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Latest revision as of 14:34, 23 October 2017

A Day in the Park
Date of Scene: 18 April 2017
Location: Central Park, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: Troia, Iron Man, Emma Frost, 90, Raven

Troia has posed:
    It's a lovely day in central park. The sun is shining, the wind is rather chill, but the atmosphere is very warm. Not only are there people and children in Central park, but there are pets running around and playing with each other in the open areas of the park. Flowers are starting to bloom and bees are buzzing around trying to connect the pollen that's there.

At one of the benches near a small pond, Donna Troy sits and watches the fish swim about as she feeds them, as well as a few doves as she tosses seed to the ground. "At least here it's rather pleasent...." She says, mostly to herself.

Iron Man has posed:
Voices rise in the clearing beyond the lake as a pair of men dressed in business suits talk, their arms gesturing in varied spots in that meadow. "It'd only be for the weekend. I count at least 25 to help set up on Friday night, and then another 10 on top of that in order to break it down on Sunday. During the weekend, there'll be a count-through of at least 40 to 50 thousand, so we'll have to look at permits-"

"Look, I got that. Don't worry. Put your... whatever it is together, and I'll make sure you have the bodies, okay? And the paperwork." For any who may follow the news, the voice, the form and figure may look familiar. For others not so public media-ly inclined, he may not. Regardless, it is Tony Stark out and about in the middle of a field, in a suit, sunglasses and Pepper-less. "Just make sure it doesn't suck, okay?" At those words, Tony is slapping the other well-dressed, suited man in the arm before he turns about to make his way carefully across the soon to be well-manicured field towards the trail, the lake, and the park benches.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma too has chosen to come out into the park. After her cancelled meeting with the heads at the Bugle, Emma just wants a day of simpleness where nothing goes wrong. This is all the CEO wants on this simple, beautiful day. She is walking one of the many paths, ignoring pretty much everything, even has her phone in her back pants pocket. The news and tweets aren't going anywhere. The world will keep turning without her constant observance and reactions.

Wearing a clean grey form obscuring business suit, the White Queen veers off the path a few steps when she comes across Tony Stark conducting business, loudly, and she decides to eaves drop just a bit by stopping at the convenient hot dog stand not too far away. She may not be within ear shot of the two, but her mental powers more than make up the difference.

Obsidian (90) has posed:
It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping...

And then there's Todd.

Yeah he really is not the best addition to the happy scenery. He just has this perpetual look of sadness on his face. One of THOSE kinds, huh? Well. Yeah. Anyway, he's pretty unoffensive as far as everything else goes. Just a brown-haired white kid in a battered t-shirt and jeans, sneakers that look like they've seen better days, and a jacket that looks like those 'better days' were roughly a decade before he was born.

He's heading over to the pond too, hands in his pockets. He's not looking to interrupt anybody, it looks like. He's just looking at the fish, from the way things seem.

Raven has posed:
    She came to this world to be human, but she's not one, not fully. Some days, she can't be Rachel, and she just has to be Raven again. It's definitely a schlep from Gotham to New York, but one worth it, because it means Raven won't run into anyone she knows, anyone who might identify her despite her costume (a dark blue leotard with flowing cloak, a pointed hood that always keeps her face in shadow regardless of the lighting, and long gloves and boots over a fishnet body stocking), the cloak and loincloth of which float lazily around her as if bouyed on the surface of invisible water where she sits a foot above the ground in the shade of a tree, eyes closed, meditating. She does feel some psychic energy out there somewhere nearby, close enough to intrude on her meditation, and she tries to silence her mind all the same...

Troia has posed:
    With Rachel hovering a foot above the ground, she gathers a bit of attention, whether she likes it or not. Many keep a fair amount of distance from her because....well...she's FLOATING! One child is brave enough to walks her way over Rachel and pokes her gently on the leg. "Excuse me, lady. Why are you floating above the ground?" She can't be more than four.

Todd's presence makes Donna look up a bit, but she seems rather content to simply sit there for the moment.

Emma would also hear a bit of noise from other kids in the area, in the form of a youth soccer league that's playing.

Suddenly the thump of a soccer ball getting kicked hard can be heard.

And the ball goes sailing just a foot, if that, from Tony's face....and one of the kids runs in front of Tony, intent on getting the soccer ball before it hits the pond and is unreachable.

Fortunately, the soccer ball hits a rock and goes in the direction it came from.

