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See, the Thing is...
Date of Scene: 24 April 2017
Location: Stark Tower, New York City
Synopsis: Tony has taken on some of the duties and responsibilities of HR, but goes just a little further for a new employee.
Cast of Characters: Scarlet Spider, Iron Man

Scarlet Spider has posed:
Stark tower is an Icon in Manhattan in more than just size. Certainly it is impressive.. but the knowledge of who is up there is far more inspiring. A billionaire who spends his time saving the world, rather than spending his time and money on random and pointless fripperies, like solid gold toilet paper.

Scarlet Spider see's it as much more than that though. It could be a new start. It could be a way back to some semblance of a normal life after this 'New' Spider-Man stole his identity. Spider is sitting on the edge of a skyscraper that shares the skyline with Stark Tower, just watching it from behind the mask. These thoughts have been running through that big brain of his for the better part of a week but at a certain point action is required and more thought is wasted. He edges off the building and plummets down more than 40 stories before a pair of weblines snap out and anchor themselves to another building. Sending Scarlet flying up at the giant window facing south.

Iron Man has posed:
There are those that are quite unhappy with the fact that Mr. Anthony Stark doesn't keep to himself and his millions. That each time the red and gold suit departs from the obvious (and some might say 'ostentatious') Tower, that he is interfering and practicing vigilante-ism.

Tony really doesn't care. Well, he cares about what goes on in the world, what part he's played in the past, and ultimately, what part he'll be playing in the present and the future. It is to that end, then, that he expends almost all of his energies. Much to Ms. Virginia Potts' chagrin.

It's a rarity, then, to find Tony in an office, much less one of his offices. If he's not in his Penthouse, he's in his Bunker. And if he's not in any of those, he's out and about, meeting with others in order to further his own interests, which he can claim to be the world's, which may or may not be true.

"Sir, there is a humanoid form approaching your south window-" JARVIS is ever on duty, and with the announcement, the AA brings up a holographic display of exactly that, of Scarlet Spider's approach.

Tony's behind his desk, watching the news and idly working on an interface for what looks to be cars and his own brand of 'clean' energy. Fingers draw in 'air', moving and shaping and working with multiple permutations as the new hologram appears. At the news, Tony's brows rise, but he chuffs a breath and picks up a glass that is settled on his desk; what's left of his scotch. "Okay, JARVIS, let's set out a landing pad for him and see what he's got to say. Figure, he's coming in on the 50th floor, so I'm sure there's something."

With that permission, JARVIS begins to do just that... and something of a ledge begins to extend; it's not large, but enough, and as SS gets closer, he'll be able to see the outline of a door that would be well-hidden otherwise.

Scarlet Spider has posed:
The release of the weblines, does indeed carry him to the 50th floor, and he lands on the glass. Clinging to the window, he pauses, just waiting. But after a few long moments with no Spider-Sense going off.. His guard begins to relax. He knows he's on camera. He has to be. He just cant see them. One sided glass maybe?" He asks, trying to peer in through the glass he's clinging to.

But he does notice the ledge pushing out from the building and the door becoming apparent. "Guess that's the 'come on in' welcome mat." He comments, dropping onto the ledge and approaching the door.

Iron Man has posed:
The ledge is well timed, thanks to one Artificial Awareness. As the Spider then approaches the door, it does indeed act as if it's on some sensor array as it opens upon his approach. On the other side, standing there expectantly is Tony Stark, billionaire, but more importantly, Iron Man, sans armor. He's holding his glass, though now it has some liquid. "C'mon in. Pigeons don't fly this high but I don't want to give them the idea there's a place to perch if they do get up here." With that, he turns around to walk back to his desk, but instead of sitting in the expensive leather chair behind it, he perches on the corner and takes a swallow of his scotch, no ice to be found.

"I could have easily have called down to the front desk, if you'd have done that whole 'web' thing in my lobby, you know. That impresses them down there."

Scarlet Spider has posed:
Benjamin Reilly does step inside and lets the door close behind him. Still no Spidey-Sense alert. "It's not about impressing people Mr Stark. Only one I'm here to talk to is the person I'm currently talking to." He says and he leans against the wall next to the door, and pulls his feet up lotus style, clinging to the wall with his back, so it looks like he's sitting on air. "I was hoping you can I can help each other."

Iron Man has posed:
"Everyone says that," Tony waves his hand in a circle in the air before him, "The whole, 'I'm only here to talk to you' thing." He takes another swallow of his drink before he sets it temporarily beside him and he lifts his arms to cross in front of his chest. For a long moment, he studies the other man, taking his measure. After a couple of heatbeats of silence, there comes the question, "Exactly what is it that you can do for me? I mean, other than the whole web-slinging thing. I'll grant you, that's kind of cool, but doesn't someone already have the market cornered on that? No offense, but that is my understanding. Unless there's something I'm missing."

Scarlet Spider has posed:
"That actually.. is part of the reason I'm here. That guy stole my life. I'm Spider-Man. Until he showed up. He's using some really slick tech to mimic my powers. Has to be. So now I'm the Scarlet Spider until I can figure out a way to take my life back. To that end... I need a life to live while I figure that out. ID. money. and apartment... a job to fuel those things. Thats where you come in. I happenen to be good at the whole science thing. A skill I figure you can put to good use and I can 'pay' my way back to my old life."

" I hear you are working on some bleeding edge tech. Change the world kind of thing. I think I can help."

