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Latest revision as of 11:20, 28 June 2021

Avengers Aftermath
Date of Scene: 09 June 2021
Location: Martial Fields, Kvalvika, New Asgard
Synopsis: Thor asks Nat and Cap for some advice and help.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Captain America, Black Widow (Romanoff)

Thor has posed:
    The moon hangs over the bay of Kvalvikka, casting its reflection into the calm waters of this time of the year. The waves are gentle, seemingly barely washing against the beach with the slow rhythmic sound instead of crashing against the pier as it is wont to do during the Winter months. The docks themselves are at rest, no ships have been allowed into the harbor for the last few weeks. And if one were to seek a reason why that is so, then all they'd have to do is to lift their eyes to see the black Svartalfar skiff setting at rest upon the landing strip further inland.
    The ship is dark, severe looking with sharp spines and angular wings. It is a thing that looks like speed and ill-intent made into shape that combines menace into the mix. Yet it does not rest there alone on the landing strip. It stands under guard with several prominent Asgardian warriors looking out in case others might seek to steal the ship away for whatever reason.
    It is likely for that reason that Thor has asked some of the other Avengers to come to New Asgard, to stand upon the Martial Fields where in times of battle the remaining warriors have mustered.
    "It seems we may have rushed matters," Thor's voice is strong and stern as he leans against the elegant wooden railing that lines the perilous drop into the valley behind the martial field. That overlook upon the landing strip is high and gives a good long gaze across the land, yet may well be perilous to some should they lose their fitting.
    "It is not my place to say, Your Majesty." Bjarke, captain of the guard, stands at his monarch's side and keeps his counsel, for now at the least.
    "Perhaps it would have been better to hold off on building a ship until we knew more what was still out there?" Thor lifts his head and looks across the distance. Then looks back over his shoulder towards the armored man.
    "Without a ship how would we know what awaited us? All knew the risk, and I doubt any would balk if they were tasked to face such challenge again."
    To which Thor answers with a solemn nod and a single, "Mmm." In answer.

Captain America has posed:
The Avengers Quinjet set down on the Martial Fields with practiced ease, landing in such a way that the rear would open directly adjacent to a paved pathway, with the tip of the ramp missing the pavement by a fraction of an inch. Of course, the flight there had been slower than it would have been. Captain America was behind the wheel this time, and he very much lived up to his reputation as an old man. It was safe, it was efficient, and it was practical. He only sped, or flew at dangerous velocities, when time was of the essence. But he had been given a time to shoot for, and so, there was no need to speed.

All Norwegian, New Asgardian, and European Union air traffic controls that needed to, had been coordinated with, and it was all above board. With the ship landing, it would be powered down, brought back to a stable state, where Captain America, or whomever the next pilot would be, to start it up. Cap then, oh god, he then made a note in the database, adding the miles flown, time in air, and other data that few Avenger pilots ever seemed to log, but the S.H.I.E.L.D. maintenance people insisted upon.

"All right, let's go meet Thor." He said, as he got up, picking up the shield that had been resting in a safe lock, so it wouldn't be disturbed during the flight. He slipped it onto his back.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha rose from her spot in the front, the co-pilot position. She would not be in that seat on the way home. "I will pilot back." It was all she said. And there was no expression to read on her face. But needless to say, the lack of speed and longer flight time was not to her liking. Certainly, they were there on time but they had to leave earlier than they would had she been piloting.

She was in her Avengers costume today, the more sleek bodysuit in black. Her hair was currently short, in a pixie cut that was far easier to deal with. Holsters were strapped to thighs and weapons present.

She walked through the Quinjet then down the ramp, pausing once outside. She took a moment to look up at the starry sky above then glanced around to see if their host was present yet.

Thor has posed:
    When the Quinjet arced through the air above them, Thor's expression changed. A warmth infused his features as he took a deep breath then started to walk toward the ship. "At the least we know we are not without friends here on Midgard, Captain."
    "Indeed," Bjarke answers with a nod, his horned helm shifting slightly as he rests his spear haft upon the ground, standing sentinel nearby but making no move forward. "I shall remain here, my lord. Call for me if needs be and I shall be there."
    "Very well, Bjarke." Thor says even as he's turning to walk the distance across that open field toward the Quinjet's landing area. When the door opens to allow the passengers to disembark they'll see the clear field, parts of it illuminated by glowing spheres, enough for them to see the two figures with one approaching. Only a moment is needed to see it is Thor, for he wears the crimson cloak off one shoulder as well as the black and silver armor that he last wore in battle. Then there is, of course, the hammer at his hip.
    Arms spread open he smiles, but his greeting his not as effusive as it has been in the past. The mood in Kvalvikka remains somber with the battle passed.
    "My friends," He calls once he's close enough.
    "Thank you for coming." That last said to them both but then he extends a hand to Cap first for a handshake. That if accepted is likely to turn into a one-armed embrace and a thump on the back in traditional warrior manner.

