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Latest revision as of 12:25, 12 October 2021

All my pretty things!
Date of Scene: 02 August 2021
Location: Church of du Lac, Sunnydale, Haven, Bludhaven
Synopsis: ASkante meets Nikki and Squishy. Shares shinies and discovers the internet is used for 'lightning knowledge'. Nope, still don't understand why cellphones are so facinating.
Cast of Characters: Askante, Nikki Hawkins

Askante has posed:
Creepiness galore! Old abandoned burned out church in spooky area. What could possibly go wrong?

Actually, this evening, not a whole lot. In the depths of the gutted building, someone has rigged up fairlights and apparently has hijacked that electricity from someplace else, as it's highly likely that this place doesn't have any electrical supply any more. Cobbled wire, hooked up, strung out, but it's like a christmas tree in here.

One might wonder how long of fiddling the bulbs it took to figure out the one that must've blown at some point. ANYhooo...

The most intact portion of the church has a little nest now. Blanket piles, a few stuffed toys here and there, old comforter, lots of discarded pillows that still have some support left in them, it all looks like it was ferretted here from dumsters all over the area. But it doesn't smell and it's cheerfully lit.

Askante is crouched in the middle of this surreal bower, looking through a box of trinkets, examining each one in turn. Who knows what the creature looks like to the onlooker? WHatever it is, it usually fits the desire to view it, so likely odd homeless person.

Nikki Hawkins has posed:
Nikki has been lurking around trying to find pieces for robots, or just other little bits and bobs that she could take home and make something out of. The other side of her is that she's not really the religious sort, but she does like to go into churches and see their decor. Or even how they're falling apart.

Her faithful robot companion is with her. Squishy rolling along and making all sorts of beeps and boops while they explore the church and it's ruins. A tilt of her head as she skips a few times while moving through and then she stops. Looking up at the lights, how they're strung together, and then she follows them. It's odd, because she can't hear the hum of electricity, so she's not sure how the lights are on.

After getting a little further in, she pauses as she sees something in the shadows. Not really sure what it is, at first, she's of the mind to ignore it. Her attention going back to the lights as she reaches up to touch them and see if she can feel anything running through them. Not that she's a mutant, but she's learned how to feel even the movement of electricity.

Askante has posed:
There's electricity powering them, but really fairy lights don't take much. That's why their cheap and cheerful and you can buy huge strings of them at walmart for 10 bucks. Skew them all together and it's lighting. Not GREAT lighting, but lighting and it's colourful. If she follows it, one set's been spliced to another set and funnelled out of a broken window in the back, electrical duct tape keeping the ends sealed and somehow, it's been spliced into the junction box that serves a nearby streetlight. Someone's jacked the city grid! Probably so small a drain they won't even notice.

Askante looks up as the woman enters, follows her with black-as-black eyes, but this one isn't disturbing, means no malice and is not bringing a whole lot of Vampires into its lair. So it does not react in a negative manner, just watches her steadily -- an odd street kid in a hoodie, with a nest of blankets, maybe. It's holding a little dog statue in its hands, that looks as if it's made of bronze. Old bronze, as it's that deep blue-green of age.

Nikki Hawkins has posed:
Nope. Only think Nikki brought in with her was Squishy the robot, and he's not got any way to be harmful to others. He just makes noises that she sometimes responds to. In fact, he gives a few boops and a beep to which Nikki stops what she's doing. "Nikki doesn't know. Nikki is trying to find...oh! Nikki found it. Here! It's tapping into the city box." Nikki looks it over for a moment, as if wondering if she could make it better somehow. She likely could, but something tells her not to try. A frown and then she turns around. Blinking into the lack-light, the shadows that form where fairy lights can't reach.

A few steps forward and then Nikki stop. "Is someone there? Nikki doesn't mean trouble or harm. Nikki can be a friend!" She says, and Squishy seems to agree with a few beeps and one boop. "This is Squishy. Squishy is Nikki's robot, but also Nikki's friend. Squishy can be friends with you too!" Of course, she could be talking to only darkness. One may never know! Only she sees the dog statue and smiles. "Does the dog have a name?"

Askante has posed:
A switch is clicked, painting the top of the bower with another fairy light chain, this one all little white lights with a couple of blue-ish bulbs, the kind that you end up stringing outside in a tree. They all look like little icicles. Askante lets go of the switch and rests that elbow beside the other on its knees, where it's crouched, looking at her with its head on one side.

It sets down the little dog statue on a box crate and picks up a little amphora, sniffs it and smiles at the residual aroma.

"I called it Nero. I didn't like a man with that name, I thought he was more like a bad dog. But my dog isn't bad." It replies. Thanks to Constantine, it has twenty four hours of not having to communicate by writing, which is very helpful right now. "You do not seem like you mean harm."

Nikki Hawkins has posed:
Nikki glances upwards as the other lights come on and she smiles. Then she looks to the one in front of her. A person in a hoodie that's not too easy to see. "Nero. Nikki likes that name. Glad that Nero is a good dog and not the bad man-dog it had to put up with." Using 'it' because Nikki doesn't know the gender and doesn't really seem to care one way or the other.

