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Latest revision as of 16:36, 20 December 2021

Magical Coffee
Date of Scene: 11 October 2021
Location: Cafe - Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Doctor Strange, Wonder Woman

Doctor Strange has posed:
Even Sorceror Supremes need coffee.

After banishing an extra-dimensional entity, Strange decided it was high time to get out and get some sun. He'd been in the Sanctum for what felt like weeks on end and even Wong was getting on him for never leaving and reminding himself of the world he was striving to protect from the surprising amount of mystical dangers that always direct their attention to this lovely green rock in the middle of the universe.

Dormammu, Cytorrak, Shuma-Gorath, the list goes on and on.

Thankfully, none of them want to enrage the mystical community - nor Strange by extension - and thus Strange decides to take his break. Dressed in simple clothing as opposed to the fine suits or dark blue robes he tends to wear, he stops by the cafe in Greenwich Village, not too far from the Sanctum in case he needs to head over there fast. He was standing in line.

"Hm...I forgot about this."

Strange murmurs largely to himself, with those around him either too invested in their phones or on each other to really notice.

Wonder Woman has posed:
It seems to be a rather normal thing for there to be various and assorted threats to... well, various and assorted parts of the world. On the ground, at least, things have been relatively quiet. Or at least, quiet enough (barring an incident with a water spirit living in a vase) within what could be considered hearing range of the Themysciran Embassy where Diana happens to spend much of her time. Which isn't to say that there haven't been things for her to do, for there are almost always people to help even if in the most mundane of ways.

Today, Diana has what could be considered a precious thing. A day that is hers to do with as she pleases -- a day off from the Embassy and her other duties. Her black hair lightly falls past her shoulders, left loose for today. She wears a light blue t-shirt, a pair of black jeans and a fairly casual pair of sneakers. She takes a brief moment to look down the street before she approaches the door of the cafe, lightly pushing it open before she enters into the space within.

As she moves to step into the line, she raises an eyebrow slightly at a murmured comment that she hears without even trying to. A hint of a smile touches at the corners of her lips, her gaze turning towards the man who had spoken them. "You forgot about coffee?" she asks in a soft tone, the words having a mild Greek accent to them.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"Please, I could never forget coffee. It me through medical school and everything else after that. I simply forgot the lines associated with coffee." Strange replies with no small amount of snark, though...that's rather strange, no pun intended. He senses a presence from the woman behind him.

Hmm. Greek accent. A powerful aura of divinity around her. Was she a demigod? Zeus got rather busy during his time on earth....a daughter? Hm, more than that.


"Diana of Themyscira." Strange speaks, how does he know that? He hasn't even looked at her.

Wonder Woman has posed:
There's a flicker of amusement that reflects in her blue eyes at the snark of a comment that her question had earned. It was a deserved enough reaction. The man standing ahead of her is a bit taller than her, and though there are those who might be intimidated by such a thing, Diana is assuredly not one who is. "That would have been my second guess. The lines can sometimes serve as a test for one's patience," she says, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "It seems to get many people through many things. I enjoy the flavour of it, even though it is made different here," she adds, a breath of a thoughtful tone to her voice.

She isn't quite in his personal space, but she is close, for she does stand right behind him in the line up of those who await their daily (or more frequent) dose of caffeine. One of her eyebrows quirks up at his pronouncement in regards to her identity, though if she's surprised then she shows it little. "Yes, that is I," Diana affirms. There have been no secrets made regarding her identity. And yet, he made it seem a simple thing, to know her, and she takes a moment to look him over anew.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"Patience." Strange chuckles deeply. "Patience is an age-old lesson that I've had to learn over and over and over again." Strange shrugs, lifting his shoulders a bit even as he never once turned to look at her for the moment. "Coffee gives people energy through the psychoactive chemical, caffeine. It holds a great many mental health benefits, even if people don't think about it, it gets them through more than the alternatives."

Strange hums though as she seems to look at him in this new light. "Not too often one sees you in a humble establishment. What brings you here?" Strange asks. Where the Wonder Woman goes, trouble is typically not far behind. Or maybe he does not realize he may be blessed with her company if she turns out to be a lovely woman - or cursed with it, if its a 'never meet the heroes' kind of moment.

When you're the Sorceror Supreme, you know of a great many things. You deal with powers that make and shape the universe and those that lie beyond it. Diana and Strange both are individual specks in a great multiverse.

Wonder Woman has posed:
There's a soft chuckle from the Themiscyran Princess, and she lifts her right hand to push a curl of her hair back over her shoulder. "Patience ebbs and flows much like the tides. There are times when it is there in what seems endless supply and other times when it seems as fleeting as water through one's fingers," she says softly. Everyone struggles with patience sometimes, and there are a number of things that affect it. "It is likely that most people do not give such things much in the way of conscious thought. Caffeine is effective. And for many, enough so that the drawbacks of it are overlooked," she says, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

Diana tilts her head faintly to one side at his question, a sparkle of amusement rising to her blue eyes. She lifts a hand to make a slight gesture towards the counter that is ahead of them both in line. "The coffee," she says in a light tone. "I come to this particular humble establishment by times. It is more often that I am here earlier in the morning, when I do visit. It is good to be out and about," she adds, a smile easily coming to her features. If there's trouble that's brewing, she doesn't give any sign of being aware of it. "It is a beautiful fall day and I have no obligations that would prevent me from enjoying it," she offers. Sometimes it can be as simple as that -- fair weather and a day off, a clear schedule.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"Depends on the mood." Strange replies in that same kind of authority he normally does. It's not arrogance, but he's very aware of his station. Though its only now that Strange turns to look at Diana and behold her in all of her splendor and beauty, his eyes meeting hers and never faltering or showing any sign of weakness. He extends his hand then to her, his eyes never shifting.

"Dr. Stephen Strange."

His voice retains its tone, neither disrespectful and hostile nor particularly warm and friendly. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance." He looks back to the counter as he finally makes it to the front, ordering his coffee black. Seems he enjoys the bitter flavor. "I understand that-" he adds. "Sometimes you need a break from the insanity of the world. A feeling I'm aware you know well."