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Latest revision as of 14:26, 23 October 2017

A New Oprhanage
Date of Scene: 18 April 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Raven, Hawkeye (Bishop), Sister Reinhardt

Wonder Woman has posed:
It had been a a gala event in the China Basin of Gotham City. A section of town where a notorious number of homeless children were left to fend for themselves. A grand new orphanage was being opened to help give children a place to go and find shelter off the streets and away from the terrible crimes that took place within the trecherous city.

Diana Prince, more often referred to as Wonder Woman, was on-hand to celebrate the event and be the keynote speaker. She'd had stood in front of the podium, shrouded in a dark blue robe that was a style of garment her people wore. She had her long ebony hair undone and it was flowing about her shoulders in the cool afternoon winds. She'd looked out over the gathered Gothamites, many of whom were children, and she'd delivered a very inspiring and rousing speech to them. The kids, in particular, were thrilled to have Wonder Woman here, because it made them feel safer... and truth be told, it probably did keep some of Gotham's filth away from this event.

Afteward: A catering service was supplied to those who'd stuck around. There was a large backyard to the new orphanage that was hosued inside a former wealthy business owner's mansion. Fifty bedrooms all filled with spaces for children to stay now, it could house quite a few every day and night.

The outside yard was loaded with playground equipment and surrouned by a tall wrought-iron fence. Funding had been procured to make sure the orphanage was well-staffed and had security guards to keep it orderly.

Diana was now mingling, she had two more Amazonian women with her, that appeared to be a few years younger. One was a redhead and the other a brunette girl. They too wore robes similar to Diana's, but theirs were a pure snowy-white in shade. All three women stood out amongst the crowd of Gothamites eager to speak with them.

Raven has posed:
    Raven--'No, Rachel,' she reminds herself; 'it's Rachel now'--moves slowly but easily through the crowd. There's a quiet about her that projects an aura of...well, "irrelevance" is a close word to describe it. Despite all the things that should draw attention--her out of date punk look, her pale skin, her strange eyes, even her lack of a purse--people just kind of feel like she's not really there, and they move out of her way to accommodate that feeling of absence. Rachel is okay with it. It makes it easier for her to head toward Wonder Woman, Rachel's eyes locked on target, her fists clenched in something like nervousness around the notebook in her left hand and the pen in her right. She will not drop them until she's offered them to Wonder Woman for an autograph.
    And then she's there, neck craned back slightly to look up at the Amazon princess. Rachel's too honest with herself to pretend she doesn't feel color blooming in her cheeks as she looks up at Diana Prince, but her voice is calm, albeit croaky, as she holds up her notebook and pen. "Excuse me, Your Highness, but I was wondering, could I bother you for an autograph?"
    An autograph. No selfie.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
A young lady with dark hair attended the gala, having given a healthy donation to the orphanage. She came dressed well, of course, wearing an ever-so-slightly too larfe pantsuit of dark silk with off-white buttons and sensible shoes. She's come with amythysts in her ears and a string of perfect pearls... perhaps to properly flaunt her weath here among the walthy? She gladhanded a number of the walthy and important Gothamites, who would often wonder aloud "... oh, and where is your father, Miss Bishop?" Her response would be "Sorry, he couldn't attend, but he wanted me to bring a little something for the children." She had clapped politely after Diana's speech and as the ceremonial ribbon was cut.

Kate stayed after, of course... who gives up the chance for free food? She had a small plate but when she thought noone was looking she stuffed her face with a pastry.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had a lot of adults trying to speak with her, many of whom were either donators to the orphange or just here because of the clout of it. It was the donators that Diana was far more inclined to give her time to, though she was kind to any who showed the same respect in-turn to her.

The children, however, were the ones that got the bulk of her attention and she would gladly interact with them above all others. She was signing autographs, quite often upon items and toys that adorned her likeness in some capacity... it often surprised Diana just how many material 'things' had been created in her likeness and she was joking about this with several of the children, and some of the adults as well. "I think the Pez Dispensors with my head on them are my favorite." She'd said with a big grin to some of the kids.