Unfortunately for the kid, even with his cleats on, he slides to attempt to stop, trips on the same rock the ball hit, and goes sailing into the pond with a KER-SPLOOSH!

It's been that kind of day for the kid.

Iron Man has posed:
Emma will discover that today is a day that Tony is supporting the arts; Shakespeare in the park is coming, which is a big, big draw. Add the Stark name as the underwriter, and it's a win-win all around. It'll be in the news via different media and if nothing else, it'll stick it to Luthor, who apparently is looking for some sort of 'run'. Besides, Pepper likes that sort of stuff. If it sucks, he can hand it off to her for the spin.

All that isn't evident on the billionaire's face, however, as he makes his way, avoiding the flocks of the not-migrating Canadian geese and their little fuzzy chicks. His hands are dropped into his pockets as he watches the ground, muttering seemingly to himself, "JARVIS, I want paperwork drawn up and run it through the regular channels, ending up in Central Park Recreation. Let's give the kiddies a shat at this," which adds more bang to the buck. "Oh, and c-c it to Frank Buckridge."

Just as foot hits the path, it's the vision of lovliness that is Emma Frost that catches Tony's attention first, though the floating Raven is a close second. Tony's gaze lingers for a couple of heartbeats before his considered expression turns into something more of a smile. CEO to CEO, after all. Big world, small pond. Pulling a hand from his pocket, he offers up a wave before he looks back at Raven, his head canting. There's a pause before he calls out to the meditating, floating young woman, "You know, there's a place not far where the geese haven't been yet. And dry. You don't have to hover like that. It scares people. Either that or, it sells more tickets to magic shows. I understand Criss Angel is supposed to be-" See? Just his point!

The soccer ball goes sailing past his face, and Tony pulls his head back so he doesn't get beaned in the face. In the next second, the little kid goes barreling past in his cleats in order to get it, and a wince comes across his face before he shakes his head. "That's gonna stay with the kid for the rest of his life."

Raven has posed:
    Raven opens her eyes (some trick of her magic makes her eyes, wide and violet, visible even in the darkness covering the top half of her face) and regards the little girl impassively for a moment. Her silence is probably rude but she doesn't care; she needs time to think of how to explain herself to a little kid. She glances up at Tony Stark to stall for time, and decides on a solution: pitching her creaky voice loud enough for him to hear even though her eyes are on the little girl, she explains, "You have to practice floating or else you'll forget how. You don't want to be in a situation where you need to float and find out you forgot how to do it."

Obsidian (90) has posed:
Well that's something you don't see every day. Someone floating above the ground, that is. He looks in Raven's direction and tilts his head, but he doesn't bother her. She really doesn't look like she wants to be bothered.

And suddenly everything explodes. Thankfully not literally. There are flying soccer balls and kids falling into the pond. Todd sidesteps, but it's not to escape the splashing. It's to make sure Donna doesn't get splashed by the kid falling into the pond. So he's liable to get soaked.

Todd just sighs and heads down to the pond, offering a hand to help the kid out of the water. "You OK?" he asks.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma was reaching into her interior jacket pocket to pull out her metal card to pay for the hot dog. "Thank you sir, and I'll take the extra relish." She says matter of factly after slidding her AmEx back into it's pocket. Pulling her hot dog up towards her lips she takes a bite and using a finger she wipes away some relish that was on the side of her lip. Taking a step back out of the line, Emma gives Tony a suble smile which only grows when the kids incident occurs.

"Oh, he's not going to forget because all the other chest bursters are going to remind him every day they see him." Emma says, obviously not a big fan of children herself, when she realizes Tony is off talking to another woman, a young girl, floating, and... actually hiding her thoughts. Curious.

"Like how Tony will forget how to flirt if he doesn't do it every chance he gets?" Emma interjects between Tony and Raven.

Troia has posed:
    The kid sputters as the other children see him take a spill. Some wander over to help him out of the water, even offering to help Todd help him up, until Donna actually flies her way over the pond....with the soccer ball in her hands. "I do believe you were chasing this?" She says handing the ball to the youth, and landing in front of her. Some of the children stand there wide-eyed for a moment at the fact that she flew.

The soaking wet youth looks to Donna and thanks her and Todd until he runs back to his friends with the soccer ball. Still in shock, they're all giving him a good natured ribbing when they get back to the game. DOnna looks to Todd however. "Thank you for keeping me from getting wet, but I don't mind it. One of my favorite activities on Paradise Island was swimming."

