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Latest revision as of 16:30, 20 December 2021

And this time Berto comes to Tim's office
Date of Scene: 10 December 2021
Location: Wayne Foundation Bldg, Central Heights, Old Gotham
Synopsis: Plans are made and gifts given
Cast of Characters: Sunspot, Red Robin

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa can fly and he does it well, he understands the dynamics but he is solar powered and he has found that it is never a bad idea to conserve energy at night. So, it is that three black SUVs arrive outside the Wayne Foundation building and deposit Berto and a small staff; two guards and two assistants and a coordinator. Two of the them are visibly mutants. He steps out on to the curb and moves into the lobby of the building, giving his name at the desk, "Mr. DaCosta to see Mr. Drake."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake is in his office finishing up a bit of paperwork. His office is not as huge as Berto's was maybe Bruce's might be. But it is a nice large office, and on one wall, is a spattering of Tim's Super hero paraphernalia. (one of Green Arrow's arrows crossed against one of Hawkeye's, a Batarang, a couple of squashed bullets, a bit of a shreadded yellpw and black costume. And a few other small things.) Berto is sent up to Tim's office. Tim finished his paperwork, and is standing when BErto gets there.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa walks in, he has a small gaily wrapped package, "Ola, Senor Drake. How are you? I see you collection is growing? Very impressive." He smiles taking the time to check out the wall o' heroes. He nods. He has left his entourage in the outer office. He walks over and offers Tim his hand, "Merry Christmas."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake takes the gift and does look a bit surprised, but says "Thank you." He does set the gift on the desk, and moves over to the bar, and leans down getting a box he had there and brings it over offering it to the other man. It is wrapped, and maybe a "generic gift" but wait it does have Mr. DeCosta on it. It is about the size to fit a basketball

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa gins and nods, "Obrigado, Tim. I appreciate the thought. How have you been? I hope the holidays find you well?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will move back to the desk, and leans against it picking up his gift to look it over a bit perhaps trying to figure it out. He looks over to the other man "Doing good, trying to figure out a good present for a couple people still. You?"

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa smiles and nods, "Same, Sam's family is always hard, many individual gifts or one large family gifts and how much is too much." He sighs, "It is a balancing act. And then there are the one's you just can't seem to figure out something for, I imagine Bruce is a difficuly as Professor Xavier, and, of course the people who mean more to you than you want to let on. He flashes a grin at Tim, and nods.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "Phoebe and her mom are two of the harder ones this year, I will admit. It is a bit hard when your girl friend does not want to look like she is dating you for your money so does not want you showering her with stuff.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa chuckles and nods, "Or she has no idea how actually fabulously wealthy you are and that the things she asked for are trifles on the scale in which you usually deal." He sighs, and shrugs, "But it is nice to know that she loves you for you? Speaking of which, you don't have any north pole connections do you?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake 's brow raises a bit and says "Not that I can think of, we do have a small tester group in Longyearbyen, but it is like two guys. Basicly testers to make sure the closeness to the magnetic poles do not effect our systems.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa considers, "I would something small but significant to your relationship would be appropriate. Maybe a necklace, or a token of affection?" He is giving this a lot of consideration, not the usual response Berto gives to a paramour.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods a bit and says "I have thought about a custom pendant, her last name is Beacon, and thinking maybe a lighthouse as she is the light in my storm."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa smiles, and pats your shoulder, "Yes, excellent idea Tim." He nods, "I am sure she will like it very much."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and picks up his gift again "So, you want to open these, while we can see if we did a decent job on figuring the other out?"

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa grins, "But of course!" He rips into his and laughs with glee. Dropping it down to quickly juggle the ball despite it's precious nature. He smiles brightly, "This is wonderful Timothy, you even have Christophe! Amazing!"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over to the man smiling and says "Well a little research showed you were a fan." He admits. He opens the present, and smiles, hiding the fact that it maybe a bit worry some well. Those trained under the bat after all. He will walk over to put it on the shelf next to the batarang, as mentally he tries to figure out which one he might have missed retriving "Thank you,, I had not been able to find one of these to add to it, now I need to find something from BAtgirl and Nightwing to add to it.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa smiles and nods, "Not at all, I know what a connoisseur you are I had to get it for you when it became available. Apparently it was retrieved from the bottom of the Gotham River. These collector's will go to any extreme." He shrugs, "But yes, you should get the rest of the set. Mayne ext year I can see if the X-Men could give you something." He smiles.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over a brow raised, hiding again perhaps if he knows Sunspot is part of them. "You know them? He motions towards the yellow and black costume "This is part of one of the X-men's costume. A hero called Wolverine." He smiles a bit and says "Scraps of his uniform seem the easiest to get, like he is getting it shredded off him on a regular bases. I will need to have the R cleaned." He looks over to Roberto and says "Not many know, but I always make sure there is no DNA evidence on the items I have so if stolen someone can not use it against the heroes.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa considers, and shrugs, "Being a mutant it's hard not to have at least heard of them, and being a mutant of means... We don't run in precisely the same circles but it is hard not to cross paths with them on occasion. Especially through the X-Corporation. That is very kind of you. I am sure they would appreciate it if the knew." Roberto smiles, "I also brought you those year end numbers, the reports for your mutant hires are mostly exemplary, a few problems, but we are speaking with them as per our programs, offering training and engaging your own HR team. Training your team in handling the finer points of mutant personalities. It looks like the pilot program is going quite well and maybe we could look into something larger and longer term in the new year?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "I am thinking we can maybe add half again this year, might want to go bigger, but don't want to put it in to fast, don't want people getting upset, and doing the whole, they are taking my job thing. So slow and highly qualified at first."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa nods, "Excellent, I'm glad to hear it. I will trust your understanding of your workforce." He makes some notes, I can have my people send over an initial draft and we can hopefully have this all worked out before New Year's.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head a bit and says "You think might be able to help some of the Gotham mutants families jobs inside your corperation?" He asks thinking about trying to help more people.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa says, "Of course, are talking about a Gotham branch of X-Corporation? That would take a bit of doing and perhaps some buy in from the politican's but it is possible."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over and says "Well think it would probably be more likely a buy in from us, some of the politicians here you do not want to be in bed with.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa laughs! He shakes his head, and smile brightly, "Have you been to Rio? I mean the colorful costumes we only rival Gotham during Carnival but for corruption?" He nods, "I will take you word for it, and follow your lead, I have also heard that there is no path through Gotham without Wayne or the Bat, and you are easier to get on the phone."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles and says "Yea for the other guy, I think you need a spotlight and a metal cut out." He jokes a bit about the Batsignal "I have only been a couple times, and the majority of the time there was with business sadly.