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A Saturday Morning for the Ladies
Date of Scene: 08 June 2021
Location: Jean's Office, a Yoga Studio and other locations in Breakstone
Synopsis: Ororo and Jean head out for a fun morning of yoga. Plans go awry when the Phoenix comes out to play.
Cast of Characters: Storm, Phoenix, Cyclops

Storm has posed:
It's fairly early in the morning, on this particular Saturday. Around nine in the morning. Ororo has made the arrangements for the morning, just as she had promised. She has a knapsack slung over her left shoulder, looking as though it's packed with assorted soft things -- no doubt a change of clothes as well as a pair of water bottles filled with water. She wears a pair of dark purple yoga pants, her phone tucked into a side pocket of them, a matching purple and black halter type top, and a pair of running shoes. Her long white hair has been neatly tamed into a braid at her back.

As she arrives outside of Jean's office, she's a calm presence. She's been looking forward to this morning ever since she had first tossed out the idea to Jean. Lifting one of her hands, she lightly knocks on the door. Outside, the weather is a pleasant sort of warm, the sky blue and with some drifting white clouds. A beautiful day, overall, with a bit of a breeze that wanders by.

Phoenix has posed:
On the other hand, Jean hasn't been looking forward to this. At all. But she doesn't show it. She looks... like her normal self. Still dressed in a pant-suit for the moment. And still is when the door opens to admit Ororo. Jean is still sitting at her desk when the door opens, and she doesn't even look up. "Come in, Ro," she says. "I'm almost..." She presses another trio of keys on her computer's keyboard, and then nods. "Done."

With that, Jean rises to her feet and walks toward the door and her friend. As she walks, her outfit changes to something matching Storm's. Only instead of purple and black, her outfit is shades of deepest burgandy. She grabs her coat off the coatrack, it matches the new outfit, as she walks past it. "Okay. I'm ready." She hopes. "What's first?" She already knows, but... maybe she likes to hear it be said aloud?

Storm has posed:
There's a smile that comes to her features as she looks over Jean, and one of her eyebrows raises a touch. "Well, I did promise that I would help you with the paperwork when we got back, so if there is any left to be done, I will give you what time is needed," Ororo says in a warm tone. She chuckles and gives a nod as the paperwork is announced complete, her blue eyes showing a sparkle to them. "Until the next teacher submits marks to you that need to be entered," she adds with some amusement.

She watches Jean 'change' her clothes, and can't help but to smile at it. "You look good in burgundy," she says, a smile easily returning to her features. For herself, she has no coat, but she knows the weather. "Good! First is going to the garage for a car, and then we head to yoga. They are having a special class, since today is Saturday. It is in a park, by a small river. A small class," Ororo says. "I have a bottle of water for you, already."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey returns that smile, though hers is not nearly so large as Ororo's is. "I'm actually mostly caught up on the paperwork. It helps that I stay on top of it." Which could be loosely translated to mean she is here far, far too often. She nods, a smile curving up the corners of her mouth.

She laughs, a quiet thing. "I know. That's why I wear it. I look good in green too. Or black. Dark shades, mostly. Not blue so much, though." She walks with Ororo as she talks, having closed the door on her way out it. "Car. Yoga. Special class? Please tell me it's not being held because of me.." It probably isn't, but Jean abhors special treatment for herself.

Storm has posed:
"Yes. A testament to the hours that you spend within the four walls of this office, which number far too many," Ororo says, a teasing tone to the words and a smile quirking her lips. "I find it easy to believe that you are nearly caught up on it," she adds, raising an eyebrow and looking to her friend.

"I know. You have good taste in colours," Ororo says, giving a nod to her. "Purple, in a dark shade, would look good on you, too," she comments, tilting her head faintly. She walks, heading in the direction of the garage where the cars are kept. "Which car do you think we ought take? I am inclined towards one of the convertibles. The weather is lovely, and it will stay so," she says with a smile. Then she laughs lightly before shaking her head. "It is not a class that is being held because of you. I meant it is special in that it is being held outside in the park. Normally it is in the studio, on weekdays. Saturdays are the only ones that happen in the park, and that is only if the weather is fair," she says, giving a small nod.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey grimaces faintly at the other woman. There's a reason she spends so much time in her office. And it's a reason she still doesn't want to talk about overly much. She doesn't respond to the comments or the raised eyebrow other than that grimace, choosing instead to simply remain silent. She nods again, this time about deep purple. She concentrates, and her shirt turns to a deep purple bordering on black. "Like this?"

