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Meet the New Girl
Date of Scene: 16 February 2022
Location: Penthouse - Stark Tower
Synopsis: Pepper meets her new bodyguard, then Steve Rogers brings America's butt to the party.
Cast of Characters: Pepper Potts, Black Widow (Belova), Captain America

Pepper Potts has posed:
While Pepper has heard they have a bit of new security around the building, she doesn't exactly know who or what. But she does know Tony is now, officially, out of town and she has the Penthouse all to herself (along with a somewhat stern recommendation that she stay there in the guest room instead of going home in the evenings.) While she's a bit confused, she's not complaining.

The Penthouse all to herself is a special luxury. She's finally got that sushi she's been craving for three days. She's poured a glass of the really good red wine that Tony has stored. She's dared to kick off her high heels beside the door and remove her suit jacket. She's even got her feet up on the couch. She's basking in the lap of luxury, her laptop out on her thighs, as she continues her evening work.

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova casually opens the door to the Penthouse and makes her way inside. She is, after all, here not only as a member of the security team, but one specifically assigned to Pepper to keep her safe. Whether or not anyone told Pepper that, Yelena neither knows nor cares. She's not going to sit in some boring hallway when she could be in a penthouse enjoying some luxury.

She just walks straight into the living room where Pepper is sitting. She wears a men's style suit, white shirt with black jacket and slacks, her blonde hair pulled back into a braid that runs down her back. "Hello, Pepper Potts," she says, just going to take a seat for herself on one of the large chairs. "Do not let me interrupt you. Pretend I am not here," she says, kicking off her own shoes as she plops down.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The moment Pepper hears someone just coming into the room, JARVIS not announcing an intruder or security alert, Pepper gives a little yelp and scrambles into sitting straighter. There's a heat of blush beneath her faint freckles and she scrambles to put her wine aside, laptop down, and pull the suit coat on across her arms she had abandoned. She keeps her back to Yelena for a heartbeat or two as she buttons everything in place and tries to look more put together.

Then the woman is just... sitting. And knows her name. Pepper's green eyes blink slowly, utter confusion dancing across her features. "What.. I... I wasn't expecting... company. Can I help you? Are you Tony's newest... " Fling? Lover? Flavor of the week, "Interest? He's not home, you know.."

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova wrinkles her nose, "Ew. No. Disgusting. No thank you," she says. "I am security. Bodyguard. Protection. For you. He hire me last night. Yelena Belova. Is nice to meet," she says.

"I do not want to mess up whatever it is you do. Which is what, I do not know. My job is that nobody be making you dead or kidnapping you. Anything look suspicious, you tell me, I shoot it. Is easy." she says.

Pepper Potts has posed:
There is a momentary defensive look that flutters across Pepper's slender features as Yelena mentions being with Tony as 'disguisting'. Pepper's not entirely sure why she's so defensive about it, but the trained people reader across from her can, no doubt, see it. Pepper then careully schools her face into an entirely neutral expression, her shoulders squaring and her small, neat hands smoothing down the front of her jacket.

"Security. Ms. Belova. I... I see. Well, that is very... nice. I would also like to not be made dead or kidnapped. I didn't think that was really something I needed to worry about, but, well... Just... Let's not shoot anyone too quickly, alright? Everything's quite fine here and no one is kidnapping me from the penthouse. I was just finishing up some work. There is... sushi. Do you want sushi? I didn't know I'd be having anyone else for dinner. We... we can order more. Whatever you want." Pepper is trying to move from shocked and relaxed to being a proper hostess.

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova flicks through her phone while Pepper talks. She is listening, mostly, but she is also trying to get the right color of candy to match in order to win prizes and points. "Yes, no one is kidnapping you. See? I am already doing good job. I would like sushi very much, if it is good sushi. You do not look like you eat bad sushi, though, so I will trust you. I also have protein bar. Is not bad, but very dry," she says, finally looking up. "I like your hair. Do you dye it or are you n atural redhead?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
The smile across Pepper's carefully taupe painted lips is something practiced and neutral. She is doing her very best to take all of this in stride but it's like her world was turned vaguely upside down and Tony isn't even here to blame. "Uh... help yourself. I'll order more for both of us. I don't eat bad sushi." She's wearing a bespoke tailored Chanel suit and has Prada shoes sitting beside the couch. Pepper doesn't do bad ANYTHING. She leans over to nudge the little boat in Yelena's direction, "Do you want a...plate? Chopsticks? I can go make the dinner table." Pepper is clearly in service mode now, trying to take care of their guest as best possible.

"Oh. And no...I don't dye it. It's... it's mine."

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova perks up and sits up a little, "A plate would be lovely. Thank you. That is so very kind of you. I can see why Tony Stark wants to make sure you are not horribly murdered!" she says.

"We do not need table. I am going to be around very, very much so you should be comfortable with me. Relax. If I wanted to hurt you, I would have done so instantly. You wouldn't have felt a thing," she says.

She leans forward on her knees, "I have thought of dying my hair. Red is not good for me, though. It makes me think of Natasha and I do not like thinking of Natasha," she says, making a shudder. "But is black too on the nose? Black Widow, black hair? Is stereotype."

