering it.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"I am definitely keeping an eye on him," Natasha said with a husky laugh, unable to stop herself as she watched Bucky out there cutting a rug. "I just wish that jamming tech wasn't in place and I could film this. Remind him of it everytime he starts wallflowering in the future."

She shakes her head a bit. "I highly recommend that if your present from Thor turns out to be Asgardian alcohol, you water it down." Another glance at Bucky then focusing on Tony again. "A lot." Then she shifts the conversation. "How's it feel to have another year under your belt?"

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy was abandoned! But this is in a way, a good thing as it does save him from having to roll his tongue up and stuff it back in his mouth. It is thusly his turn to wallflower and just admire the cutting of a rug, the charm with the girls a thing not often seen, but appreciated with a mote of envy. He snags something bubbly from a passing server and sniffs at it, sipping lightly thereafter.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony Stark raises a brow and then gives a nod of his head. "I will keep that in mind." Wait. Gifts? Has he opened gifts yet? Maybe it's time to do that soon if anyone really has brought anything. Otherwise, he's fine to just chit-chat. Another sip of his whiskey taken. "JARVIS is likely recording it...I can send you a copy of the clip later." Because why would JARVIS not be filming a party in his penthouse? "Anyway, I'm going to wander a bit more. You should join the dance floor or...something..." Waving his hand around, he smirks, and then wanders.

Thor has posed:
    A wry laugh is heard as Thor shakes his head at Cap then he looks back in the direction of the dancing Bucky. "It is... athletic?" There, that is a nice thing to say. Polite!
    He pushes off the bar and then motions for Steve to walk with him should he so wish, their destination? Back to that crowd and gathering of those worthies who are now settled around Stark, though a good amount of attention is on the Winter Soldier who has apparently gotten his drank on.
    Once they draw near enough to the crowd once again, Thor lifts his voice, "Is it time then for the toast, now that Stark has deigned to honor us with his presence?" As he says that he reaches a hand back and finds one of Tony's rather expensive nouveau style cushioned chairs with the modern lines and hint of chrome, and casually lifts it with one hand and twists it around to set it in a place of honor should it so be chosen. Then with a casual air he reclaims the large deerskin with the mead and asks silently with a quirked eyebrow who would like to have some. "Everyone have drinks, then?" He refills his mug with a squeeze of the mead.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy's bubbly gets finished, subtley allowing for the glass to hover beneath the pouring of the mead. He'll try some, he surely will! But not yet. The throne set before the crowd, Beast hunts for the elusive Stark as he wanders once again. Keeping track of, you could say.

Captain America has posed:
Steve walks with his friend and comrade, taking another sip of hi beer, which would make it three tonight. As they approached Tony and the others, he would turn his attention to his oldest friend, smiling, broadly at his antics, and shaking his head from side to side. But it was clear that he was enjoying the atmosphere. As the toast began, Steve would raise his glass, already having one, prepared to drink along with the toast and any other festivities that Thor might have in mind.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    Someone must be feeding the DJ requests that they think will keep James making the fool of himself. While they're not from his 'hey-dey' they're the types of songs that would keep ThenBucky dancing. Next in the queue is Under the Boardwalk by The Drifters.
    He was smiling before, ear to ear, but when Wanda actually takes him up on his previous invitation? That smile actually gets bigger when he holds out his hands to her. Dancing with strangers is fun, but dancing with friends is even BETTER. The song is a little slower, but not slow enough to be deemed 'a slow song'. It does merit a little more one on one and up close and personal than Crocodile Rock, so all of his attention is soon focused on Wanda. He's a PERFECT gentleman, mind... hands are always on the up and up and never where they shouldn't be. Just like with the other girls, he's almost expertly leading her through twirls and dips, just at a slower pace. Never once is a toe trod upon.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha considers going out on the floor to drag Bucky over to the toast. But honestly? She's afraid if she gets close, he might drag her into the dance instead of her getting him off the floor.

It wouldn't be the first time they had danced. Nor would it have been the last. But for now, she stays put and has her champagne, for the upcoming toast.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony Stark is about ready to make another round of social politeness when he hears Thor pipe up about a toast. So, instead, he wanders over to the bar. His bar. And slips behind it to refill his whiskey so that he can have something in hand for the toast itself. Though he's at least nice enough to come back around from the bar and wanders sort of towards the maybe middle of the small crowd.