When Rachel and she came to cross paths and the autograph was asked for, Diana gave a warm smile to her and a gentle nod of her head. "Of course." She told the young girl with the pale skin. Diana stood over 6 feet in height, most women she was much much taller than. "What is your name, my dear?" She'd ask in her thickly accented English.

Diana had indeed noticed Kate, but she did not know the face from any others in the crowd. Diana glanced to her and saw her eating the pastry. This made her grin toward Kate. "I need to nab one of those, before they are all gone."

Raven has posed:
    Rachel's violet eyes blink slowly, owlishly, a little disappointed that meeting an idol isn't as attention-consuming for Wonder Woman as it is for Rachel, and a little amused that she didn't realize it would be so. "I'm Rachel," she explains. "Thank you for all you do. You do so much good in the world. I hope it's not too unpleasant, being the first among women." All this with a more or less blank face and a calm tone, incongruous with her words. She spots Kate by following Wonder Woman's eyes, but she doesn't pay particular attention: for now, she just wants to study the woman she came here to meet.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    The gala was something that Suzanne wanted to attend as well, but in her current 'condition', she had to be a little more careful in the backyard. She wasn't homeless, but she attended for her now 'late' friend, ELizabeth. She was in a shirt and skirt that she could wear while hobbling in on a pair of crutches.

When she spots Wonder Woman, she looks at her phone and sighs. She stays behind Rachel until it's her turn......trying to stay patient with the fact that she has a broken leg.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate blinked as Diana spoke to her and she chewed quickly for a moment, then filled her cheeks so she could speak. "Sorry." she said around the once-flaky snack. Rude, speaking with her mouth full, but she didn't have a choice. She colored in embarassment as the princess' attention draws others' gaze.

Wonder Woman has posed:
In situations like this, it was trying... to say the least... for Diana to give personal attention to everyone that wished to speak to her on a level that might live up to the 'idol' status. She was well aware of it at this stage of her life, didn't care for it... but it was something one had to not fret over and simply attempt to do their best to live up to lofty expectations.

At Rachel, Diana would smile more. "There were strong and wonderful women, impacting our world long before I made my presence known. I just have, a bit more of a bombastic way of going about it, you could say. Which has put a brighter spotlight upon me." Diana would write something down upon the pad of paper that Rachel had given her, she'd write with a an elegant penmenship and hand it back to Rachel. "And please, call me Diana. You needn't speak to me with a title, Rachel. Have you gotten yourself something to eat?" She spoke with an honesty and sincerity.

Diana would look to Kate again after hearing the 'sorry' and she showed Kate a soft grin. "Do not apologize for enjoying a good pastry." She was yet still unware of Suzanne's presence.

Raven has posed:
    Raven--RACHEL--nods. Her cheeks threaten to turn pink at the invitation. "Thank you, Diana. I haven't." With that, she takes the hint and turns toward the refreshment table for something to eat; as she does, she spots Suzanne, hobbled. She pauses to consider, then asks the second six-foot-something woman she's met in thirty seconds, "Your hands seem full. Would you like me to get you a plate of something?" She can taste Kate's embarrassment on the back of her tongue, but hasn't decided what to do about it yet. Probably nothing. It'll pass.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate ducked her head and lifted her little plate to help conceal her frantic chewing. Once choked down, she turned on her vacant smile... surely now that she was in the orbit of the Amazonians there would be cameras and such pointed in Kate's direction. "You just surprised me, is all." she responds to the princess. Her keen eyes follow the retreating Rachel, noticing things is what she does, after all. Her gaze follows along and then alights on the injured woman Rachel speaks to. Back to Diana, then. If there's going to be trouble... this IS Gotham, after all... of course there will be trouble - it will end up centering on that woman.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne didn't really mind not being noticed at first. She had a couple of things to ask anyways, so listening to others, even Diana, gave her hope. When it came to her turn to talk to Diana, she took a small intake of breath. "Princess Dianna. I'd curtsy, but.....I think I'd fall over." Indeed, she looks like was in a fight fight recently. "but, I actually came to ask for your help, and this is the only place I saw to speak to you." At least she's honest.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would watche Rachel go toward the table without little more said, she wasn't sure if the young girl was a bit shy or something else, but thats how these big social events were... they often left a million questions about each interaction.