The little girl talking to Rachel looks behind her after Rachel's explaination, then back to Rachel. "You mean like that tall lady that just flew over the pond?" She says pointing towards Donna.

Obsidian (90) has posed:
Todd gives a nod to the kid's thanks. "Sure. Be careful, that could have been a lot worse." And he can't help but smirk a little when the kid runs off. Seeing the younger kids reminds him of his brother, how they were as little kids. They were pretty close. He's not hiding his thoughts, either, so an enterprising telepath may happen to 'overhear' some fond memories of Todd and Jeremy playing together as kids.

Donna speaks up then, and Todd blinks a ltitle. He's never heard of Paradise Island, but it sounds like a nice place. Maybe a tropical place. He nods though, pulling the jacket off and wringing a little water out of the sleeve. "It's fine. I didn't want your clothes to get ruined," he says. Her clothes definitely look like they're better quality than his. "Besides, guys are usually rude to a woman whose clothes are wet." Pause. He DID see her flying. "...Not that I don't think you could handle yourself. I just didn't want to hear some idiot catcalling. Makes us all look bad."

Iron Man has posed:
Saving a kid from the lake really doesn't require the aid of Iron Man, much less Tony Stark. He's got people who have people who have people who actually do that. Besides, the suit is Armani. And, as evidenced at this moment, someone already does get the kid out of the drink. He watches as the flying thing happens, up until the weakest rejoins the herd.

Emma's comment regarding keeping up abilities gains a raised brow, and he stroll-shuffles towards her direction. "I don't do it for the practice, or to keep my skills up. At this point," and Tony raises his head slightly, the smirk coming in full force, "I think they call it 'muscle memory'. It's automatic."

Looking back over the scene, Tony keeps his eyes level, and his voice drops, "Tacky, using AmEx at a hotdog stand. The banks will charge him more for the charge than the dog itself."

Raven has posed:
    Raven doesn't shrug at the little girl's question. She doesn't move at all. Her voice -sounds- like a shrug, though, when she says, "I don't know why that girl flies. Why don't you go ask her and find out?" The little girl seems to have nothing better to do, and anyway, the other flying lady is way less weird than the one in the cape, so she takes that advice and toddles on over toward Donna to tug on the hem of her jacket. With the kid out of the way, Raven looks sharply at Emma Frost, eyes narrowed some. Maybe she's outraged on behalf of the hotdog vendor, but probably not.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma blinks at the open display of powers all around and the willingness to help others. It's not her forte, nor does she crave it to be, but she knows that mutant kind can be better with her hand molding the clay into something wonderful. That's what's on her mind at the moment, but at Tony's words she rolls her eyes so hard they almost fall out. "Tony. You are insufferable." Her husky voice lowers to a whisper and she addresses just the fellow billionaire, "I've also told you before, you can't afford me Stark." The White Queen teases as she turns to face him and helps him adjust his tie with practiced fingers while holding the last of her hot dog in her teeth.

Her icey eyes list over towards Raven, her hand removing the hot dog from her lips and tossing the last bit away in a nearby bin. "Though that young girl is interesting, is she not?" The glare does intice Emma to scan a bit deeper, to see what Raven might be thinking about her. Yes, Emma is that selfish.

Raven has posed:
    The ghost of a smile rises from its grave to haunt to the corners of Raven's black lips (and, even if Emma is the only one who can tell it, her mind as well) as she observes Emma with genuine, if temporary, amusement. She's not foolish, and she knows a show when she sees one. She just floats there, legs crossed yogi style, watching the blow by blow.

Troia has posed:
    The kid walks up to Donna and asks her how she can fly. It's only then that her mother finally comes over to claim the girl. 'I'm so sor......Aren't you....Wonder Woman?' Donna shakes her head. "No. I'm not Wonder Woman. I'm Wonder Girl. I'm her sister. And flight is one of the gifts of Hera to the Amazons." The little girl seems to truly look at her in awe now....and so does her mother. Donna smiles to them both, but does partly listen to Tony's and Emma's conversation....what of it she can hear, after all.

Obsidian (90) has posed:
Well, everything seems ironed out, everybody's more or less fine. Todd's unaware of any mental battles going on, if they truly are. And he's not about to bust out his own powrs just because 'look, I'm weird too'. So he starts to wander away from the pond. He doesn't bother anyone with a goodbye; he doesn't know anybody here.

Iron Man has posed:
The eyeroll from the lovely and alluring Emma Frost receives a barked laugh from Tony, and as she fusses with his tie, he tilts his head, watching her closely. "I could. Just use a different currency is all. I heard the Yen is doing well."