Pepper Potts has posed:
When Yelena confirms she wants a plate, it's a relief for Pepper. She turns on the ball of her stockinged foot, doing a little sort of almost dance as she almost goes back for her shoes and then stops herself and just makes a beeline for the kitchen instead. She didn't need shoes. She needed a plate. She is pulling open the cabinet and just has the plate, nearly dropping it with a clatter on the counter, as the woman says she would have hurt her instantly. She swallows her heart back down her throat, a sight smile flickering in Yelena's direction, "Well... that is very... Nice of you, to not... kill me painlessly. While you're not killing me... At all."

Pepper then brings the plate and chopsticks back, putting both of them down next to Yelena. She hovers there like some sort of butler, trying to figure out what to do next. "I... I really don't need a 24/7 security detail, I promise you that. No one's even touched me. I don't know what this is about but, really, Ms. Belova, I'm fine."

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova takes the plate and the chopsticks, wielding the latter expertly as she holds out her plate, clearly waiting to be offered some sushi, "Nothing tempura, please. I do not like it. If I want fried thing, I get fish and chip, not sushi."

She rolls her neck idly while waiting to be served, "Tony Stark must know thing you do not know. Is not my place to tell you. Only to protect and make sure you do not have pretty rich girl brain splattered on expensive carpet. But you have always felt safe and now you will always feel safe. Nothing has changed. Hurray for you."

Pepper Potts has posed:
There is a cross of frustration on Pepper's features as the woman says that Tony must know something she doesn't. She's frowning, and her serving sushi to Yelena is slower than it normally would be as she mentally chews on that. "No... Nothing has changed. He would... tell me. Wouldn't he? What do you know? Why today? Why YOU? Why not Happy?" Pepper now starts, a thousand questions hovering behind her lips. She does serve the woman a good helping of nigri, at least. "Do you want wine...?"

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova considers, "I should not have wine. Is unprofessional," she sighs, even as she very professionally eats a couple of bites of Pepper's dinner. "Although I will not tell if you don't?" she says, giving an exaggerated wink.

To the questions, she giggles momentarily, "Happy? Oh, yes, that is dumb nickname of Tony Stark favorite oaf boy. He is good to protect you from reporter or crippled dog or blind hobo. I am elite professional killer who will keep world class assassin at bay and let you stand over their ruined bodies in triumph. Is totally different weight class. Which is not fat joke. Although Happy is very fat."

Pepper Potts has posed:
When the woman does seem to give in on the wine, Pepper steps over and grabs a fresh glass from the bar at the corner of the room. She smirks quietly to herself, "There is very little professional business done in this house that doesn't involve some form of alcohol, so I suspect you are perfectly fine to have a glass of wine." She's not teasing about that. She brings the large, delicately crystal thin globe goblet over and pours Yelena a good six ounces of the red wine. She also tops off her own glass. God knows she needs a drink right now.

Seeing Yelena practically inhale that sushi, she passes over a few more pieces before neatly sitting down. She's now bird-like perched on the edge of the couch, all her relaxation from before gone. She's staring at the woman like a strange art exhibit she really doesn't understand. "Happy is *not* fat. And he's good at his job he's just... over protective! And if there is a world class assassin coming after me, I'd really like to know why!"

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova finishes her rapid intake of sushi, setting aside her chopsticks on the plate. "Is very simple. Because seeing you die would make Tony Stark cry big fat tears. Stark is big hero here in America, but many people really hate his face, mostly very rich and very evil people who like to pay people like me to kill the people who annoy them. Tony has big suit of armor hidden in his underwear, so is not easy to kill. You? You are his sweet Business Barbie hottie pants. Killing you would be like kicking him right in balls."

"Fine. Happy is not fat. Just have fat face."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"I... I am not a ... Business barbie... Hottie pants." Pepper stammers out, but her cheeks are now practically pink all the way to her ears, she's blushing so deeply. She tries to hide it behind a good gulp of her glass of wine and lets the glass linger half in front of her face. She clears her throat, trying to sit a bit straighter. She is doing her very best to make this a business meeting.

"So. You are telling me that someone has made a threat on Tony's life? That is what I can read between all of these very... Russian lines?"

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova takes a sip of the wine, "Hmmmmmmm. Not bad. I will be honest, I do not actually know anything about wine. But I like this!" she says cheerfully, taking another big sip.

"Yes, that is right. Points to Detective Pepper!" she says, pointing a finger at the redhead. "Yes, big money contract on his head. Very literally. They want his head cut off. But do not worry, Pretty Pepper! All will be well. Tony is American hero bigshot with lots of powerful friends. He will be fine. Probably. But you will be. Definitely. Because of me."

Captain America has posed:
    There are two ways this could roll.
    Steve Rogers, Captain America, Avenger stands in the elevator to Stark Tower's penthouse apartment and technological marvel complex. There's a furrow to his brow and a distant look in those blue eyes as he considers the world beyond while he rides up. Likely in that same moment a variety of notifications are finding their way through the AI and to whatever warning systems and awareness updates that someone such as Pepper might well be aware of. Likely a quick snap of a picture of whomever is in the elevator will catch the tall blond man. Not in uniform. Or at least the one he's known for. Natasha would say he's in his other uniform that is for 'down time'. When such a thing exists. There's a brown bomber leather jacket, blue jeans, white sneakers, and a grey hoodie that gives him some hint of normalcy. A small blue baseball hat seems tucked into his left front pocket, though it is not warn lest he invoke utter anonymity with the power that all baseball caps provide.
    Two ways it could go. Either his presence, a face she can trust, will hopefully ease things. Make matters more calm as they get resolved. Or the appearance of Captain America might set her all the more on edge.
    As the camera captures his image when he looks up and to the side at it, he hopes it's the former.

