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Latest revision as of 14:55, 23 October 2017

Towering Figure
Date of Scene: 20 April 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Black Widow (Romanoff)

Thor has posed:
It's a typical day, really. Latley it seems Thor has been a fan of rain as a regular drizzle has been a think. He's sporting the latest in outfits obtained by him by Ms. Potts, which includes a bit of a leathery vibe - comfortable, fitting, but definitely a bit more biker than warm and fuzzy. Still, it's durable and works for combat, and it feels like home. He walks into SHIELD's lobby and looks about, standing there. It doesn't take long for alerts to start going off that one of the Avengers is in the tower, chatter on microphones, things like that. He walks over to the coffee stand in the lobby and picks up a mocha while waiting, figuring someone will come down.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
It was those calls over the various SHIELD lines of communication that eventually got Natasha's attention. She'd been in the facility today, so it wasn't asking a lot for her to leave where she was... which was in the R&D weapons testing facilities in the basement.

Having separated herself from the group she was with, Natasha rode the elevator back up to the main floor and with a blank expression on her face she navigated through the hallways toward the lobby.

Once she arrived she crossed her arms over her stomach and stopped walking, eyeballing the large man who was enjoying the offered coffee to those within the lobby.

"I like your duds." Natasha said to him, showing him a faint half-smirk as her own visible sign of emotion.

Thor has posed:
"Natasha!" Ahh, Thor. He's like a puppy...just, if puppies had superhuman just about everything and could kill you with storms. But...still, he grins and quickly walks over, protecting his coffee with one hand while bending down to hug the little adult human! Of course, if she lets him he scoops her up for the moment, arm around waist and he grins, "How are you? I did not know you were in this building." But the woman is set down shortly after, Thor having been educated that you don't carry people around like toys. "Would you like a coffee? They just give it away!"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha learned awhile ago that this was a tradiational greeting from the mighty god Thor. But she still looked a bit unsure about it as he hoisted her up and then set her back down. She reached up to adjust her belt around her waist and then ran her right hand through her firey-shaded hair. "You're jolly as ever." She said to him in her dry and husky hued voice. Her green eyes would glance to the coffee machine then.

"Nah. I've already had my fair share today." She took a step further into the lobby then and looked around at the others here, it was just a few people, some of whom were glancing their way.

"What brings your protein enriched self here today, Thor?" She asked, her eyes returning to him and showing him a soft smile then.

Thor has posed:
Looking at the lobby as well when you do, he glances back. "I would not say jolly. But there is a rule for greeting old friends. It should be hearty. If it is not, well, then one must wonder what they did to not have earned it. Then of course, I'd have to fix it. I suppose." Deep thoughts, by Thor Odinson.
%B"I am rich in many things, Natasha. But it is not why I have come. I simply came to check in, say hello, see what is needed. I have not had to do too much of yet and thought I would see if there were any major battles coming that you may want me for." If Thor calls it a major battle...most other people would probably call it a catastrophic level event.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha walked a bit to the right, a slow pace. She was in her shield jumpsuit uniform and she had quite a few weapons and gadgets visibly strapped to her body at the waist and thighs. She heard his words and softly nodded twice to them. "Its been quiet of late. At least here in the United States." She replies to him.

"We're monitoring situations in China and North Korea however." She said then, unsure of how good Thor was with Earth geography but she hoped for the best. "They've started to deply Sentinels amongst their population to round up civilian mutant populations. Needless to say there have been some backlash, fighting on the streets. China is one thing... but... North Korea is an entirely separate bag of angry squirrels." She paused shortly. "Its difficult to get clear information." She added to attempt to clarify.

A second later and the redhead took in a deep breath. "We can't, however, rush in with Hammers blazing on either country. Sadly. As much as I personally wish we could."

Thor has posed:
Well if I'd have known you were in the jumpsuit, I would have pointed out that you get a good feel for what it's like to be between a rock and a hard place, and Thor is pretty much both with his strong arm and the rest of that ridiculously potent strength. But now you are on your own two feet and need not worry. "WEll of course not. You don't all have hammers. Would you like me to go take care of things?" It does beg an interesting question - would the Sentinels be able to absorb Thor's powers? That is probably not a risk worth taking by any means unless necessary. "I could be back in time for dinner if you needed it." Ever the helpful lad. Still though, he asks with a little amusement, "While you do all this watching, are you keeping up on your training?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha's arms folded over her stomach, her hands were encased in black leather half-gloves allowing her fingers to remain bare. She smirked at his bravado. "We can't have a God, such as yourself, who is for all intents and purposes... based out of America, going over to the heart of China and smashing their government's property." She releases a little sharp exhale. "That would lead to a full on world war three. Which is something this world probably can't survive through. At least not most of it."