Tony has to drag his attention away in order to look at the 'girl' in question, Raven. "Interesting? In an above the ground, floaty sort of way, sure. It's probably magic, and you know as well as I that it can't be touched, sad to say. Or harnessed, though lord knows I'll keep trying there." A hint, then? "You know you want to go talk to her."

The departure of the teenaged gentleman gets something of a glance; Tony may try and catch up with him later. Or get one of his people to do that. Bring him in, have a chat...

Emma Frost has posed:
"So your mystic stargate project hasn't gotten beyond pure speculation yet?" Emma says with a tease of Tony and even tugs at the lapels of his blazer, making sure the fit is right on his shoulders and neck.

"I will talk to her, she'll tell me and my R&D guys all her secrets and then I'll privatize the entire energy sector, then who will look like the fool?" Emma says, patting Tony's chest-shoulder now before she turns towards Raven and approaching the teen.

"He thinks your cute." Emma begins her impromptu sales pitch at a friendship.

Troia has posed:
    Once the girl and her mother are out of their stupor, DOnna invites them to join her, near Tony, in getting hot Dogs for each of them. Once DOnna turns to give them their hot dogs, the taller brunette looks to Tony and smiles. "Greetings, Mister Stark." She says with a friendly tone.

Raven has posed:
    Raven rises another two feet off the ground before extending her legs down to touch the earth. The precision of the distance raised--her toes touch the ground precisely, without stretching, and she only drops a millimeter or two onto her heels as gravity takes over--suggests a lot of practice doing it. Her violet eyes cast slightly upward to Emma's as she returns calmly, "I know I'm cute. Older men aren't really my thing, though. Do you often come up to teenaged girls to tell them older men like them?" Her voice is so expressionless it can be hard to tell if she's being serious or just deadpan.

Iron Man has posed:
"Not yet. That only means we try harder," Tony murmurs. "You know, 'if at first you don't succeed'?"

The gesture, the shallow fussing over his lapels, the jacket, the tie is a familiar ritual, and when Emma turns away, Tony is left and reaches for his tie to straighten it once more, pulling his neck up for a good fit.

Emma's pronouncement brings an exhaled sigh from Tony, and he strolls up casually. "Yeah, teenaged girls really aren't my thing. Never were, really. Not even when I was a teenager." He delivers that with his own deadpanned expression before he theatrically 'starts' at the greeting from Wonder Girl. Lifting a hand up, he waves, "Nice save there."

Emma Frost has posed:
"Good to see you aren't easily bothered." Emma says, her painted lips smirking briefly before looking back at Tony as he approaches. "That's swell, you two have so much in common." The blonde teases, before getting to the question she really wants to ask. "I'm a curious individual, and I would be interested in hearing more about you and what you can do if you'll allow me the pleasure of buying you dinner?" Emma asks, but her husky voice hints at the idea that dinner isn't the only thing she could offer Raven.

Troia has posed:
    Donna chuckles as Tony theatrically starts at her, but she does watch Raven and Emma more closely as she finishes her hot dog...and gets a selfie with the mother and the daughter, before she starts her way over towards Rachel as well.....

Raven has posed:
    Raven doesn't respond immediately to the blonde woman's offer. Tony Stark is approaching, and her conscience is bothering her a bit about using him the way she did in that bit of sparring with Emma. Plus, it would be rude not to say, "Mr. Stark. I'm familiar with your body of work. Since becoming Iron Man, you've done quite a bit of good. Thank you for that." It doesn't occur to her how biting that third sentence might come off. With her compliments extended, she turns her gaze back to Emma Frost, unconcernedly sizing her up before allowing, "I can imagine you being curious. When were you thinking of doing dinner?"

Emma Frost has posed:
That's when Emma's butt goes off and she reaches behind her and pulls out her iphone and sighs. Sending a quick message. "Tonight. Around 8:30." The white queen says with a smile and a curt nod before turning away and starting down the path once more, the phone moving up to her ear. She's leaving abruptly, leaving a lot of questions unanswered and even unasked as the mutant has a lot to do and gets called away on a moments notice.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony catches the quick look, and it's so rapid, so fleeting, that for a moment perhaps he'd imagined it. Still, he chuckles in a breath of expelled air and sets his hands into his pockets, looking down at the ground first then around to the gathering. "You're, ah.. welcome." He pauses a beat before leaning forward, "And you are...?"

