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Latest revision as of 15:20, 23 October 2017

The Cat Came Back 1
Date of Scene: 23 April 2017
Location: Ghostbusters Firehouse, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: Zachary Lightwing, Jillian Holtzmann

Zachary Lightwing has posed:
A light flickers and hums on the first floor of the Firehouse.

Then an apparition manifests from that light, the fixture dimming as the quadrapedal feline-like ghost sliiides into being, and then drops onto the floor without a sound but the gentle buzz of the light flickering back to full luminosity. Zachary has returned to the Firehouse, the white cat-like ghost with his bright green eyes prowling over to one of the office desks to jump on top of it and sit there in that regal way that cats do.
Even if no one is watching.

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Holtz isn't too far behind the arrival of the ghost cat. She's coming downstairs from the second floor and she's got several large yellow and blue tubes rolled around her arms. With her phone strapped to her belt and her beige Ghostbuster uniform on, she's just strutting to the sounds of some David Bowie blasting out of her phone's speaker.

Once on the main floor, Holtz walks over to a big plastic box marked PICKUP in large letters, she tosses the tubes into said box and then sits down on the rolling-cart that is used to roll underneath the Ecto-1. This is precisely what the blonde haired woman does. She rolls... right under the car and goes back to working on it from beneath it, having no idea that Zack the Mad Catter had come back to visit them as of yet.

Zachary Lightwing has posed:
Zach hears Jillian come down the stairs, and follows her in her path all the way to the Ecto-1. He doesn't really say anything, just watching her slide under the car from an angle where it might be hard to spot him. And then he trots right up and climbs under the vehicle to watch what she's doing.

"Hi!" he greets, the only sound he's actually made since he got here. Yeah he's trying to spook her on purpose. He's a ghost! Sort of!

"Car needing a tune-up?" he asks.

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Nothing in this world has ever spooked Jillian Holtzmann. She's as laid-back as a human being can possibly be created.

So when the Hi! came, she just looked over in its direction and she gave the Ghsot Cat a big smile. "Hey! Its my four legged spectoral feline friend!" She says in response, before laying her head back down and going to adjust her light on her shoulder to aim up at the car. A moment later and she's starting to work on the vehicle, apparently doing an oil change.

"What brings you back by?" She asked. "I told you those tests we ran weren't so bad. If they were, you'd probably have never come back on your own volition!"

Zachary Lightwing has posed:
Zachary looks up at the underside of the Ecto-1, his eyes wide with the curious stare that's bound to get very familiar. "Friend?" he replies, surprised by the phrasing she used to refer to him. "You're a hard one to startle. I guess that's a good trait in a Ghostbuster!" he observes, pleased by her lack of reaction by the sound of it, but now it's obvious he tried to spook her on purpose.

"I guess I wanted to come back because I like hanging out with people that know a little about how something like me works," he replies, "The tests were fine. I was hoping you would find something out that I didn't know, but..."

But all the tests showed was that he was a very solid ghost-like being, and that he has some kinda pseudo-mass that is still affected by gravity and sometimes physical contact.

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Jill would grin at the Cat's words and she'd shake her head side to side to them. "All I learned, Little Man, is that you're a one of a kind. A real discovery in our field. Which is totally awesome... Might even have some interviews lined up for you if you're interested." She said, whilst doing her maintenance work.

She reached her left hand down to adjust her phone on her hip and dial the volume down a little. "Got some guys over at the American Museum of Natty Hist that are looking to do a ghost exhibit, too. I don't know if you need money, or use it, but they'd pay you to be an interactive experience for the kiddies." She glanced back at him, looked at him through her yellow goggles and flashed another grin. I assured them that you were way more Casper than Conjouring."

Zachary Lightwing has posed:
"Interviews? Kids?"

Zachary realizes he's gotten in over his head and that they will probably market the hell out of him if they get the chance. The way he reacted made the thoughtful floor staring get a proper pensive feeling to it, making it clear that the attention made him feel a little weird. But then he tells her, "I don't need money. I don't need to do any of the mortal activities you would need money for." Which is normal, he's a ghost. "Sounds like you could benefit from me visiting that museum, though."