Captain America has posed:
"All right," is all Captain America said when she stated that she would pilot back. There didn't seem to be anything to read in his expression. They both understood what had gone unspoken. Captain America wore his costume, there were so many minor variations, but this one seemed to have a bit more white and red in it.

He also put his helmet on, which had been stored in a compartment near the pilot seat. He strapped it. Technically, a visit to New Asgard was a diplomatic mission, even if it was Thor, a long time friend. He was unarmed, save for his shield, but that was his usual equipment. He only took guns when he knew, or at least suspected, that he would have to deal with a higher than normal level of combat. The shield was enough for most days.

Following Black Widow down the ramp, and upon seeing Thor, and hearing the greeting, Captain America would stride towards him, greeting him with a gloved hand, shaking firmly. "Thor, we're with you, as always."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
After the greeting to Cap, Natasha received her own version of the handshake and back thump, one-armed embrace that was reserved for fellow warriors. Her version of it had a little less /thump/ involved so that she wouldn't be knocked twenty feet was her guess.

When she stepped back out of that moment, she gave a nod and a small smile. "Hopefully you're well. How are your people recovering?"

She meant those who had been injured in the conflict itself up in space. But it could be also interpreted as how were his people doing learning the Svartalfar were still out there and had found their new home.

Thor has posed:
    The thump-thump on Steve's back is a little stronger than the one given to Natasha even as he steps back and looks to them both, one and then the other, and then back again. "It is good of you to come, have you eaten? If not then we shall do this over a meal. Something small in the library might be best. Though I do not wish to presume upon your time."
    There is a formality in Thor's words as he speaks, as if giving the needed guest rite, but also allowing his guests the freedom to back out and to put their own interests to the fore. Yet as he says this he's already turned and started walking along the cobblestone pathway that leads toward the fortress that stands tall above the settlement.
    Only then does he answer Natasha's question as he murmurs, "We are a hearty folk, the losses of the battle were felt and still are. But Asgard looks forwards."
    A pause as he walks along, then says sidelong. "The elders wish for war. And I do not fault them. Likely we shall pursue this, though we lack much. Knowledge of this enemy, how they survived while Malekith and his clans fell. They are Svartalfar, but they are different. They had so few warriors, but many automatons. It is unlike the ones I have encountered in the past."

Captain America has posed:
Captain America could take more of a thump than Black Widow, but neither one of them could take Thor's full might in that way. It was a dance. Neither Cap, nor Nat, wanted to flinch, or show any sign of difficulty, the Asgardians didn't want to see them do it, and Thor had to pull his efforts, while still trying his best to give them as much as they could take.

They had eaten on the flight over. But it wasn't exactly good food. Better than you could get on a commercial aircraft, but still, airplane food is airplane food, no matter how nice the airplane is. Also, they didn't want to turn their nose up at an Asgardian meal. "A meal in the library sounds good to me. And Thor, our time is your time." Yes, he was speaking for Black Widow, but he knew her well enough that he was reasonably certain that she wouldn't have an issue with a meal, so long as it didn't devolve into an all night drinking contest.

Walking along, and listening to the issues, "perhaps Tony or one of the Hanks might be able to help with that." Since Pym and McCoy were two brilliant scientists. There were actually quite a few scientists on the Avengers side. Narrowing it to three was just easier.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Food sounds wonderful," Natasha agreed. She hadn't expected this to be a five minute visit. Not after a long flight. They were going to be here a while and she had no problem enjoying a good meal in the company of friends.

At the mention of his elders wanting war, she couldn't really say she didn't see why. These were the species that destroyed their home, killed so many of their people. Of course they'd want to get back at them. But was it the wisest path when they were just rebuilding? That surely was weighing heavily on Thor.

"They're different?" That had her attention. "Do you think they are an offshoot of the main Svartalfar or something else?" A glance toward the alien ship that was guarded some distance off. Then back to Thor. "Or have they advanced that much in a short time?" Which could mean alliances with someone else.

