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Opera Intermezzi
Date of Scene: 17 February 2022
Location: Penthouse - Stark Tower
Synopsis: Pepper wakes up in the middle of the night thanks to the evil perfidy and neglect of that cad, Tony Stark. Thankfully the handsome and virile Steve Rogers is there to console her through her troubled times.
Cast of Characters: Pepper Potts, Captain America

Pepper Potts has posed:
It's somewhere around 4 am, a time of the night no sane people are really awake. Pepper shouldn't be awake, but the sometimes nightmares she has have become more prominent around the more dangerous things Tony does. It's like they have an association, or something. The fact there is an assassin after Tony and he's half way across the country? It means Pepper woke up in a cold sweat, panting, utterly certain her boss is trapped in the middle east again. Certain enough that her shaking fingertips had to reach for her phone to look at the actual news. When she confirms he's fine, nothing happened, but she's awake now.

Still a little shaky, pale and covered in a cold sweat, the redhead stumbles out into the front area. She's hugging a big, fluffy robe around her and her perfect red hair is an utter mess for once. This is not a side of Pepper Potts anyone in the world gets to see, but here it is.

Captain America has posed:
    And, of course, Captain Rogers is right there to see it.
    Though his rise from the couch seat is apparent. Likely at the sound of her being drawn sharply awake by her resonant thoughts in the depths of her dreams... he had stood. Waited. Perhaps thought she would try to head back to sleep.
    But then she emerged. "Pepper."
    The living area is much as she left it. Though there are signs of the visitors. An empty bag of pizza combos marks Yelena's passing through the area. For Steve there's a deck of cards laid out in the pattern of solitaire on that coffee table. If she were a little more awake she also might notice how the shutters are closed on the wide bank of windows. Though there are small signs of Cap having walked the rooms, made sure of connection and security just by small tell-tale signs. A slightly moved table here. An adjusted chair there.
    "Bad dreams?" He asks with a small smile turned a little toward the remorseful.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Maybe her tired mind forgot that he was there. Maybe she just didn't want to be alone. Either way, he's seen the worst of her now. No make up, messy hair, no stockings or fancy shoes. Just a plain faced, exhausted woman who looks somehow painfully younger for not being her usual put together self. Also, it might suddenly be clear where she gets her nick name. Those very faint freckles she generally hides under make up aren't faint at all. They spread all across her face like someone spilled a jar of pepper on her. She simply tones them down to a socially acceptable standard with a lot of make up every day.

"Hey... I... yeah. I guess. I'm... sorry. You didn't... I didn't wake you, did I? I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean... I should have put on more... Just... Sorry." She rambles, slightly stammering, nervous and embarrassed all at the same moment.

Captain America has posed:
    "No, it's fine." Steve says as he steps back and to the side, hovering in that halfway state in body language when someone is considering going one way or another as he murmurs to her, "You want something to drink? Some coffee?" In case she wanted to wake up?
    "Something else?" In case she wanted to go back to sleep.
    Then he can see her wending her way through the mental cobwebs that cloud one's thoughts upon rising and he moves toward her. "Here, have a seat. I'll be right back." That said he offers that way a man has of gently guiding someone to a chair that... isn't too helpful really. Unless the person does lose their footing. Once that's done he'll move into the kitchen as the lights flicker on.
    "You didn't wake me, I'm fine."

Pepper Potts has posed:
While it might not always be that helpful, right now it's very helpful for someone else to be making decisions for Pepper's tired, rattled mind. She lets herself be lead over towards the chair, stepping slowly before sinking down there. Automatically, her bare legs curl up beneath her, feet tucking into the crack between chair side and cushion, trying to keep all of her as small and warm as possible. Her arms are hugged across her chest, trying to press all those emotions back inside as she gets control of herself.

"I told you that you... you really should get some sleep, you know? This all feels so silly, being watched like... like I'm someone important. Or anyone could even get up here to hurt me. I know you all have better things to do..."

Captain America has posed:
    It takes a little bit. Not too long. The smell of chocolate might be in the air a moment or two before the Avenger emerges carrying a mug of cocoa in both hands. It even has a smattering of small marshmallows on top which are revealed as he leans over and offers it.
    "Don't get me wrong," He says as he either gives her the mug or sets it on the end table near where she's tucked into. "I like sleep. But I don't always need it. Especially when I'm supposed to be keepin' my wits about me."
    That said he returns to the coffee table, settling back down on the edge of the seat he had been using. A brief glance is given to the game of solitaire then he sweeps the cards up and together into the deck before casually shuffling them only to set them aside.
    "How are you holding up?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
"I'm fine." Pepper answers almost immediately. It's the instinctive answer, the one she is SUPPOSED to give, that didn't give her any enough time to actually think about it. It's the only acceptable answer in corporate America and that is where Pepper lives her entire life. She stares forward for a few heartbeats, accepting that mug of cocoa with a fainter smile a moment later.

"Sorry. I know you asked... and meant it. That's not really an answer. I'm... worried. Confused. Frustrated. Really, as fine as I've been since he got back from Afghanistan. Dreams come and go. It... it really is fine." Pepper states that last part softer than before. It's a half truth. She's learned to live with it, fine or not.