To Kate's response then, Diana would smile and not. "Now... surprising someone? That is apology-worthy." She said, showing the hint of a grin. "So please, forgive me."

Diana was going to head toward that same food table that was so popular amongst the guests and kids that were on hand today, but when Suzanne spoke up, she halted and turned toward her. It only took a moment to see the injury that Suzanne had sustained.

"Here." Diana said, reaching out to help support Suzanne with her left hand. "Come." She would offer to walk the young woman toward a stone bench that was just a few steps away. "Goodness. You're as tall as I am. That is rare to see." She said with a soft smile. Diana would sit with her, aside her, should Suzanne indeed sit. "How is that I can help you, Miss...?" She fished around for a name, since it was never comfortable not being on equal footing with knowing one's name.

Raven has posed:
    Rachel watches as Suzanne ignores the offer of food. Something ancient and angry inside her threatens to be offended, but she squashes it before it can begin: the tall woman on crutches has business, and with better than such as Rachel. Well enough. She lets it pass and collects a plate with some green grapes on it (or are they white? no, green, but they're called white here, for reasons that probably don't matter) and nods at the nearby Kate. "Am I violating the dress code?" she asks. With her flat affect, it's hard to tell if she's being literal or taking a shot.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"I thought I shouldn't wear a t-shirt and jeans if I was going to bring a donation." Kate offers to Rachel. "I would have embarassed my father something fierce if I had and someone took a picture of me like that." She shrugs, though. "They're pictures of you too, I bet. I hope that's what you wanted."

Raven has posed:
    Rachel's eyebrows come together in thin worry for a moment before her face smooths out with an effort that almost audibly says to herself, 'Stop it.' That short pause later, she nods at Kate. "That's okay. It's a good thing to be photographed with Wonder Woman. With you too." That last would have sounded like a polite thing barely remembered to say to bring a companion into the conversation if her voice was less matter of fact about it. "I like your earrings," she offers.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Suzanne..." She says as she makes her way over towards the seat offered for her, and sits with Diana. "it's...about how I came to be like...this." She says gesturing to her leg, the hurt one. "I was in a church in old gotham looking for a friend of mine named Elizabeth. She had a minor drug problem, so it didn't surprise me that she turned up missing." She then sighs a bit. "Well, I went looking for her and.....ended up in the church I said before and....." This is when she fishes out her phone. "That's when this happened."

She sorts through the files on her smartphone and plays a video, which obviously started in the middle. 'ELIZABEEEETH!' Suzanne's voice cries out as she the shakey video screen manages to capture a woman, hanging on hooks and obviously dead, reach for a woman that was running out of the back room, and the door slams shut. The deacon picks up an orb and makes a threat before the orb itself, explodes and the force of it causes the screen to go fuzzy for a moment, but there's an obviously loud thud and wood chips landing near the phone. 'ow....that hurt a lot....' Suzanne's voice says before she fishes through the wood to pick up the phone.......and wipe it off from the blood and gore that is now around the church interior.

"And.....that's why I've come to look for your help, Diana...if you can help at all."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's eyes had spared a moment to look around after they had sat down. She'd seen that Kate and Rachel had started talking, and that her Amazonian sisters were interacting with some of the children which was great to see... her sisters needed time like that in this new world since they hadn't arrived to it all that long ago.

But she'd return her attention to Suzanne when the young woman had started speaking. She kept her focus on the other's face up until the video had started to play. When the realization hit her about what she was truly seeing, Diana's left hand reached over to shield the phone so it would be harder for anyone else around them in the yard to see the horrific imagery on the screen.

Once it all played out, Diana would exhale slowly and look away in thought for a heartbeat, disturbed by what she'd seen. A moment later and she regarded Suzanne again. "I... assume that you haven't gone to the police then?" She asked. "Was this here in Gotham?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Thank you." Kate responds to Rachel, coloring a bit again. Her brows knit as all hell breaks loose on Elizabeth's phone. She inches nearer to Diana and the lady on the bench, over-curious. Of course, she can't see what's going on there on the screen. "The hell?" she mutters to herself.

