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Revision as of 14:18, 23 October 2017

Lower East Side
Date of Scene: 16 April 2017
Location: Lower East Side, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: Black Widow (Romanoff), Gypsy Moth, 87, Emma Frost

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha was standing outside of the Shawarma Palace. She had her cell phone out and was looking at the screen of it, occassionally looking up from it toward the street. "Figures." She muttered in a disappoitned breath. She'd been cancelled on and hated it. She cleared her schedule to come all the way down here to talk to a very specific someone, and they cancelled on her.

With a heavy sigh, the redhead leaned back against the wall outside of the Shawarma place and just put her phone away into the brown leather jacket she had on her upper body, then crossed her feet at the ankles. She would reach over and pick up her cup of ice tea and bring it up to her red painted lips for a suck from the straw.

"I'm gonna kill you." She whispered aloud, assuming no others were within ear shot of her.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Sybil Dvorak is out and about, she has nothing in particular in mind for the day, so she decides to take a walk. She us dressed down, like she used to befotre she became rich. Sometime, living upper crust can be tiring to someon raised as a Gypsy.

Spying the Shawarma Palace, she walks in to see how things have changed while she was living in California. She might even eat here...

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Who doesn't like shawarma? or Persian yogurt? Or labne? As far as Tommy Hunter was concerned, a hatred for these type of treats was the mark of a mendacious and malignant soul, best to be avoided. He was ever so grateful for the fact that his transformation into the Cat of Chaos had not changed his tastes too much, as that would have been simply catastrophic.

Even if he is all feline from head to toe, the illusion he has cast over himself makes the rest of the world see him as his old human self- red hair, freckles, green eyes and a predilection for bright clothes, the works.

One thing he hand' t quite gotten used to yet was his enhanced senses. He happens to pass in front of Natasha on his way in just ass she whispers her deadly oath, and the young man-slash-cat stops on his tracks. Technically speaking no human would have heard that... but because of the rather large ears he now sports (but you can't see because illusion and all that!), he did hear it.

"... what? What did I do?" he asks Natasha, one eyebrow going up.

Emma Frost has posed:
"I don't care what the article says, it's wrong and libelous- No. I am on my way to the editor's office at this moment. Just put your focus on damage control." Emma says with a sigh, pulling the golden phone from her ear and pressing the red button on the screen before sliding it into her back pocket on her pants.

The White Queen is walking briskly, even outside her heels still clack on the sidewalk, sounding like she's moving with purpose and power not normally felt from the random by passer on New York's sidewalks. Nearing the Shawarma, Emma doesn't seem to take note of the murderous avenger, the illusionist or the fellow one percenter.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha had glanced in Sybil's direction when she heard the response to her death threat from the redheaded man and she would look over to him with her green eyes. A smile was shown growing across her red lips and she shook her head right to left. "I'm sorry." She told him in her husky voice. "I wasn't meaning you." A heavy exhale was released then and she shook the ice inside of her cup. "I was supposed to meet someone here for a business lunch, but they just cancelled on me. After I cleared my whole schedule for this."

Natasha's eyes glanced at Emma as the fancy woman strut down the sidewalk with that glinting golden phone. This intrigued the Agent, but not enough to make her disturb the fancy lady's day.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Sybil, to someone with the right skills, appears as if she is not quite used to this place...or to fast food places in general. She is someone who is used to being catered to...NOW. Below that, there are buried signs of the person she was, someone who was neither wealthy nor welcome. She seems to be trying to fit in, but is a bit uncomfortable. She orders a Shawarma as if not enirely sure what she is asking for...and as if she is really not used to going up to a counter and ordering.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Oh," Tommy says, relieved that he hadn't done anything to warrant the rage of the red-haired one. A sympathetic expression appears on his face. "Getting cancelled on sucks. Do you want to share a platter or something? My treat."

Sybil and Emma get a raised eyebrow as they approach the area, and he adds to Emma, "Better decide quickly before they raise the prices around here. Looks like some fancy clientele around here..."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma, maintaining her brisk pace suddenly comes to a halt as a young couple steps out of a cab, takes a few steps until they're in the middle of the sidewalk and start kissing each other passionately. Emma stands, her eyes blinking rapidly as she has a sudden interruption in her path. The gall of some people in this city, how selfish can the young be? She thinks to herself with an annoyed sigh escaping her glossy crimson lips.