"Tell them that I can sit around and look ghostly on the weekends. You can keep anything they would pay for my presence there. But before you go and do that, I think I need a name. I don't have one yet."

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Jillion shuffled around some, doing work on the car while listening to him. "I hear ya, pally." She told him, swapping tools out for another one from the metal box beside her. "I didn't really figure you needed money. But, I wasn't sure if maybe you had some friends that would need it, and could get it through you... ya know... But thats cool."

She then looked back over at him from behind those yellow goggles. "Hey you know what? The kids'll love ya at the Museum. Seriously, thats what its all about right? They'll go bananas when they see you behind the glass." She flashed him a big grin.

"Let me ask you something." Holtz started. "I didn't get into a lot of questions with you during those tests last time, because I wanted to see the results first. But now that you're here..." Holtz started to slide back out from under the car.

"How did you end up in this cat-form? I get the sense that its like a 'curse' or something? Sort've like Beauty and the Beast." She showed a light grin then.

Zachary Lightwing has posed:
"Bring some car batteries to the exhibit and I can show off some of my special powers, too," Zachary says, vaguely, excited about the whole museum idea. He takes some time to really consider how much he should answer about how he got his cat form, and the silent air around him might feel a little awkward. There's usually this impression that he's trying not to reveal too much about himself. He crawls out from under the car to follow her and continue the conversation.

"I was in some other... plane of existence, I guess. And there was a spirit, or a ghost. And it sounded like... well, what you might expect ghosts would sound like. 'I wish I could do more...'" He makes an emotive gesture with a paw as he continues. "I touched it, and then I was like this and back on Earth. So maybe I'm actually two ghosts, and that's why I'm weird. Maybe it was a spirit from another dimension. Maybe it was something weirder and more conceptual than a lost soul."

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Jillian was wiping her hands clean as Zach said all of this and she just leaned back against the Ecto-1 and nodded her head lightly. "I hear ya." She said softly and glanced at the Caddie. "My co-workers and I actually lost our last vehicle INSIDE a vortex to a ghost dimension." She looked back at Zack then and gave him a playful grin. "Ya never know whats going to go on inside those places. One'a my friends got out with sparkling white hair."

A second later and Jillion was tossing the rag she'd used to clean her hands toward a tall chest of tools on wheels. "So... that leads me to my next question." She says at him. "If I were to... find a way to put you back the way you were, prior to this 'experience'." She looked back at him then and put her yellow goggles up onto her forehead. "Is that something you want me looking into? Or do you like it like this and want me to just shutup and leave you alone?"

Zachary Lightwing has posed:
Zach's eyes widen at Jillian's brief mention of her experiences with ghostly dimensions. His fog-like ears even perk and solidify. He looks quite interested. But the next question comes soon after that and he has to answer it because of what it means. There's the pause again.

"There's parts of it that I didn't explain that will stick with me, cat shape or not. There aren't many downsides to this shape. I think I prefer being like this."

His voice goes softer, "I appreciate the offer. That was kind."

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Jillion would show him a simple and brief smile and nod. "Well thats what we do here." she told him. "My friends, and I, formed our group to help people who have been plagued by the Paranormal. Its why we joined with..." She glanced around the interior of the Firehouse but let her words trail off then and looked back to him.

"Anyway, the offer stands." she told him. "You seem to be in good spirits..." She grinned. "Pun intended." And then pushed off the car and walked away toward the receptionist desk, arms swinging at her sides.

"Offer will stay on the table though, my Freaky Feline Friend!"

Zachary Lightwing has posed:
Zachary followed Jillian along toward the reception desk for a while... but feeling like he needed to assess a few important subjects before he starts making regular visits to a museum as a ghostly cat, he detours to the nearest outlet and vanishes into it. He doesn't even say goodbye, simply vanishing like a proper housecat would.

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Holtzmann didn't notice whne hte cat spirit vanished into the outlet along the eastern wall. She just walked over to the receptionist desk and around it to the chair behind it. She lowered down into it and the chair was all squeaky beneath her. She exhaled, set her phone down on the desk and then turned to the PC to do some repairs on it since the receptionist had said it was broken.

"Whatever you want to do though. Just say the wor---" Jillian looked back to where she thought that Zach was, but he was gone. She looked around for him. "Or, just, vanish... That works too."