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Something... Strange
Date of Scene: 30 September 2021
Location: Columbus Park - Chinatown
Synopsis: While visiting Columbus Park, Vitali is spotted and visited by Willow. There is a noted strangeness to him, and the two of them have a chat.
Cast of Characters: Vitali Svyatoslav, Willow Rosenberg

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
It's the middle of the afternoon on a day that happens to be cloudy. Grey clouds hang low and thick within the sky, moving slowly from west to east. Many of those who had been in the park have sought other places to be with the threat of rain looming over the afternoon. Yet there is one who remains, and Vitali stands near to the water's shore, looking out over the water. His long black hair has been tamed into a braid -- worn differently, for this time, the braid is woven amongst itself at the back of his head where it's speared through with a pair of polished wooden sticks. Gone is what facial hair he'd typically worn as well, for it has been shaved clean off.

This is not the only difference that might be noticed. What he wears is also different. The black steel-toed boots are the same. Beyond that, he wears a pair of matte black loose-fit pants, and a dark green Chinese-style tunic with slits at the sides and black cuffs at the sleeves as well as black frog closures at the front of it. His hands rest at the small of his back, the back of his left hand settled lightly against the palm of his right hand.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
It's fall. And with it comes rain.

Thankfully Willow isn't worried about that.What she is worried about is she has a plan and so far no way to execute it. But then again half the battle, and half the fun, was figuring out what to do.

She was almost out of the park where she had drank her coffee and watched a small class in tai chi, when it occurred to her *that* was the perfect gift. And as she turned she thought she saw Tali up ahead. "Hey! Fancy meeting you here!"

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
There is a subtle shift in the air that perhaps coincidentally comes along with the fingers of his left hand closing, a chill that suddenly seems to skitter in off the water. Little bits of what appear to be ice are pushed to the shore by the waves of the lake. For a long moment does he remain standing thus and looking out over the water. As though perhaps the words might have been meant for the ears of another. He half turns then, and there's a flicker of silver-blue in his dark eyes, perhaps simply a trick of the light. His hands remain at the small of his back, resting there.

"Oh? Is it, fancy? This one comes here quite regularly," Vitali says softly, his head tilting a bit to one side. Or at least the voice that speaks is Vitali's voice, which might make the flow of the words seem a touch odd. The words lack the broken nature of his usual attempts at English and they are missing his customary Russian accent.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
The ice wasn't terribly unusual for Vitali. But what is odd is the way he referred to himself in the third person. And his accent wasn't there.


"He does like it in the park.." Willow cocks her head, and stares at him. "Where is Tali?"

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
The Siberian generally tends to use his magic when he has a purpose in mind for it. Yet he doesn't typically make a display of it given that every use of it expends a certain amount of energy from himself. He keeps his hands at the small of his back, and he tilts his head a touch to one side. The collection of ice chips upon the shore increases, and he turns the rest of the way to face Willow, watching her in silence for a lingering moment.

There is a curious expression that comes to his features, and a glint of silvery blue to reflect in his dark eyes. "Interesting. You extend a familiarity that implies that you know this body," he says in a soft tone. His tongue flicks out, damping his lips, and he seems to consider the question asked for a lingering moment. "This one has not harmed him. This physicality is pleasing to this one. He is safe," he adds, inclining his head faintly towards her. There is an unspoken 'for now' that seems implied with what is said, though.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
She wasn't certain if 'Tali' was going to use his magic on her. Which was kinda silly. They had opposite sides of magic, but probably could each hold their own. Then again she'd been working with Tala. Who know how advanced she had became in the interim?

Then again, who had control of Tali's body? *That* was the question.

"Oh no! I've not slept with him. I mean, I like boys and girls equally, but he doesn't my sex. I'm a friend. Nothing more." Unless you counted roommates! But Willow did not tell him that. She was taking it carefully. She hoped.

So. Someone had taken Vitali over. That was apparent and confirmed by the body. But she didn't like the 'for now' lingering in the air between the two of them. "What should I call you, after all, I can't legitimately call you Vitali, right? Everybody should be their own person!"

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
It's possible that whether or not the magic will be used against this visitor is still a thing that is under debate. Vitali, himself, has never tested his magic against Willow's to know how they each compare to one another. How much of his magic does the one who controls his body have? It is a thing that one might be drawn to wondering.

"Mm," he acknowledges, his attention holding fast upon her. "You have not? This one might have enjoyed partaking of such things after such a long time. A friend, is it?" he asks, tilting his head faintly to one side. "This one wonders if you do not find his flesh attractive?" There's something that's a touch off about the tone of that question.

His hands ease away from the small of his back in order to come to his sides to lightly rest there. "This one is named Heng Zhihao," he says, slightly inclining his head towards her. There is nothing further said of Vitali's whereabouts.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"No. You have got the wrong sex." She almost giggles when she tells him. As for the other..

Willow takes his question seriously, and ponders. "You know that I am attractive not because of muscles, or the usual definition of a hunk? You do know that, right?" But she makes up her mind. "He's cute as far as guys go. I'm actually more drawn to girls, but I have a boyfriend right now. Why?"