Emma lifts her eyebrow towards Tommy clicking her tongue once towards the man as she starts to side step the lovers.

The two then step closer to the restaurant, blocking her progress again.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha glanced back into the store to see that Sybil was ordering, awkwardly... thats essentially how she looked the first time she'd ordered here too.

Sweeping her eyes back toward Tommy she gave him a soft smirk at his invitation. "I guess I'm here. I may as well go in and eat." She said with a nod of her head, standing up from her lean against the front of the store.5r
Nat would look to the flustered Emma and it made her grin a little to see the hoity toity woman getting interrupt on her way to wherever she was going. "Ahhhh... to be young and in love..." Romanoff said as she pulled the door open and went to go inside.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Sybil steps aside after placing her order to wait for her number to be called. Good thing she keeps some small change in her purse, it says they do not accept large bills. She mostly has hundreds...

Waiting is so boring, she lets out a low level telekinetic pulse to map the area, just to see if there is anything interesting. Most prople will not notice anything except possibly a stray breeze ruffling their hair.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Love is overrated," Tommy says with a smirk as Nat makes her way in. He does take a moment to Schadrenfreude in Emma's direction (it's nowhere near as dirty as it sounds)- after the tongue clicking, it's a little rewarding to see her obstructed.

He blinks. Maybe he HAD been living in New York a little too long. He had to be careful not to fall into cynicism. Musn't lose that child-like sense of wonder and whimsy-

Wait. When the hell did he even have that? Merging with Cheshire cats will mess your mind up.

As he steps into the establishment, he feels his fur stand on end as either someone had way too many beans for lunch, or something just passed over him. "Shiver me timbers..." he mutters, feeling a little alarmed.

And by her part, depending on how thorough that pulse is, Sybil might notice a noticeable discrepancy between Tommy's apppearance and the actual shape of his body.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma rolls her eyes and was just about to red rover the couple when the telekinetic wave washes over the area and the telepathic woman grows incredibly curious. She turns towards the restaurant, her eyes and mind scanning over the area as her hand slips behind her to pull out her phone once more.

Stepping inside the Shawarma, Frost sends a text and her face seems to grow slightly softer as she steps in line behind Tommy and Nat, her eyes lingering on the menu as she searches out for the super powered individual.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha had no idea that a bit of telekinetic power had been slung about. As far as she was concerned there was just a draft in the restaurant, as there often was with doors opening and closing and all the goings-on of a well ventilated kitchen area. Blissfully unaware, she remained!

She'd approach the counter and place an order for a Chicken Shawarma with no pickles. "Pickles are alien food, not a fan." She said with a dry tone to her voice. She'd move aside to let Tommy make his order then while she went to get a refill on her tea, since she'd come in earlier to get said tea before going back outside to wait for her 'friend'.

Sipping from the cup again, she looked over at Emma. "Lawyer?" She asked Emma then in a simple question.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Now that is interesting, to her telekinetic touch that man over there should be covered with soft fur, but to sight he looks normal. Some kind of illusion, Sybil trusts her touch much more than her sight. She hears her number called and goes up to get her food. Can she use this information in any way?

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy places an order for a shawarma, and a bit of persian yogurt on the side. He seems slightly distracted... it is always so disconcerting, feeling that something has gone over you without something actually going over you. "Pickles all the way for me," he says with a grin. "Nanu Nanu."

The White Queen's cursory scan might come across the anomaly in Tommy's mind- it's not so much that he is hard to read (although he is that), but that his surface thoughts are garbled and, if one might say so, nonsensical at times. There's a true stream of thought there mixed among the Mad Hatter logic, but it's very hard to pick out from the surrealist stream of thought in which it is mired. It is not unlike listening to someone reading Finnegan's wake underwater in the middle of a rock concert.

"Do you usually have business lunch with Shawarma? I didn't know that was a trend now."

His eyes move across the room, trying to be subtle about it. Could the thing have come from the hoity-toity woman?

Wait. There were two hoity-toity women here. And the fellow redhead he was with.

