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Latest revision as of 12:16, 12 October 2021

Homecoming strangeness
Date of Scene: 20 August 2021
Location: Roof Landing, The Triskelion
Synopsis: Wendell comes home to SHIELD and gets the first, second -and- third degrees.
Cast of Characters: 10070, Mockingbird, Yaozu Lin, Quake

Wendell Vaughn (10070) has posed:
    When some people say, 'It's been a long time.' ... they tend to mean a few days, weeks... maybe months at the outside. But when the plan called for you to be put into medical and chemical stasis for a trip at several thousand miles per hour, into the outer reaches of your solar system... a mission that may or may not have even panned out. It was a long shot after all, just to maybe figure out the origin of the mysterious wristbands you manage to accidentally get permanently attached to your wrists. . . yeah. That's a wild run. And the funny part is that Wendell had no idea just how capable and potent those bands were.

    Once he arrived at Uranus, he learned that there had been a spacefaring civilization there eons ago. A civilization that was long dead. He even met their executioner... and was almost killed by that same being. But discovery was the theme of the day it seems. He was contacted by Eon, the cosmic entity to created the bands. Long story short, he learned how to beat the executioner, and then how to Quantum Jump home. So the return trip took about twelve seconds, not four more years.

    So now, a Wendell who is four years older comes home. With 4 years of hair growth, on the head and the face. He looks like a blonde ZZ Top band member. Somebody needs a shave for sure. But as he descends into the atmosphere, he uses the bands to transmit a signal to the SHIELD Triskelion.

    "Agent Vaughn, reporting in from Project Quantum Discovery. Please respond. I am angling for the Triskelion, and would really like to not get shot at as I approach."

    And that message repeats even as he soars over the skyline, angling towards his intended target. A golden streak of light apaprently.

Mockingbird has posed:
Our returning hero was likely to be disappointed or pleased at the number of alarms he tripped by suddenly appearing in the atmosphere high above North America. Stealth fighters scrambled, radar tracking systems turned his way, NASA, the American and Canadian Tactical Defense systems blatted high alerts heralding his approach.

One lone operator ensconced in his SHIELD listening station recognized the old set of protocols the returning agent sent ahead of his arrival. One. His next pay raise would reflect it, too, if Bobbi Morse has anything to do with it.

One of the few perks of being highly placed in SHIELD was how many metaphorical doors she could open or close if she took mission lead on a problem. Messages were sent alerting all the agencies that were currently gunning to shoot the returning agent out of the sky, asking them to belay those orders. The roof of the Triskelion was cleared. Files were opened and data sent on the returning agent.

There would be no brass band awaiting him but a number of gun turrets were uncapped covering the roof from advantageous points around it. Curiosity and caution both at play - at the last moment, Bobbi decided to greet him alone, only risking herself.

A lone blonde woman in tactical gear, shades her eyes and looks up from her datapad. A faint breeze ruffles her hair.

Wendell Vaughn (10070) has posed:
    IT doesn't take long. The golden glow appears up above... and then descends at a controlled pace. FInally, the form coalesces into the same agent who left.. plus the beard of course. He comes down and pauses to survey the rooftop. One agent. I mean he wasn't expecting a brass band. But one agent? And not one he knows from Adam.

    Either way, he has that stupid spandex costume on. A different one from the one he had when he left of course. It's still pretty stupid though... and the red and blue don't really mesh with the golden energy that well. But either way, he comes down and lands on his own two feet... snapping a salute before saying, "Please forgive any worrisome issues my arrival caused... Agent Vaughn, reporting in."

Mockingbird has posed:
This is not Agent Morse's first rodeo, still, she has to clap her mouth shut when he touches down. The costume delineates every muscle on his body and on another occasion the woman agent might find that both comical and alluring. The colors are dated though, crosses her mind, before she returns his greeting.

"We had a number of alien space craft park themselves in orbit and land in the last decade. So, the response was reasonable. A communications tech recognized your call sign and code, lucky for you. I think." The golden glow and his ability to fly without any apparent means had made her qualify those last words.

