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Latest revision as of 12:10, 12 October 2021

Waiting for a Cosmic Ray or two
Date of Scene: 02 September 2021
Location: Roof Tower - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Anna-Marie and Henry catch up a bit, after a summer of not much going on
Cast of Characters: Beast, Rogue

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy is, on this pleasant september afternoon, sunning himself. Honestly, when it's NOT the height of summer is when the man gets most of his premium outdoor time. Nobody could really blame him, nobody likes to see a panting doctor, people get the wrong idea and Life in Fur is that sort of existence when the barometer gets up there in the numbers.

He appears to have been in the middle of grading biology homework from the looks of things, when his brain got distracted by staring up at the sky and cloud contemplation. The expression he wears is one of engaged puzzlement. The sky it seems, owes him answers.

Rogue has posed:
Seems the day was nice for many people, one of them being Rogue. The southern belle has been flying to the outskirts of Xavier's property and maybe a bit further than such, just enjoying the day. At least when she flies she can keep to herself without the possibility of most anyone finding her. A few here and there if they really wanted, but none really ever go looking for her unless it's an emergency.

Still, she's coming back to the house, landing on the balcony of the tower to find Henry McCoy staring up into the skies. She tilts her head, follows his gaze, and then looks back to him. "Ain't it a bad thing to stare at the sun for a long time?" She asks, pulling out her cigarettes and lighter to partake of such - but on the other side of the balcony and down wind of the doctor. "Whatcha starin' up in the skies for?"

Beast has posed:
"Hmm? Oh, yes, but the sun's over there," Hank points off to the western skies, grinning wide, if brief and full of toothiness. "Nice try though. I was contemplating the phenomenon of cosmic rays. One particularly bonkers quantum physicist attempted to explain once, how two people in completely different continents can come up with fundamentally the same idea at the exact same time, and posited cosmic rays as having a role to play in this. As most such microwave activity and radiation pass straight through various states of matter, he posited that one could enter a person in north america and travel through the earth's core, coming up and hitting some other random person in the middle of the Australian outback. Which is in theory possible, but it then posits that quantum mechanics creates a similar particle resonance at the same time. As I said, it was bonkers, but ... I need some kind of whacked out inspiration right now, to think through why it's been so distressingly quiet of late. I keep expecting the toaster to explode."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue takes an inhale from her smoke, blows it skyward and then glances in Henry's direction again. "So somethin' from the sky comes down into and through you, then the earth, and comes up somewhere on the other side of the planet and goes through someone else. If all those things line up at the same time, then supposedly that's why two people can think of the same exact thing." She summarizes, kind of, and then shrugs. "So you're hopin' to have somethin' like that happen to you while you're out here, otherwise the toaster is going to explode? Ain't it nice that it's been kinda quiet lately?" She then turns to look out across the grounds, giving a shrug of her shoulders. "Sure do miss some people though.."

Beast has posed:
"Yes. Mostly. Given the speed at which such wavelengths travel, the transition through the planet is almost instantaneous. Circuitously, I'm trying to not think about it and hoping perhaps I'll get some kind of inspirational moment." He glances down, examining the papers on his lap and shuffles them together to put aside. "Well, that will need to be finished later when I'm not distracted..." and a glance under his glasses to her. "It's good to see you Anna-Marie. I have missed your stoic sense of humour," he winks. "But it has been abysmally quiet. I should be grateful, but I'm also just a teensie bit paranoid. I put that down to too many people having tried to kill us at one point or another."

Rogue has posed:
"Right, but I would think that they're also travelin' around all the time so surely at some point one will hit your head with a good idea." Rogue offers with a smirk, finishing off her smoke and placing the trash in a little pouch in her pocket. She'll dispose of it later when she can properly do so. "Aw yer just sayin' that. Don't no one ever miss me...not really." Finally, she sliiiiiides over closer to him and looks at the papers he sets aside then back to him proper. "Paranoia is fair considerin'. Makes one wonder what's brewin' out there on the horizon that we don't know about yet. At the same time... school's fixin' to start again. So that might lead to a bit of fun...even if some people ain't comin' back like they said they would."

Beast has posed:
Hank taps his nose and points to her. "Some people went on to develop wholesome, useful lives outside of these four walls. It's a sad truth, but when we do get left behind because we did our job," Hank shrugs his shoulders. "Occasionally, we should have an Alumni gathering, I think. It would be a positive experience," he also pokes her on the elbow, right around the time she'd stated that nobody misses her. "Maybe I should pop by the avengers mansion again, fix my nerves and actually see what's going on over there. It might take my mind off the quiet."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's shoulders slump just a little bit, for a brief moment, before she manages to pick herself up. Her lips curl into a smile and she nods. "That might be fun. An Alumni gathering of sorts.." She offers this and then makes a face as he pokes her in the elbow. "Anyway..." A thought, "goin to the Avengers mansion may not be a bad idea. I ain't been there before. Wonder if we could go together..." She may not do many things with many people, but Hank McCoy will be the one exception to such a rule. Always.

Beast has posed:
The Blue Meanie is just that kind of person. ANd yes, there are moments where he gets mistaken for Sulli from Monsters Inc. Usually when at museums and suchlike. Sharp eyed, he doesn't comment on the little look of deflation, but does clap hands and rub them together. "Sounds like that might be a plan. I'm sure that there's been -something- going on over there, there's never nothing. Well, there is nothing, but then there's usually something I need to be doing /during/ the nothing that adds to a lack of idleness. Last time I popped over there, I got referred to SHIELD for some psyche-eval."

Rogue has posed:
"To help with the eval or to have one done on you?" Rogue asks this with a raised eyebrow and then smiles. "Well I suppose we could pop over there and find out if anything is going on or if something is on their radar..." A chuckle and then she turns to begin walking into the mansion. "Just let me know when ya wanna head that way... and what means of travel we'd be takin'. See ya soon, Hank." Then she disappears into the school.