It's little things like this that give a hint of just what Jean can do if she's of a mind to do so. Little things like this done so casually that can make people fear her. "Of course the weather is going to stay lovely. You're here." Jean would expect no less at all.

The answer to her question brings visible relief to the redhead. "Ah. I see. That's good. You had me worried for a minute there." And she really had had Jean worried about that. Special treatment. Nooo good.

Storm has posed:
There's a bright smile that comes easily to Ororo's features as the colour of Jean's shirt is changed with such ease, and she gives a nod of agreement. "Yes! Exactly that shade," she says in a warm tone. She shifts the pack that's slung over her shoulder, though doesn't seem to mind the weight of it at all. It's not very heavy. She doesn't push matters, nor does she ask the variety of questions that Jean doesn't want to answer right now. This morning isn't for that. This morning is for fun things!

It's the little things, done so easily and with so little effort, that Ororo often marvels at. And this time is no exception to it. But she doesn't fear her friend. That would be similar to Jean fearing her because she can call lightning down from the sky. It simply wouldn't do. She quirks a grin as she looks to Jean, and then she gives a nod. "Of course! And I am with you, so we will have the most wonderful weather," she says. Then she raises an eyebrow slightly. "I know how you feel over special treatment, Jean. I would not do such a thing to you," she says in a soft and understanding tone. She opens the door to the garage and steps within before holding the door open for Jean. And she lifts a hand to gesture towards the vehicles. "Your choice of which one we take," she offers with a smile.

Phoenix has posed:
As that deep purple is the shade that had been desired by Ororo, Jean leaves it. Deep purple, bordering on black tanktop, burgandy yoga pants, and her heels which are also in burgandy. "Hm." She looks down at herself and shakes her head. There's a little more concentration and the color of her pants changes too, to black. And her shoes a moment later, also to black. "That's better." The coat, a longcoat as it happens, remains burgandy and draped over her left forearm.

The white haired woman is right, though. There are questions she doesn't want to answer. Not right now or ever. And she ignores the thoughts that pop up to the forefront of Storm's mind. Surface thoughts. Jean's not listening! Lalalala! Fun things. Fun things. This /is/ going to be fun. Right? Jean takes a little bit of a deeper breath and exhales slowly. Things will be fine. This will work out. And there will be fun. Yoga. And then lunch atop the Empire State Building. What could /possibly/ go wrong?

No. Jean doesn't fear Ororo because she can call and control lightning. She nods to her friend. "I know, just.." She shakes her head. "I'm sorry. My mind went there when you said special session in the park." She walks beside Storm through the mansion and to the garage. Jean raises a brow as it's said to be her choice. "I don't really care either way." She walks to the closest one as being expedient. It's blue. A deep royal blue.

Storm has posed:
One of her eyebrows quirks up slightly as Jean alters the colours of the rest of her outfit to suit the purple colour that her top is now, and she can't help but to give a light laugh. "It is! Better, that is," she agrees, giving a nod and a warm smile. The white plait of her hair lightly whispers as it swishes back and forth against her back with her steps. She does her level best to not think or dwell on any concerns or worries that she might have, her thoughts instead turned towards the more immediate of their own plans. The drive to the park!

It takes her only a moment to retrieve the keys from a box on the wall for the vehicle that Jean has chosen, and she gives a nod. They have each other's company to enjoy and beautiful weather! How could it not be a perfect day? Yoga, lunch on the Empire State Building, and cake! Mmmm, cake! She looks to Jean, and then she gives a nod. "I know. There is no apology that you need to give, Jean. That your mind went there is natural. They supply the yoga mats, so we need not worry over taking our own there," she says, a smile coming to her features. She pushes the button on the key to unlock the car, then lightly tosses the backpack into the back seat before opening the driver's side door to get in.

