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Latest revision as of 14:23, 31 January 2022

Not a moment. it's a movement.
Date of Scene: 27 January 2022
Location: Fred's Diner - Mutant Town
Synopsis: Mutopia, it's a thing.
Cast of Characters: Sunspot, Red Robin

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa comes in wearing his ever present suit, looking immaculately groomed and incredibly put together. He has bundle of rolled posters under his arm which he sets on the counter as he turns to put on of them in the window of the Diner, "Thanks Rosa, I appreciate it, Let me have the usual." The posters are double sided and advertise the Mutopia music event, giving a date and a location. The list of acts is impressive and they're not all mutants, some pretty big names have signed on.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake comes in to the dinner, the meet and talk becoming something of a normal recurring thing with the two young rich men. He nods to the waitress as wel, making an order before he heads to sit across from Roberto.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa smiles easily, "Good morning, Sunshine. So, I got the posters in, wanted to start hanging them around mutant town, I have to call corporate for alot in Manhattan." He hands Tim a poster, as the waitress pours them both coffee. "I have people on that, did you know that Original Ray's pizza is a corporate entity? Apparently, they are all in it together." He shrugs with a laugh, "We got some great names, and of course everyone from the Seraphim stable will be in attendance. Should be fun as well as a way to get X-Corporation some much needed buzz."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and looks over the poster nodding a bit to it. "A few of these folks work at the club don't they?" He asks, and then is looking over the little info at the bottom of the poster nodding a bit to this and says "Got room for Wayne industries to help sponsor still?"

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa laughs and nods, "Yes, just so. The club is a great way to find talent, and we try to keep some of the talent in the rotation to draw people and keep its reputation up. It is also a perfect venue for established artists to try out new material." He raises his eyebrows, "Actually, I was counting on it. WI has more cache in America than DaCosta or X-Corporation. Your involvement will definitely boost our signal.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head a bit to this and says. We can do that, and if we put our newest sound equipment tech to set up the sound, lights and such like that we can show off some of our new tech with it, which will help us. Planning on recording for a DVD release?"

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa scoffs good naturedly, "Timothy, it's the twenty-first century. We will be live streaming. You think Wayne Media would be interested? Wow, is this a family thing, cause your Dad is almost as ego-centered as my Dad was. The initial plan is for as many eyes as possible but secondary traffic should be big. I can get you lights and sound for most acts but Dazzler and Lila do their own thing. I have a call in to their people should be able to swing but we'll see." Berto shows off crossed fingers.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head a bit and says "Well, figured with the collectable market, DVDs would be an interest to get into." He smiles a bit "Bruce does like to show off a bit." He listens a bit and nods his head a bit to this, "Well if I remember Dazzler, does the lights for Lila when they are at the same events."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa hmmms, "You make an excellent point, collectable DVDs and I was focused on T-Shirts. Thank you." He makes a note and sends a text off to someone. Berto grins and shakes his had, "No, I get it. Yes. Yes, she does and with the way Dazzler's powers work that ties into the sound system too. Also Lila is concerned about a broader market, Earth sound systems aren't calibrated across a wide enough range to suit the intergalactic market." he sips coffee as the breakfast plates finally arrive. Berto's is heavy on the meat, sausage, bacon and eggs with a pile of toast slathered in butter. If you didn't know he was a mutant you would swear he had a tape worm.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, a bit and Tim's while has a decent amount of meat, his is a well rounded meal, and has all the food groups needed. "I should look into that, see if we can get Wayne Tech a bit of intersteller work. It would be a good new market to get into."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa sighs, "I think Reed beat us to it, but yeah, tots worth looking into. I've been trying to work a Shi'ar connection for years, all it's gotten me is a black market hook up; bourbon for Chandrll- Ch'ndrill- Shi'ar liquer. I mean it's the bedrock of Utopia distilleries but a sliver of what's out there." Berto looks at Tim's meal and then at his own, the lean protein, well balanced, the meal of a professional athlete or ultra-marathon runner, "Tim.. if you were a super hero you'd tell me right?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles a bit and looks at the other man, and says "Do, I look like a super hero? With my work scheduel, where would I find the time? I collect super hero stuff, but me a hero?" He just offers a smile. He does not lie to the man directly, but pulls on his training to divert the question without really answering it.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa considers and then laughs, "Right?! I mean I find the time, but I only sleep a few hours a night. It's night like you went to super secret paramilitary finishing school, right?" Roberto digs into his meal

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods a bit and says "Exactly, I went to Gotham High, that might have taught me to dodge around a lot of stuff, but thats about it." He eats a bit more, and says "So, if ya can tell me, how did you actually get into the hero thing?"

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa says, "Well, I mean my powers showed up rather suddenly and in a tragic but spectacular way. My Dad, ever on the look out for an opportunity wanted me to be the next Booster Gold. He brought in a bevy or experts to train me in the use of powers, and also help me understand how they work, he also had me trained in combat, and tactics and, well, I guess heroing."