"Welcome home." She consults the computer pad in her hand, "Agent Wendel Vaughn. It's been a while and you weren't expected for a while yet."

Pressing a corner of a window on the datapad, drops the extreme alert to almost normal levels. "If you would follow me, I believe you have some debriefing to do. If you're hungry or need anything, let me know. I'm Special Agent Bobbi Morse. I'll be your handler until you're reintegrated into service."

Wendell Vaughn (10070) has posed:
    "Yeah. Quantum Jump. Things I wish I had known about before I left. I mean the fact that I could make the jump from Uranus to Earth in twelve seconds would have saved a -lot- of trouble for the outbound leg of the trip." Wendell says halfway casually.

    But then he inclines his head and says, "Alien Ships?" And as he says that, his golden glow fades away. But then he is given instructions, and he nods, "Lead on Agent. I'll be a good little agent." and he falls in.

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi is not without charm but stopping the combined services of two countries from blowing him out of the air had made her tense. She remembers to smile, nodding as she reiterates, "Yes. Alien ships. Kree and Shi'ar among others. We are on the galactic map, so to speak."

Gesturing to the secure door leading from the helipad, "We are going to house you in a secure room until you finish your debriefing. If you have friends or family you wish to contact, you'll be able to do that after you're cleared. Let us know what we can do for you. Once we are in a secure area, we will ask you about that Quantum Jump."

The double doors slide open onto the bay of an elevator large enough to drive a tank into and sturdy enough to transport it. "After you."

Wendell Vaughn (10070) has posed:
    Secure. Yeah Wendell isn't sure how -secure- that room will be. But he plays along. He doesn't say another word, but just nods in response to whatever is said to him. His hands clasp behind his back, under his cape. Hah, a cape!

    But then he nods and steps into the elevator. "As you wish." he says with an odd smile, "And not in a Princess Bride way I might add."

Mockingbird has posed:
He gets the odd look from Bobbi his last words merit. Reaching forward, she presses the button that will take them down to the most secure areas of SHIELD. Next to him, she observes, "The security is not against you, Agent. But because of how you arrived and what you've said. We have several dangerous assets in observation at the moment. I don't include you in them. But, your information is sensitive, to be clear. Expect to repeat what happened to you several times." She rocks forward on her feet, adding, "Just saying."

The door opens and several agents waiting in the corridor turn their heads. "Special Agent," one young woman, red curly hair tamed into a bun, says, "Right this way, ma'am." They are both led to a door that opens on to a small sparsely furnished studio apartment or a plush cell, depending on your perspective.

Wendell Vaughn (10070) has posed:
    "Yep. Pretty much what I expected to be told." offers Wendell. "I mean it was drilled into us at the academy, and then made a part of the daily routine. Anything out of the ordinary gets analyzed until it's entirely understood. And then classified."

    He'll play along and let them assume he is secured. "Just for your sake." he says more softly, "I do believe you that I am not the one considered the threat. What I learned out there puts an -entirely- new perspective on the universe as a whole though, so I imagine that's part of what will be discussed."

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi is aware that Agent Vaughn is temporizing, just not why. It notches her sense of suspicion up, playing off the innate sense of danger that typifies so many successful agents. With a sidelong glance at the man, she wonders if he is the problem or what he hinted at is the source of her unease.

"We will be bringing in other Agents to talk to you. I want other eyes on your return."

Wendell Vaughn (10070) has posed:
    IT's not like Wendell is trying to make himself seem more dangerous. And if Bobbi has access to his personnel file, she'd be well aware that he was never given any real conflict assignments because while he had excellent scores at the Academy, he'd been summed up as, "Lacking the Killer Instinct." Or more to the point... they worried that he would be unable to pull the trigger, to take a life, if that was required by SHIELD.

    At the current moment, he is just complying and doing whatever is asked of him because he thinks that'd be the best way to get along and go along, so to speak.