Phoenix has posed:
The black really does suit the purple better than the burgandy had. It hadn't quite complemented, but hadn't quite clashed either. Not dwelling is good! Jean is doing her best not to dwell either. It's not easy, though. She's almost not looking forward to the yoga. There might be something of hesitation to her, but she doesn't let it stop her. She intends to go and at least try to enjoy the yoga.

She opens the passenger door once it's unlocked and slides into the seat. She turns and tosses her coat into the back before closing the door and buckling herself in. "That's good. Because I don't have a yoga mat." She reaches over and presses the button on the driver's visor to open the garage door.

Storm has posed:
It's never an easy thing to try not to think about something! Ororo is a fairly willful woman, though, and so she keeps her thoughts focused on the day ahead. She slides the key into the ignition, and then starts the car. "So... I know this is intended to be a fun day, but I know that it may also make you uncomfortable. And if you feel uncomfortable, then I want you to let me know. To tell me. And we can easily just leave," Ororo offers, a gentle tone to the words.

She easily pulls out of the parking space and then heads out of the garage, once the door is safely up. She glances to Jean and then gives a light laugh. "Well, if you enjoy it, then I will get you one and we can practice together," she says with a smile. "You know, I meditate on a fairly regular basis. In a few different ways," she says, her tone thoughtful. It helps to keep her emotions level and on an even keel -- which since her powers are tied to her emotions is a very good thing. Angry Storm tends to mean angry weather.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey is quiet for a fair few minutes. Long enough it might seem she has nothing to say. But really, she just can't decide on exactly what /to/ say. "I will try." That's all she can really do. All anyone can really do is try. She shifts a little in her seat, leaning back some and stretching out her legs in front of her. She crosses them at the ankles. It's a little more comfortable that way.

"If I enjoy it, I'll take you up on that offer." But there's a strong possibility Jean won't like it. Of course, there's an equally strong possibility that she will. "I know you do," she says. With Jean, it's hard /not/ to know at least some of what goes on with those closest to her at the school and nearby vicinity, even when she takes pains not to watch anyone closely. She still can't help but to catch surface thoughts, especially strong ones. She looks out where the window would be, were the top not down. To the right, and into the grounds as Storm drives.

Storm has posed:
There's a glance that Ororo gives Jean at the quiet that seems to possess the redhead, and then she gives a nod. "That is all I ask of you to do, Jean. To just try, and see what happens," she says, a smile coming to her features. The car that Jean chose for them to take is comfortable, and the sun is warm and pleasant as it shines down on them. The drive is pleasant, and it doesn't take long to end up at the park along the river. Ororo parks the car in a free space, and then turns it off.

"I have to. It is safer that way. For everyone else, and for myself," Ororo says softly, about meditating. "I hope that you will like it. Then I will be able to practice with you, which would give me more time with my best friend," she adds in a warm voice. She loves Jean like a sister. There are a couple of people -- the yoga instructor and a couple of other students -- already assembled at the park, and as Ororo gets out of the car, she lifts a hand to offer a wave.

Phoenix has posed:
Of note, the car is a dark blue convertable mustang. And is one of the cars belonging to the mansion. For the rest of the drive, Jean is silent, lost in her own thoughts. She smiles at Ororo, and nods. "You're my best friend too," she says. She gets out of the car along with the other woman, leaving her coat behind. She doesn't really need it at this point, and so it can stay.

She starts to walk across the park, her steps slow and her hands tucked into her pants pockets. Wait. When had pockets appeared? The yoga style pants that she'd changed her slacks into hadn't had pockets to start with. She.. doesn't wave. Nope. But then, she doesn't know the instructor or the other students with them.

Jean takes a deep breath. And then takes the time to bolster her mental blocks against the intrusion of the minds of the people both here, nearby.

Storm has posed:
Ororo steps back slightly, and she reaches ito the back seat to retrieve her knapsack. She opens it and retrieves the two water bottles that she'd filled for them, then closes the pack before she starts to make her way towards the few people. She walks with JEan, no faster and no slower than her friend beside her. She offers one of the water bottles to her with a smile, her blue eyes bright. It's a beautiful day, and it's going to be fun!