Raven has posed:
    "Welcome," Rachel says, watching Kate's distracted eyes for a moment before flickering her own in the direction of the phone. Hm. Really none of her business, but she can sense Suzanne's distress...well, why not? She slips out of her body for a moment, her soul-self invisible and unbound by gravity, flitting over to the phone to peer at it before darting back to her form before anyone can notice its unnatural rigidity, though in the second the trip takes her, she's stopped thinking about things like that. What she saw on that phone sure did look like black magic, and she's thinking hard about it. She doesn't recognize the church...
    Kate is no longer nearby. Oops. Rachel takes a couple of steps closer and asks, trying to sound casual, doing a...passable imitation of the gossips at school, "Can you hear what they're saying?"

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "I went to the police, but most of them ignored me. COmmissioner Gordon seemed concerned, but he said he'd handle it. I....don't think he'd be able to handle it, since.....you saw how useless I was." She then takes a breath. "That's...why I came to you. There was something inside of that orb, but I didn't see it because I was covered in blood at the time, but I heard a new voice after....the shock of the explosion settled. I don't know what's going on, but I was able to lay my friend to rest, but wanted her soul to rest in piece, by bringing whatever that was....in."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had hoped that no one else had over heard what they were saying, or what had been on that phone's video but she was fairly certain no one had. She listened to what else Suzanne had to offer on the matter and gently nodded her head two small times to the young woman's recollection of events following that video's content.

"The last thing that I wish to do is to tread upon the toes of the Gotham Police." She softly replied. "Especially that of the Commissioner... If he held audience with you, then its because he truly does wish to look into this matter. It means that he is fully aware of the gravity of it all... he may even know more than you and I realize. By all accounts that have crossed my path... James Gordon is one of the best men in this city."

However, the disturbing nature of what she'd been shown couldn't be easily shaken off. "If you can provide any further information tha tmight assist me in learning more... such as... specific locationas I should look, or names of people that I should track down. I will find time for this." Her voice was soft, reassuring and comforting.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"No, just screaming and stuff." Kate responds quietly to Rachel. "Doesn't sound good, though." She purses her lips as she strains to overhear the discussion. "... something about Commissioner Gordon."

Raven has posed:
    Rachel remembers she has a plate of grapes, puts one in her mouth, and pops it with her tongue lest chewing it somehow, over all the racket of the event, distract Kate's ears. It's about at that point that she realizes what she's doing, how unnecessarily clandestine she's being, and she closes her eyes against a rush of rueful irritation. Opening them again, she touches Kate briefly on the wrist (her fingers are perfectly warm, despite what her complexion would suggest) and says in a low voice, "I'm going to go talk to them. It will be dangerous. You might not want a part of it." She stares into Kate's eyes as she speaks, partially to try to drive home that she's serious, but mostly to see the rich girl's reaction. To see if Kate is trustworthy.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "I hope he can. It just seemed....supernatural to me. Especially with my friend obviously either long dead and still moving, or she was in the last moments of her life and....she was asking for help. I don't know. But I think it won't be the last place it goes." Suzanne says. "and I kinda had to get my leg looked at." She then smiles. "I do thank you, Diana. I wish I could give you more information, but you seemed to be more knowledgeable than.....anyone else I knew. That one girl that walked through there seemed all too casual about talking smack to them. One girl tried to help me out, but I didn't even get her name." She then sighs. "I do have one more request. Can I get a selfie?" She seems to blush at the request.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would reach her right hand over to place it upon Suzanne's shoulder to comfort the girl after hearing of her lost friend. It saddened her to hear of this, she wished she could've been there this night that these events took place... But as Diana had learned a long time ago, she could only help so many people and it was never enough to make her feel content.

"I will go and speak with the Commissioner today before I leave the city." She told Suzanne. "I will gauage the information that I can garner from him and determine if there is anything I can add to help in this situation. If there is, I assure you, I'll see it through. For your friend."