And, of course, the counter attendant, and probably the cook. Anyone here could have sent that 'feeling' out. The challenge of finding out the origin of it made Tommy curious- he was hooked on a feeling.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma steps up to the counter, not quite hungry, not sure what shawarma is, and trying to keep an eye on her figure, "I'd like just a medium drink please." Says the CEO before turning back to Natasha, "I am about to need one, people over at the bugle are printing falsities. Obviously showing how much effort they put into doing their research on their tabloid articles." Emma says bothered by the printed paper as she walks over towards the soda fountain and fills her cup with Coke Zero and minimal ice.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha sipped her straw as she walked back toward Emma, Tommy and the others in line at the counter and she showed a lopsided grin at Tommy's old tv reference. "Nice one, Mork. And... no. I was supposed to meet someone here who keeps recommending this place to me. But he's... well, he's in hiding right now and he doesn't want anyone to see him. He's kind of, odd... like that." She said back at him while stepping up to the counter to wait for her food. When it arrived she collect the tray and handed the Clerk a wad of bills, then walked past Emma toward a open table that wasn't but a few steps off the line area.

"The Bugle is a dying medium of news. They print wild headlines to get people to buy-in." She reassured Emma whjile moving to sit. "So don't sweat through your blouse. Nobody believes anything in the Bugle. Especially after they've met its Editor and Chief. He's one small step away from a heart attack."

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Having seated herself and put her food in place, Sybil opens a narrow field telekinetic touch and checks Vorpal over. There is more to him that is unusual than just fur. She wants to know what he is, if she can figure it out. Her eyes will bo on him, staring like perhapsshe is interested in him...

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"You're talking about the daily bulge? That's as disreputable a rag as you can get without writing news items about Bat-Boy." Tommy pauses as he sits down to sip his soda. "Who I am pretty sure is -not- one of the Bat-Man's sidekicks. But I could be wrong. It's hard to keep track nowadays." Of course, that's not entirely true. As 'Chase', he is one of the most well-informed bloggers out there when it comes to the lives of the Super and Famous. HeroWatch hosting his column on their site gave him a little credibility... but not much, considering that HeroWatch was dangerously close to becoming The Bugle's equivalent in sensationalism.

"Like my friend-" he trails off and looks at Natasha, "I'm sorry, friend, I don't know your name. I'll call you Evangeline, unless you tell me your name. Be warned."

Without skipping a beat he resumes his advise to Emma, "Don't sweat it, lady. If the Bungle is writing trash about you, take it as a compliment. They're like vampires that only go after the rich and successful."

"Of course, sometimes they also go after the basketcases and the loonies, so it's fifty fifty. But like my journalist mentor used to say, if it ain't one thing, it's another."

He eyes Natasha for a second and tries to remember if he felt that wave coming from her direction. He should have been paying attention!

Emma Frost has posed:
"I will not sit idly by while someone bad mouth the culmination of years of hard work and countless sleepless nights. No, I will not abide this." Emma says firmly before lifting her soda to her lip and taking a faint sip.

Her mind however is sending a message to the telekinetic. <<Leave the man alone, he's not harming anyone and you're setting off beacons just begging to be discovered.>>

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha listened to the rant from Tommy about the 'news' outlet and it made her smirk again, amused just a bit it would seem. "Evangeline?" She questioned, taking a moment to consider it. "I kind of like that..." Her head bobbed twice in acceptance. She lifted her ice tea up for a sip and then overheard what Emma said, outloud.

Her green eyes went to the White Queen and she cleared her throat lightly. "Relax." She told her. "I promise you, nobody takes the Bugle seriously. Its just read to make people smile and forget about their own terrible lives for a few minutes." Now who's the Cynical New Yorker?

Natasha sorted out her food and dug in. A moment later and she was speaking with a mouthful. "Oh god, this is goodf." She announced, trying not to let the food spill out of her mouth.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Sybil keeps from reacting to the telepatic message. That felt female...not the target she was studying...the woman with him? The other woman they are talking with? Well either way...she places uppermost in her mind a mental image of what her sense tells her the other looks like along with a questioning word, Rakshasa?

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy munches on his shawarma distractedly as he senses a greater amount of scrutiny coming over him. Someone has taken an interest in him, alright. "Yup, they know how to do it legiy right here. The shawarma place near the university is run by these two hippies who put all sorts of stuff in it that I am sure goes against god and country. Who the hell wants sprouts in their shawarma?" He shudders visibly, "And... tofu. That's just wrong."

He reaches under the table with a foot, touching one of the unoccupied chairs with a toe. It's a very slow and slight movement, definitely nothing forceful or fast.