"Nikki was just wanting to look through the church, see how it was all ran down. She likes looking at old things, and sometimes she can find things she needs. But if she is in someone else's place, she won't take anything." Referring to herself, as she always has, and while she talks she bounces on her feet. Like she has way too much energy to spare.

"Does hoodie person live here?"

Askante has posed:
"Yes. I claimed this place. Nobody else was using it and it suits my purpose. It's dry over this side and the walls aren't falling down. It pulls a blanket over itself with one hand and looks at her with one eye closed, likes old things. Right.

"I have a lot of old things. THey're pretty things. My things. Would you like to see my pretty things?" it asks this in TOTALLY not a creepy manner, it sounds genuine, like it has no clue that this might, in any way, be a dubious thing to offer. The little chest infront of it is opened with two of its hands, the other two hovering effete over the contents with a wiggle of fingers.

A necklace is pulled out, one made up of coin-shaped disks inset with simple tourmaline beads. She's smart though, it looks roman. As does the little statue of the dog. Lots of tourist traps have such things on offer in europe though, replicas of antiques. It holds it out. "Isn't it lovely? It glitters and sparkles in the sun and in moonlight."

Nikki Hawkins has posed:
"What purpose does it have living here?" Nikki asks, genuinely curious. There may not be a mean bone in her body. Watching as it pulls a blanket over itself, she smiles and step closer when it mentions it has lots of pretty things.

After stepping closer, but not too close, Nikki shifts to sit cross legged in front of where the chest is. As it draws that necklace from the chest, Nikki tilts her head one way and then the other. She will not reach for the necklace unless it's offered over. Instead, admiriing it in Askante's hands from the small distance she sits. "Oh that is pretty. It looks Roman. Much like it's dog. It must shine beautifully when it can." As in, when it's in the sun or moon light. Is all Nikki means. Wiggling a bit as she's likely excited to see more.

Askante has posed:
It also sparkles in fake light of fairylight chains, but it would likely look quite lovely with a polish in the sunlight. It's extended over, as Askante is generous in showing its shinies, just not necessarily in gifting them. "Old man with tools made them on the streets below Gomorrah. It was very nice, he was kind. I gave him a shekel for it." Askante smiles, fishing through other things. A bone comb is produced now, made out of what looks to be a banned product, as it could very easily be walrus tusk. Some kind of tusk anyway. It's inuit, with carvings of the sea-eagle and bear upon it. This too is proferred over. "Made by fisherman!" it glees, sighing. "So many pretty things. They are all memories, yesyes." It shrugs though.

"Why must there be purpose in living in a place? I live here, because nobody else does. Home is all over, anywhere that there is shelter and I can make a nest. You are welcome to take anything that is not in my nest though. There is no point in being covetous over things that you have no use for, if they are not yours to covet."

Nikki Hawkins has posed:
"Oh. Sorry. Nikki was going off it saying that this place serves its purpose. Not that it needs a purpose for staying here." Nikki offers, reaching to take the necklace as it's offered to look over. "A shekel...that would have been a good price for the necklace." She muses a moment and then glances when it brings out the bone comb, and her eyes widen. "That is pretty too! Looks like it was made by a native...erm...Nikki's not sure the right term." Then she offers back the necklace, for it is Askante's and not her own. "It does have many pretty things here. Nikki likes."

Then she looks around and motions to beyond where the lights and blankets are in a few directions. "So Nikki can take from where there are no lights or blankets? Like this room is a no, but elsewhere is fine?" She asks, to clarify, so she doesn't over step. Then she looks back at the box. "Did it do the thing with the city box? Does it need more power or is it all okay?"

Askante has posed:
Askante reaches out all four arms, which must look a bit odd when viewing it as a hooded homeless person. Maybe the 'illusion' gesticulates wildly in all directions, it has no idea. "Anything beyond my nest. All that I care about is in here." It smiles, because it really doesn't care if she finds some useful bolts and pipework anywehre in this church, unless removing it brings the roof down. This seems unlikely, but it'd get over that, too.

THe necklace is returned to its box, the comb too, when returned. "Inuk-ti-tuk. The people that live on snow and ice. I like them, they are calm people. They have lots of words for snow." It grins at that. Another few things are withdrawn, including a single earring that looks french renaissance, but could be stage jewelery. A pretty little cameo pin that would fit in a lapel. Lots of painted pebbles that look african, indian and australasian and many coconut carvings that are polynesian.

"More power? Oh, yes, it did the thing with the lamp on a stick. I don't think I need more power. Thomas Edison invented a clever thing, did he not? It is everywhere now. I see a lot of people with little devices with pictures that they seem to be glued to. I think maybe it has also made power over the brain. I just needed light." It gestures around with a finger.

Nikki Hawkins has posed:
Nikki gives a little 'ah' face and then nods her head. "Nikki won't take anything from its nest. It isn't Nikki's to take. Nikki takes from old places like this, and old cars and such, because no one else is using them. So they're no ones until she takes them." A grin and then Squishy finally seems to chime in. A few beeps and boops as it rolls forward to reach Nikki's side. "This is Squishy. Nikki made him." She beams then.