Pepper Potts has posed:
That brings a whole new wave of panic from Pepper, her brows knitting tightly as she sets her wine glass down. She has little appetite left and certainly none for booze. She needs her head to be clear! Someone might be hunting Tony! "What?! But, but... if someone is coming after HIM, you should be with HIM! I'm not that important and I'm always in this big, protected building and hardly no one even knows my NAME!" Pepper breathes out in a rush of rambling words that come too fast, one after the other.

She then leans forward and grabs her phone, starting to frantically text Tony, but it doesn't go that smoothly because her fingertips are slightly trembling. "Oh god, why did he fly across the country if someone is trying to KILL him?? He should come home now..." It's the sound of Pepper's panicked voice that is going to be the thing that greets Steve as he's coming out of the elevator.

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova just sips on her wine. Her job is to keep Pepper safe, not calm. She gets another piece of sushi, leaning over and swiping it from Pepper's plate while the redhead is distracted.

"Location does not matter. These are real pros. League of Shadows, Killer Elite, Murder Incorporated. Cobra. Top notch killers. California, New York, ass crack of Timbuktu, is all the same. But he is very sure he is safe. He is also arrogant ass, but is his head on line. Literally."

She does receive notice of someone coming up the elevator, though, and she pushes up from her seat until the system identifies the incoming individual. "Oh. Well. Real American Hero, woo woo. Captain Steve America Rogers is coming in, Pepper Potts. Cry your worries on his big muscles."

Captain America has posed:
    It is indeed those same muscles that carry Steve out of the elevator and through the front door, emerging in the foyer with its brilliant decor and clear view of what would be called the 'conversation pit' were it the 70s. The broad sweep of windows and beautiful tableau of the skyline had been in the past viewed with awe.
    Now... perhaps not so much considering what options it might present to operatives.
    "Hey, Pepper." The tall man walks in, gives Yelena a nod as he says. "Miss."
    Back to the redhead though the blond gets a brief second glance. "Tony thought it might be good for me to come by. I was going to stay for a bit." His blue eyes fall heavily upon Yelena with all the weight of many hammers and sickles. "Tell me what you've been told?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
And now here is Steve, just in time to see Pepper full swing headed towards a panic attack. Deep green eyes stare up at him in a mix of relief and worry, springing up from where she was perching on the edge of the couch. She's still dressed neat as a pin, her suit jacket buttoned at her waist and camisole neatly tucked into her skirt. Her hair is smoothly in place from the day and even most of her make up has survived. She looks like she's ready to take on the corporate world other than the raw, panicked gaze in her eyes. That's are too emotional.

"Steve, oh god, thank god you're here. Someone put a hit out on Tony, you know? Did you hear?" She looks between Steve and Yelena, "Why in hell am I the LAST one to know and it's when Tony is all the way across the country?! And did he send you too? Why is everyone here, with ME, when Tony is the one in danger?!" She forces herself to take a breath, trying to calm enough to focus and be a good hostess. She serves Yelena another two pieces of Sushi, "...Steve, do you need dinner?"

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova meets Steve's gaze levelly, her own cool and mildly amused. "Yelena Belova. Is nice to meet you, Captain Steve Rogers. Nice but weird. Is like meeting Yogi Bear or Dick Van Dyke. You are icon of all things America. So I was raised to think you are scum of earth. But I am free thinker and do not judge. You do not look like scum. You look like..." she takes a moment to look him up and down, "handsome stepdad."

She pushes up from her seat, "I have only told her that someone wants to kill Tony Stark. She is very shock, sad sad cry. Let her yell at you so she does not yella t me. I am going to go outside and have smoke in free country twenty feet away from entrance so I do not offend rent-a-cop asshole at front desk."

She pulls on her jacket and holds her hands out, "Anybody want anything? Lottery ticket? Bottle of Sriracha? Sriracha is real good stuff with sushi, I get some at corner store. You are safe with Captain, Pepper Potts, do not worry, and I will be back soon to tuck you in. I will sit in chair right by bed to keep you safe."

Captain America has posed:
    "I know Tony's taking steps to deal with it, and I know he's going to be able to handle it better if he knows you're safe." Steve says in that calm reassuring tone, one hand resting on Pepper's shoulder. Gently, mainly through the calm in his manner and the ease of his body language, he moves to guide Pepper back toward the sofa and to a seat. Not telling her or asking her, but just gesturing with a slight nod and a motion of his other hand.
    "You know if you were in danger his focus would be on protection. With me here..." A beat as he looks to Yelena, then turns toward her before she speaks, he adds. "With us here. He can hit back freely."
    Those eyes turn to her, handsome stepfatherly and stern. He rests his hands on his hips and gives a nod as he listens to her. Cap lifts his chin slightly at the comment about scum, then the step parent designation causes his brow to quirk slightly as his head tilts. Perhaps a hint of a 'hrm'. "Alright."
    He finally says, and for some reason it might feel like something was decided. "I'm sure together we'll be able to handle anything that comes at us, Yelena. We'll talk more later."
    That said as the Russian woman steps off, he turns back toward Pepper and then finally takes a seat nearby.
    A moment passes. Then when Yelena is out of the room he says simply, with a small smile. "Hey."