Captain America has posed:
    "Yeah." Steve says and nods a little with that word. Accepting her own as given back to him and considering them, then he turns in the chair and sits back with an almost visible effort. He even crosses a sneaker over his knee though he doesn't convey too much of being at ease. Since yes, he's worried about Tony too.
    "A lot of times when someone asks me that, I usually mean... I will be fine. Or I'll make it fine." His smile is there as he tilts his head one way, then the other slightly. "I know that's not entirely what people mean. But yeah."
    His brow quirks slightly as he looks past her and to the side, as if trying to see the answers somehow written on the wall behind her. "The waiting is never easy. Feeling like you're on someone else's time table." He looks back, his features shifting a little like he knows that's small comfort.

Pepper Potts has posed:
A quiet, understanding nod comes from her as he explains fine and the way he uses it. "Yeah. Me too." She whispers softly. But it's nice to hear that he understands. He even gets a softer smile from her as she looks up from her hot cocoa and dares to meet his eyes. She takes a small sip of the warming beverage, sinking deeper into the chair and letting the soothing warmth stretch through her whole body.

"You know... he said he never wants me down there with you all. That I'm suppose to be sitting on the helicarrier, like the other night, doing nothing but watching while you all risk your lives. Day in and day out. I know that's what your doing. Even if I could help more from the ground he... doesn't want me down there."

Captain America has posed:
    She can catch it. The small tell he has, micro or otherwise, of drawing in a breath abruptly when he doesn't entirely agree with a friend's read of a situation. But also combined with that slight look to the side when he's also realizing... it might not entirely be his place.
    So when he speaks it's after a moment when he looks back. "I know it would be a hard thing. To let someone you care about go into harm's way. When you know they might not have to."
    He pauses, looking askance toward her as he lightly worries the corner of his mouth in reflection. "Not fair for me to judge as I haven't crossed that bridge in quite the same way myself. I never knew what the person I cared for was up to during the war. She was in Intelligence. So sometimes she was around. Sometimes not. But if I could've saved her from the danger would I?"
    "I don't know." He smiles a little, "It was up to her. She'd kick my butt if I tried to tell her to be safe. But that was the kind of woman she was."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Even this tired, hunkered over a cup of hot chocolate, Pepper is sharp as a knife. She catches that faint tell, the pause of his breath and just slight tightening of his eyes. That makes her smile flicker a little warmer. It's reassuring to know that her read of the situation might be right or, at least, someone else might agree with her. Even if he's not really voicing it.

"I mean... you were all at *war*. Wasn't everyone in danger at the same time always anyway? I guess... modern day is a little like war. With the weird things. But I don't think it's the same. There is so much more safety here. Even down on the ground, we'd be safer than World War Two. And... I told him, if I can do everything I need from the sky, I will. But if there is ever any time I can do better work down there... I'm coming with you all, you know? I'm a part of this. I'm not letting you do it alone because you all have these powers and... feel like you should."

Captain America has posed:
    There's a faint ripple in his manner as he nods along with her, recognizing what she's saying. But his eyebrows climb, and he exhales a small chuff of breath that would be a laugh if he gave it a little more energy. "Probably best to talk to Tony about it. But don't sell yourself short. It always is good to have a calm voice on the comms. And good to have someone with eyes on the big picture."
    He uncurls a hand, "You just..." His head wobbles slightly as if trying to find the right words and they don't come as easily summoned. He smiles a little, then finally offers. "I've seen a lot of people who want to contribute. To do well. To do right."
    A pause. "A lot of young men." He says slowly. "When they would come over. They wanted to win the war themselves. And it..."
    A hand lifts to rub at the back of his neck, though his gaze doesn't waver. "It didn't always work out well. For them."

Pepper Potts has posed:
While Pepper and Steve don't really know each other all that well, this is the most amount of time they've ever had to spend together, that doesn't mean she doesn't know him. Her pale eyes narrow on him, an amused line of a smirk coming across her lips. "This from 90 lbs soaking wet Steve Rogers? The man who lied to how many different recruiters trying to get enlisted when no one would take him for being a 4F? This from the man who probably WOULD have gotten himself killed over there if it wasn't for his moxie and a lot of luck with a genuine doctor, hm?" Pepper really is amused, those words as affectionate and teasing as they are pointing out a honest bit of history.

She then sighs and waves one hand gently, silencing herself with a deep, savoring sip of the hot cocoa. It definitely seems to help, something she'd never have thought to make herself, but it is relaxing her. "But I get your point. I do. I know I... I have to be careful, and I am."

