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Latest revision as of 06:50, 12 November 2021

A spot of working out
Date of Scene: 31 October 2021
Location: Gym - X-Men Base
Synopsis: A bit of gym work and a bit of catching up, with a spot of weirdness, but this IS the X-men, after all.
Cast of Characters: Beast, Rogue, Storm

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy actually spends a lot of time in the Gym, when he's not doing other things. He burns hot, burns a lot of calories, but he eats enough sugar most days to make everyone diabetic in the eastern seaboard. So, excess needs burning off -- that's his excuse anyway, but he's been a gymnast for a long time, in the classic sense. You know. Backflips, vaults, arabesques, pole work. But today, when he doesn't think anyone's watching...

He's up in the gods in the middle of the vast area, with a long silk sheet dangling down, working on something far less practical and a lot more graceful. Yes, Beast is an aerialist on the side. That square body shouldn't look that graceful as he flies by a twisted ankle and wrist, slowly around the walls.

Rogue has posed:
The doors to the gym open after some time and in walks Rogue. She's wearing spandex pants and a sports bra, a towel hangs over her neck and she carries a water bottle. The gym is the one place where she can 'dress down', not feel like she has to cover everything up, because who the hell is she going to get into physical contact with at the gym? Though she sees the shadow as it flies around and looks up to spot the Beast who is 'flying' around the room. Watching him for a moment before she gives a little smirk and shake of her head, turning to head for the punching bags. To the one in particular that has been special made for her. Setting towel and water bottle on a nearby bench, she begins to stretch and warm up.

Storm has posed:
It's been a while since Storm has been in the gym, though it could simply be a thing of coincidence. Where she's been spending her time is hard to say, though it's likely that a fair part of it has been riding the wind of late. She steps up to the door of the gym and then puls it open before stepping inside, her gaze wandering a little bit. She pauses within, and one of her eyebrows quirks up as she attention falls on Beast, watching him as he moves.

A smile tugs at the corners of her lips, and she steps further inside. She's wearing a light grey t-shirt and a pair of black yoga pants. Her white hair is caught up in a braid, resting at her back. "Your gracefulness is always a beautiful thing to watch, Henry," she says softly, a smile turning at the corners of her lips. Perhaps undecided, she doesn't seem to head for a particular section of the gym, as of yet.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy's latest pass has a wobble on it, when he becomes aware that he's being observed. Dagnabbit!! He chose this hour because it was liable to be unoccupied by students! Didn't take faculty into account, did you Henry my lad? With a few twists and turns of his torso, he ends up upside down, hanging by his ankle, arms stretched out infront of himself, along the ribbon of silk. Two rotations like this and he twists wrists above himself, knee out to the side at a right angle to spin himself and ends up like a pendulum as he rotates around the room.

"I try. Sometimes I fail though, there are things that I'm just not built to be graceful at." He chuckles as he calls down. "I think I could work in Cirque do Soleil, what do you reckon?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue shifts her gaze over to the door as it opens again and Storm walks in. Well this is turning into quite the party. Her eyes turn up as Hank manages to come down from the silk rope and land on the ground. Once he seems settled, she'll shift to walk over to them and smiles. "Hey Hank. Storm. Nice to see you both." Though she keeps her distance just a bit because she's got exposed skin. Though there's not much more she has to say or do in the moment.

Storm has posed:
The wobble is noticed, and Ororo gives a minute wince. "I am sorry, I did not mean to cause a distraction," she offers, apologetically so. She watches him recover from it, and she tilts her head faintly to one side as she takes a couple of steps closer towards him. "We all fail sometimes, Henry. It is what we do with the failure, and after it, that is the important part," she says, a small smile turing at the corners of her lips. She chuckles softly, and then she gives a nod at his suggestion. "You definitely could, and they would be lucky to have you," she says.

She turns her head to look toward Rogue, and she gives a nod as well as a warm smile. "Ah, hello, Rogue. It is good to see you as well... it has been a little while. How have you been?" she asks softly, a touch of curiosity to her voice. It's been a while since she's had a chance to catch up with the other woman.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy reaches for a chain in the wall after he's landed, to lower the silk aerialist banner so it can be properly folded away. "Anna-Marie," he grins to her giving a jaunty salute. "In the fuzzy flesh, I'm glad to see everyone still kicking," giving a sidelong look to Storm as she qualifies failure, he nods to her, wrapping the silk about his arm as if it were mooring rope and securing it. "Wise words. Although occasionally, the best thing to do with a failure is bin it." He grins, putting the equipment back in the storage boxes. "Has anything interesting happened of late, or is it just me that seems to have hit a brick wall of calm?"

Rogue has posed:
"Seems like things have been rather calm on my end too. I've mostly been working on some personal stuff." Rogue offers this much before uncapping her water bottle to take a slow swig. "I noticed you flying around above, but I didn't want to break your concentration...I'm just here to punch the stuffing out of a couple of bags." Saying this as she laughs and then she looks back to Storm. "It has been a bit. I've been doing well overall. How about yourself?"

Storm has posed:
A smile touches at the corners of her lips as she watches the silk banner lower, and she lifts a hand to lightly brush a bit of hair from her face. An escapist lock of it, it would seem. "Occassionally, it would seem, I do manage to find a piece of wisdom," Storm comments, a touch of amusement to her voice. She chuckles softly at his addition, and can't help but to give a nod. "Sometimes, yes. I expect it depends on the sort of failure, although even one that ends up binned still teaches us something, even if it is only what not to do," she says, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "It does seem to be calm, of late. An unusual sort of thing. Though I have had some pockets of weather to smooth out, elsewhere," she muses, a thoughtful note to her voice. Her attention turns to Rogue, and she gives a nod. "Punching the stuffing out of things can be quite rewarding. I have been well. Underslept, as is about usual, it seems," she muses, a smile touching at the corners of her lips.