Thor has posed:
    "I am told that some of the remains of those drones are being examined, and we have several ourselves. But they are unlike the weapons Malekith's people used." Thor shakes his head as he walks along and speaks with Cap.
    A pair of Asgardians are seen coming down along the path and taking steps to the side to clear a way for the oncomers. When they are near enough the two bow, albeit briefly, while Thor lifts a hand to acknowledge and let them continue on their way.
    Once they're past he resumes the conversation. "Their technology is not more advanced it is simply..." Thor answers Natasha's question as he murmurs, "Different. The Svartalfar were slavers, they would take beings they felt were lesser and use them for labor. They also used them as... subjects for experiments. They had never used automata to such an extent. I saw no clan markings, and the few warriors I saw seemed to have no officers. It is a curious thing."
    Shaking his head he takes a deep breath, furrows his brow, then murmurs. "Perhaps there had been a schism at some point. But knowing their past is not as important to my people now., They wish to take the fight to them once again. And I..." Shaking his head, Thor frowns. "I wish to do so as well. Yet I am forced to consider the wisdom of the matter."

Captain America has posed:
Captain America was absorbing the information. A lot of this was beyond him, as often seemed the case of late. Fights in outer space? Dealing with dark elves? Whatever happened to the issues of good old Hydra, assassins, or Batroc the Leaper? Though his face hardened a bit at the mention of the Svartalfar being slavers, using forced labor. "You said they were slavers. Have they given up the practice?"

The final part really caught his attention, and Captain America chose his words carefully. "Intelligence plays a big role in Earth wars. It also helps to prevent them." He nodded his head to Black Widow, as she was exactly the kind of person Thor needed, "does Asgard have an intelligence arm?" He didn't know those details, but was hoping Thor had spies and operatives looking into this.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
That was information Natasha had never asked. Being in that sort of position herself, she had felt it would be a sort of violation in some way to ask Thor about his any sort of espionage they might practice. Not that she was against them having it. They honestly should. But she didn't want it to seem like she wanted to know for professional reasons.

Basically she thought it would be crossing a line between teammate, friend and work. Yet, she wasn't going to ignore the information that might come from Steve's query either.

"I understand wanting to go after them. After what they did. But yes, it is a difficult situation considering you are still rebuilding. Still trying to get your tech back to where it had been, with the limitations of Midgard."

Thor has posed:
    "I do not know, Steven." Thor answers about slavery to Cap as he looks at the other man, shaking his head as he moves up the slight incline toward the fortress. "Until two weeks ago I thought they were dead after our clash. Now, I cannot tell you."
    There was a moment as Thor's gaze slipped to the side, eyes distancing as he ponders. "Though when we were on the ship, in that relatively short time, we did not see any facilities for servants, there was no sign of any other living things than the handful of crewmen we faced when we boarded. Many of the drones, only..."
    His brow furrows as he looks back to them, "Perhaps seven Svartalfar all told. Which for a Marauder class ship as the one we faced is very low."
    But then the next question is asked and Thor shakes his head, "We do not have... a service of such, per se. We have people who are out and about in the world and they will often tell us of what passes but spies..." Curiously enough the concept does not seem to offend him as he adds, "None that would call themselves so."
    Then there's a slight smile as the Asgardian tilts his head, "Which is, in part, why I asked to speak with you. For our relations with many of the world's nations are not as good as we would like. As it stands I will have to tell the world that we are declaring a war, and the reaction to that could be myriad. Would be best to know more if we could, and if there are other nations that might have such knowledge."

Captain America has posed:
They certainly had their work cut out for them. Captain America paused, thinking this over. He asks Natasha, "Is the Etterretningstjenesten still the military intelligence agency in Norway?" As they would be someone to contact for assistance, as they obviously have a vested interest in the betterment of New Asgard. Captain America didn't know all the details, but he was pretty sure the land was given to the Asgardians on a 100 year lease, or some special administrative region, like Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China.

"We should probably contact Fury, see what kind of S.H.I.E.L.D. assets he can offer." Even if Thor hadn't actually asked, Captain America was jumping a gun a bit, talking about what was needed to build an intelligence agency, "we'll need you to gather volunteers, people with skills and experiences that might be suited to the work."

The talk of war wasn't really as much a concern to Captain America, as a war between New Asgard and one of the other realms wasn't really a huge issue for the United Nations. There wasn't anything they could do about it. It was out of their jurisdiction, but S.H.I.E.L.D. really needed to know, Alpha Flight and S.W.O.R.D. too.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"They are," Natasha replie to Steve's question. "Fury is aware of what happened but I can get with him more. If Thor really wants SHIELD putting their fingers in things. I respect Fury and work with him for a reason. But he will want to have his own people on the inside to get information if this gets off the ground for Asgard."

She looks over to Thor. "I can work some of my contacts, get a feel for how reactions might be. Alpha Flight would be a good go-to since they deal with monitoring for threats from space. They may have been busy or this may have been so sudden they didn't catch it but they are a good group to work with on that aspect as well."

