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Revision as of 14:47, 23 October 2017

Date of Scene: 20 April 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Peggy Carter

Thor has posed:
The Peggy Carter, sent on missions by Tony Stark's dad to go find things of value, importance, or the like. And so you're exploring a cave - remote, hard to find. In theory, there's supposed to be somethign of importance in this cave. Yet as you're entering, approaching, things seem...off. FIrst of all, the weather outside was snowing. Inside, as you enter the cave, it's warm, uncomfortably warm bordering on hot. Second, there's a glow, a purpleish glow that doesn't seem natural. Because, well, it's not. It's worse, probably. It's supernatural - or at least, extranatural? Extra-terrestrial? Who can say really.

And so as you getto a certain point in the cave, you hear a sound, a chanting of sort. It sounds almost unintelligible, human certainly and yet, in such an eerie timbre or pitch that one would think that something was wrong with the people who were doing it. And as you endure the warmth of the cave and make a turn, yuo come to a place where you see the back of a man, crouched down, longish blonde hair, a red cape, leather sandals....staring over a rock formation at something below.

Peggy Carter has posed:
While most of the SSR still was complaining about the fact that Peggy was going on front lines missions, a few key higher ups had accepted the fact that she spoke languages better than ANYONE else in the entire division. She was also better at codes and cyphers. So, when these things were probably going to be in the field? She was sent out. Of course, the Howlers got diverted half way to this mission and it was more the 'scientific' side of things here, instead of the strategic, so Peggy had ended up on this one alone. She didn't really complain at the time. Now, however, a snow storm and far too long a hike later, she was on the edge of complaining.

That mental string of complaints and day dreams of warm soup back home were quickly dashed by the fact that the cave, her final goal, was not near so cold as outside. It was, frankly, warm. Her dark curls are quickly turning damp as the ice and snow that have matted through them is beginning to melt. Peggy slowly begins to unwind her muffler from around her neck, not needing to sweat through all her layers, as she comes deeper into the cave. Then she sees the frame of a man. Immediately, her hand goes to her side, reaching for her pistol. "...Please, step away from the power source..." Peggy's clipped British accent commands, smooth and quiet, but with the weight of someone who expects her orders to be followed.

Thor has posed:
It's a pretty accurat edescription, being concerned about the sweat. Not right away but the longer you're here, the more likely it is that hydration down in this cave will be an issue. It's why it's clear the observer there has been here for a bit. You can see a hitn of the sheen on his naturally golden skin that shows he's been here for a bit, the sheen around his ankles, arms and such. As you speak, quietly, his hand comes up and you can hear a voice, one of power, albeit quietly returned, "You may want to be quiet unless you want everyone down there to know that we're up here." Everyone? Down there? And then he turns over his shoulder to look at you and his blue eyes reflect a little of the color of the cave, having a different color than you'll likely be used to when you see him outside of here. But he does see your pistol, and you see the man in front of you actually look at it, and he smiles to himself before turning back around and he beckons you over.

The power source is further below, it only seems like it's close to him due to its brightness and warmth. IF you get close enough to look over you see what....probably used to be people, only now they look like some sort of mutated alamgamation of human flesh and the stone of this cave. Looking to you, he says quietly, "IF you want to go down there, be my guest, but I wouldn't advise it." Without the rocks as a heat shield, looking directly over the ledge to the pit where the source and mutations are would likely cause one to almost immediately break out in a sweat on their forehead and cheeks.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The brunette blinks, fortunately not trigger happy, and she was also not expecting a dashingly handsome man in leather and a red cape to be in this remote cave. In fact, for a moment, Peggy starts wondering if she's hallucinating. How did he GET here, much less survive in that outfit outside this warm cave? But, he did not seem a threat, so she slowly lowers her pistol and carefully holsters it once more. The woman knows how to move quiet, clearly trained, as she creeps closer to him and the overhang that actually looks on the power source she's been tracing. Her dark eyes go wide as she sees what lays beyond.

Well. That wasn't good.

"... I... need to get access to whatever *that* is. It's not safe here, clearly. It needs to be studied by proper scientists." The British woman whispers, her clipped voice far more low now, but she's trying to see if her strange companion will actually see logic in this situation. She's still not certain if he's an ally or a threat, but she's hoping for ally.

Thor has posed:
It's rare indeed for someone dressed more like a Roman Centurion than a soldier these days to be seen somewhere like this. Also probably not common for their weapon to be a metallic looking hammer with all sorts of Norse symbols upon it, though if Peggy is read up on her mythology, recognizing the symbol of the God of Thunder may not be too hard. Not that a God is actually kneeling right next to you. He looks at you though as you say that and his smile widens. "Ah good, yes. Not afraid to get involved. That is what I like about you people of Midgaard. You are grossly overmatched and yet you have spunk. You may evolve into something amazing yet," he says, as he looks down with you.

"But...you are not ready for that yet. It needs to be taken back to where it belongs. And that is not on this world. And I am afraid that if you go down there, you may end up like the rest of them," he says. You can see on many of the rock 'people' the interwoven emblems of red and white, a typical background for a swastica patch of the Nazi forces. Indeed they did find here first, and what were likely supposed to be guards before Nazi scientists could show up have turned into something far less human.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The woman crouches low next to him, staring down across the precipe and taking in the full sight of what lays below. Those mutated bodies, the familiar Nazi patches. She releases a low breath and a slight shake of her head, "...they always do have more lust for power than sense about it..." Peggy mutters beneath her breath, not doing much to conceal her genuine, straight up hate for the ceatures below. She has no worry or concern for their loss through mutations. The look on her pretty, young face says that she straight up thinks they were asking for it.

Then those large, dark eyes flicker in his direction and she huffs just a bit. A firm smirk crosses her lips, somehow still perfectly red, a nice compliment to her rosey-with-chill cheeks. "Afraid to get involved? I bloody well came out here to do so. And recovery of whatever that is is my mission. And I'm damn well not overmatched, I've survived this long, against brutes bigger than you, my friend. Now, you can explain to me what I'm looking at or I'll go down there and figure it out for myself."

Thor has posed:
"Lust for power is not something confined to your people," he says, simply. Americans? Women? There's something about the way -he- says 'your people' that makes it seem like the man in front of you is not including himself amongst its ranks. Still, you pose a tough question for him as he purses his lips quietly and tries to decide what, if any, way he's going to answer your question. "It is a mistake. Imagine someone had created something that someone ele wanted. Unable to get it, they tried to duplicate its workings. However, those duplicate workings were a poor, broken pale shadow of the actual item. They do the same thing but in a different way with different results. That is what is down there. An item meant for creation but instead..." and the results are obvoius. Rather than creating...it creates monsters.

"I can destroy it. The trick is how I do it without bringing this whole mountain down atop us. You aren't by chance made of incredibly durable flesh are you?" He looks to you and it's worth a shot. There are....unique creatures in the world at this time, are there not? So for the first time you feel the full effect of Thor's gaze, you realize as you look to him while he is you how incredibly powerful, and tall, that currently compacted frame is. Yet in even this dangerous situation there's a sort of amusement on his features, like he's playing a game he enjoys. His gaze does sweep down though, and as he does you're reminded of how bloody warm it is, something you'd probably stopped paying attnetion to until his own scrutiny of those rather stunning features draw your attention back to yourself.