Pepper Potts has posed:
There is something about Steve Rogers that really can put even the worst situations at ease. Pepper looks up at him with slightly glassy, still half panicked eyes, but she's not dissolving into tears or screaming into a phone at Tony (like she was a few minutes ago.) She can't fall to pieces in front of America's Shield! She takes a shaking, slower breath as she watches his baby blues and lets herself be guided back down to the couch, giving him a slow nod. "I... I know. But he never... he doesn't worry about him. That's my job. And how am I supposed to do that when I'm all the way across the country and all his protection is over here?"

Then Yelena is taking her leave. A weak smile flickers across her lips as she nods to the woman, "D-do...do what you need, Yelena. I'm not going anywhere. Thank you for... telling me." In a fashion. Since she guessed, but Yelena confirmed. She gives the young woman a shaking nod, then is looking back to Steve.

"H-hey... I... there's not much... Dinner left. I can order more sushi, or... Or whatever you want." He's a guest. She needs to take care of the guest.

Captain America has posed:
    "He worries about himself, Pepper. Because he knows what it'd do to you if something happened." Calm words given, and those eyes remaining unwavering as he nods to her. One hand rests on hers to give a small squeeze as he listens then eases back onto the edge of his chair. Still a bit forward on the chair it's clear that he's ready. Attentive.
    She offers him dinner and he smiles. "S'alright." He says with an easy murmur, nodding a little. "Tony gave me a call while I was having dinner. So I'm all set." A glance is given toward the door. And likely those thoughts trail after the Russian woman who departed. He looks back, "He didn't give me too much detail on what's going on. What do you know of your other guest?"
    Since Yelena might've played it close to the vest. But Pepper... she's a brilliant woman. Perceptive, she might have an angle that Cap couldn't or wouldn't have caught.

Pepper Potts has posed:
While it might be a trick to get Pepper to calm down, being asked to give information and actually use her mind is a pretty effective trick. It helps her to focus away from the worst part of the situation at hand and her helpless panic at Tony's missing self. She frowns after the door, green eyes thoughtful and momentarily more focused.

"She's... an assassin. Also hired security. I think part of that Black Widow program. Isn't that what Natasha used to do? She has a bone to pick with Natasha, I think. She is incredibly stuck up but, probably, that skilled as well. She goes where the money is. She's been doing this a very long time. She doesn't think too hard about it. Killing, it's just a job to her. But... so is protecting and saving lives. I don't know why Tony picked her to be here, but... He did. And he called you..."

As Pepper is going down that mental list, she blinks, her frown refreshing itself on her pale features. "...Did Tony tell EVERYONE except ME? He couldn't even call and tell me!?"

Captain America has posed:
    A nod is given as Cap listens, those eyes attentive and watchful. "May well be," He gives in brief response to her asking about what Natasha used to do. Though when she elaborates as toward Yelena's motivations and work ethic he makes a small 'hm' sound as his eyes lower slightly and to the side. Then it's back to her.
    "He likely has a reason, could be something as simple as he likes the cut of her jib, as it were." Though he chews on the inside of his cheek as he mulls over what she said. His thoughts are ordered before he responds to that final question that perhaps carries more than a little bit of outrage in her tone.
    "I think he's only told myself and Yelena. Maybe Happy." He smiles a little. "And he might've known your reaction might be... strong." He offers that last word though there's a faint hesitation if it might not be the first one he would've chosen.
    "I'll talk to Yelena. Might also give Nat a ring." Though his nose crinkles slightly at the idea of calling Natasha for whatever reason. "Once I know more, you'll know more."

Pepper Potts has posed:
There's a few more moments of silence as Pepper tries to sit and breathe. She really doesn't want to fall into full panic with Captain America right next to her. But that takes a little more focusing on her breath to actually accomplish. She looks from his handsome blue eyes down to her folded hands instead of keeping focused on his face. That seems to help. She knows her own body. She knows this struggle.

"I... I'd like to know anything you find out. And look, Captain, I... I get that this isn't your job. You shouldn't be baby sitting the assistant. Neither should she. You have people to save. Worlds to change. I... I know that Tony is strong, but he's still just a man, too. Without that suit, his head shoots off as easy as anyone else's. He's in as much danger as I am and he's out there alone and you're sitting here watching me *freak out* and... you never asked for any of this."

Captain America has posed:
    It's just one word spoken. A single word that hangs there between them, said by a man who gives her a gentle smile and holds her gaze with the calm aplomb of a soldier who tries to hold to his word. And who knows the weight of that word he's given so he does not make promises easily. Yet he feels comfortable to say,
    "I'm not here to babysit the assistant."
    Then he straightens up slightly and says firmly. "I'm here to help my friends."
    There's a quiet then between them, a distance, though it's bridged by that gentle smile. That furrow in his brow of focus. That concentration that he's going to do everything he can.
    At that he says, "Now, if you feel up to it. I could use some help if you can. I'd like to know what Tony's itinerary has been the last four weeks. I'd like if you could walk me through the place." He rests his hands flat on his thighs.
    Then he smiles a little, "And then I'd like your advice on how I can get Nat to stop hassling me about dating apps."