    "Sure. Whatever you think is best." he states earnestly, likely making Mockingbird more suspicious in the most 'murphy's law' case in recent memory. The fact that he has a full spandex bodysuit and... yes, a cape.. makes him stand out even more among more .... shall we say, 'traditionally attired' agents. But he steps over to a chair and sits down at the table there before asking, "Would you like me to submit to any security precautions?"

    Another note in his file. Before he left to investigate the origins of his bracers, bands, wristbands, whatever... it was noted that short of killing him, there has never been a known way to -remove- the bands from his wrists.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
Sometimes things -- people or objects, really -- end up becoming 'out of the ordinary' through no fault of their own. For those who might have the hearing for such things, there is a snick-clicking that travels along the hall and towards the plush cell. The steps which are the source of the sounds are even and measured, and seeming without hurry to them. The sounds themselves are from the talons of avian feet. Yaozu is someone who could be considered out of the ordinary, himself, for he is not human -- not anymore, at least.

He wears a set of old style traditional silk Chinese robes that are pitch black in colour save for the blood red edging around the sleeve edges. His arms are partially folded in front of him, his left hand tucked up the sleeve of his right arm and his right hand tucked up the sleeve of his left arm so that both hands are out of sight. His black feathers are slightly puffed up, though no more so than what could be considered a normal state, and his large wings are folded neatly at his back. The sides of his long black hair have been drawn to the back of his head and tamed to a braid that's coiled there and speared through with a sandalwood hairstick that has a cloud design carved in it. His hazel gaze flicks briefly over the agents in the hallway, Bobbi included, and there's a hint of curiosity that shows as he notices the spandex and caped man who is with her.

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi has stayed near the door waiting for Yaozu's arrival. He, among other agents, would be called in to assess the newly returned Agent and to comb through the information he brought with him for threat assessment and planning. Of the two, she is the most conservatively dressed in black tac gear - her blonde hair falling over her shoulder, softening the tactical gear's threatening quality. However, Bobbi is self-aware enough to play on that juxtaposition of danger and safety.

"Agent Lin, good of you to break off what you were doing and come down to meet us. Please come in." She gestures to the interior of the room, inviting him in then closing the door behind them. "This is Agent Wendell Vaughn of SHIELD, recently returned from a trip that would be the stuff of science fiction. I deliberately didn't ask you to prepare yourself for meeting him. I want your fresh perspective."

Looking between the two, "Agent Vaughn please meet Agent Lin Yaozu. Take a seat, both of you. We are waiting on another agent. When she arrives, Agent Vaughn would you be kind enough to expand on where you were and why?"

Quake has posed:
Suuuure.. Skye was almost gone home, when she got waylaid.

"Fury wants you to be present. Don't ask me why." The girl with Skye's next assignment wasn't pleased to have to be bringing this 'mission' to the staff room. Like who was this Skye anyways? She was new. She could be forgiven. In a week or two she would have been brought up to snuff, but for now, she was sent to the staff room for an IT person. "Now." Just in case Skye didn't believe her.

Skye had been mistaken for an IT person for a loooong time, and she barely kept her amusement to herself. "Sure."

It was to be noted: Skye outranked her by several ranks.

All the while to the meeting room she was curious. Why this mission. And why did Fury ask her specifically? Curious. She came to the room just as Bobbi was introducing Yao. "One more? Fury sent me. Hi, I'm Agent Johnson. Nobody calls me that. I prefer to go by Syke, unless you are an enemy. You're not, are you?" Very droll, and hiding a smirk.

Wendell Vaughn (10070) has posed:
    Nodding his head, Wendell takes a moment to gather his thoughts. He was about to start in on it and then Skye made her way in. His blue eyes swivel towards her, and a blonde brow goes up. "Whatever you prefer Agent. Or Skye as you wish."

    And then he shrugs, "Well, where to start. I am sure that you have access to the Operation Quantum Discovery files. But just in case you don't... I will go into the basics here." Another brief pause, and he shakes his head minutely, having made a decision to -not- go with visual aids. Having projections spring from his wristbands maaaayyyy not go over so well just yet.