Wonder Girl really needs no explanation, however, and Tony takes a step backwards once again to allow for the arrival of the young woman. It's when Emma's phone goes off that Tony looks for his own moment for departure. He's got meetings, dinner parties, and dates with his research. "So," to the 'crowd' of two, "I'll be going myself. Meetings. Boring black tie parties.. you know."

Raven has posed:
    Even Raven's practiced poker face can't keep a certain amount of bemusement from showing, mostly in the corners of her mouth, as she watches the two rich adults get bored and wander off. She cuts a glance your way, though, and takes a moment to realize it happened to you as well, so...she could just walk away, but nah. She gives you a reverse nod--lifting her chin rather than bobbing her head; your height is a factor here--and offers, voice too calm to be especially sympathetic, "Sorry if you were hoping for an autograph before he ran off."

Troia has posed:
    "No. He's too worried about his material possessions, including his suit of armor....and entrancing the women with his looks and his money." Donna then sighs. "Live on an island where wealth is how you treat your fellow people, and he'd.....be an outcast." She then shakes her head. "Men like that don't impress me. People like Steve Trevor do." She then looks to Rachel. "You are not someone I have seen before. What is your name?"

Raven has posed:
    "Raven." Her arms remain down at her sides, stock still. She's learning politeness, but shaking hands is too far for her. "What's yours?"

Troia has posed:
Wonder Girl says, "Donna Troy." She hasn't extended her hand because she doesn't think handshaking is a good thing much of the time. "The people in the cities know me as Wonder Girl. Since I wear much of the same armor as Wonder Woman.""

Raven has posed:
    That's worth raised eyebrows. The eyebrows themselves are invisible in the unlikely shadows of her hood, but her eyes widen slightly. "I met her recently. She is..." Raven pauses, reconsiders discussing specifics, and amends, "We may be working on a case together. So, people call you Wonder Girl but you don't? Donna, then."

Troia has posed:
Wonder Girl says, "Yeah. Donna's my actual name. I'm just called Wonder Girl, since I'm an amazon like Diana. Same island." She then tilts her head. "You look up to her too, don't you?""

Raven has posed:
    Raven considers denying it, then shrugs her fishnet shoulders slightly. "Everyone does. Even the people who don't look up to her still look up to her, because their enmity is based on denying her." Her creaky voice turns wry. "And anyway, I wonder what the Justice League would have smelled like if she hadn't joined. You know if there wasn't a woman around, all those men would just be farting constantly."

Troia has posed:
    "She's an example of how people can work together." Donna then smirks a bit. "Even if there's gas attacks inside of wherever they keep their headquarters." She then chuckles. "I did hear you were a teenager though....and yet you're floating above the ground. What is it you do?"

Raven has posed:
    "Do?" Raven repeats, one eyebrow raised eloquently. "What do you do?" Whether she's turning the question back on you or just trying to get a feel for the answer you want, who can say.

Troia has posed:
    "Anyone that can float a foot off the ground must be able to do something other than looks like a floating statue." Donna says wryly. "I'm the second princess of Thymscira and I have to be one of the ambassadors to world of man after we closed our borders many milennia ago. Other than that, I fight crime, save the world, work with the Titans, that sort of thing." She sounds so 'blah' about the last part.

Raven has posed:
    "Sounds like enough," Raven observes, every bit as wryly. "I'm surprised you can find time to feed the birds. I don't save the world or fight crime, but I lend a hand when I can. I have to be subtle sometimes." She doesn't glance down at her outfit, but then, she doesn't have to. "Not all the time."

Troia has posed:
Wonder Girl says, "Just sometimes, huh? And you make time for things like this. You still haven't told me what you're able to do though. Though, admittedly, I haven't really asked you directly. "How're you able to make yourself float like that? Can you fly?""

Raven has posed:
    "Why do you want to know? Just making conversation, or are you scouting me?"

Troia has posed:
Wonder Girl says, "Little bit of both. As I said, I work with the Titans."

Raven has posed:
    Raven looks at you impassively for a long moment, long enough to be awkward, before mentally shrugging. She has no way of knowing if you're who you say you are or if your agenda is benevolent, but she decides it doesn't matter: she can take care of herself, if she must. "Magic. I manipulate the spiritual world to cause mirroring effects in physical reality through manipulation of psychic energy."