He wants to try something- a little experiment to see if he could startle whomever was trying to scope him out. He allows for the barest amount of Chaos magic to course through him and into the chair.

In a second, the chair slides across to a nearby unoccupied table seemingly under its own power, bumping against it and tipping it over, sending silverware everywhere, tipping a few of the other chairs over as well. There is no real damage, but a lot of noise and clatter of the surprise!' variety.

"Whoa- that was *weird*!" Tommy says, quickly darting his eyes across the room to catch the reactions of the other people in there.

Emma Frost has posed:
"I don't care who takes them seriously, they're trying to damage my company, my image, my hard work being put down by a gaggle of idiotic peeons." Emma fumes her empty hand clenching slightly in her anger.

<<No, he's just a scared kid trying to find his way in the world->> The white queen is then interrupted and jumps back with a yelp, causing a bunch of coke zero to escape the lip of her cup, landing on her hand and wrist in surprise.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Whilst enjoying her meal, Natasha would spare a few glances toward Tommy during his description of the 'other Shawarma place he knows about' and it made her grin mischeviously at him. "I don't know. I like to try new things." It was true, at her age it was hard to find new things to do and try and she was always eager for something that felt a bit unique, especially in the food catagory. Food was one thing Natasha loved, but rarely reminded herself to not just eat the usual...

She looked to Emma moments before the chair-event took place. "What is it exactly that you do then, MIss?" She asked the woman in her best professional voice.

When the chair event DID HAPPEN, Natasha just looked over at it and watched the silverware settle in their new places all messed up. "Who ya gonna call..." She quietly muttered under her breath, but turned back to her food which was far more interesting to her.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Syble cowers back a bit in her corner table, as if wanting to flee but having no where to run too. Sure, she could deflect the chair, but she has no idea who did that or how. She does leave open her mind so the telepath can see she did not do it. She also grabs her Shwarma and her cup and pulls them out of the way with her hands if the chair comes this way.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"There's no such thing as ghosts," Tommy says for a moment. He doesn't really believe that, because he knows better. "... Must have been the building foundations settling down. Yeah. This sort of thing happens all the time." Pause. "Projectile chairs."

He gets up quickly and goes to offer Emma his hand to help her stand up. He hadn't intended for pratfalls to happen, and he feels a little guilty about it.

Of course, now he is actually suspicious of Natasha, because she didn't seem very surprised at all. Almost as if she knew something was about to be afoot.

Which, of course, is the totally wrong conclusion to take, but let's be frank- he hasn't even officially begun to do the 'hero thing' yet. He's as green as a cucumber.

"Is your wrist ok? I hope you didn't sprain..." please let it not be sprained. He'll feel extra guilty. He's so caught up in the consequence of his actions that he hasn't really thought this through- he's not wearing his gloves, so the hand that the White Queen will take, if take it she does, will be covered in soft, velvety fur.

Emma Frost has posed:
Reaching up with her empty hand, Emma stands slowly and sighs as she turns around to the fountain again, taking a napkin and wetting it to dab at her blazer sleeve to clean off the coke before it ruins her suit. "I'm fine." Frost chides, looking over to Natasha, "I'm the CEO of Frost International, and if you'll excuse me, I have business to take care of." Emma tosses her drink away in a bin and sends a final message to Sybil. <<If you need work or want to learn how to use your skills better, come by my offices.>> Then, just like that, Frost is making her way to the door to leave and head out to the Bugle.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Oh... I've seen ghosts." Natasha said then after hearing Tommy's response. "Lots of them..." She drew in a breath then, took a sip from her drink and then watched the fellow redhead get up to help that bombshell of a woman who was indeed apparently wealthy too, since not many poor folk throw the term CEO around. Plus she had a gold phone!

Nat would glance to the White Queen and nod slowly in response to her. "Sounds like an, interesting company. I'm guessing it either deals with Refridgerators or Mountain Climbing. One being really exciting, the other being the polar opposite..." She sipped her tea again and then added. "Pun intended."

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Hmmm, a job offer, how intrieguing. Syble might have to fly by Frost Industries some night and see what is being offered. For now...if the telepath is certain the other one is NOT a Rakshasa, she will give it the benefit of the doubt.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
That bit about ghosts doesn't help Tommy's misapprehension concerning her powers. "Right. Ghosts. You're a Medium, then?" probing question, followed by bad pun, "You look more like a petite, really."

