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Latest revision as of 17:49, 12 January 2022

Welcome to my Home
Date of Scene: 19 September 2021
Location: Sanctum Santorum - Base Floor
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Doctor Strange, Willow Rosenberg

Doctor Strange has posed:
The Sanctum Sanctorum.

The greatest collection of magic and mysticism in the known world. It's caretaker is Doctor Stephen Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme. He had sent Wong out recently to deliver some supplies to the Sanctum in London, but his attention turns to finishing up a spell.

Dormammu was up to his old tricks, sending Mindless Ones to invade the earth to expand his influence. Thankfully, Strange was aware of the intrusion into Earth's dimension, and is presently finishing the ritual to shut it out. Eldritch Magic circulates the entryway of the Sanctum Sanctorum, forming sigils and words that most couldn't possibly understand as streaks of orange circle around him.

Close attention reveals that he's speaking a language that is unknown to many, he speaks some sort of mixture of Eldritch and some dark tongue as he molds this spell.

Of course, he's alone for now, so no one to disturb him...though that may be about to change.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Up till now (and maybe still now) Willow really did not think of herself as a magician. Sure, she said she was, but really she had her doubts.

Until Tala.

Somehow she got it into her head to look up the Sanctum Sanctorum. After all, she wouldn't be able to find it if she wasn't a real life magic user - right?

The outer door was quite simple. Just an everyday brownstone. The outdoor door. Still she knocked, being the polite witch that she was.

Doctor Strange has posed:
The spell he was casting was...delicate.

The knock was heard by Strange and the spell seemed to briefly have what could be called a magical seizure as he's briefly distracted, but a few words later and the spell continues as necessary. He narrows his eyes a moment as he exhales, then with a simple gesture with his hand, the doors slowly open to allow Willow inside as the Eldritch Magic takes its hold.

Slowly sealing away the ancient portal that brought Dormammu's forces into this world, Strange seems to solidify the magic with an ancient incantation. The 'door' sealed, Strange dispels the magic 'leftovers' that had taken their place in his home before he turns his attention ever so slightly to Willow.

"Willow Rosenberg."

Had they ever even met before?

"Welcome to the Sanctum Sanctorum."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Alright. The inside was.. different. And large! Compared to the outside, very large indeed.
llow was surprised that he knew her name.

"Uhm.. Dr. Strange.. I presume." She giggled at that.. "Do you get a lot of puns on your name?" Entering the Sanctum she looked around. "Reminds me of John's place. Not that I am allowed to get rooting through it. Just the library, and the kitchen.."

She cocks her head over. "Have we met before?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
Very different.

But differences are normal in life. Strange descends the stairs that lead to the base floor of the Sanctum where Willow remains. "No, we haven't. It's my job to know the other wizards, sorcerers, witches, etcetera that exist in this dimension." Strange clasps his hands in front of him as he stops just a few feet shy of Willow, a respectful distance.

"Too many." Jokes on his name, that is. "You must be speaking of John Constantine. Hope he's trying to stay out of trouble."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Yes, John Constantine. We parted ways in London. And since Giles has returned, he doesn't come around much. He is sorta of drawn to the underside of magic." At least performing it. And far as she knew, John still was on the good guys side of the slates.

Willow makes a smiling gesture, an actual real one, compared to lately.

"I guess I should have been more polite, and said hello long ago.." And here the smile fades. "Really, I have been in my head, thinking I wasn't very good. You know? So I stayed away."

Of course she doesn't include those times when her magic was prominent, like the portal she helped secure to Apokolips so that Justice League could rescue Superman.. But that was so long ago. Nearly two years!

Doctor Strange has posed:
Strange nods ever so softly. "London, you say? Hm. I'll have to make it a point to check in on him." Strange comments, before he frowns ever so softly. "A trait I never quite approved of with him. He seems to take a great bit of joy in swindling demonic kings and hell lords." He shakes his head ever so slightly.

Though he seems to refocus. "I wouldn't think too much of it. I have difficulty keeping tabs on everyone myself sometimes." He informs of Willow, before he shrugs.

"Its not about skill level. Its about what you wish to accomplish and what you are willing to do to will it into existence." He suggests, before his attention rests more fully on her. "Of course, like the time you secured Apokolips. Darkseid is not one so easily crossed, yet you and the others succeeded. No small feat."

He smiles. "Try and think a -little- bit better of yourself."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow blushes furiously. "See, sometimes I just don't feel it. When I'm with the Justice League, I mostly can believe it. But when I'm in the scoobies.. " Her head shakes. "They make me feel like they're just putting up with me. The whole group has a bunch of magic users. And.. they seem so much better than I am."

Not true, but it doesn't mean it's now how she feels.