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Latest revision as of 13:04, 5 June 2021

Hey, you got a sec
Date of Scene: 04 June 2021
Location: Frontyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Tough love ensues!
Cast of Characters: Havok, Wolverine

Havok has posed:
    Alex didn't come home last night. Not that it's unusual for him to not sleep at the mansion, he's been staying a lot at his apartment in Bushwick since his attempted kidnapping anyway. But... it doesn't look like staying at the apartment is why he didn't come home. He's wearing the same clothes he had on yesterday, he hasn't showered, he hasn't shaved... is he missing a shoe? Well, it's just one of those flips he's always wearing anyway, could have fallen off anywhere. Short of it: He looks *hung-over*.

Wolverine has posed:
    It was fortune taking a hand, maybe fate that brought the paths to converge. Havok wandering back looking indeed like a fellow that's in some dire straits of late, shuffling along the way toward the mansion in such a state. Probably just wants to get inside.
    When around from that corner near the garage walks another X-Man emerging from the side door there. Logan, wearing those aged blue jeans and a grey t-shirt on his chest with an axe slung partially over his shoulder that's held there by a leather strap. Maybe on his way to take care of that stump near the trail.
    It's as he's closing the door that he looks up. "Havok." His brow furrows as he turns, then starts toward the man, a frown flickers across his features as he gives Alex a once-over, then sets that axe down against the wall.
    "You look like shit."

Havok has posed:
    "...feel like shit," Alex murmurs before he's trying to move around Logan to get up to his room. ...just that, 'feel like shit'. No snarky comeback about age, no bluster, no attitude... nothing. He smells like a beer left open five days in the sun and an overflowing ashtray had a love child and named it Alex Summers. He has dark circles under his eyes that need their own zip code. Likely hasn't been sleeping much?

Wolverine has posed:
    "Yeah," Logan says as he gives Havok the stink-eye, but accepting the truth of the matter. "Yeah." He adds, though with a hint more sympathy and maybe some distaste. His features twist, then he takes a step to the side as if to let Havok past. But then it's more to step to his side as he puts an arm around Alex's shoulders and thump him a few times on the far one.
    "About that."
    And in the next instant the other X-Man might well feel the sudden twist and pull as the Canadian mutant brings him around the few steps and moves to throw him bodily into the garage. Or more specifically straight into that large gray tool cabinet that likely shouldn't hurt too much but will make one of those loud /thubba-thud-thud!/ sounds when a person's back runs into it.
    Might be surprising, and if someone saw it might even be a bit embarrassing. But then the door is closing behind Logan and he flicks on the interior light. "Alright bub, you and me are havin' us a talk or a throw down. Depending on what you say we'll see how much of column A or how much of column B."

Havok has posed:
    "What the fuck..." is said somewhere along the way. He bounces off the tool cabinet and when he's steady on his feet again, hands come up. It's reflexive... at first, but he keeps them up. Logan knows that position, that there is his 'I'm about to fuck shit up' position. But that expression? That's not Alex, not normally. There's anger there, he's always been an angry little shit, always... from way back in his student days. But it's the confusion and the conflict and the *fear* that's not Alex. "I knew I shouldna come back here," he growls as he, once again, starts to move past Logan. This time, hands up. "Just don't, don't man... just fucking *don't*." Don't what?!

Wolverine has posed:
    *Poom*, back against the tool container, back with the Canadian all up in his grill. "What, ya dumbass pothead? You gonna lose it? Lose control again?" Logan isn't exactly easy-going in the matter and is barely a foot away as he looks back and forth into Havok's eyes.
    "First off yer runnin' around like a dumb ass. This is a fuckin' school. Second, you're tryin' some shit with me when you know what happens with that. And third, you're runnin' loose like on that mission."
    There's a growl as suddenly a fist /slams/ into the metal storage shed only for there to be a sharp /squeal/ as a trio of blades slice into it next to Havok's ear. He raises the other fist and says sharply, "This is yer chance to tell me what the fuck is goin' on, what evil's gotten into you man?"
    And then there, in the tirade, the moment... there's an instant of peace. That might slip past the anger, slip past the growl of the moment which then has him saying quieter. "I mean shit, didn't your brother teach you any of this?"

Havok has posed:
    Alex's hands are *hot* when he reaches up to shove at Logan, an attempt to move the man out of his bubble. ...but he doesn't just blast him out of the way so that's a plus. "If you'd get out of my fuckin' way and let me leave, you wouldn't have to worry about it any more you old fuck!" The words are BELLOWED. He really needs a toothbrush for that stale beer breath. "Scott?!" he scoffs. SCOFFS. "Just get out of my fuckin' way, Logan." He has that wild look in his eyes. He's teetering, walking a fine line between finally just letting all the bullshit that's eating at him out and... walking out of the garage, into the mansion, to his room, packing ALL his shit and just leaving and keeping all that bullshit bottled up.
    ...at the rate he's going, the latter will end in him dead, on the FBI's most wanted list or worse.

Wolverine has posed:
    Shaking his head, Logan doesn't back off. But then again he doesn't push him, doesn't get out of the way. Havok's gonna have to make him move in that moment. The fist does draw back, those silvered blades sliding slowly back into his forearm with a quiet snakt as they click back into their grim housing.
    "This is your chance, man." Logan holds Alex's gaze. "You got somethin' eatin' at you and if you don't get a hold on it then yer fucked."
    His deep blue irises shift back and forth, as if trying to see behind Havok's own eyes to see which one is holding all the fuckery.
    Then a grunt is heard as he murmurs, "Yer better than this." Then, as if that was all it takes he turns and starts to walk toward the door. A few steps, his hand reaches out and he turns out the light to leave the other Summers in darkness save for that illumination from his fists. He stops near the door, back toward Havok and pauses long enough to look over his shoulder. "Get your shit together."
    And then he'll move to head on back to the mansion.

Havok has posed:
    Alex raise his chin defiantly when Logan's still all up in his face. He doesn't realize it, but it's just enough to allow the little scar on his neck left behind by his run in with that damned collar to show. Maybe a short in the wiring when they used it, who knows, but it's there. As long as Logan's in the room, he just stands there looking all the world like a teenager defying dad. But after Logan's gone?
    Alex slides down the tool cabinet to land hard on his ass. He brings his knees up a little to rest his elbows on them. There's no ugly crying sobbing or anything of that nature, that's not Alex. But the tears do flow from between his tightly closed eyelids and the slight little here and there sniffle that comes with them might reach some super sensitive Wolverine ears.
    Something's going to happen, the damn's cracked and breaking, it's just a matter of which way the water will rush. Will it be a path of self-destruction or healing waters that'll bring him in from the cold and back to the Alex Summers everyone knows he *can* be... but himself.