    "So, once I put these things on, and found out that I wasn't going to die.. a fact I was not aware of when I -did- put them on mind you. Anyway, once I realized I was going to survive... I learned that I couldn't take them off. They apparently bonded with me on a neural and physical level."

    Another pause, and he adds, "We learned that they were impervious to harm for the most part, and that high powered lasers did not even burn the surface of them. It turns out that any type of energy that is not kinetic... and I guess magic, is simply sponged up, absorbed harmlessly by them. Anyway..."

    He leans back as if settling in for the long haul and adds, "I learned that I could maintain a fairly ludicrous flight speed with them. Something around mach four to five in the atmosphere, but in space... I could really open up. However... even fifty thousand miles per hour is dinky slow in interplanetary speeds. So... when an observatory found an energy pulse similar to the signature used by these bands... but on Uranus, it was decided to send me there to investigate."

    A breath is taken, and he adds, "Any chance I could get a glass of water?" as he reaches up to rub his throat, "Kinda dry."

    But then he goes back to it. "So, at my maximum speed, it was going to take right about four years to reach Uranus. And so I was suited up with a drug harness and medications to put me into essentially an induced coma, which I would be automatically revived from when I reached the basic area of Uranus. Now, long story short... I know, too late... but in the end, I found out that there was an ancient city, abandoned and destroyed, but a city nonetheless, evidence showed it may have been occupied by beings called.. Eternals, at one point. Anyway, I met Eon there..."

    Another pause, "Eon is something of a cosmic entity... on the level of Galactus and such. Anyway, Eon is a being of knowledge, and he made the bands millions of years ago."

    He holds up his wristbands as if to indicate them. "And he taught me how to use them to perform what we call a Quantum Jump... where I drop into the Quantum Zone, a semi-extra-dimensional realm made up entirely of potential energy. But I can travel essentially ... let's just say a long long way in a few seconds. I haven't figured out if I can take others with me. But that's how I got home four years early..... and let's just say I have a whole new level of understanding into how these things work. I could demonstrate if you all want?" he asks at the end there.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
If there are any weapons upon his person, they're not obvious ones. Yaozu takes a brief moment to unblinkingly look over Bobbi in her tac gear, a look which seems more assessment than anything more than that. He had been requested, and so he has come. He inclines his head towards her, his beak barely parting in a hint of a smile.

"Of course, Agent Morse," he says softly, his voice a mid-level baritone. "It pleases me to be of service," he adds, giving a small nod to her. When she gestures towards the interior of the room, Yaozu steps inside, his talons snick-clicking against the floor. And with the introduction being made, his hazel gaze turns to the caped fellow, his gaz flitting over him briefly before he gives a nod to him. There is the soft sound of silk rustling as his hands shift, his right hand coming to settle with the back of it against the palm of his left hand, and he extends his arms as he bows to Wendell. No handshake, it seems, or at least not from him. He straightens, his hands easily slipping back up his sleeves, and during the bow there may have been a glimpse of a tattoo on the back of his left hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Agent Vaughn," he says. There's a brief glance towards Bobbi before his attention turns back to the other fellow, considering him a touch more closely in the wake of her words.

Yaozu steps further within and starts to head for the table and chairs, to take a seat as had been bid of him to do. He draws out a chair and settles to it, his hands remaining before him and tucked within his sleeves. He is quiet, and feathery black ear tufts perk up out of curiosity. His gaze turns to Skye when she enters, and he inclines his head towards her, a bit of a smile parting his beak. "Agent Johnson," he offers in greeting to her, choosing the more formal intentionally. His gaze shifts back to Wendell, and he tilts his head a bit to one side as the story is begun. He doesn't interrupt any part of it, though he does give an 'mm' of sound now and again, a sound of acknowledgement. "What was the reasoning behind putting the bands on, before all of this came to pass?" Yaozu asks, a touch of curiosity to his voice. There is only a slight accent to his voice, for he grew up in China predominantly speaking Chinese but learned English while still young.