The other students are also women, and there are yoga mats set out for each of them. The yoga mats are spaced out so that personal space is well and truly minded. The instructor is also a woman, though she's likely in her late thirties. She greets them, then gestures towards the mats and invites them to pick one. Storm chooses one that's as blue as the sky, and she sets down her water bottle before slipping off her shoes and stepping onto the mat.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey looks at the water bottle as it's offered, and accepts it with a nod of thanks. She /looks/ perfectly calm as they walk to join the others. And she is. On the surface, at least. And mostly she is beneath as well. But there's just a little niggle of doubt, hidden in her core. It shows, just a little, in her eyes. Ororo knows her well enough to be able to see it there in her. But to those they join at the yoga mats, Jean is as calm as a still pool of water.

She watches what Storm does, and takes the mat closest to her. This one is as purple as amethyst and several shades lighter than the deep purple of her top. Jean slips her shoes off of her feet and steps onto the mat. She looks toward her friend for a moment, then to the yoga instructor. She watches the woman for a few moments.. and then looks away. Out through the trees of the park. Despite her eyes not being on the instructor, something says that Jean /is/ paying close attention. But.. she said she'd never done this before. And yet, she stands like she's been practicing yoga for her entire life.

Storm has posed:
There's a warm smile to Jean as the redhead accepts the offered water bottle, and Ororo gives a nod to her. Though she sees the doubt, she doesn't point it out. "It will be fun," she says warmly, the words echoing her thoughts. As though the verbal offer of words will reassure her in some manner. She lifts her right hand, lightly flipping her braid over her shoulder to her back.

As they take positions on the mats, Ororo glances towards Jean and smiles at her. She turns her attention back to the instructor, not giving the other students much of her attention at all. The instructor is good at what she does, demonstrating the position and giving instructions at the same time. Ororo has practiced yoga before, and she often comes to the Saturday class since her presence generally means fair weather and she enjoys the yoga as well. And so, when she takes the first position that the instructor takes the pose, she does as well, relaxing easily.

Cyclops has posed:
Saturday's are fairly easy days for Scott since it's the weekend. There's not all much to do with the school, and so he normally just futzes around with things at the house. Working on his bike, or the garden with Jean, maybe putting some of the rooms more together since they only recently moved in. Ish. Never the less, he always finds something to do, and then he's pretty much set on that work until the day wanes away.

Jean had plans today though, and he wasn't really of the mind to stay home for once. So he took himself to the local park, set to just jog a few laps around - something equivalent to a few miles - and then he might just relax the day away elsewise. Nothing wrong with choosing /that/ over a hard days work. He's allowed. Right? So - oblivious to Jean and Ororo being at the same park doing yoga - he's about halfway through his miles goal around the lake, keeping his pace even so he doesn't wind up losing his glasses or some such.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey smiles. A little. At the smile Ororo had given her. She doesn't respond to the part about fun. This has been said. Jean still isn't buying it. Never the less, her body moves with ease into the first position. There's some tension to her, but only in how it's a bit unfamiliar despite knowing /how/ to do the poses. Still, she falls into it almost naturally. And because of that, Jean starts to relax. The more poses that they do, the more relaxed Jean becomes.

Until her mind starts to drift and wander. For some people, that can be a good thing. For Jean, that's rarely ever a good thing. There are memories that she'd really rather not have. Things she's been through that she doesn't much care to think about. And an entity within her mind that she shares her psyche with her. The more her mind starts to wander, the more it goes to the Phoenix. They have a fragile truce, it's true, but that isn't ever really a comfortable thing.

The first sign of something not quite right is the grass around the mat smouldering. And the edges of the mat starting to turn black.

Storm has posed:
The fact that Scott is near to where they are is something that Ororo is blissfully ignorant of. She has no way of knowing when he's near, after all, and her attention is on the yoga that she's doing. Her movements are graceful, smooth, and on the practiced side of thigs. She's familiar with the positions. There is the odd glance that she casts towards Jean, simply keeping an eye on her in order to see how well she's doing with the various poses. And she looks good!