Troia has posed:
    "So you're a spiritualist?" Donna says with a small bit of curiosity. "I know Artemis would have a serious distaste for it. Too much studying for her. Alexa would've probably sat with you and talked things over with you, maybe even showing you books she had about incantations and spells that she had found over the generations." She then takes a deep breath and lets it out softly....as if in sorrow. "Sadly, Alexa won't be able to meet you. I know she would've loved to."

Raven has posed:
    "I don't know who those people are," Raven reminds you, though her flat affect makes it pretty easy to infer irritation in her voice. "They're people you know?"

Troia has posed:
Wonder Girl says, "Sisters on Thymscira. Artemis is the trainer for all of the amazons and possibly our greatest warrior, but she's too war-like. Alexa....was very kind-hearted and loved to read. She had a very gentle voice that would make headaches go away rather than cause them." She then smiles a bit. "but Alexa's in a better place now, and likely reading a book on the meaning of life...or something like that." She then looks back to Raven. "be glad you won't meet Artemis. She'd probably think you were too 'corrupted by man's world'.""

Raven has posed:
    Raven isn't worried about Artemis, so she lets that warning pass without comment. She does wonder aloud, though, "Corrupted? How?"

Troia has posed:
Wonder Girl says, "Artemis tells stories of how she fought against Ares and how all men are like him. Eventually, her views changed to encompass all off of the island, as she's never left the island, except to defend the world. So she's had very little contact with people away from the island....."

Raven has posed:
    Okay, that's a start. Raven asks, "So I'm corrupt just because I'm here?"

Troia has posed:
Wonder Girl says, "To her, yes. It's like your left eyes is saying the rest of your body is corrupt because it's not your left eye." She then rolls her eyes. "But that's just Artemis being a little bitter, since she feels rather responsible for us losing Alexa. SO after Alexa died, from betrayal, Artemis took up reading...and it's....not her thing. She still thinks anyone that isn't an amazon is an 'outsider'." She then chuckles. "Should've seen her face when Steve said Diana 'had a nice rack'.""

Raven has posed:
Raven cocks an eyebrow (her left one, which is about as close to a joke as she gets) and says, "I'd rather have seen Diana's. I don't care what boys think about my appearance, but I know a lot of women do. It would be interesting to know what the best woman thought of that." Her voice is so flat and matter of fact it might be possible to miss what a compliment that was.

Troia has posed:
Wonder Girl says, "Diana blushed at the time. Artemis was ready to beat him to death. Thankfully, Hippolyta just used it as an example of man's deception. Diana, eventually, debunked the myth. And after the battle with Ares in DC, Diana decided to join the world of man for good. I was a messenger at first, but ended up fighting alongside of Diana, and earned my own title as second princess.""

Raven has posed:
    Blush, huh? Well, everything can't be fireworks. Raven keeps these thoughts to herself as she nods. "I thought you could only be a princess by birth or marriage. Guess the rules are different on Themyscira."

Troia has posed:
Wonder Girl says, "Very different. On Thmyscira, it's by birth or by deed. Diana's was by birth and deed. Mine is just deed." she then smirks. "plus....no marriage on Thmyscira. Or it'd be no marriage recognized by any sort of 'church' out here. it's all women on Thymscira.""

Raven has posed:
    Raven just nods. She already knew Wonder Woman was at least long-lived and maybe immortal; the island being only women is no reason for there to be no marriages, but the idea of marriage among immortals, who must eventually tire of each other's company and split ways, might make sense as a thing they'd avoid just to cut down on the endless divorces. She just observes, "There are churches here that marry women to each other. You haven't heard?"

Troia has posed:
Wonder Girl says, "really? Most of the churches I've come across are 'man with woman' and if you even suggest 'woman with woman', they slam the door in your face. I have had that happen a couple of times.""

Raven has posed:
    "Sure. Universal Unitarians, for one. So you've tried to get married in a church here?"

Troia has posed:
Wonder Girl says, "No. Never found anyone interesting enough to marry them. Just asked about it, and the church was rude enough to slam the door in my face, or ask me to leave."

Raven has posed:
    Raven decides she's had enough. Her threshold for dealing with people is low, and being polite for this long is damaging to her emotional stability. Fortunately, she has a built-in out: "Well. I have some things to do before that dinner tonight. See you around." An enormous plane of black energy, in the shape of a tremendous raven, explodes from Raven's back and screeches, then folds its wings around her, sealing her in darkness; the bird's head tucks in, then its talons, and it keeps shrinking into a sphere that eventually vanishes in on itself. The woman inside is gone.