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Latest revision as of 14:41, 23 October 2017

Smelling Twinkies In His Sleep
Date of Scene: 19 April 2017
Location: Xavier's School
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: Deadzone, Beast

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum avoided Hank for the rest of the night before and the majority of the day. She even left for the day and went into town. Whatever happened in town, she seems to be feeling a little more subdued mood. When she comes back, she has a bag with her. She just hopes that Hank won't ask where she got it.

Heading downstairs, she slips into the lab. Staying out of Hank's way, she puts the bag down near enough that he can open it if he wants to.

Inside, a full box of Twinkies, with a sticky note that says "Sorry. I screwed up. You were right. Tay"

Turning, she starts to head out of the lab again.

Beast has posed:
Hank hadn't been avoiding her.. Not actively anyway. Can you avid someone /passively/ by staying in one place? The furry scientist has sort of made a career out of that when things get uncomfortable and has spent the entire time since he last saw her (not including the short time he spent playing his music in his room) sequestered in one of his laboratories.

Now of course Tatum can be forgiven intothiking that her peace offering has been ignored since Hank never moved a muscle when she entered, set down the bag /or/ apologized. He was leaning over a terminal. But as she walks away she can hear a familar (probably) sound eminating from him.

ZZZZzzzzzzz ZZZZZzzzzzzzzz *snort* *puppy whimper* Zzzzzzz

It seems the intredpid blue doofus has been here for.. well. there screen of his terminal has been running a timer, stating 38 hours 42 Minutes 29 Seconds.... Thats apparently how long whatever program he has been running is.. well... running.

Deadzone has posed:
Once Tatum hears that snoring, her head dips down. How can she miss someone who is right there in the same room as her? She turns and heads over, looking at the computer. It's the programs he's been running for her. All this time, he's been working diligently on getting her home. Tatum sighs heavily, feeling like a first class heel.

She reaches out, wanting to touch him. To see the man under the fur. Her hand hovers over his shoulder for a moment before she pulls it away. Instead, she looks around the lab. Medical bed? Cot? Side room? What does this Hank have to use when he falls asleep in the lab?

Beast has posed:
The answer to that question is.. not much? well... There /is/ a big blue beatup beanbag chair in teh corner, shove between a vandergraf generator and something that looks like a set prop from Star Trek with blinky lights. and in fromt of that is a low table, like a coffee table, covered in comics and science books and his old and chipped cookie monster coffee mug... and a lava lamp.

There comes another snort and Hank ponderously lifts his head, blearily blinking his eyes and his nose twitching.. "Whazzat.... ztwinkiez?" he murmurs...

Deadzone has posed:
Looking at the beanbag chair, Tate arches a brow. This Hank goes upstairs to his room to sleep? Or just sleeps where he is? Yet another differnce that she's going to have to get used to. No... she won't. Because between this Beast and hers, she will get back home. She has to have faith in him. In them.

He wakes with a snort and asks about the twinkies and she looks up to the ceiling with a roll of her eyes. "In the box. Individually wrapped. And you can *still* smell them? You never cease to amaze me, babe... Sorry, Hank."

Beast has posed:
Beast's large paw pads over the desk, searching for his glasses.. poor guy. Can see the pips on a playing card a half mile away yet can't see a things a few feet in front of him. "Mmmmmph.. he grumps, sleepily, "It's a skill I developed at University. Low Blood sugar makes Mrs McCoy's son an unhappy boy.." he says as he gives up on the glasses and opens the bag. And then stops. He slowly turns on his stool and looks at Tatum.. well.. He squints at her.

"You needn't have brought me a peace offering.." he says, softly. He looks guilty, almost like a big puppy would even though he is more feline and/or simian. "In fact, it is probably I who owe /you/ an apology. I was out of line, yesterday."

Deadzone has posed:
"Yeah, I know. Between the two of us, we are keeping the junk food industry good and strong. Mind you, I make my lollipops from scratch, so .... " She steps over and very lightly touches the glasses on the top of Hank's head and pulls them down to his nose. It's hard to keep her power pulled back tightly enough to not affect him, but she does her best. She seems relieved when her hand pulls away.

"You ... your alternate.... he's always said I am the stubbornest person he's ever met. We have a tendency to butt heads like nobodies business. You were right. I need to keep the stuff about my world to myself. I could change things here. And whether that is for better or worse, that's not my place. So... I promise to behave and keep my big trap shut."

Beast has posed:
Beast blinks as Tatum seems to instinctively know where his glasses are.. the place that is the bane for ALL wearers of optical corection. He blushes, though of course she can not /see/ that blush.