Pepper Potts has posed:
That calm, firm statement of her name is definitely enough to get her attention. Pepper's eyes jerk up, meeting his blues once more, and she stops all of her rambling. She focuses on him with a bittersweet, quiet smile, a shaking little nod following his words about friends. It even gets a weaker smile from Pepper, a little awkward, but earnest as well, "I... I consider you a friend too, Steve. I know I'm just his assistant but... well. I'm all of your friends. And I'm going to be here for *any* of you, you know that? You don't have to wait for Tony to get into trouble to ask me for help with dating apps." THat last bit gets a crackling little laugh from her. She's still on the edge of tears but she's almost entirely fought them back.

"Then... his itinerary. I mean. I can just send you the whole thing, but..." Pepper leans over, picking up her PDA and opening Tony's calendar. A day at a time, she goes through everything, filling in the blanks for the hours that aren't put down electronically. But she literally knows where he's been near every hour of every day. He spends a LOT of time in his workshop. And she says she's just his assistant.

Captain America has posed:
    "Mainly," Steve says as he pushes himself up to his feet then, "I think a list of people that he's met with and some background checks couldn't do some harm. See if we can find any connections when we connect the data." He nods a little and bites at his lower lip as he considers. Then he shakes his head.
    "I figure you'll be able to wrangle that easier than I can." He smiles and offers his hand to help her up should she be willing to accept it. "I've been here a few times before, a few parties. But I'd like to get a hang of the layout. If you don't mind." Though he's perhaps checked the blue prints that might be on file with SHIELD, he likely thinks that chances are... Tony has some secrets. And if he's going to be providing protection, might be good to know.
    "As for the dating app." He smiles a little, "Think Nat just threw my info into a computer and got me signed up for Silver Age Singles, since my birthday is... a bit ago. No idea how to close the account."
    It's a mix of sincerity, action needed, and humor that hopefully provides the cocktail needed to get them focused and moving. And Pepper more at ease.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Of course, please, look around. JARVIS can help you with anything you need. Honestly? Probably including getting you off that app, if you give him access to your phone." Pepper finally has enough control of herself to lean over and scoop up the glass of red wine she had been neglecting. A little wine will probably do well for her right now, especially if she needs to calm down more. She stands up slowly, finally remembering to slip her stockinged feet back into her shoes so she can look a little more professional as she follows Steve around the apartment.

"I'll put together the list. Have it to you for the morning, with background checks." She offers promptly, making herself a note on her PDA. But that's not the biggest thing on her mind. She follows him in silence for a few minutes before dropping quietly into the room, "He... took me to dinner -- last night... Like, a real dinner. Fancy dress, took a helicopter to get there. Almost like a... date... Dinner. Then he disappears to California and there is all *this*. I just... I don't understand what is going on, Steve. I've been at his side for ten years and I don't... Understand him." Or she doesn't want to. She's scared to.

Captain America has posed:
    "I mean," Steve is indeed poking around, wandering and walking the area. Not being too entirely nosy, and not being too intrusive. But he's making mental notes and yet still conversing in an amiable tone while he moves about the place.
    For a time he disappears from view, heading into the kitchen area perhaps. Lights flicker on. Flicker off. Signaling the calm passing of the star-spangled Avenger from one place to the other.
    He returns to the main area and says, "Would you really want to understand him? Be inside his head? Realize what he's thinking?" A beat as he steps through a doorway and pauses there with one hand on the wall beside it. "Might rob him of some of his vaunted mystique. Or..."
    Then his voice cheers, and she may actually pick up a hint of his ages old Brooklyn accent as he says as he circulates. "Reminds me of ages ago. I went on this date." He disappears from view.
    Reappears from one of the side doors that led to one of the labs. "Well double date, really. I never went on a date just myself back then." He smiles a little and pauses, head tilting to the side as his gaze unfocuses with a hint of memory or nostalgia. "And Becky, she was this really nice gal. Worked in a soda shop. She looked at me and asked me what I was thinking at one point in the night."
    He chews on the corner of his lower lip, looking a little pained. "And what I was thinking then... was about Ernie Koy's grand slam in the 9th inning in the Dodgers' game against the Yanks I saw a few weeks before."
    He flares one hand to the side "Of course I couldn't admit it. So I stuttered a bit, said 'nothin' and she walked off in a huff."
    That said he nods solemnly as he finally seems to be reasonably satisfied with the areas on this floor, upstairs and further he'll need a look at but for now.
    He says finally as he stands before her, smiling a little. "You want what I think might be bouncing around in his head?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
There is no panic from Pepper as he's going through the Penthouse. If she trusts anyone as much as she trusts Tony Stark, it's Steve Rogers. Hell, she might even trust Steve a bit more considering he seems to make more sane decisions than her erstwhile boss. While he is hunting, she actually feeds herself the last few pieces of sush. A whole other order is going to be here in a minute and no Yelena present to eat it.

But then he's back. And with a story about dating. "I mean, I don't think that was a *date*. He... he never called it a date. It was just... Dinner." In a very fancy dress. At the best table in the room which they took a helicopter to get to. Pepper still blinks in a bit more confusion, "But, alright... so, you're telling me he's thinking of a 1940s baseball game?" She's only half teasing with that response. She is also far more calm than she was when he first came in.

