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Latest revision as of 17:47, 12 January 2022

Dumplings Worth Dying For
Date of Scene: 08 January 2022
Location: Hot Dumpling Restaurant, China Basin
Synopsis: As it turns out, one doesn't have to die to enjoy the dumplings. Good company is a bonus, though.
Cast of Characters: Scarlet Witch, Storm

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Not only does this place have dumplings which are most excellent, but it also has mahjong. Wanda usually just sits and watches the mahjong, but today she's actually participating. And seeming to quite enjoy herself. There is, of course, a bowl of dumplings sitting beside her. Which she eats out of in between moves. She laughs at the latest move and chooses one of her pieces to play. And then facepalms. "Dui. Wo chuqule huojimen. Wo sihu conglai meiyou yingguo ni." She grins and rises from the game. Leaving behind what she'd lost, of course. She does, however, take her dumplings with her. Those weren't part of the wagers!

She moves up through the restaurant and takes one of the tables closer to the exit. Looking out through the window, she breaths out a quiet, contented sigh. The snow is just heavy enough to have left a nice coating on everything. It leaves the place looking pristine and fresh. The temperature is quite on the chill side, but still in the twenties, so not as cold as it could be.

Translation: Right. I'm out guys. I never seem to win against you.

Storm has posed:
Some places have a way of earning a reputation for the delicious food that they offer. The dumpling restaurant is one of those places, and Ororo Munroe has been meaning to pay a visit to it for some time. Yet she's not previously made it here until today. The sight of the dead chickens alongside the live ones there in the window doesn't appear to bother her at all as she steps her way towards the door. She's likely seen quite similar displays in Egypt when she lived there. She pulls the door open and then steps inside, and for a moment, she simply draws in a breath of the wondrous smells that are within.

A small smile touches at the corners of her lips, and she takes a moment to look over the rest of the interior. She catches sight of Wanda's red hair amongst the other patrons, and she starts to make her way towards the other woman's table. She's not in a hurry, and she's mindful that she doesn't bump into anyone -- especially the wait staff -- along the way.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff is quite thoroughly enjoying the combination of the scenery outside and her dumplings inside when Ororo Monroe makes her way into the restaurant. Distracted by the view through the window, she doesn't immediately notice the white haired woman making her way toward the table, booth style, she's sitting in. It's only when the woman has very nearly reached her table that Wanda looks up. A smile blooms.

"Ororo Monroe," she greets. "How have you been? Come to try the dumplings? They're divine, today." Aren't they always divine? One of the wait staff rattles off something in Mandarin, which Wanda replies in like. Moments later, another helping of the dumplings arrives at the table. "Care for something to drink? The tea is good here." She waves a hand to her own cup of tea, mostly empty.

Storm has posed:
There isn't anything that Ororo does to call attention to herself whilst she's on her way towards Wanda's table. She would have said something had Wanda not noticed her on the approach, yet it turned out to be unnecessary. And so, she stops once she reaches the table, and there's a warm smile that she offers. "Good day, Wanda," she offers in greeting, her smile easily returning. "It is a pleasant surprise to come across you here," she adds, the words sincere.

"I have been well, thank you. And for yourself?" she asks, a touch of curiosity to the question. One of her eyebrows quirks up at the conversation between Wanda and the wait staff, and she blinks with a moment's worth of confusion. Mandarin is not a language that she has any proficiency with, and it likely shows in that moment. She moves to take a seat opposite from Wanda, and there's a sparkle of interest that comes to her blue eyes as the additional order of dumplings is brought to the table. "Ah, they look and smell so delicious. Yes, I have come to try them. I have heard many good things about them and today is the first opportunity that I have had to do so," Ororo says, giving a small nod. "Tea would be lovely, please."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff nods and rattles off something else in Mandarin. Shortly, a Chinese style tea service arrives and is set on the table, between the two women. "Xiexie," says Wanda to the waiter, who bows and turns to return to his duties. Wanda gestures to the tea. "Help yourself. I come here frequently. It's on me." She eats a dumpling before answering the question posed to her. "I've been well. Busy, though."

Wanda has just enough time after to eat two more dumplings before her phone rings. She slips it out of her pocket and answers it. She speaks a few quiet words and hangs it up. Blowing out a breath she eats another dumpling. "Gotta go. But I'll be damned if I leave these here," she states. It doesn't take her long to finish the dumplings. "Stay. Enjoy. Bill is on my tab. Hopefully we have a little more time next time to chat." She grins and turns to walk toward the front door. She pauses only long enough to exchange a few words in Mandarin with the wait staff. Who seem amicable enough in their responses. Then she's gone out the door.

Storm has posed:
There's a glance between Wanda and the wait staff when more Mandarin is put to good use, and there's a flicker of curiosity that chases through her blue eyes. "I believe that I may need to take the time to learn Mandarin," Ororo comments, a touch of interest and amusement to her voice. With the tea delivered, she gives a small nod to Wanda's offer. "Thank you. It is very generous of you, and I appreciate it. The next time will be my turn," she says, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

She reaches to the teapot to pick it up and pour for herself a cup of tea before placing the pot back on the table. "I am glad to hear that you have been well. Busy, it seems, has been the way of it for many, these days," she muses, a thoughtful tone rising to her words. She picks up a pair of chopsticks then uses them easily to pick up one of the dumplings, taking a bite and eating it. She doesn't make any effort to eavesdrop on the conversation when Wanda answers her phone, though one of her eyebrows quirks up before she gives a nod. "Tasks often seem to come up in such a way and with such timing," she offers a touch wryly. "Thank you, I will be sure to do so. And yes, hopefully next time there will be more time for catching up with each other. Be well, Wanda," she says. She watches the redheaded witch take her leave, and then she turns her attention back to her dumplings and tea.