Was Natasha for or against it? It didn't matter, its what SHIELD was for and against that mattered to her.

"That being said, there might be covert strikes that can happen. But..." She showed a small grin to him. "I'm not sure that Thor, son of Odin, and his might hammer... really meld well with the whole, cloak and dagger approach to achieving a 'mission success'." She teased him some, it was in her nature to give light jabs to the boys that surrounded her in the Avengers team.

Thor has posed:
"Well, it is not my fault that their gods don't come down and play. Though I'm pretty sure I could kick that crud out of the little fat man sitting on a rock," he says, rather sagely. Tis true - you'd think that inat in a physical competition he'd be able to beat a guy who when embodied has never been seen doing anything but sitting. Gods can be a might bit tricksy though so he probably shouldn't tempt fat. It's not on purpose, but he adopts a similar pose to you, his arms folding across his stomach and the slight flex that comes with it causes a woman over by the water fountain who's getting a drink to end up getting a splash of water right in the face instead but she just stands up and walks away, not wanting to make any more of a scene. On the flip side, you probably get your own fair share of causing that yourself. "I think you sell me short, Natasha. You mock me, but I already own a cloak..." There's a bit of a smile though that shows he's playing back along.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha's eyes glanced over to the woman that poured water down herself and she smirked at her before looking back to him in front of her, they were both standing the same... like a very strange mirror.

"I sell you quite tall, in fact." She counter-pointed him with a continued smirk. "What I'm not sure about, when it comes to you and all of your kind that I have met... is that your people do not strike me as the 'sneaking' type. Why... I imagine when you and your brother were young Godlings, your idea of creeping into the Asgardian Kitchen to get Asgardian cookies, involved smashing through walls and electrifying Asgardian kitchen workers that got in your way."

This warranted a growing grin on the redhead's crimson painted lips. "No offense, though. I mean. I am sure you got all the cookies you could eat."

Thor has posed:
"No...." he says. "Typically it involved me serving as a distraction while I got in trouble and Loki got all the cookies," he syas, not angry or hurt but realizing that he really never won that end of the deal very often. "But...mom seemed to like to sneak me some anyway so in the end it worked out." He seems fairly amused now as he remembers some of the shenanigans as children. His lips purse thoughtfully though and he nods, agreement managed. "I suppose you are right. Sneaking through this other part of Midgard would probably not be my preferred method of dealing with things. I tend to try to only pick a fight once so that whoever I'm fighting doesn't want to go a second round. If you'retrying to be more.....delicate, it is probably best I stay here. Though it does not solve the challenge that I have not been able to hit something for quite a while. That gets very boring>"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha stared at him intently as he spoke, her stare was often intimidating to people and it was a weapon she knew how to use very well. Though in this particular instance, she didn't think Thor would be stricken with very much fear from her stare.

"I would very much love to meet the mother of the great Thor and Loki." She said softly then to him before turning and walking toward the coffee table where there were a few snacks as well, Natasha loved snacks (not that you could tell by looking at her). "I've changed my mind. As I often do." She said whilst going about to fill herself a cup of coffee.

"I'll try to find some things for you to smash. There's always terrorists in the middle east, or extremists in Africa. Nobody cares if those two types of people get Thunder Godded." She said in a continued dry voice while filling her coffee cup up with steamy goodness.

Thor has posed:
"See....when you say it that way," he says, his lips pursed. "There's this tone you use. It's...almost like my mother who says something in a way where I know there's something I'm supposed to be figuring out...like she's waiting for me to come to a decision...." and so he purses his lips. "I will figure something out. Out of curiosity, do you like cotton candy?" One of those random questions that clearly isn't random, it just doesn't have all the context you need. Still though...he sees that look. "I did something...." he says. See, he recognizes when that happens - Sif is definitely training him there as well. "If I don't figure it out soon, will you tell me, or is this one of those that's going to end up with me a bit?" And then there's a page over the speaker for you to come back to the meeting room. "Will you be free later?"