Ororo catches a whiff of the smoldering grass, and she blinks before looking over to Jean, shifting her vision briefly as she does, to be able to see the world in that different spectrum that she's gifted with. And with the next blink, her vision has returned to normal. She shifts on her mat, closer to Jean. "Let's take a break for some water," she suggests, a smile tugging her lips. She's not going to say outright that something is wrong, but she will suggest a break. It might help.

Cyclops has posed:
It just so happens that the path around the lake passes by where the ladies are doing yoga. Scott is not aware of Jean or Ororo's presence in the moment, but lucky for them, it's near that spot he's decided to slow down his jog and take a breather. Pulling a water bottle from his pocket to take a quick drink and even stepping off to the side a bit so as to not be in the way of anyone else walking, jogging, or biking along the path.

Ignorance is certainly bliss, or so some would say. He actually sort of allows this momentary break to look over the lake, the sights, people enjoying the day. It's a nice day. He can't wait to get home and just laze about then as well.

Phoenix has posed:
It's a distinctive aroma, burning things. Smouldering grass even more so, for it puts off a stronger odor thanks to the fact that there's a bit more smoke and a bit less flame. That different spectrum would show seering crimson energy surging around Jean. Energy with a hint of fiery wings. Jean is pretty into the yoga by this point and doesn't realize Ororo is talking to her. The smouldering gets worse. The grass, healthy and full of moisture, is starting to blacken. The yoga mat is turning to ashes beneath Jean's feet.

Her eyes, normally a bright shade of green, have a hint of flame within them. Wisps of smoke curl up from the yoga mat, and from the grass around it. The edges of Jean's clothing is starting to smoulder too, wisps of smoke rising from there as well.

Someone walking the path in the opposite direction as Scott happens to be frowns. "Do I smell smoke? Is something burning?"

Storm has posed:
It's not particularly an aroma that Ororo is fond of, the smell of smoldering grass. Though she could call a storm or even a rain cloud, she would prefer to disturb the weather as little as possible. Changig things here changes things elsewhere, where the weather is concerned. Her actions have broader consequences. Shifting her position slightly on the mat, she picks up her water bottle and opens the lid of it, and then she squirts a stream of water at Jean.

It's probably not the best idea, but it's the best idea that she has in the moment beyond changing the weather. There were worse ideas that she could have taken. And Jean -was- ignoring her, so doing something to get her attention was warranted. "Hey, take a drink break, Jean," Ororo says.

Cyclops has posed:
Scott's ears flick a bit when he catches someone's comment about smelling smoke. Something burning. He sniffs the air and finally catches it as well. He looks around, more pointedly this time, and /now/ he spies Storm and Jean...and then notices Storm squirting water at Jean. The hell? So he caps his water and then sort of hurried-walks over towards the yoga class....

As soon as he reaches, gets closer, takes everything into account he knows. It's just not the way it normally happens, and he's not sure if there's anything to be done to stop it. Except now there's a dripping wet, shifting Jean. "Damnit... Hey 'Ro... Jean?" He does that dumb Scott thing and reaches to take her by the shoulders, to try and get her to /look/ at him. "Jeanie... it's Scott... I know you're in there. You need to try and cage it back, Jean...please.."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey isn't so mucch ignoring anyone as she's simply.. not hearing or really even seeing them at this point. The Phoenix is doing its best to break the cage Jean has it captured in. And she doesn't even realize it, as the fiery bird sings her a seductive song.

At least, until the squirt of water to the face. There's a splutter and a blink, and the impression of fiery wings maninfests for real, flaring out behind and to either side of Jean. She stares blankly, green eyes definitely holding flame within them as well.

As Scott arrives, Jean's fiery phoenix wings flare. Sparks go flying, landing in the trees and starting to ignite them. But, some part of her can now see Scott and Ororo, the park around her, can feel the emotions of the people screaming and running away from her. These things help to anchor her, and the flames within her eyes dies down as she starts to exert control again.

But the Phoenix is not so easily cowed. An avian head appears above Jean, its beak open in a silent scream as its wings flare again. It doesn't want to go back into the cage, darn it!

