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Titan work out.
Date of Scene: 20 August 2021
Location: Living Quarters, Titans Tower
Synopsis: Cassie and Austin talk powers and responsibilities.
Cast of Characters: Sentinel (Dallas), Wonder Girl

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Imagine if you will, a stereotypical 80's workout video model. Head band? Check. Wrist bands? yep. Leg warmers? Definitely. Purple leotard over lilac spandex? Oh yeah. Now... imagine it on a Capuchin monkey. Tina is laying across one of the work out benches doing slow leg lifts as Austin shakes his head at her and fires a couple of rapid blows into a heavy bag, following them with a side kick. His own work out gear is a bit more modern. Marial arts pants and a sleaveless t-shirt that says "I am a wolf. The lions and tigers might be stronger, but you never see a wolf at the circus."

Wonder Girl has posed:
Given that so many heroes and heroines have divine blessings, or some MacGuffin, as their source of energy, strength and abilities - why do they really need to work out? Inquiring minds want to know.

Probably because their team leaders assign it like a chore or homework. This is why Cassie saunters in, herself, making her way to one of the tread mills. She wears a white sports bra under a baggy tank red tank top and matching running shorts. Stepping up on the tread mill and setting it for a warm up, she glances to Tina then Austin, "Yeah? should Tina be worried? Monkies are usually in circuses? And does that make me a magpie?" she wonders.

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Austin Dallas looks a bit confused. first of all he forgot what was written on his shirt and second of all.. "Magpie, that's like a crow right?" He asks confused. The Monket for her part sits up and waves to Cassie, toweling her face off with what was probably a wash cloth. They just don't make monkey sized towels. "Sorry, I'm really horrible with names," He adds with a smile, delivering another quick combo. "I can remember 'Wonder Girl but not your other name?" If he ever knew it.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie Sandsmark nods with a grin. "Your shirt. Hey Tina." She offers the monkey a wave as she picks up the pace on the treadmill. "It's Cassandra. But most call me Cassie. Austin, right?" she asks to be sure. Then she follows up, "Magpies aren't quite like crows but similar. They tend to be attracted to shiny objects."

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Austin Dallas looks down and says, "Oh, right the wolf thing... " he shakes his head. "It was something a friend told me once, sort of. I liked it so I got it printed on a shirt." He nods, "Yeah, It's Austin, Austin Dallas. Yes i know that is two cities in Texas, yes so did my parents, yes i hate them for it." he says with a lopsided grin.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie Sandsmark laughs at his reply. "Well it sounds better than being named Winner. Or... Apple. Celebrities have the strange name thing down like noone else." She ups the pace of the treadmill again now at a full jog. "I like the shirt. It's not wrong." Brushing her pony tail over her shoulder, she asks, "How've you two been? It's been a few weeks since I last saw you?"

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Tina waffles her hand back and forth as if to say "So-So." and picks up what has to be the worl'ds smallest set of dumbbells asnd starts doing leg curls with them. "She's determined to lose about five ounces." He says with a bit of a smirk. "Been okay. had an incident with Kara the other night that could have gone better..." He stops punching the bag and gets a water out of the fridge. "Know what's worse? they named my kid sisters Helen Paris and Tammy Wynette,.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie Sandsmark arches a brow. "Pretty sure we could all lose that much, probably." As the speed picks up she sets into runnning strides. Between breaths, she looks over, "Yeah? Better how? What kind of incident?" then she blinks, "And wow. Your parents really needed help in naming. Though Helen Paris is better than Helen Troy, I have to say.."

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Austin Dallas downs the water quickly and smirks, "According to my mother, she lives in Ireland now with my sisters and my step dad, my Dad wanted to name her Helen Troy, but she put her foot down. it's disputed as to if she knew Austin was a city in Texas, she claims no, but both my dad's say she totally did." He walks over to a treadmill one away from Cassie and adds "This virus thing. It's got her really shaken. I tried to give her a hug. Just to comfort her, yah know? Well she twitched and says she almost killed me."

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie Sandsmark looks dubious. "Wow. yeah. that's... crazy. Parents do odd things I guess." Then she frowns, "okay. yeah, that's crazy too. And bad. Kara's got amazing levels of strength and she's usually really good at controlling it. She crush a car like it was an ant pretty much and then some."

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Austin Dallas nods. "Yeah the whole world of tissue thing." he says, putting up a respectable, but defiantly human level pace. "It's so weird being around people so much stronger sometimes. I mean out there?" he gestures vaguely to the world at large, "I'm considered pretty tough. Good guy in a fight you know? But in here? I'm about as tough as a toddler." He smirks a bit and adds, "Of course naturally the last person I mentioned this bit of self pitying diatribe to was Robin. So there is that.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie Sandsmark nods. "The world is all we know initially. Then we learn there is more out there. Space. Aliens. Gods. Demons.. it's crazy to realize it's all very much true." She agrees, "There's always a bigger fish. But you seem very capable. As you said, Tim's not physically the most powerful but he uses his mind like few others can or do. That and his preparation are what make him so effective."

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Austin Dallas nods slightly, "To a fish, the world is no bigger then the tank. Same friend used that line too." he says with a grin shaking his head. It's just that I wanted so much to be here, you know. To do more. to make a difference. Now it's like I have, I dumnno, imposter syndrome or something. I mean Kara? You need a rock that there are only maybe a hundred kilograms of the stuff on the entire planet to take away her powers? Me? I can be disabled by too much pepper."

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie Sandsmark nods as she continues to run on the tread mill. "You're right in all of those things. But you're also wrong. We each have a different skill set, perspective and experiences to bring to the table. Even the smallest have powerful talents. Just focus on what you do, y'know? Do it really well and I think that's all any of us could ask for."