He sips his drink as he sits back down. " She didn't even day thank you. " Humph.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha would grin at the man's question and she shook her head. "I am a petite and I am not a medium." She replied. "No... I work... at Stark Tower. I'm in their legal department. Though I have been assisting Miss Potts quite heavily of-late, since Mister Stark's untimely disappearance."

She'd lean back in her chair, having eaten about half the food and that was about all she was capable of eating. Food plates these days were designed to feed the heavyweights of the world, of which she was not one of.

Her tea was lifted up and she sipped from it again. "As heated as you spoke about the Bugle. I'm assuming you either worked there, or worked somewhere that associates with them?" She asked Tommy, still having not asked for his name after she'd with-held her own when he asked.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Sybil finishs her meal neatly and cleans up, then prepares to leave. There is nothing iinteresting happening here...well she might want to heep an eye on the illusionist...and possibly seek out Miss Frost another time.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
The young man shakes his head, and grins. "Nah, I'm a journalism and Communications student at the University. The Bungle has a rep. I'm not employed at the moment." This was, of course, a lie. "The tower, huh? impressive, you work for the Wizard of O.S. ... or Glenda, since he's vanished, as you say." Alright telekinetic lawyer. What will they think of next? He watches Sybil go, and he feels a pang of guilt at having startled her so, too. He can't make up to her without also admitting he was the culprit, though....

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
A wicked grin spread over Natasha's lips at hearing this commentary from Tommy, whilst she relaxed there leaning back in her chair. "I was always more partial to the Wicked Witch... though I have a friend who fits that monicker a slight bit better than I." She replied to him.

"I've considered going back to college a few times. I, for some reason, have a class catalogue in my office and I've thumbed through it here and there. Some of the courses just sound fun. But... who has the time, when you're busy polishing the golden bricks of the road, and making sure the curtain is properly pulled into place so pesky youngsters can't peak beyond its covering graces."

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Sybil exits the Shawarma Palace and considers the best way to follow the illusionist cat-man. Well, perhaps she should get her costume...nah, he is not that important. She will, however, keep an eye on him later, if she happens across him.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy chuckles, "Hey, don't complain, tell me you AT LEAST get to launch the flying monkeys. That's got to be worth something, at least."

He finishes the last of his shawarma, resisting the urge to lick his fingers. It's a natural impulse, and yet he's been trying very hard not to succumb to them. He may be a cat, but damnit, he had dignity too. It was different when you were humanoid, somehow.

"Doesn't the tower have a continuing ed program? Some places offer funding and time for employees wanting to further their degrees when it's related to their occupation. I'd ask Glinda about it. I assume TikTok is probably in HR, so I'd avoid him."

He sets his soda down and considers things for a second. How to best confront her?

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha's green eyes took note of Sybil leaving the restaurant because after all the years of service she'd done in the work she actually did... she was pretty much always aware of who was where in the room she occupied. But, Nat did not have the reasons to find Sybil to be as curious as Emma and Tommy here had so it wasn't a red flag for her to see the young woman leave.

After an exhale upon hearing Tommy's words. "You know... thats a pretty good idea." She said then, showing him a soft smile as she rarely expressed herself any further than that. "Maybe I will take it up with her." She showed a faint grin then. "Lets just hope I don't accidently refer to her as Glinda now. That would leave me with a healthy amount of explaining to do and... Miss Potts is rather inquisitive when she wants to be. Assuming she has a moment to not worry about Stark's company falling down around her. She's quite good at what she does because of that worry though."

Another tea sip was had, but the cup was running dry now. So the redhead female, opposite of the redheaded male, might be fleeing soon if he doesn't figure out how to confront her and her evil telekinetic chair-tossing ways.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"So..." Tommy drags it out for a second or so, thinking on how he wants to put it. "... when did you find out you were... you know." He tilts his head, " Different."

"I don't mean to brag, but I sort of could tell. I've got a radar or that sort of thing."

He sits back on his chair and eyes Natasha.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Tea sipped, making empty cup gurglin gnoises. Cup shook, ice jiggling around inside cup.

Natasha stared at the man across from her after he asked her this. Suddenly she grinned at him. "Since the last time I was in college, I guess." She played along with this, why? Because it was the little things in life that made it fun to live when you're almost a hundred years old.