Iron Man has posed:
To Tony's credit, he's keeping a completely straight face during all of this. Where others would break into an expression of outright dubiousness, he's got his poker-face set. For the second time in as many minutes, he's watching the other man, looking perhaps for something that may be written across the Spider's forehead, perhaps?

Without breaking contact, Tony calls into the air, "Jarvis, I want video on Spider Man."

It only takes a moment before news reels begin to show of the web-slinger as caught on CCTV. It's not hard, as he's been in the news and The Bugle has started that campaign against him. Images flicker in the air in all their holographic glory, but Tony's not watching them. He's watching his guest.

"Why didn't you just go through HR like everyone else? Mind, I don't have a box for narrative as to 'why you want to be employed by Stark/Fujikawa Enterprises', but maybe I should add it, given how many times I've been told 'why'." Shifting his position on the corner of his desk, Tony reaches for his glass again, and holds it, cradles it between his two hands as he considers, his jaw shifting in thought. "If I give you this shot, and it's 'if', I'm gonna want to know a few things. One, your real name. I don't go with this whole 'secret identity' when it's my company I'm dealing with. Then, of course, legal department.. NDA and all that. I have bachelor quarters in the Tower, or I can offer a stipend for a place in the city." He leans a little to impress the last bit, "No secrets. And if I find out my stuff is gone, you better believe I'll start looking. If I miss missing it, I can guarantee that Pepper won't. She's good that way."

Scarlet Spider has posed:
Unsticking from the wall Spider approaches Tony by a few feet, and crosses his arms. His webshooters clinking slightly as they touch. "Trust for trust. I get it. But." He says and trails off, looking at Stark directly. "I have one condition of my own. You.. and only you.. know me as the Scarlet Spider. Or Spiderman.. or anything spider related. No masks.. no secrets. I'll tell you whatever you want to know. But for anyone else.. Spiderman and I are different people. Nothing public. Too many people can be hurt by the wrong people knowing who I am." Hs says and uncrosses his arms, pulling his glove off one hand and extending it for a handshake. "Deal?"

Iron Man has posed:
"Are you asking me if I can keep a secret?" This is where Tony actually breaks into a smirk, and he wraps his arms in front of him, still holding that glass of scotch. Lifting it to his lips, he takes the final swallow from it before he sets it down and rises to his feet. "Nothing public. They never 'get it' anyway. Always have to spoon feed them or they go off running around like the sky is falling. Of course, when I get involved, it usually is. Sometimes literally, but I understand there's an insurance policy for that now."

Still, Tony's watching the other man like a hawk. "Too many people can be hurt if I'm wrong about you." He smiles tightly and shrugs before he takes that half-step back to perch on his desk once again. "Good thing I'm never wrong." He extends his hand from where he's sitting, and clasps the other man's in a firm grip. "Deal. You give me your name, and I get to research the hell out of you. I've got connections, and those connections have connections. It'll be subtle, though. Under the radar. Some systems will never know they've been accessed. I'm good like that. And then, I'll have something transferred to your bank account so you get a roof over your head, and something that'll get you through the front door instead of landing on a ledge on the 50th floor. You start Monday."

Scarlet Spider has posed:
The Spider smiles through his mask when he says that. The hand is gripped tightly and shakes a few times. Spider has a deceptively strong grip. Superhuman strength will do that. The smile is still there when he releases Tony's hand and reaches up, gripping the fabric of his mask at the top of his head. A moment of hesitation... as this is a huge leap of faith. Even for a guy like Tony. "You'll need to create that bank account first.." He says, then tugs off the mask.

The average features, brown eyes and brown short cut hair are nothing striking. An everyman. Someone you might pass on the street and forget about him a moment later, just an extra on the stage of life. Perhaps that is why the Spiderman costume is so bright and 'loud'.

My name is Peter Benjamin Parker. Up until my life was stolen.. I lived at 20 Ingram street, Forest Hills.. in Queens. My parents were Richard and Mary Parker.. They left when I was a kid. Dunno why. I lived with my Aunt May and Uncle Ben until My Uncle died when I was 15.. Your background check will back me up on all that. However.. Until I get that particular situation resolved.. I go by Ben Reilly. After my Uncle Ben.. and my Aunts maiden name. So it's just Ben for now."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony retrieves his hand and watches at the big 'reveal', and in a way, he's not really disappointed. 'Everyman' is really easy to conceal. It's easy to bury him in the company such that he doesn't trigger anything, yet he can be kept up to date and up to speed as according to his ability. "Easy enough. Jarvis?"


"I want you to set up an account at Fulton Bank under the name of Ben Reilly. Access the Social Security Administration and get his credentials in order, please. New York State Motor Vehicle Agency. Mercy Hospital in town." There's a momentary pause before, "AmEx. Gold card. We'll make him build his own credit." How easy Tony makes it sound. His brows rise at the young man, "Unless you've got all that covered, that is." He expects not, honestly.

"Monday, then? Electrical engineering? Mechanical? Software? Robotics? Just so I know what to tell the front desk."

Scarlet Spider has posed:
Benjamin Reilly silently blanches a bit. This is going too well. When is the other shoe going to drop. But he's offered his choice of departments to work in.. just like that. "Shakes his head. I may as well have been born a week ago Mr Stark.. I'm starting fresh. He tells him at the offer of the new life. Then when Tony asks of the department "Uhm.. well .. I have a Bachelors degree in Chemistry, minoring in Physics from Columbia.. but I could probably hold my own in any of those. So.. Let's say Electrical Engineering.. and go from there. I'd like to help with that clean energy project of yours. Harnessing... or perhaps creating your own mini star and creating a dyson sphere for it."