"Thank you.." he murmurs and starts to unrap a twinkie.. slow and meticulous.. not able to quite look her in the eye. "Speaking for my alternate /and/ myself.. I believe that would be kettle calling the pot black.." he muses. "Yes, you are stubborn, but so have I been accised of being so.. many times." The twinkie extricated from it's wrapper he sniffs it like a conneseur would sniff a cigar. "And sure, you could change some things here.. And yes you need to be careful.. but enough is different that if you felt someone SHOULD know then.. well.. Maybe that should be left up to /YOU/ to decide." And with that he pops the ENTIRE twinky into his maw and chews.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum watches at the ritualistic eating of the twinkie. Gods, but he's adorable. "Yeah, I know. He and I are alot alike in a lot of ways. Both have a sweet tooth, both are stubborn as hell, both like to hog the covers.... But, we make it work. Somehow." She lifts a shoulder in a mild shrug.

"I guess, what with you all looking like the people I know, I've been acting like nothing is really different. Just me with a lot less stuff. But, you guys are *not* my family. So, I have to protect you."

Beast has posed:
Beast chews slowly.. he always does that with that first twinkie. Savouring it like a fine wine. if a wine was made from lots of confectioners sugar and some flour and extruded out of a tube into a big roasty oven. When he swallows he licks his chops and sighs, deeply, a bit incofmrtable when she mentions the whole covers thing but..

"You are right.. We are not your family.. at least not your /direct/ family.." he admits, then finally works up the nerve to face her. "But we're sill related. I mean, from what you've let on you're not all some evil goatee wearing mirror universe duplicates on your world.." yeah, he's trying for levity there. "What mean to say is.. you seem to still be X-men. And X-men are always family... Because thats who we are."

Deadzone has posed:
The twinkie eating, the sighing, the licking of chops -- Tatum has to cover her smile as she watches because it's so endearing that she might just do something rash. Which would be very much like her, but she's trying to behave.

At the talk of evil goatees, she rolls her eyes again and sighs. "Really? A Star Wars reference? You're comparing me to Galadriel now?" She waits for the inevitable nerd rage and then will let her smile hopefully clue Hank in that she knows exactly what she just said. Her Hank has her well trained in the way of the geek. "And for what it's worth, while I'm here, if you need my bubble, just say the word. If it's alright, back home I do a Thursday night movie night wiht the kids. Pop in something on the big screen and then fill the room with my bubble. Everyone gets to be "Normal". For a night at least. You could join us if you like. Keep my feet warm."

Beast has posed:
For the merest of moments Hank pauses, staring incrediusly at the slightly younger woman. It is eviodent he wants to say... something. SOmething about the TERRIBLE hash of WROGNESS that just spewed out of her mouth about his beloved anology.. But then he calms slightly, a shaggy brow rising and a snaggletoothed smirk at the corner of his lips.

"I guess you /must/ know me, or him, well if you are going to be trolling me like that." he says as he starts unwrapping another twinkie. And while he sounds amused deep inside him there is a tinge of.. jealousy.. for his interdimensional alternate. A small green monster railing at the unfairness of not being able to find someone like her in /his/ world.

"While the idea of a movie night unfettered by fur sounds appealing.. I must decline." he says, his voice a bit softer. "I mean, the offer.. It is worth much. believe me.. But at the same time it is a temptation I should forgo."

Deadzone has posed:
"Because when I'm gone, my power goes with it and you might find you like it too much. Yeah. You know, that's why your alternate kept me away for over two years? He even tried setting me up with Bobby to keep away from me." She laughs at this and grabs a twinkie for herself. She then heads over to flop onto the bean bag. "You know, it's a good thing you are hypoallergenic. Anyway," she starts to open the snack cake.

"So, I tried looking up my mother. Good news, if HYDRA did the experiment in your world, then for some reason she didn't sign up for it. She's.... fine. No sign of a drinking problem. Married. Lives in Yonkers. She seems... Happy.

Beast has posed:
Beast again looks guilty. yeah, he could see himself.. or another Hank.. doig what he.. they.. did. Gah. He hates temporal and interdimensional pronouns. "That is, of course, partly it." he does admit.. and stuffs his mouth full of twinkie... chews.. swallows.. unwraps another. Thak god for his metabolism. "I am the way I am because of gods gift of mutation and my own hand." Yeah, he mentioned god. He's not an athiest after all. He's a Episcopalian, if laspes slightly. Wait, is OTHER hank Episcopalian too?. "To go back and forth.. it scares me. BEcause it is not a /cure/. I would essentially be two people in one body.. It frightens me.."

He looks over at her, now ensconced in his favourite chair. "It gladdens me that your mother, this version of her anyways, has found peace."