Once again he used the language weirdly. 'This one is called' instead of 'I'm'.

"Zhihao? That's your name? Or have you taken over a second" Or third.. or.. "body?"

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
There's something that seems almost satisfied within the man's features, a slightly predatory smile that curls that the corners of his lips. Perhaps the words of moments ago hadn't been spoken simply for Willow's benefit? Yet who else might they have been meant for, who else might have heard them? He tsks softly and gives a faint shake of his head. "Such a shame," says Vitali, giving another small shake of his head. "Such an abomination, this flesh is. Perhaps this one needs must give it a different fate. Eventually," he adds, raising an eyebrow slightly. What could that mean? A lot of different things, no doubt.

"This one has no wish to speak of motives. This one knows many things and has seen many years," Vitali says. And thus, it seems, there is nothing further that is said on the matter of attractiveness. Perhaps the desired effect was had?

"This one will speak it again. This one is named Heng Zhihao. In the manner of such things, Heng is this one's family name. Zhihao is this one's given name," he explains, his hands slipping easily to the small of his back once more. "This one does not remember how many there have been since this one's self ceased breathing," he offers, lifting one of his shoulders in a faint shrug.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I don't think.. Vi.. he's crossed that boundary yet." A pause. "I have. Am I one of those tarnished ones?" She quirks a brow.

As he begins to explain a thought crosses her mind. "And yet you speak of yourself in the third person, as though.. I don't think he's in charge either. But you can manipulate him into doing what you want."

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
There is a tilt of his head to one side, and Willow is studied for a long moment. There is a slight shift of his weight between his feet. Behind his back, the first two fingers of his left hand are lightly rubbed against the pad of his thumb. For a moment, he looks up slightly towards the sky, considering the information that has been earned, and there is a smile that curls at the corners of his lips. There is something not entirely good in that expression, something almost... cruel. "This one finds this to be a curious matter. This one may need to rectify such matters," he says softly. Again, there is that sense that the words are not entirely for Willow's benefit.

"This one will weigh your fate and decide upon it elsewhen," Vitali says, giving a single nod to her. "This one finds there is a straddling of boundaries. Perhaps this one will find clarity in meditation," he adds, frowning slightly before he gives a small shake of his head. It would seem that there will be no immediate outcome where Willow's fate is concerned. He tilts his head faintly to one side at the mention of the way he speaks, and then he faintly inclines his head. "This one speaks as this one was taught. This one does not prefer English," he says, lifting one of his shoulders in a faint shrug. There's a moment of pause whilst something is considered. "Kongzhi quan bushi ta de," he adds, a small smile curling at the corners of his lips. 'Control is not his,' in Mandarin.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Do you know who I am?" Willow is pretty sure he doesn't. Normally nothing gave her the willies - after all, she was the best friend of the Slayer. She'd dealt with this before. Kinda.

Though she was going to seal up the apartment against Vitali's body. And fast. And talk with Xiang Zhao.

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
There is a slight tilt of the head that comes in the wake of her question. "This one knows you are Willow Rosenberg," he says. That information is pulled out of Vitali's mind as one would pull carrots from a garden. Yet there is a slight furrow to his brow in the next moment, perhaps as further information is sought. "This one is unable to say more," he adds in a light tone. Perhaps it's simply a choice to not say more or perhaps there is another reason behind it. Throughout their conversation, there has been nary a sign of Soraya -- not a sound and not a sight of her.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Ah! So Vitali still *had* a little bit of mind that is his own. That was a relief, but they would go quickly to rescue Vitali.

"Yeah. That's my name." Willow grins. To him she might be 'happy' that he knew who she was, but in reality she was grinning because he had no clue about her. Or what she had gleaned about him.

Long gone was the surprise for Pietro. This was more important.

"Well, I should be going?" She made certain to frown at Vitali.

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
There are times when Heng Zhihao finds there to be a sudden and unexpected internal fight over pieces of information. The original spirit of this body has proven to be interesting. And Vitali chooses his moments to protect what little he can from the prying of Heng Zhihao. It does, perhaps, also answer the question that she had asked up front: where is Vitali? He is within his physical self, still, even though he does not control it.

"Mm," acknowledges Vitali, giving a small nod. He tilts his head a touch to one side, and then he gives a small nod at her suggestion of going. "As you wish to do," he says, a hint of a smile touching at the corners of his lips. "Zai jian," he adds. A formal way to say 'good bye' in Mandarin.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Oh.." Willow speaks to the body. Vitali. "You'll know why when it happens." He won't be won't returning home - for now. "Your tent will still be warm." Then she wriggled her right hand and was off.

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
Heng Zhihao isn't sure what to make of what it is that Willow says. But Vitali is another matter entirely. Vitali understands the reference that Willow makes. There is the slightest flicker of silvery blue that shows in his eyes, a hint of recognition. And it is but the faintest whisper of sound when he says quietly, "Da." And that hint of recognition is gone in a heartbeat, and there is a puzzled expression that comes to his features. "Youqu, feichang youqu," he adds in a soft tone. 'Interesting, so very interesting,' in Mandarin.