Mockingbird has posed:
"Good, Agent Johnson, come in, take a seat." Bobbi ushers the Agent to the room. "This briefing will be transcribed and circulated on a need to know basis," she says to the room. A brief smile crosses her face as she catches Yaozu's formal bow. She likes its old world quality and grace as well as the tranquility it seems to impose on even the tensest situations.

"It will also require certain information being declassified enough to be shared with these two agents, such as how you came about acquiring the bands," she nods encouragingly to Agent Vaughn

"As for demonstrations - will you need to be in a laboratory for some of them, Agent Vaughn? I'd be interested in seeing what you could show us here without damage to your temporary living quarters. But, first, if you don't mind, am I mistaken in thinking that there is a threat to Earth that you discovered?"

Quake has posed:
Annnnnd, there it was. Why Fury wanted *her* to be present.

Of course, Yao would pick the formal. It wasn't within him to use the informal at work. For him she gave an exception.

As for Bobbi, she, Nat, and Skye had something in common.

For now, Skye sat back and listened to Wendell's story, and Bobbi and Yao's questions. There would be time enough for her questions later and the time went on.

Wendell Vaughn (10070) has posed:
    Looking towards Yaozu for a long moment as if deciding whether or not to explain, Wendell then looks to Mockingbird. Then he nods when she gives tacit permission for him to tell the story of how he put on the Quantum Bands. "Well, you see, for a little backstory... from what I understand, Dr Richards had the bands, and turned them over to SHIELD. SHIELD was having Stark's Company do some research and testing on them. I guess my father pulled some strings and asked my superiors to assign me to guard detail there."

    He shrugs, "My father and I hadn't really spoken in a few years, and I guess he wanted to reconnect. But anyway, AIM attacked and went through security like a red hot chainsaw through warm butter..." He shakes his head and closes his eyes at the memories of it. Maybe a tiny bit of PTSD there. Not a ton. Just a touch.

    "My father and I were taking cover behind the stand that the bands were on, and agents and scientists were out in the open... under attack by dozens of AIM androids. I used my sidearm until it was empty, and with no choice... okay, another little background thing..."

    "So, every test pilot, wielder, or whatever... everyone who had ever put on the bands was able to use them for a few hours before they were disintegrated by the bands themselves... so I knew that it was a death sentence, but.. my dad was there, and all of the other innocent folks." A pause, a breath taken...

    "So, I put them on, and used their energy powers... their ability to create energy constructs such as..." And since he had permission to demonstrate... he lifts his right hand.

    And golden yellow energy flows out of it, up into the air and coalesces into the form of a bust statue of Wendell himself... and then it shifts to a giant hammer... and by giant I mean like 4 foot across hammerhead. "Things like those..."

    "Anyhow, when I started supercharging up like I was about to explode, I flew up and into space so I wouldn't harm anyone else... and the charge faded. I was still alive."

Yaozu Lin has posed:
The avian turns his gaze towards Bobbi when she mentions about the conversation being transcribed, and then he gives a small nod of acceptance. It's likely not the first time that he's been involved in such a conversation. "That is expected," Yaozu says softly, one of his ear tufts flicking slightly towards her. He shifts his position only minutely, a slight movement that causes a faint whisper from the silks he wears, and otherwise seems comfortable enough. While it's possible he's aware of what attention his choice of a bow has earned, it's also possible that he's not -- to bow to people upon meeting them is something that is habit for him, and there may not have been further intent to it than that.

"If he is to demonstrate how far he can travel to then there would be a requirement for a tracker to be put upon him so that his destination can be determined upon his arrival. Depending on the demonstration being done," Yaozu says softly, a thoughtful note to his voice. He tilts his head to one side, the gesture that degree or two further than human to make it more avian in nature, his gaze turning to Wendell at the question of a threat. "I would be curious to know if the threat extrapolated his trajectory on his initial trip to determine where he started from to thus make the starting point a target. And perhaps the ending point. Those who live on Uranus may be in danger as well," Yaozu says.