Captain America has posed:
    "No, what I think..." Steve says as he settles in and leans forward a little. A silent question is asked as he quirks an eyebrow at her and nods to one of the few remaining pieces of the sushi. If allowed he'll take it up and have a bite nodding to himself at the tastiness of it.
    "Is that I'm not exactly the best person to give advice on relationships or dating." He confesses with a small smile that he knows people sometimes raz him about that. "But from where I'm sittin', it seems like whatever the actual definition of it may be, Tony might be realizing that you are important to him. To his life."
    A tilt of his head is given as he looks to the window, then back. "And maybe that might have colored his actions after, since he might have only recently crossed that... mental bridge. And all of a sudden things start happening and he realizes this. Realizes what you mean to him. And so now he needs to deal with this thing, where your safety is... very important to him."
    He leans back then into the chair in the main area and murmurs. "But who can say for sure? Just my two cents."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Here. Give me this. Sushi for a cellphone." Pepper nods towards the phone in Steve's pocket, "You can give me bad dating advice while I try to free you from silver singles, hmm?" Pepper doesn't want him to JUST be taking care of her. That would kill her poor codependent heart something fiercely. She lets him unlock the thing and then eyes down onto the apps, trying to figure out just what dating apps Natasha has cursed him with.

His words, however, get a confused frown across her taupe painted lips. "What...? I mean, that makes sense. I am important. I'm his executive assistant. I help run this entire business. I think he's known that for a while... I mean, Stark Industries' right hand..." Pepper, for as intelligent as she is, can sometimes not see the forest for the trees. Especially when she's been looking past it for about a decade.

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
A text arrives on Pepper Potts' cellphone. How did Yelena get her cellphone number? Maybe Tony gave it to her. Maybe. The text just says PEPPER POTTS I AM ALSO GETTING YOU PORK RIND FRIED SKIN OF PIG YOU WILL LIKE I PROMISE IS CAP A STILL THERE HE HAS NICE ASS FOR OLD MAN I BE THERE SOON BYE

Captain America has posed:
    An apologetic smile is given as he holds the remaining half of the sushi and then gives the phone over to Pepper with his free hand. It's unlocked with a swipe after a few numbers are tapped in then extended to her...
    And when she looks at the cellphone, she likely has never seen a more barren thing. For it is... almost at factory standard. No customizations, not too many extra apps, just the defaults. Though his background is a black and white shot of a man in uniform with his arm around a shorter woman in her own British uniform. Both are smiling at whomever is holding the camera.
    "Be that as it may, Pepper." Steve says with a warmth to him, "I just think maybe something's changed. And hey, best to have that talk with Tony when he gets on back."
    Though now he does peer over the lip of his phone, peeking a little to see what Pepper is doing to it. Perhaps even trying to learn a bit more than he has through the osmosis that has granted him his somewhat limited skillset.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The black and white photo makes her smile. "Who are they?" She asks softly. A moment later, she's leaning a bit closer to Steve so she can let him fully see what she's doing to his phone.

There's no comment about just how empty the phone is. She can give him a lesson in technology another day, if he wants it. She is NOT going to pull a Natasha. "And see... I could just delete this app. But, if I do that and your profile is still active, she can put it right back on. So... we're going to deactivate the profile. And put the app blocker on for Silver Singles, AND... and then uninstall the app." Pepper is a pretty good teacher, taking him through step by step on every dating app he has. Maybe she is a little old fashioned and thinks getting dates are better done not on the internet too.

When she's done, she dares to meet his eyes, her smile earnest and tired, "I... yes. I suppose. I'd very much like to talk to him about it all. He just has to get back. In one piece." And from the sigh behind her breath, she is rather worried he won't.

Then she blinks down, picking up her own phone. It's decorated with apps, and her background photo is her and Tony a the Christmas Gala last year. So, that says something. But she's staring at the text that just came in, blinking very slowly, "...Yelena is bringing back... Pork rinds? I think? And she likes your... ah... Behind." Pepper is blushing again.

Captain America has posed:
    "Ah, that's Buck. And Peggy." Steve says as he nods. He scooches the chair over a little, the metal frame complaining slightly with a clink/clank then he leans over and looks.
    Which has him following along with her motions. His eyebrows raise as his lips part a little when she shows him the needed steps. Another nod when the app is modified, profile deactivated, and finally the singles app is uninstalled. Which has him saying, "I mean," He starts, "Natasha's just worried about me. I'm sure she has the best wishes at heart."
    Which might be a little generous. "I did meet some nice people however. Got a good recipe for peach cobbler." Ethel was a saint, to be fair.
    Then that message comes through and he leans back to give Pepper what privacy he can since he always figured reading other peoples' messages was terribly rude. He sits there and nods, "Pork rinds aren't bad." He offers.
    Then the comment on his grand gift to America. Which has him sort of half-smirking. A little sour a little amused, "She strikes me as the type that likes to poke people and see which way they jump. Don't pay it any mind."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"They look... happy... For two people seemingly at war. Must have been looking at someone who made them happy." Pepper mutters softly, staring at the photo on his phone for just a few heartbeats longer. She then hands it back to him, carefully tamping down any other emotions she was having. She's got things fully under control now. Or, so she would like everyone to see.

"And here you are, trying to put my mess back together and I haven't once checked on you. How... how *are* you holding up? Settling in? I know fighting is probably a good distraction. And yes, you do have friends... I'm *Certain* Natasha is trying to help and has her heart in the right place. But has she asked what kind of help you... actually need? Has anyone asked that?" She turns her body more fully towards him, a genuine line of worry tracing across her brow.

