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Latest revision as of 11:15, 28 June 2021

The Jokes on You
Date of Scene: 13 June 2021
Location: Medical Lab - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Kurt has a panic attack. Rogue helps him out...by laughing.
Cast of Characters: Nightcrawler, Rogue

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner comes looking for someone to talk to. He looks rather.... grumpy. And maybe a little edgy... Lookin around corners. Paranoid? Kurt?

Rogue has posed:
    Rogue was back in the lab, having promised to watch over some chemicals that were in the middle of a reaction. No one was supposed to touch them, interfere, and if something did happen, she was supposed to send a text message immediately. It was like watching grass grow, so she was mostly on her phone, killing time. That was until Kurt popped in, "somethin' wrong, sugah?" She asked.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner bites his lip in what looks like a painful grip on his lip. He nods. Then closes the door and sighs. He places his head on the door and bangs it once. "I" twice "Am." thrice "So" Quadruplets "Stupid!" He throws his back dramatically against the door and stares at you a bit hysterically. "I'm a dead man!" He whispers dramatically. "Oh soooo dead."

Rogue has posed:
    "You keep bitin' yer lip like that, and yer gonna draw blood." Rogue said in a friendly sort of tone, "why don'cha just spit it out. You know ya can trust me." She did not like as he banged his head on the door, "woah, stop that right now, or else I'll stop ya." He was not going to hurt himself in front of her. If he was going to get hurt, she was going to be the one to do it. Reaching over, she pulled him with a gloved hand away from the door, "now, what's the problem?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner sighs, "I did something.... Unforgivable." He sighs. "And oh what was I thinking?!" He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "I'm dead. That's all there is to it. I might as well face my death like a man eh Frauline?" He straightens himself up to his full height and lifts his chin. "Do you think Logan likes to kill people quickly or slowly?" He sort of wilts a bit and throws himself into a chair letting it spin him around in a cirlce. "IprankedJeanLoganandHank. Panties, Unicorns and Blue Twinkies."

Rogue has posed:
    "Hon, ah don't have a clue what yer talkin' about. Jut breathe. Remmeber ta breathe. Take a deep breath, and let it all out. Come on, I know you can do it." Rogue was trying to be supportive, but Kurt was so tightly wound there wasn't a lot she could do. "Ah don't think Logan likes to kill people," with emphasis on the kills part, "when he did it, an' if he does it again, it'll be for a damn good reason. Folks that need to be dead. And Kurt, you don't need to be dead. So tell me, what's this all about?" And then with everything he said, "What?" A pause, "huh?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner nods and takes a breath and lets it out slowly. Till he almost looks like a goofy limp noodle. "OK. So Jean gave me THE LOOK when I suggested that she needed to talk about stuff.... I mean she made my hair stand on end. It was THE LOOK Rogue." He sighs, "So I figured she needed to... lighten up! And I got this STUPID idea to tell my imps to put itching powder in her underwear drawer." He gives Rogue a look to see how she's taking it so far.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks very confused. "The look?" She didn't understand what kind of look Kurt got, or thinks he got, but itching powder in Jean's underwear drawer. That was... not a nice thing to do. "How'd she make yer hair stand on end?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner groans, "The Look. You know... Like you are the bug and she is the scientist pinning you to a matt? Hasn't she ever given you THE LOOK before?" He asks, "No?" Hmmm interesting. He throws his hands up. "ITs a prank. To make you laugh. The itching powder doesn't last but for a few minutes. But yes it's not meant to be nice. Its a prank. She like is going to know! Of course she is going to know! She's a... She is Jean." He rolls his eyes. "Well then I thought, she's gonna think I targeted her...and so... I had to prank some other folks. You know, so she knows it's not at her. But of course she'll figure that out too." He grumps, "So I pranked Logan by gluing a sign over his No Visitors sign. It now reads..." He colors slightly, "Always be yourself, Unless you are a Unicorn, and then always be a Unicorn."

Rogue has posed:
    "First of all, Jean doesn't like to read people's minds. The professor taught her an' all the other teeps not to do that. It's an invasion of privacy. But if you're this frazzled by it, she won't need to read yer mind, she'll be able to read it on yer face. You have to calm down. So, itching powder in Jean's unmentionables. A sign over your door. What'd you do to Logan?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner nods, "Normally I would agree with you. But she isn't herself. And Im not afraid of Jean." He sighs, "OK. Yeah she gave me a look Rogue. A look that said the world is falling down around her and I need help. So I decided a little distraction. A little laughter...although I should have chosen the pink bubbles in her coffee in hindsight... make her laugh again." Kurt sags, "I'm not even really afraid of Logan. It's Hank that's really got me scared." He grins.

Rogue has posed:
    "Okay, what happened with Hank?" Rogue asked, still trying to follow along.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner bites his lip again and whispers, "I turned the whipped cream in his twinkies blue."

Rogue has posed:
    And Rogue laughs, she didn't mean to, it was a soft giggle at first, that grew into a chuckle, and kept expanding in her tummy, until it was a belly laugh, a big belly laugh, a surprisingly big belly laugh for a girl with such a smooth abdomen. "You..." she kept laughing, "you..." again, "you turned the cream in his twinkies blue?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner nods, "With food coloring and a syringe. He's gonna kill me Rogue. I'm a dead man!" He laughs with her then. He can't help it. He just laughs. It feels good to do so. He throws his head back and say's, "I'm so gonna die!" Bwahahahaha.