Yaozu studies Wendell for a long moment, turned quiet as there is more information being shared. "Why did your father ensure that you were placed on guard detail for the bands?" he asks, a touch of curiosity to his voice. Then he tilts his head to the other side, again that bit too much to be a human gesture. "You believed that you were sacrificing yourself for the others. That you would access the power of them, destroy the attackers, and then be turned to dust," he says, studying the man closely. He's quiet a long moment, considering what had been shared about what happened. His gaze turns towards the constructs that are emitted from the bands, and he takes a lingering moment to study them before his attention shifts back to Wendell. "What makes you special, to be able to wear them without being destroyed? Or what was special about going to space that the charge dissipated from them?" he asks. There are echoes of questions he's been asked, in some of what he asks -- what made -him- special to survive? He still doesn't have an answer for that one.

Mockingbird has posed:
Despite her exposure to super-powered agents, both enemies of the State and SHIELD, Bobbi's eyes widen, an odd smile quirking one side of her mouth up at the demonstration of the band's powers. Her gaze follows the mesmerizing slow motion of the hammer floating in the room, which is the center of everyone's attention. Finally, with an effort, she arrests her attention from the spectacle.

"That was quick thinking on your part and, not to embarrass you, fearless, Agent Vaughn."

"Agent Lin goes to the center of things." Bobbi acknowledges him with an approving nod before turning her attention back to Vaughn. "Do you think that is what saved you? Going out into space? Or do you have an affinity for the band's powers that others don't have?"

Glancing at Skye and Yao, "How Agent Vaughn acquired the bands is still classified need to know as is the rest of this interview. I really wanted your unique perspectives on this." The sub-text to the Agent's words and perhaps the crux of the interview: Can we trust this man not to wreak havoc on Earth? Can he return to his status as an Agent of SHIELD?

Quake has posed:

"When I was abducted Karl" Yes his only name was Karl. "used some crystals on me. Up till me, everyone who was subjected to them was killed." Skye speaks softly, and you can probably notice the armbands from wrist to forearms that she wears.

Terrigen crystals.

Sure it isn't quite the same as him, but part of the story was quite close. Hell, Yao had a different similar tale. Out of all of the people who could have been here, Yoa and Skye had the most similar stories - even if he didn't quite know it yet.

As for the questions, she leaves the 'experts' to question him; her part is something else, like watching him.

Wendell Vaughn (10070) has posed:
    "Also, I forgot to answer your question about threats... the answer is yes.. and no. I did not discover a threat to Earth per se'." offers Wendell as he alters the shape of the hammer to that of one of those pendulum clinky ball thingees. Yes, five balls on strings that click clack back and forth.... and then he starts them moving. Two on one end lifting and snapping down to make the other end start moving. What? He likes those things.

    "Eon told me that there would be a universal threat that would come from space... manifest on Earth, and try to kill Eon to steal the secret of Cosmic Awareness."

    Then he looks to Yaozu and shrugs, "Well, everyone on Uranus was dead. They apparently accomplished their entire civilization's long term goal... found an equation or some such that literally answered the ultimate question of reality and existence. No, I never got to see their answer. But then they decided that they did not want to live anymore... so they all expired. Long story short, again.. too late..." He shakes his head at his bad joke...

    "But in the end, I was not followed to Earth. I came home to wait and try to find this threat and head it off before it can do what it wants to do."

    One more pause, and he lifts his hands to show the bands once more, black bands and golden gems. "The gems can also be used to generate and control pretty much any type of energy in the electromagnetic spectrum. Such as..." and he basically absorbs all of the light in the room... making it pitch dark. "Light." he says before undoing that. "Also, they are some of the most powerful sensors I have ever -heard- of. I can detect high energy phenomena in orbit while sitting on the ground. I can also use them to communicate since radio waves are part of the EM spectrum. So I could make a good sensor and communications specialist too."

    "I mean flying sure.. I flew before I left Earth. Oh, and one of the single most important things Eon taught me to do with the bands. My mind is perpetually shielded so that it cannot be controlled or read by telepathy. As for Quantum Jumps over long distances... I should only perform them when in space. Doing it in an atmosphere could damage the surroundings... and the ozone layer oddly enough."