Beast has posed:
"When are you not?" Hank murmurs quietly, shaking his head. "I wish you could get the rest you really deserve, but you've never been much for shut-eye. Me on the other hand, I think I could sleep through a hurricane, as long as it wasn't jostling me." He picks up his water bottle and takes a good drink, looking at the specially made punching bag and using the bottle to gesture at it. "I'm not going to have to make a spare, am I? Just checking and all."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue raises a brow and then shakes her head at Hank. "No, Hank. I don't think so. I ain't mad, just want to punch somethin' around for a bit." She offers this much, and then bites on her lower lip a bit. She might be fibbing - at least about not being mad. Though mad also might not be the right word for it. She really should get over what's on her mind and move on - but that's hard. Then she glances towards Storm and nods. "I'm sorry you haven't been sleeping well. Maybe you should put a nice thunder shower over the school. Somethin' like that'd put me right to sleep an' I'd sleep for a while myself." She offers, with a giggle. Not hinting at anything. No. Not her. "So... anything else going on?"

Storm has posed:
One of her eyebrows quirks up a touch at Henry's comment, and she lifts one of her shoulders in a bit of a shrug. "I wish that I could as well, but we all have our demons to wrestle sometimes," she says softly, a small smile touching at the corners of her lips. And hers sometimes demand her attention when she's sleeping and end up waking her up in the process. She's learned to get by on less sleep on account of it.

Her attention turns to Rogue, listening to her answer for Henry's question, and she quirks a smile. "Do you need someone to hold the bag for you?" she asks. She's more than willing to help. "Thank you, Anna-Marie... I appreciate the sentiment. There will be a thunderstorm tonight, as it happens. Perhaps it will bring me some better sleep," she says softly. She doesn't sound as though she believes it, though. "I have not had anything else goingn on, myself. Classes and the usual, where that is concerned."

Beast has posed:
Taking another drink, Beast exhales after several swallows, glancing between the two women. He frowns a little, pressing lips together with a glance up at the ceiling as if he could see the sky without, then with a shrug, reaches for his towel, to drape about his neck. "If we're spotting on the punching bag, it'll take the both of us Ororo," he notes, towelling himself with a pull down to the left, to the right, bababababum-cha. You could set a rhythm to that. "Actually, there's been -something- that's popped up in my brick wall of bordom, though I dunno if either of you can offer any insight. I have a friend, who seems to have lost control over his own body. Mystical possession and all that jazz. I don't...rightly know how I can help him."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is about to answer Storm when Beast quips about it and she gives a laugh. "Hank is right, Storm. I pack a pretty mean punch these days. Hank had to make something special for me cause...supposedly...I'm one of the strongest X-Men..." She's supposedly THE strongest, when it comes to that super human strength but she doesn't rightly believe it. "Oooh, yes. I can't wait. Maybe I'll go watch it on the roof for a bit too... Oooh, or go build a tent and enjoy it outside. Provided it won't be too violent of a storm..." She says this and then Hank's got her attention. "Mystical possession? I dunno if there's much I can do about that... What do you mean by he's lost control of his own body?"

Storm has posed:
Storm tilts her head a bit to one side as she looks to Beast at his comment, and then she gives a small nod. "If it is needed for there to be spotters, then I am willing to help where I am needed," she says, a smile tugging the corners of her lips. "Though I have a feeling that your strength is rather greater than mine own, so I am not sure what help I will be," she comments, giving a soft chuckle.

Her blue gaze turns to Rogue, and she gives a small shake of her head. "It will not be terrible. If you wish to set up a tent and enjoy it outside then you are welcome to do so. You will be safe," she says softly. And Storm will make sure of that part of things by redirecting any lightning as necessary. "The rooftop is a good place to watch from as well," she agrees, giving a small nod.

Her attention shifts to Beast once more, and she makes a thoughtful sound. "That is... most unusual," she says softly, her brow furrowing a little bit. "It is often said that spirits who linger have something that is unresolved that they have left behind," she muses.

Beast has posed:
"I probably shouldn't have mentioned it, but I was reaching for straws. I hate feeling helpless to do anything." Beast replies, but has to just shrug. "What I mean, is that a friend of mine is no longer the person that is piloting his body. He's been possessed and I am utterly ill equipped to help him in any way. Personally, I don't much care for a ghost's motives, or any other possessing entities motives, if the person that the body belongs to, is not able to inhabit the body that they were born with. There are limits and anyone, living or dead, ought to respect them. I suspect the case is that most of them don't." Demons, ghosts, they all tend to be uniquely selfish in their focus. Mind, that isn't exclusive, but still.

"I'm sorry I brought it up, I think I am simply going to try and focus on ways of doing vicarious hypnosis, if it's possiible. If you don't need spotting, I'm going to hit the sauna." This directed at Rogue, he heads toward the changing rooms and hot room of DEATH. Aka: Sauna.

Storm has posed:
Ororo lightly shakes her head, her gaze settled on Henry. "There is no reason for you to not have mentioned it, Henry. It is difficult to feel helpless, and it does not hurt to reach out to try to find help for a friend," she says softly. "I fear I am not much help, but... I will ask and see what I might be able to find out," she offers, giving a small nod to him. "I am inclined to agree with your belief, that there are limits. Yet perhaps the respect of them is more dependent on the life that the ghost had when it lived," she offers, uncertain.

"Do not apologize for bringing it up, there is no need. I hope that you will be able to find help for your friend, that he will be returned to full control of himself," she says softly. Then she pauses for a moment before saying, "Enjoy the sauna, Henry."