Captain America has posed:
    Pepper has him and he gives a steady nod as she retells his origin to him with the ease of understanding and casual ribbing that a woman like herself commands so calmly. He nods along with the words, and his eyebrows rise as he murmurs, "I know. I know."
    He takes a deep breath in and keeps nodding. "I wanted to fight. I didn't want to fund raise or... gather metal... or try to help morale. I wanted to fight." He points at her with one finger without raising his hand from the arm of the chair, "I felt at the core that..."
    A look is given to the side then he looks back, "That even if I..." He smiles and then exhales through that smile, as if exhausted as he murmurs, "Even if I stopped a bullet for someone, saved them. Gave them a chance to make a difference. That I'd have done my duty."
    "But yeah," He smiles a little more, then nods. "In the reflection of age now I don't think I'd have done it differently. Maybe go further out than Jersey and enlisted in Connecticut somewhere? They were pretty lax out thattaway."
    "I think I was more saying... I understand how Tony must feel. To a lesser extent."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Listening to him relay his story, the determination still behind his eyes, but the distance of age there too, it makes her smile. Pepper's not certain if many people get to see this side of Steve and she will happily bask in the bits of him that he's opening up instead of focusing on her own issues. It practically confirms that they are friends.

Besides, he made her hot chocolate.

At the end, she gives a low sigh and a slight incline of her head in his direction about how Tony feels. "I will give you that. I do understand how he feels. I do. That's the way I feel every time I watch you all go out there and can do nothing but sit and worry. God, Steve, I... I thought he was dead... so long. He was gone so long in that desert. Now we get him back and he's risking his life every other day" Pepper sighs, shaking her head, "Maybe I'm just not cut out for this..."

Captain America has posed:
    A deep breath is taken. He holds it. Then slowly exhales through his nose as he nods with that same understanding. "It's not an easy life, being a part of someone's who has chosen to risk their's regularly."
    He glances away for a moment, then back. "I think it's likely that Tony doesn't do it frivolously, and I think with some of what you've said, some of how he's been, I think he does perceive the world now more through a filter of what'll make Miss Potts happy. And what'll worry you less."
    That same hand he had pointed at her with lifts a little, as if brushing his own words away. "In any case, I know it's pointless in saying. But try not to worry. Tony is a remarkable guy. And he's got good people around him."
    A look is spared for those pizza-flavored combos on the table as he twists a half-smirk, "Eccentric, but good m'thinking."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Watching where his eyes go, Pepper leans forward and slides the combos across the table in his direction. "Come on, if anyone can eat whatever they like and keep their girlish figure, it's you. Have at. I certainly won't touch them. My indulgence is right here." Pepper pats the cup in her hands, smiling a little wider. There is gratitude behind that smile. He really did just the right thing. Despite her lack of make up, she looks far more calm and put together than she did when she first shuffled out of the bedroom.

"And yes. I'll... talk to him. I need to talk to him. If you see the good in him. The good that he's doing. That's... enough. We'll all figure this out. We're pretty much trying to put it together as we go, aren't we? That's just... life. I just don't have all the budgets, and ledgers, and rules to this situation that I do in business. I don't have any rails. It's all... it's just so much."

Captain America has posed:
    "Oh nah, just..." Steve starts to perhaps explain his point of view as his eyes twinkle a little, but then lifts a hand and murmurs, "I'm good."
    Then she mentions she'll talk to him and he nods with some emphasis at that course of action. "I think that'd be a good idea. Sounds like you guys had a long talk due before it got interrupted with." He lifts his chin slightly, the other hand now lifting to casually motion toward the ceiling, though likely meaning the world. The assassins. Everything.
    But then she offers her insight into how the world, and the madness that goes on around them. How there's little safety to draw on which has him smiling as he murmurs, "Yeah. I lucked out and had people who were good at pointing me in the right direction. Very fortunate in that regard."
    A look is given toward the windows still shaded, then toward the kitchen as he murmurs. "You gonna try and get some more sleep? If not I'll see if I can wrangle up some breakfast."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"I... I probably should. It's going to be a long day tomorrow. The secret of Stark Industries is that we keep going no matter what Tony does. Because *I* keep us going. Head buried in a lab or across the country, the board of directors and business waits for no one." Pepper slowly unfolds from her chair, sipping the last of her hot chocolate. She then walks over to him and leans over. If he permits and doesn't tense up or draw away, she tugs him into a tight, honest to god hug. Not one of those light business back pats. This is a hug meant to squeeze souls back into bodies.

"THank you for coming, Steve. You really are a friend."

Captain America has posed:
    There's no drawing back, no reluctance. When she wanders over for the hug he turns so it's easy for him to curve an arm around her waist and return the embrace. One hand lightly patting on her shoulder as he holds. Then squeezes her for a moment. Just that handful of moments of pressure to let her know there's another human that's there and that cares.
    Then he eases back and looks up at her, smiling. "Thank you, Pepper. I'll... get back to it. Very important solitaire playing to get to. In a few hours I'll work on breakfast." Not like he needs to, likely Jarvis can handle that well enough. But still. Idle hands.
    "Don't worry. Even if Tony's a bit of a caution... he does know how to handle himself."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"That's my secret, Cap... I'm always worried." Pepper flashes him a smile, maybe having heard a line like that from someone else before. With that little quip, she gives him a smile and turns, heading off to the guest bedroom. The last sounds are the door shutting behind her and a robe being tossed aside as she falls into bed again. She does, at least, sleep. Steve took care of her in all the right ways tonight, even if it wasn't saving her from an assassination attempt.