Yaozu Lin has posed:
There is a glance that Yaozu casts towards Bobbi, and he inclines his head towards her in acknowledgement of her words in regards to his question. He certainly wouldn't consider himself to be an expert, but every now and again, he comes up with a good question to ask. This is one of those times. "All of us have the potential to behave fearlessly, with the correct inspiration being present. To protect innocents who need it or to protect others whom we feel need it," Yaozu says softly. He knows this sort of mindset well -- it is his own. For better or for worse, he has sought to protect people.

"And if there is an affinity for the band's powers, where does it come from or what has caused it?" he asks, a touch of curiosity to his voice. "Perhaps it is genetic, and perhaps that is why his father wished him to be there. For the opportunity. There are many 'what if's to all situations, and this one has more than its fair share of them," he says softly. Did the bands change Wendell and make him untrustworthy? The same could be posed towards himself -- did his mutation change him and make him untrustworthy? Every question that he could and perhaps should pose to Wendell could be turned back upon himself.

His gaze turns to Skye as she shares a piece of her past, and he tilts his head a touch to one side, studying her for a long moment. Her words make him think along different lines. And he's quiet, which might be almost enough to make one wonder if he'll speak further or not. His beak makes a soft snicking sound. He looks briefly to Wendell, and then he looks down to where his hands are vanished within his sleeves. His feathers slick down. "It was a serum that was injected to me, when I was kidnapped. Everyone else in my squad died after being injected," he says quietly, sharing very little. This, perhaps, still weighs on him. His gaze remains lowered, and after a moment, his feathers fluff, though he doesn't look up immediately. That takes a moment more.

"How is a threat both a threat and not a threat at the same time?" he asks, tilting his head to one side. His ear tufts flatten at the click-clacking of the Newton's cradle, the sound of it somewhat jarring to his sensitive hearing. "How is the threat expected to manifest on Earth? Where will it come from? How do we identify it and stop it?" he asks. "How can you be so sure that you were not followed back to Earth?"

When the room is cast into pitch dark, it doesn't bother Yaozu overly much -- his sight isn't that of a human any longer. There is very little in the way of emotion that shows in him, and this is fairly normal for him.

Wendell Vaughn (10070) has posed:
    "And I should clarify. Anyone who says that they are truly fearless is either lying to you, or to themselves. I was -terrified- when I put on the bands. But the fact is, what was going to happen if I didn't put them on terrified me more." says Wendell. "When I was in the army, a man once told me that courage does not mean a lack of fear. Courage... that's the guys who are afraid to go, but they go anyway."

    He looks to everyone and shrugs, "Eon told me that the qualities he wanted in a .... sorry about the pretentious title, but he gave it to me... Protector of the Universe... were Courage, Resourcefulness, and Compassion. And since I apparently lack that killer instinct... " he shrugs as if that explains it all.

Mockingbird has posed:
The answer Agent Morse is seeking comes at last. The scientists will trace the questions that Lin Yaozu poses. Good questions, pertinent questions even. But, power of the kind that Agent Vaughn wields could be the end of life on earth. SHIELD must decide whether he can be trusted and if he can't be trusted whether he can be destroyed. Psychiatric assessment will follow. The interview will be reviewed and measured for truthfulness. Ultimately, it will be a judgement call made by Morse and other Agents who have been changed by forces outside themselves.

None of these thoughts are spoken aloud. What this being Eon needed in someone wielding the bands was what SHIELD needed. "Agent Vaughn, this is only an initial exchange. I wanted you to meet Agents Johnson and Lin Yaozu because they will be working with you, as will I. You may have answered the most essential of questions that I had coming here today." The weight of her gaze rests on Vaughn before moving to Skye and Yaozu. "Can we trust you? There are a lot of questions that remain. But, in this, I will, with reservations say yes. I will take the other agents opinions on this."

She stands, signaling an end to the interview. "Please let us know what you need. We will make the process of reintegrating you into SHIELD as expeditious as possible."