Thor has posed:
    Standing there, tall and amongst friends, there's a small ripple of attention that goes around the room as some people whisper about a toast, but other people just pick up on the vibe as attention turns toward Thor. He holds up his mug after letting the deerskin settle on one of the nearby tables. The music continues, dancing is wild as Bucky and Wanda cut that rug like fiends.
    But that doesn't stop Thor from raising his voice, "GOOD PEOPLE!"
    And Thor's voice, it doth carry.
    "I come to you this day to honor the man whose life we now celebrate. To give recognition and strength to the just sentiment that we are well and truly fortunate to have Anthony Stark in our lives." His words ease a little at the last few.
    "When we met, we clashed. Yet over the years we have learned well of each other. There are few others I would trust fully with my life and most of them are here with us now." A look around as he gestures with the great mug toward those nearby.
    "But one is Stark. A man who has stood by me in battle, who aided my people in their time of need, and a man I am honored to call friend."
    There's another pause as he looks in the direction of Tony. Then he raise his mug, "TO TONY STARK!"
    The shout shakes the room with its strength and is indeed punctuated by a rumble of distant thunder as others in the room echo the sentiment.
    Yet all is not lost in the cry of the crowd. For a single blinking red light illuminates the mirror behind the bar and a sudden rush of data cascades down along its surface even as JARVIS' voice can likely only be heard by Stark or those near him.
    "May, I have your attention, sir?"

Beast has posed:
Stark and the Beast, whose senses are far more acute than the average human being's. Hank lifts his head, traces the ceiling up above, darts eyes over to the mirror as he was about to lift his glass to his lips at the toast and then across to where the sound seems to be -- somewhere in Stark's vicinity, likely an earbud. What was that? He heard it, but the words? Who knows. Maybe he heard that small call for attention.
    He glances up again, at the various electronics around and about and to the god of Thunder once again, the general ambience, the good people and at his drink. Lips press together and he lowers it to his chest height.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    James isn't so far gone that he completely forgets his manners. It may be after the toast begins that he notices it's happening, but by the time it's coming to an end, he's snagged two flutes of champagne from a passing server and handed one off to Wanda. He's one of the loudest voices to chime in with the TO TONY STARK. But as soon as it's over, he's back to dancing. 'You've Lost That Loving Feeling' by the Righteous Brothers is next up. It's way slower! He'll pull Wanda in closer if she'll allow it, but he's STILL the perfect gentleman. Maybe it's fear, but more likely it's because he's still a man out of time, one born when good men were almost always perfect gentleman.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"To Tony Stark!"

Natasha adds her voice to the toast, raising her glass high in the air and giving a smile in the direction of the birthday boy.

She is taking a sip when she hears that voice, one familiar enough she knows precisely what it is. She frowns in the general direction of the blinking light, worried this is possibly a bad thing.

Iron Man has posed:
When JARVIS pipes in from the mirror, close enough that Tony can hear easily and those likely accustomed to hearing JARVIS' voice can pick it out in the crowd, he looks to the mirror. "Whatcha got, JARVIS?" The man asks.

"Sir, there's a blip in the Arc Reactor and--"

Tony gives a glance back before offering, "Say no more, JARVIS. I'm on my way." After a moment, he looks back around, sort of trying to surmise if anyone is paying him any real close attention and when he knows the coast is clear, he'll slip out of the room through some wall-hidden exit.

Thor has posed:
    That having been done, Thor takes a nice long pull of the mean, smiles around, then he takes the few steps needed to drop into a nearby seat around a convenient conversation pit. "Well then,"
    He gestures to the others near, "Natasha, tell me what passes in your life." Easing into the chair he relaxes and turns a glance back towards Bucky, half-smiles, then looks back.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy twists the glass between his fingers, then downs it. That though, was his mistake, judging by the cough that comes afterwards. "Oh my stars," hiccup. OOps. Rubbing a finger at his temple, Beast marked the hidden door, though t'would never open without the right person going through it and smiled slightly to all and sundry, slipping toward the bathrooms, or maybe to the closet. He's not entirely sure right now. Oh well!

Nothing quite like waking up in a cupboard later.

Captain America has posed:
Steve had come, he had wished Tony well, he had delivered his gift, he had seen Bucky dance... if that's what they're calling it now, and he had seen the birthday boy slip out. Taking a cue from the man of the hour, he would exchange a few quick pleasantries with teammates and friends, before he would return the rest of his beer to the bar, to be emptied and recycled, and then he was heading for the elevator. It was hard to say whether parties just weren't really his thing, or if there was something else at play here. But as quietly as he had come, he would leave.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    All good things must come to an end and so does this. It does so when the DJ goes back to playing 'noise' instead of music... according to James. He escorts Wanda off the dance floor and back toward Beast. "Sorry," he says as he approaches. "I didn't mean to leave you stranded." ...but Asgardian Ale and good music and... He's still smiling and he might not even be drunk anymore with all that dancing and his serum laden blood. He turns and offers Wanda a wink. "Your dancing skills give Nat a run for her money."