Storm has posed:
As Scott arrives on the scene, Ororo gives a short nod to him. "Scott," she offers in greeting, her tone level. She sets her water bottle down, then rises to her feet, and she gives a glance towards the instructor and two other students. They're already retreating to some distance, which is the best option. But Ororo has never been one to take the best option. Instead, she takes the option that is hopefully the best for saving her best friend.

Her blue eyes turn milky white as she holds her hands out to either side of her, and she lifts her face to the sky. Her concentration turns to the weather, and turns to focusing on keeping her mind to herself. And it doesn't take long for the dark storm clouds to roll in, swollen and fat and thick with water. Thunder rolls as the clouds collide, and lightning flashes in silver-white streaks. Fat droplets of rain start to fall, hissing when they hit spots that have caught on fire.

Cyclops has posed:
Yes, it's very good that people are beginning to get away. It's likely not the best that some of them are running away screaming, but they can do damage control later. At this point, Scott's just trying to figure out how to get the Phoenix to go back into it's cage. This isn't how things usually work, he can tell Jean is regaining some control, but the Phoenix is fighting back hard.

"Jeanie...can you talk to me? What can we do to help?" Scott asks this while looking at Jean directly for a moment before he actually tilts his head upwards and towards the Phoenix head. "Look, you want out, I get it...but this isn't the best time nor the best place...if you go back now...we'll try to figure something out. I promise." Yes. Ororo can calm the fires, and Scott will try to calm the Phoenix. It's a completely perfect plan!

Phoenix has posed:
The fire is as easy to put out as any other flame. With Jean taking some measure of control of the Phoenix, it's not power-driven fire at least, but simply more or less normal flame. Water works wonders on it. Jean is not focusing on the here and now so well. She's pouring her all into getting the Phoenix back into its caged and locked away.

She slowly lifts her now green eyes to look into Scott's sunglasses. "Knock... me... out..." The words are all but grated out, like she has to fight to get them out. But get them out she does. The theory behind the words, if Jean is unconscious, so is the Phoenix.

The fiery wings and the outline of the head with its savage beak start to fade a little bit, and then flare more, sending more fire to the trees. "Hurry," she whispers.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe holds her concentration upon the weather and the storm that she has called forth. There is thunder to roll and roil overhead, and there is lightning that flashes and crashes to the ground. Rain pours down in thick sheets, drowning the fires and turning the grass slick. Jean is her best friend, and she would do anything that she could to help. For right now, that's putting the fires out. And maybe -- unlikely, but maybe -- the Phoenix wouldn't like the rain much either.

She guides the storm, the lightning that flashes so that each fork of it will find something that can withstand the force of it. She pays little attention to the conversation that flows between Jean and Scott, for her attention is held too focused on the storm itself. It's possible that she hadn't meant for it to be this large, but it's a bit too late now.

Cyclops has posed:
Knock her out!? Is Jean crazy? Okay, maybe a little, and maybe they all are. Scott isn't sure just how to accomplish the whole knocking her out bit. Really there's only one true way *he* can knock her out... "Okay Jean. Okay. Just..." <I love you.> He sends it to her mind just before pushing her back and as he does, he lifts his glasses to send a concentrated blast from his eyes just in front of Jean's feet. He's hoping that the blast won't hit her directly, but the ground in front of her, and knocks her back with enough force that she'll be knocked out once she hits the ground. "'Ro, if Jean isn't out...we'll need to knock her out somehow..." He says to the woman currently in control of the weather.

Phoenix has posed:
No. The Phoenix definitely does /not/ like the rain sheeting down. That helps put out the fire a little bit more, helping Jean contain it that much more. Jean isn't really expecting the shove back by Scott. She's too busy fighting the Phoenix to pay much attention to the thoughts of those around her. She vaguely catches the mental 'I love you.', and then is shoved. She stumbles. The ground at her feet is hit and does indeed knock her back with enough force to toss her off her feet.