Captain America has posed:
    "Yeah it was, Rome. May. 44." Those blue eyes distance a little, he smiles and shakes his head. "Long time ago. Last time we were all together. Back then." A hand lifts slightly dismissive as if brushing that time away.
    He accepts the phone back and tucks it into his jacket pocket. A smile is given, "Thanks, Pepper." Then she shifts the focus toward him, away from her own problems which might well be the wiser course of action.
    "I'm doing well. Things have been good for the most part. Busy." Again those eyes seem to drift a little as if looking past her. Then refocus as he murmurs with a smile. "But you know me. I don't think I /need/ any help. But having people around that take the time to ask, that's a fine thing."
    His nose crinkles a little, "I think Natasha just has relationships on the brain. Whenever people are all into their own thing seems to be their nature to try and inflict their misery on other people."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Those green eyes study him a bit deeper as his own gaze goes distant past her a few moments. Pepper's head tilts, curious, trying to read a little deeper into his face without pushing things. One hand reaches across, fingertips giving his knee a gentle squeeze. "Not *needing* help is... different than not maybe wanting some along the way. I'll always be here to talk, you know. Or... even if you just want to watch an old black and white movie. Or talk about ... Them. Anything, Steve."

Her smile is softer now, the business and severe corporate sternness gone from her face. Pepper can actually look tender. Protective, warm, all those things that probably Tony gets to see and very few others. Now Steve gets them. "Just stop by and ask. Though, my apartment, it's not near so fancy as this... Just a warning. But it's comfortable. And you'd always be welcome."

Captain America has posed:
    "That's kind of you, Pepper." Steve says with that easy smile, a nod is given a few times as he seems to weather the attention and kindness, though perhaps not entirely at ease with it. Which says something that he feels comfortable enough to exhibit such in front of her.
    "I'll keep it in mind. I keep telling Tony that he should watch the Thin Man with me some time, but he tends to... get distracted." What with those kids and their cellular telephones and computer laptop devices.
    "But I'll make a point of stopping by some time." A look around the room is given as he shifts his smile a little crooked as he adds, "When things are more settled down. For sure." That said he looks toward the door, head tilting slightly.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Good. I'm going to take you up on that. Especially for the Thin Man. I love that movie." Pepper grins, and it's not a lie or flattery. She seems genuinely excited to watch Nick and Nora.

Then, just as she's about to maybe get comfortable again, her phone rings. She stares at the caller and sighs. "Hong Kong's stock exchange just opened and this is one of our biggest partners. I need to take this. I'll go into the back office, the one with no windows. I promise. I'll be careful. Just let the sushi guy back in, you and Yelena enjoy the next order. Tell her I said thank you, again. I'll be back." Then Pepper is scooping up her laptop and double timing it back to the interior office as she starts answering the phone in some broken but a decent attempt at Cantonese.

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
An hour or so later, after Pepper has retreated to more private chambers, Yelena returns to the penthouse. She has several bags of foodstuffs from a nearby convenience store. It might not have taken so long, but she did linger outside to smoke more than a few cigarettes and she also had to fend off a very curious policeman's horse and it's really a long story and she'd rather not get into it.

"Pepper, I am being back! I have snacks! Maybe we could do our toes and watch some British Baking Show together, and...she's already gone to bed, hasn't she?" she sighs, seeing Steve still in the living room by himself.

She carries her materials over to the kitchen, dropping them on the counter in slightly crumpled piles. "I was kidding about watching her sleep. Mostly. I will check in, but I do not think they will break in through that room. Do you know why Tony Stark put in such giant ventilation system? Does he get splotchy in summer? Is like massive ant farm, so many tunnels!" she says, eating a couple of pepperoni Combos that she tosses into her mouth as she finds Cap just looking at her.


Captain America has posed:
    The voice that lifts and that she'll hear isn't Pepper's. More that symbol of capitalism and the Imperialist West as he calls back, "She's turned in." Which comes from that conversational area, only for that voice to resolve itself into the the shape of one Steve Rogers as he turns in the chair and comes into view, one hand around a plastic water bottle that has the top twisted off as he takes a sip then puts it back on an end table.
    But then she asks of him, like another young woman only an hour and some ago, to get inside the head of Tony Stark. "Miss Belova, if I could tell you why Tony Stark does anything with... a reasonable amount of surety, I likely would be a rich man. Or crazy. One or the other."
    On the coffee table there was a print out that had some information he had been asking after. Some names and dates, old air flights, old accommodations. The itinerary that Stark had used for the last four weeks. He'd been perusing them. But for now he closes the folder that had been holding them together and instead looks across the way at her.
    "I was thinking it's about time we had a small talk."

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova moves over to the comfy recliner in which she had sat earlier, flumping down. She had removed her green coat and is still clad in her suit from earlier, although the tie has vanished into a pocket and the shirt is unbuttoned a few buttons to show the hollow of her throat and a bit of pale skin.

"I am sensing disapproval. I have very keen sense of this. Most men have disapproved of me in my life. Especially the older ones. But please, get it off your chest. Holding it in is bad for you at your age."