As Askante continues to pull out bits and bobs, Nikki continues to be amazed, and comments on them in turn. This is pretty, that's lovely, this is fench, that's polynesian. Some of them she doesn't quite know, but for the most part, she seems fairly knowledgable.

"Oh yeah. Nikki has one of those, but she doesn't use it much. She just didn't know if it wanted more light or something. If this is fine, then Nikki is happy for it." She pauses. "She just likes playing with electrical things. And building robots. And collecting stuff." She nods at herself then before giving another wiggle.

Askante has posed:
Askante smiles again. It likes this one, bubbly and relatively innocent. Anxieties gently quell in its presence, as she speaks to it. "Why are so many people glued to them? I have seen people sitting having a social moment eating together, but they do not talk to each other, they are looking at the thing with pretty pictures and words, instead. This seems strange to me."

It looks at Squishy though, trying to work out what it's actually looking at. A electronic humonculus? Maybe this one is a witch of some kind, too. "What /is/ Squishy?" it had to ask.

Nikki Hawkins has posed:
"Nikki thinks it's because people are so accustomed to them now. They need to know how the world works, and the quickest way is thru those items. They're called cell phones. Nikki does have one, but she uses it for work mostly." Says the woman who then tilts her head. "Nikki doesn't like staring at them. She stares at too many other things all the time."

"Squishy is a robot. He was supposed to be a handy robot to help with grabbing things and delivering things, but he didn't come out right. So he just joins Nikki when she's out hunting for stuff. She can keep things in his storage space." She then opens the front of Squishy, which is hollow, just to show.

Askante has posed:
Askante startles back just a bit, then with a blink, leans forward to look. "Squishy is like Askante's chest, on wheels! But it makes sounds and follows you. Amazing magic!" it exclaims, extending a finger to poke it in, then out, then in then out, of the hollow. "Ahh! An automatonic creature?"

"But... why do not people learn by reading things and learning how they work? Can the cellphone teach that quickly? Does it make the special knowledge jump to the mind?"

Nikki Hawkins has posed:
"Ah. Yes. Squishy is an automatic creature. Not magic though. He has wires and stuff on the inside that Nikki put together to make him move and do things." Nikki explains with that sort of prideful beam she has about her. "Yes! Just like Askante's chest. Askante is it's name?" She asks gently.

At that next bit of questioning Nikki just shrugs her shoulders. "Cause it can come faster than waiting to watch something on television or read about it in a paper. Nikki can look up just about anything on her phone and it's right there to learn." She says and then she decides to pull her phone out and shows it. "Want Nikki to show you?"

Askante has posed:
Askante inches forward again, beneath its blanket and on its haunches. Its tail rustles against things that are loose in the nest, but that is easily ignored or ascribed to other things. Like blanket drag. "Yes, that is my name. Askante. It is the only name I have ever had. You are Nikki. You speak to yourself, by your name. It is unique. Interesting." It leans over, peering at the cellphone. A long fingernail pokes the device lightly.

"But how do you know the knowledge is right? ANd how do you make the knowing stick? Things come like lightning, lightning flashes and disappears. When it is gone, you hear only the thunder and then there is silence and it is gone. Does lightning knowledge stay?"

Nikki Hawkins has posed:
"It just has to trust that, or read different things and see if anything is different. Most people don't do that though. They just read what they wanna read and take it for what it says. Which is why most people are dumb. And why Nikki doesn't do that." The girl answers as it watches Askante tap the phone. So she unlocks it and then pulls up a browser. "What does Askante wanna know?"

Askante has posed:
Askante leans back on its haunches after that and thinks, tapping its chin with two index fingers on the same side. "Askante wants to know why so many people are afraid, now." It states this, then sighs a little. "I am not sure the answer is going to be very helpful."

Nikki Hawkins has posed:
Nikki looks at her phone and then back to Askante. "Nikki doesn't think that's going to be answered by her phone. Why does Askante want to know about people being afraid? Nikki isn't afraid. Not now. She is afraid of things though..." Well, sort of. Very specific things that she rarely runs into at this point. Squishy gives a few sounds. "Yes, Squishy, she knows. She's still talking to Askante though..."

Askante has posed:
"Oh, well..." ASkante sighs "...ASkante can feel when people are afraid. Empathy, yes?" More than just that, but this is the nature of itself, so it simply /is/. "Everyone is afraid of so many things. Things that do not make any sense. How can people be afraid of things that are not even physical, tangible or real? It is baffling and I do not understand it, but there is so -much- of it now, that it is overwhelming. This is a little of why I live in an old church that is abandoned. It is quiet and peaceful."

At this point though, something makes a sound outside and it is immediately on edge, looking that way and sniffing at the air. There's a soft hiss, which you know. Territorial. "Nikki, you stay safe here. Look around if you need anything in here, you take as long as it is not in my nest. I have to protect my home." It drops the blanket and skitters out quickly, its tail long like a velociraptor behind it... and the camera can pan to the outside, where a Subterrestrial is going to have a very bad night. But inside the church? Peace and quiet.