But it doesn't knock her out. When Jean looks to Scott, her eyes blaze with fire and fury. She doesn't bother getting up so much, as she floats up into the air on wings born of fire. The Phoenix blazes behind and to either side of her. There's the high pitched hunting scream of a bird of prey, only a thousand times worse for how large the ghostly form of the Phoenix is. There's a buildup as the Phoenix gets ready to unleash.. something.

Storm has posed:
They are probably all at least a little bit crazy. How else does one end up in such a situation as contemplating striking one's best friend with lightning? It's not an option that she wants to take, or one that she would take lightly. It's dangerous, and for a lot of different reasons besides the obvious ones. And she does her level best to keep the thought buried beeath the surface. The rain continues to sheet down, turning grass to mud in some places. She pays some attention to Scott's efforts at knocking Jean out, and the she eases her power out of part of the storm. Out of the thunder, out of the rain, her attetion shifted to just the lightning. The storm itself will continue to rage on, even without her power to guide it.

With Jean -- or more accurately the Phoenix -- flying, that calls for a bit of a different tactic, and it only takes a split second for her to rise from the ground as well. Her eyes remain that milky white, and she glances briefly to Scott before calling a bolt of lightning to strike Jean. To strike her best friend. Hopefully it will be enough to knock Jean out or to at least knock the Phoenix out of control.

Cyclops has posed:
As the Phoenix rises, a bit more pissed off than a moment before, Scott curses under his breath. He knew punching her wouldn't be good, because he wasn't strong enough to knock Jean out with a punch. The blast didn't help either and so he watches for a moment, up to the point of Storm rising from the ground herself and readying that bolt of lightning.

Scott can't watch. He turns his gaze away for a moment, until he believes the flash of lightning is over. Scrambling to his feet, trying to keep his footing steady on the rain soaked grass, he's already moving forward to get to Jean's side should that lightning have done the trick.

Phoenix has posed:
The power of the Phoenix is surging, flaring... just as that lightning bolt hits Jean square on. She arches, and her form is limned in energy for a few precious moments. Her mouth open in a silent scream. The fiery wings and raptor head both also convulse with the electricity coursing through the host's body. Then the flames die, disappear entirely. Jean, limp, falls from where she'd been hovering in the air. Her eyes are closed, and she appears to be unconscious. The lightning has done the trick. For now, at least, Jean is out.

Storm has posed:
That's a thing that Ororo knows as well -- she doesn't have any kind of extraordinary strength, and a punch from her wouldn't be enough to knock out Jean. Scott, at least, had the option of not watching. Ororo doesn't have that option, and she can't help but to switch her vision in order to watch the path of the lightning's electricity as it passes through her. She knows that she shouldn't watch, but it's like a train wreck that way -- one can't help but to watch it through to the bitter end.

When it's done, when the lightning has passed through Jean and the Phoenix has quieted, Ororo lowers to her feet. "I am sorry," she says quietly, near a whisper in volume. Her eyes are still white. "Get her to the mansion, have Henry make sure that she is all right. Take the car. I will be back to the mansion later. I must tend to this, the storm cannot be left as it is," she adds, giving a small nod. It'll be a while before she forgives herself for what she had to do today. For what she had to do to Jean. She lingers for a moment, and then she rises back up into the air again.

Cyclops has posed:
At least she was hovering, and so Scott catches Jean when she falls, and if she's still has any electric charge surging through her, he'll take it into himself. He can spare taking in the extra energy considering he just spent some a moment ago. A glance is spared to Ororo and he nods. "I'm sorry too. We both did what we had to do...Jean requested it. Yes, take care of things here. I'll get her to Hank. Please...come see us when you're home." This offered as he cradles Jean and takes her to the car - getting her all settled and buckled in before jumping into the driver's seat and taking off.

Storm has posed:
For a moment, Ororo watches the pair of them, and there is a wan smile that barely find the corners of her lips. "No. She did not ask for this," she says quietly, giving a small shake of her head. She didn't ask to be struck by lightning. The white-haired woman had watched it pass through her best friend's body. She gives a small nod but has no words to offer when she's asked to visit them when she's home. If she gives no promises, then she can't break them. She exhales a breath and easily rises up into the darkly clouded sky to vanish into the clouds. To let the storm swallow her.