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Latest revision as of 12:15, 12 October 2021

Date of Scene: 21 August 2021
Location: Raven Park - Harlem
Synopsis: Wanda finds Ororo at a park in Harlem and the two chat for a bit before duty calls.
Cast of Characters: Storm, Scarlet Witch

Storm has posed:
It is a bit later in the evening, and most of the foot traffic that's common to this particular park has left it. The vendors have packed up their carts and left for the day. The park is quiet, and it is abandoned. Full dark has yet to fall, and the sky reflects the colours of the setting sun. It is a peaceful place, and the greenery is lush, some of it flowering as it's the season for it to do so.

With her eyes white and aglow, Ororo Munroe lowers through the air from amongst the clouds. Her arms are partially extended to either side of her, her head tilted slightly up and her face turned towards the sky. As her feet settle upon the ground of the park, she closes her eyes for a long moment, listening to the peace of the park. Her feet are bare, interestingly enough, and her toes squirming slightly in the green grass of the park. Her arms lower to her sides, and when she opens her eyes a moment later, they're no longer white but are instead blue. Her white hair is a bit tussled, caught in a thick braid that falls over her back. She wears a pale blue t-shirt and a pair of black jeans that look a bit worn and have a couple of tears in them around the knees. She exhales a breath as she lets herself sink down to the grass, settling in cross-legged fashion as she does so, and she lifts one of her hands to brush a stray bit of hair from her face.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The first sign of Wanda Maximoff is what appears to be scarlet flame. It starts out as nothing more than a single flicker of light, but quickly expands into a human sized bonfire. There is no actual heat to it, were one to get close enough. And it only lasts for a few seconds before it fades, leaving a woman in its place. A redhead that might be familiar to the only other occupant of this park. Wanda takes a deep breath, appreciating the scents of the abundant vegetation of this park. It really is quite lovely.

Storm has posed:
The scarlet flame is enough to catch Ororo's attention out of the corner of her eyes, and the white glow nigh instantly returns to her blue eyes as she reaches for her power once more. She turns her head to look in the direction of it, and that sign of her power only bleeds away from her eyes when the fire fades to leave the redheaded woman behind. She tilts her head a bit to one side, studying the other woman for a moment, recognizing her but needing that moment to be able to place her. Shifting her weight slightly, she smoothly rises to her feet and turns to be facing her.

"Good evening, Wanda," Ororo offers in greeting, a smile touching at the corners of her lips. "Had I known that I would have company, then I would have done better at remembering the tea," she comments, a hint of amusement coming to her voice.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff may or may not be aware of the woman already there when she appears. She doesn't seem to be, until she hears the familiar voice. A smile blossoms upon her lips, "Ororo," she greets, turning toward the woman. "What a pleasure to see you again. And under much better circumstances this time." Not that their previous meeting had been /bad/ circumstances, precisely, but neither had they been overly /good/ circumstances. "Come now. If I really wanted tea, we would have tea." She smiles, her jade green eyes sparkling with amusement. She paces toawrd the sitting woman. "How are you? Spell holding up okay?" Of course, she probably knows the spell is holding up fine. She was one of the castors of that spell, afterall.

Storm has posed:
There's a smile that easily returns to her features at the greeting from Wanda, and she lifts a hand to brush her braid back over her shoulder. "It is a pleasure to see you again as well," she says, a warm tone to her voice. "The circumstances are definitely better ones, this time," she agrees. Not that the last time had been bad ones, but there had been the school's protection to tend to and that was not without its challenges. She gives a light laugh, and then she nods. "That is true, I must agree with you," Ororo says, amusement rising into her blue eyes. She tilts her head a touch to one side, and then she gives a nod. "The spell is holding up perfectly and as it should be doing. All is well," Ororo answers, a smile coming to her features once again. "I am well. I was reading the weather, it could best be said. How are you?" she asks, curiosity coming to her voice.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Oh? And what is the weather telling you?" Wanda sounds, and looks, truly curious. She reaches Ororo's chosen spot, and lowers herself to sit on the ground facing her. Though, she leaves her legs stretched out in front of her with her left hand propping her behind her. "All is well is good. I'm doing fine. Keeping tabs on the things I keep tabs on. You know. The usual. How go things at the school?"

Storm has posed:
There's a moment where Storm looks up to the sky above, where drifting clouds are painted with the colours of the setting sun. Brilliant shades of reds and oranges and golds. She's quiet for that moment, and then her gaze turns back to Wanda, to watch the redheaded woman. "It depends on how far I reach," Ororo says, a thoughtful tone to her voice. "For this evening, I did not reach too far afield. There is a storm coming. Rain. It will likely start around noon tomorrow and last until the day after. It should be a welcome relief from the heat," she says, a smile touching at the corners of her lips.

"I am glad to hear that you are doing well, Wanda," she says in a warm tone. Then she gives a soft chuckle before she nods. "I understand that as well. There are things that I keep tabs on as well, though most of them are weather related. There is a balance that must be kept," she says softly. "Things at the school are going well. There are some new students, and they seem to be enjoying the summer. How have things been with your brother and the other Avengers?" she asks.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff really isn't paying much mind to the colors above. Her eyes had been on the frost haired woman instead. But now, she lowers herself the rest of the way to the grass, lifting her hands above her head to rest her head upon her linked fingers. "So pretty," she murmurs. "Well. At least it's nice for now. If it was raining, I wouldn't be sitting here." She laughs at herself. "My brother is well. The Avengers are well. Doing our thing, you know."

Storm has posed:
As Wanda makes herself more comfortable, Storm watches her for a moment and then looks up to the sunset before giving a nod of agreement. "It is, quite pretty," she says softly. She's quiet for a moment as Wanda speaks, and then she gives a small nod. "It is, yes. It will stay nice, at least for a little while to come, yet," she says, a smile turning her lips. "If it were raining, there is an equal chance that I would be sitting here as not. I would just be wet if it were raining," she comments with a measure of amusement in her voice. She chuckles softly, and then she gives a small nod. "I am glad to hear that the others are also well. Things have been quiet for a time. It tends to make me wonder what is waiting in the wings, so to speak."

There's a beeping then that comes from her back pocket, and she retrieves her phone from that pocket. Her brow furrows as she unlocks the device to check a message there, and the she gives a small shake of her head. A quick reply is typed and sent, and then she smoothly rises to her feet. "Forgive me, I need to be headed back. We should grab lunch sometime together," she offers with a smile. "Be well, Wanda," she adds. Then her eyes take on the telltale white glow of her magic and she takes flight to head back towards the school.