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum eats her twinkie far more slowly, nibbling and savoring rather then popping the whole thing in her mouth. She scoops out some of the cream with a finger and teasingly licks it off. Until she rememebers -- Not her Hank! Bad! Bad Tatum. She finishes the cream off her finger quickly, looking a little guilty for tormenting the man who is not her boyfriend but just looks like him.

"You know... I've sort of been working in my head how to make a little less confusion out of this whole you and my Hank thing. You're basically like twin brothers. You look the same, but you aren't. So, I'll must start talking about back home and... Henry? Philip? What would you like to call my Hank?"

Beast has posed:
Beast prbably looks as.. flustered.. as she does guilty and quickly downs another twinky like a cowboy might down a shot of whisky to steel himself.. or calm his nerves.

"Would it be /fair/ to you.. or to /him/ to call him anything other than Hank?" he asks. "I mean, he is no less a person that I am. He is someone you know, closely I may add, so it is not /my/ place to force any other name upon him." Yeah, that is probably something her Hank would do too. "I want you to be as comfortable as you can be until I can solve this thing and get you home to him."If he can, which is something he doesn't add.. though his posture seems to relay some doubt as to whether it will be possible.

Deadzone has posed:
"Would it be fair? Well... His name *is* Henry Philip, same as yours. So, calling him by his full first or his middle name isn't as bad as asking if I can call you Dr. Hotty McCoy. Think if the roles were reversed and I was your girlfriend and in another world with another Hank. Would *you* be okay with me calling you something else while I was there? Just to clear up some confusion?"

She laughs and shrugs a singler shoulder then. "Or, I could just start calling you Hanky Panky, like Anne-Marie suggested. Or Fuzzy Wuzzy? Or... Hankykins? Or Babe?"

Her teasing stops when she sees that look. The look that says that whatever puzzle he's working on might not have the result he wants. Only, the puzzle he's working on is how to get her home. "Haaaaank? What are you not telling me?"

Beast has posed:
Beast wishes he could keep up that levity she has been showing, but that guilty look is getting more and more pronounced. "Technically, I am not telling you nothing, using a double negative.." he says slowly then turns away and slides his pams undr his glasses, rubbing the pits of his eyes.
"Interdimensional science is not an /exact/ science, Tatum. Every documente transversal of the quantumn brane has been unique in it's circumstances.. And themore I study your own cicumstances the less I am sure I.. can send you back..."

Deadzone has posed:
Sticks her tongue out at Hank. Yes, she uses double negatives and her grammar is terrible. And her use of words like U and Cya in her texts drives him insane. But it was never her schooling that brought them together. Her smile falters as he reveals that he might not be able to get her home. "But... but... Someone sent me here. Surely... "

Her mouth opens and closes, like a fish out of water. She has been having a hard enough time keeping her mood up, telling herself to trust in the power of McCoy to get her home. "I mean... if someone sent me here, then there has to be a way! Someone's mutant power? An artifact? The.... thing! That that God with the Avengers does! Hank, there has to be some way!"

Standing to her feet, she puts her hand over her mouth.

Beast has posed:
Beast doesn't want to turmn.. Doesn't want to face her.. But he has to. SHe deserves that much. So he does, dropping his hands as the stool twists once more.

"That is just it, tatum. I don't know /what/ technique sent you hee. The particulars.. /anything/." he says, looking exhasperated. "Unlike any other transdimensional incursion I have seen or even heard of, your quantumn frequency is /changing/. I didn't notice this until I rechecked my readings. Your frequency, which is like a tether to yoru worldline, is /shifting/. Ever moment here it gets closer to syncing with our own. Which should be /impossible/.. But that also means the very few moments you were here that frequency had changed thus I cannot know what your ORIGINAL frequency was.. and thus cannot find your /home/."

Deadzone has posed:
The look on Tatum's face is rather reminiscent to when a person gets shot. Stunned. Confused. She takes a step away from the beanbag and starts looking around the floor as if she's lost something. "But... but... My Hank! He'll be looking for me too. Maybe with you and him working together? And.. what about the head! We could figure out which alien race did this! And maybe, maybe make them send me back!" She begins to pace the floor.

"Don't get me wrong. You are all swell. But I want to go home. I want ... I want my Hank. I want to be in your, HIS, arms. I want him to purr me to sleep. I want to see his face smiling at me from the audience at the Philharmonic. I... I want my mom back! Sure, she's insane and an alcoholic because HYDRA fucked her over, but she's *MINE*!"

Tears start to well in Tatum's eyes then. She's been doing her best to stay strong and chipper, but this is too much. "I... I'll be in my room. If you'll excuse me." She heads out the door, still seeming stunned, but halfway down the hall, her footsteps start to run.