Nat's green gaze lowered down and she stared at the cup in her lap, toying with the straw with her left forefinger and thumb. She cleared her throat. "I hadn't ever had a boyfriend in highschool or before. I'd always just felt... not interested in it. Thought it'd happen later in my life." She pursed her lips, the tip of her tongue appearing a moment to wet them before disappearing again. A small smile appeared on those same dark red lips a moment later.

"Her name was Ashley. She was in my Mythology class, first semester, first hour of the day." She looked up at Tommy then and her smile was bigger. "When she asked me if I could help her with her backpack, she smiled at me that first time. It just kind of... started at that point. You know, like an avalanche about to fall down the mountain."

Her nearly empty tea was sipped again then. She drew in a deep, somewhat shakey breath then. A look of deeph thought on her face, like she wasn't even in the restaurant anymore.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
So THIS is how Alice felt when falling down the Rabbit Hole. Tommy is speechless for a few seconds, realizing that the conversation just took a left turn at Albuquerque and he is no longer in charge of this runaway carriage. He desperately tries to get back on. "And that... so you could... it changed you //that// much? I mean... sure, some things changed when I came out but I never got-"

Wait a minute.

Sure, it had been four years too late, but if what Natasha said was true... maybe the whole Cheshire Cat/Mirror thing happened as a result of his coming out?

Mind potentially blown.

"... but why were you checking me out, then?" he asks absent-mindedly, still trying to grapple with the feasibility of what Natasha said.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha's gaze refocused when he asked her why she was checking him out. It made her show another grin in fact. "I'm also a cannibal that likes to kidnap people behind the Shawarma Palace, then take them home to boil them in a stew." She said in an oddly convincing or menacing tone of voice.

"You look a bit flustered." She continued without skipping a beat. "Did I creep you out earlier when I said the Ghost thing?" In truth, Natasha didn't know what he was getting at because unlike the other two who had happened into the restaurant with them, she'd been the only one that hadn't been tipped off by that telepathic beacon/pulse that Sybil had sent out into the wild.

Natasha got up from her chair and she took her tray to the waste bin to empty it, which was just a few steps away from their table.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy stares for a few seconds, and then he frowns, "Okay, I get it, you don't want to discuss you do what you do. I'm fine with that, everybody's got their secrets. But next time try not to wash over me like that, it's creepy and invasive." His invisible tail thwaps at the floor, he gets the impression someone is laughing at him, and he doesn't like it one bit. "Was the whole working for Stark just a tall tale, too?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha returned to their table after hearing this and she pulled a card out of her pocket and handed it to him. "I'm not that awful." She told him. The card said 'Natalie Rushman' on it with a Stark logo in the corner. "I was just messing with you a little bit, hoping to see you get a little flustered." She showed him a smile. "But no, it wasn't a lie."

It was a lie, a lie that Virginia 'Pepper' / 'Glinda' Potts wasn't even privvy too. Natasha's whole life was a series of lies upon lies. Its why she's as cold as the Atlantic's depths.

She picked up her cup of empty tea and walked back toward the fountain to get more. If they were going to offer free ice tea, she was going to take full advantage of it.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Virgnia. The card said Virginia. He hms, looking at the card.


In his opinion, she looked more like a Veronica. "Sorry. I"m Tommy. Tommy Hunter."

He gets up to throw his own paper dish and the napkin. He was -sure- it had to be her... but if it wasn't her who scanned him... then who?"

"You come here often? I'll buy you another lunch at some point. To make up for the mysterious living chair incident."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
LOG NOTE: Fix that thing Vorpal did. Vorpal is the worst.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha put her free hand into the side pocket of her slim fitting leather jacket. She stared at him as he asked this question and athen sipped from the straw of her refilled drink.

"Never been here before." She replied to him. "Not inside anyway." She glanced over the restaurant's interior again before nodding once to him. "I'd be a fool to turn down a free meal though." She showed him a soft smirk. "So just give me a ring some time and I'll meet you back here for another round of it. The menu is pretty extensive, it'll take awhile to get through it all."

Natasha would turn toward the doorway and she'd raise up a hand to wave toward him. "Good meeting you, Tommy. Watch out for the Ghosts though. They're after all our silverware."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"That's ok. I prefer finger food anyways." Tommy smirks and waves back as she leaves the restaurant.

He stays at the table a few minutes after she's gone, muttering to himself. If it wasn't her who gave him the psychic one-over, then who was it?

"Curioser and curioser..."