Diana would then bring her hand back to her lap and she'd ask further. "Did you come by taxi today? I can have one of my sisters use our car to take you wherever you need to go since your injury is as bad as it is."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate grins, a bit fey. "Well, I figured it was dangerous, people are screming on a phone and talking about police." She shrugs, though. "you're probably right, though. I shouldn't get involved. The police and the Amazonian Justice Leaguer can take care of things."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne Laughs. "have you ever attempted to fit into a car when you're 6 feet tall? Or over that? It's bad enough when you're well, let alone when you're in a cast." She says softly before she stands up, Loops an arm around Diana's shoulders and actually takes a picture of her with Wonder Woman. "I...try to take pictures of my heroes so i can print them when I go home." She then looks to the other Amazons. "That means you two as well." She then hops over to take Selfies with them too. She hadn't heard of Rachel or Kate....so....there's that. "I did come by Taxi though. If there's another way for you to take me home and get better, I'd like that. Just, when you visit the Comissioner, can you tell him that Suzanne Reinhardt did a follow up to help him out?"

Raven has posed:
    Rachel looks at Kate a moment longer, then nods. "Okay. That's good. You should be careful." Pause. "I'm Rachel." Then, Raven (not really Rachel any more, is she?) turns away from the girl whose name she never learned but whose earrings were nice to approach Diana and Suzanne. She doesn't interrupt the selfie--she'd have taken one too, if she could!--but once it's done, she walks up to them with a purpose, and greets, "Hi again. So, I saw some of what you were talking about, and I'm worried about you. That looked like serious black magic."
    At least she's keeping her voice low.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would smile for the selfie. It was something new in the past 10 years, that had gotten far more common than she had expected. But since she'd been apart of the 'dirty world' for 90 years more than that... she'd seen the world change quite a lot. Mostly in fashion and technology though.

The other two Amazonian women, the redhead and the brunette would take selfies with Suzanne as well (once they managed to shake their respective kid followers for a moment (some of the kids wanted to photo-bomb the selfie too).

Diana would stand up next to the bench and place her hands on the front of the blue robe she was wearing, over her thighs beneath it. "Adrastea. Please, retrieve the car for Suzanne here and take her to wherever her home is. Once she is ready to leave."

The redheaded Amazon would dip her chin in a nod and then move to leave the backyard of the Orphanage and to go where their car was parked.

Diana's pale blue eyes would look to Rachel then. "It was, I believe, yes. We live in a world filled with such dangers, but those looking to place harm on that of the innocent... they will be found, and brought down." She would show a soft smile then.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate goes back to mingling, but she keeps an eye or two on the knot of people discussing whatever. She's too far away to hear anything anymore, but still she watches.

Raven has posed:
    Raven nods at Diana. "I know. I can help, if you'd like. It's my thing. I can't show you here, but it's my thing." Just that, and steady, unwavering eye contact.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
Suzanne Reinhardt hasn't gone anywhere so Rachel's comment, she hears. She takes the time to turn down the volume of her phone and hands it to rachel. "Take a look at it again. Maybe you'll recognize it then."

Wonder Woman has posed:
After speaking with her Amazonian sisters, Diana would turn to regard Rachel who offered the help. She'd smile at her and gently nod her head. "Please then, leave me a way to contact you and I'll be able to get back to you on that." She tells her. "I first have to figure out exactly what I can even do to assist in the situation. Which might take a little bit of time, though I am hoping that it will not be that long."

Diana was approached by another group of people and she would look to Rachel, Kate and Suzanne to offer an apologetic look. "Thank you all for coming, I'll get back to you."

Adrastea, would wait for Suzanne to be ready to leave and then offer her a ride in their black sedan that was parked in front of the orphanage now.

Raven has posed:
    Rachel nods at Wonder Woman. For the moment, she's too focused on the task at hand for her heart to soar with excitement at the thought of fighting beside Wonder Woman, but she's aware that moment is coming, and prepares herself to sit on her heart until it resumes proper behavior. In the meantime, she pinches a strand of her short, black hair between the nails of forefinger and thumb, and plucks. She doesn't wince. She just hands the hair to Wonder Woman (her hand touched Wonder Woman's! Squeeeeee!) and tells her in her calm, creaky voice, "Just burn that and say 'Raven of Azeroth.' It'll form a short bond, so be thinking about what you need to say before you do it, in case the time runs out."
    The ghost of a smile rises from its grave to haunt the corners of Raven's mouth. She bets she's not the first girl to give Wonder Woman some of her hair.