Captain America has posed:
    "No, ma'am." Steve says as he takes a sip of his water, leaning back in his chair and settling in. "I just want to know about you. What you'd like to tell me." He looks in the direction of Pepper where she retired to for the evening, then those dark blue eyes return to hers and he nods.
    "I think if we're going to be here for a while, and if something actually does happen, best if we know a bit about each other so we can have some idea of how to work together." A nod is given as he takes a deep breath, then considers that giant bank of windows that looks out upon the skyline. Each time he looks at it, it makes him feel a touch more open to enemy fire. Perhaps that's at least one small thing they share.
    Then he looks back, "I'll return the favor if you like." Though she... likely already knows his story rather well.

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova pours a little more wine into the glass she had left behind, taking a sip, "I am exceedingly trained in assassination, infiltration, disguise and disruptive techniques. I worked for a covert - some would say rogue - sector of the Russian intelligence service for all of my life until two years ago, when I departed under complicated circumstances. They would not have me back. I would not want to go back anyway," she says.

"I am not a good person. I am not a hero, like you or Tony Stark. Not even like your precious Natasha or whatever name she goes by now. Although she is likely more like me than she pretends to be when she is around such upstanding Yankee Doodles like yourself."

"Tony Stark is paying me an excessive amount of money to keep Pepper Potts alive. I like money and I want a place in America. This gives me what I want on both counts."

Captain America has posed:
    A nod is given as the blond man looks at her, that gaze unwavering and level. He follows that rhythm of her words, listening to the hint of accent and cultural pacing. There's no obvious judgment in his gaze, yet there is the vibe he's accepting and absorbing the small bits of insight she grants.
    A breath is taken as he looks to the side, holds it as his eyebrows rise a little. Some thoughts pondered before he shifts his gaze back to her, "Usually, in my experience, the people I'd consider bad don't tell me they're bad. Usually they have an entirely justified reason for the horrors they inflict. They're almost always the hero in their own story."
    He shifts his head slightly to the side. "I've heard a bit about the things the Red Room has done. And the people that come out of it. I'm told that they are capable of a lot of things."
    That last word lingers a bit, then he adds. "But that one thing they do appreciate is a job well done. So if this is your job right now, then I'm glad to be working with you, Yelena."

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova narrows her eyes suspiciously and slowly eats another pepperoni combo. She crunches the pretzel outside between her teeth and enjoys the bit of salt encrusted on the outside. Then the spicy tang of the pepperoni flavored cream goo in the center hits her tongue with all the decadence of the West inherent in its processed infusion.

"You are not what I expected," she says.

She adds another sip of wine before she continues, "I do not think my life is story. Hero is, to me, just job. Your job is to be hero for America. Fight America's enemies. Be good example for American school children. That is not job I am wanting. I say I am bad person because that is how someone like you would usually categorize me. I do not feel bad for things I have done. Yes, I have suffered, suffered much. Who hasn't? I am Russian, suffering is like breathing, everyone does it and it usually stinks if you get too close to it."

"I do not do bad things because I am forced or because I am brainwashed. I do them because I am good at them. Because they are easy and now, because they pay well. Yes, this is my job right now. I am part of capitalist work force. Go team. Rah."

Captain America has posed:
    "I'd disagree with my job description, Miss Belova." Steve's lip curves up slightly as he murmurs in reply. "I'm just a guy from Brooklyn trying to keep his head above water." Which, ultimately, is how the man still views himself. And might be part of the reason he's endured all of the madness that has surrounded his life.
    Though he does make an admission, perhaps grudging as he recognizes the truth of some of her words. Since... he does try to be what he can. So he adds another word.
    Then he looks on her as he listens to the way she views her world, imagining how he would categorize her, how he would view her. At the mention of Russian and suffering she might catch a slight twist to the corner of his mouth. A hint of memory spurred by a few of the Russians he's known and fought beside ages ago. So he nods at that summary.
    But then explains why she does what she does. And for a time he watches. A time that extends the space of a few heartbeats. Perhaps some part might care, likely little if any, what he'll view or say. Then he offers, "So long as you do your job and help my friends, Miss Belova, then I'm glad to have you on my team."

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova drops her head back against her chair, "Oh god, you are so nice. Why are you so nice? You are supposed to be ultimate American! Americans are not nice! Americans are loud, crass bozo people with giant cars! It is because you are old timer, that must be it. You are from when America was actually good and not just bloated carcass of good country that has gone fat with rot in the sun," she says.

She sighs and shakes her head, "I am sorry for you. This world must be hard for a good man. I do not know if I have met one before. You are like unicorn. Precious baby unicorn Captain America."

Captain America has posed:
    At first one eyebrow cocks almost spock-like in its precision. But Spock never had a smirk hiding at the corner of his mouth which came more to the fore as she railed more and more. He did, however, lowers his eyes as his lips parted and he laughed a little. Just a chuckle as he shook his head and then looked back up at her with his blue eyes twinkling a bit in amusement.
    "Hey. That America is still there. Still plenty of nice people. Good people." He lifts his chin a little as he murmurs, "Though, to be entirely fair there was no shortage of gigantic jerks an oafs even back in my day. I met more than my fair share of loudmouths when I was younger." And gotten a good whupping from them too.
    "You just gotta find the good, and sorta want to find it." Then, as if that sealed the folder on the brief that is titled, 'Yelena Belova, Black Widow' he closes that line of inquiry by opening another.
    "Now is there anything you want to know or anything that will help us perform better in case we see some action?"