Thor has posed:
    "I do not know if there would be many volunteers for such." Thor frowns as he walks, their ascent reaching the height of the fortress by this point. His stride eases as he rests a hand on one of the fence posts that mark the path even as he gives a nod. "Much would depend on how it was advanced as a concept. Also the idea of individuals seeking out secrets... might well draw the interest of my brother."
    Which could be a good or bad thing. Or both.
    "But I will speak with those I can. In times past Fandral fancied himself able to find out the secrets of the nine realms... yet he is no longer with us." He takes a moment to push a hand through his hair, that eyepatch giving him a more grim look than he's had in the past, but then he shakes his head.
    "If you can put together an effort, however, I will be very grateful. We do not have much to offer in return save our gratitude. And perhaps some time for your artisans to study with ours, which could help the people of both realms."

Captain America has posed:
There was nothing new about friendly nations helping others to develop. "During the war," the Second World War, "President Roosevelt created the OSS, which was largely set up and trained by Britain's MI6. After the war, I hear they renamed it the CIA." He was kind of frozen for that part.

Captain America believed in people. He knew that once Nick Fury got his fingers into something, it could be hard to get him to remove them, but he also believed that Fury was a good man. He saw the good. He prepared himself for the bad.

The mention of Loki had Steve taking a deep breath. "Loki," he said, considering it. "He'd be ideally suited to head up this thing, but..." can you trust him went unspoken. They all knew the end of that line, but Captain America was too polite to ask it.

He did give a brief glance at the idea that few Asgardians would be patriotic enough to sign up to serve New Asgard. It was hard for him to imagine people being so mercenary. The scary thought was S.H.I.E.L.D. starting to run intelligence operations into the other realms. Talk about overreach. Captain America was not fond of the idea of Nick Fury having that much power, or anyone for that matter.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"But I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him,' Natasha finished that sentence up for Steve with her own viewpoint. She raised a hand to keep this from possibly becoming a thing, probably unnecessarily. "I know he's been behaving lately. According to what you've told us, Thor. But I still can't trust him. Ever. Would he be good as a spy? Of course. But you wouldn't be able to know for sure he had the interests of New Asgard--or himself--for motivation."

At the mention of offering something in return, she shook her head. "This is us helping a friend. While Steve here is an agent, we know that the type of stuff we are talking about is more my field. I'll do some fact finding, see what I can learn. There are a few people I can trust to help if you have people that want to learn." She considered. "I know it isn't the same as the view of a warrior as your people were taught by your society. Thus not as appealing probably to a death on the field of battle scenario."

Thor has posed:
    The discussion of Loki, it was a thing that did indeed darken Thor's mood. He would speak no ill of his brother, at least not in this moment, but he did not go out of his way to defend him either. Instead he shook his head and murmurs, "There is a strong warrior tradition with my people, and many feel the act of spying on one's neighbors is something one does not do."
    Then there's a tilt of his head back to the others, "Though others understand the merits of having scouts in war time. It is mainly getting the two schools of thought to meet."
    Which has him shaking his head again. "Though..." He tilts his head to the side and frowns. "If we put it to them that they are to find the mystery of these Svartalfar renegades, and to start here on Midgard, that may go over well beyond creating a group for such tasks. Make it the one task at least at first, give a goal, and let them meet it."
    A thoughtful look is seen on his features, "There are some I may be able to send your way in that case."

Captain America has posed:
"We're all in this together. We all have a part to play. What is a warrior without the armorer, the weaponsmith, the healer, the cook, the teacher, the farmer. Everyone plays a part." Sometimes Captain America could be a walking, talking, war poster. But he genuinely meant everything he said. "Without radar, Britain would have lost the Battle of Britain. Without Alan Turing, Britain might never have cracked enigma. Without Joseph Rochfort, the Battle of Midway would have gone very different. Without William Stephenson..., the list goes on. They all played an invaluable part. Perhaps Thor, you should tell your people of how many battles were won by intelligence agents.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Approaching it that way may help," Natasha agrees. "Make it a task and once they achieve, then they might recognize the benefits. Or they can then be given another task and go from there."

She considers a moment then tilts her head. "Would meeting some of us help? To see that we can be both? Warriors and spies?"

Thor has posed:
    "It could," This spoken to Natasha in answer to her question, "Though many of them know of you, many of them do not know much about you beyond being worthy allies. All in all," Thor looks to Cap and then Nat, "Food for thought, my friends. Indeed." And as he says that then his belly does make a bit of a seconding of that sentiment as it growls audibly, barely so, yet still heard. "And on that perhaps we should adjourn to the library where we can share dinner. More of this talk can wait until then."
    He slips between the two Agents of SHIELD and rests his hands on their shoulders as he begins walking once again toward the entryway of that grand fortress, lifting his voice to ask them, "Now tell me what has passed in your lives, give me some respite from the demands of the day and insight into yours."