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Latest revision as of 04:35, 18 February 2022

Date of Scene: 15 February 2022
Location: Penthouse - Stark Tower
Synopsis: Carol and Yelena come to Tony with information. Important information.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Black Widow (Belova), Captain Marvel (Danvers)

Iron Man has posed:
Back in the City. Clear skies, just really, really cold. Not Siberia sort of weather, but it's always just a little chillier in the urban areas. The snowfall from a few days ago hasn't disappeared, and so is getting that layer of grey grime. Not attractive, but a fact of life.

At any given time, it's hard to know if Tony Stark is in residence in the Tower, though the media does try to track his movements. Last night DC, home again in NYC; spotted disembarking from the yacht and getting picked up in a long, sleek, black limosine for the ride back. Even Captain America doesn't have the cameras on him as much as the other 'hometown hero' does. Mind, Tony Stark has never hid from them either, so he can always be trusted for a wave, a statement, or a picture.

Within, Tony's in the Penthouse again, suit jacket off, tie loosened, top button undone. He's got a tumbler in hand filled with his drink of choice; nothing wrong with scotch in the morning, right? Not when there's a full day ahead. And this full day?

Tony has small holographic renderings of a Quin, or at least it looks like one. Mostly. It's on one of his worktables that he has, and his StarkPad isn't far away. He's sipping on his drink thoughtfully, dark eyes studying it, waving a finger for it to spin so he can see all angles.

So begins his day.

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova had gotten in contact with Carol about setting up a meeting with Tony. While she had encountered the billionaire in the past, their interaction had been fairly informal and, frankly, not likely to produce a high level meeting, unless it was a meeting that would lead potentially to his private quarters.

After assuring, re-assuring and triple-assuring Carol that she had no ill intent towards Tony, she and Carol arrived together. Yelena wears a green overcoat, her hair drawn back into a ponytail, her make-up simple and her ears adorned with pearls. She has submitted to necessary scans and does not appear to be armed.

When they are lead in and allowed to see Tony, she smiles thinly, "We meet again, Tony Stark," she says, stepping aside to let the more formidable figure of Captain Marvel come in.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
After last time, it probably required quadrupal assurances. Carol was willing to give Yelena a measured benefit of the doubt. But she wasn't interested in being manipulated into helping an attempt on any of the Avengers. It was kind of a bad career move from her point of view.

Carol did, in fact, make the arrangements for a meeting - one that wasn't part of some wild party Tony was either attending or hosting. Arriving with Yelena, she too was dressed in civvies; Alpha Flight Director appropriate attire. A tan pant suit with a blue blouse under the well tailored jacket and heels. She knew how to dress up when appropriate after all.

Nodding to Tony as they entered, she greeted him, "Tony. Thanks for meeting." She looks to Yelena and defers to her.

Iron Man has posed:
<<Colonel Danvers and her guest have arrived, sir. Where shall I tell them to meet you?>>

Tony doesn't pull his eyes from the display when he answers, though he gives something of a shrug, "Here's fine, JARVIS."

<<Yes, sir.>>

The ladies are directed to the elevators, and as they step in, a British accented voice addresses them, <<Mr Stark is expecting you in the Penthouse.>> Just as fair warning, they're going up the 90 floors.

Once there, the door opens without their having to do anything; knock, announce themselves. And as the door opens, Tony turns around slowly, offering a smile, "Colonel." A nod accompanies it before he looks to Yelena, and his brows rise. "I actually didn't think I'd see you again. Not sure why." Shaking his head at the pair, he lifts what's left of his drink to his lips, finishes it and sets it aside.

The Penthouse? Huge.. and the balcony beyond is half-again the size. Stair spiral up, a waterfall fills in the space underneath. In the center of the room, with something of a sunken space, a fireplace sits. The bar, however, seems to have a special place as it is also near a secondary set of stairs, its backed against a second floor walkway that has no other purpose but to add more vertical space. Probably for parties.

"What's on your mind?"

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova takes off her coat, revealing a trim bodysuit underneath, the zipper drawn up to her neck, buckles and pouches showing where the weapons -would- have been, had she brought them in. She already surrendered her Widow bracers to Carol before they arrived.

"You didn't? And here I hoped I had made an impression, Tony Stark," she says. If she's impressed by the luxury around her, she isn't likely to show it. She selects a chair for herself and sits, crossing her legs and leaning back.

"The good Captain and I had recently had a talk about the best way for me to behave while I am visiting your country. I must say, she is very strict in her standards of behavior. I feel positively stifled. But in a show of good faith, I am here to inform you that an offer has been put out on your life, Tony Stark, for a very sizeable sum and I am quite certain there are elite assassins more than willing to take the chance in order to earn that reward."

"Even I thought about it. For a moment," she says with a dimple.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol Danvers knew Tony just liked to needle people. It seemed to be a way to get others off guard and lend him an advantage, she thought. Such as referring to her retired Air Force rank rather than treat her as a fellow Avenger, or use her Alpha Flight status as a Director. It was what endeared him to people. So many, in fact, that some would seem to wish his time in this life should come to an abrupt end. It was why they were here according to Yelena, so she lets the woman make her business pitch.

At Yelena's mild protest over how she was expected to behave while in the States, she shrugs, "No killing, no maiming or crippling. There are plenty of other forms of entertainment I didn't put on your banned list, Ms. Belova." She offers a playful smile.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony rubs at the side of his face; still cleanly shaven and sculpted from the night before, his other hand dropping into his suit pants pocket. He lives in them, so while others would see them as uncomfortable, they're just another set of clothes for him. "Right," and while he sounds dismissive, his head is turned, canted slightly as he consider. "So... this is Wednesday." He rolls his hand, and shakes his head, "Always going to have nuts to try and take me out. It comes with the suit."

As he processes the rest of it, Tony actually pauses, and looks pensive before, "Really. That good?"

Tony smirks at the proffered list of 'what not to do', and he nods, his head bouncing slightly, "I think that's pretty generous." An exhale exits the man and he looks to Carol, lips pressing together, "What makes his different?" He chuckles finally, and shakes his head again before he walks towards his desk to turn off the hologram.

"Any idea whose corn flakes I peed in this week? Or is it just a general 'I hate Iron Man' thing?" It could be over a hostile takeover, a merger, the country they're saving.. or the fact that he still uses some fossil fuels, even though he's been better at that. It takes a while to convert everything over!

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova knew the arrogance would be the first front to deal with. "Yes, yes, I know, you are very jaded man who is not afraid of anything. Mighty Iron Man cannot be touched," she says.

"You are used to dealing with thug. Brute force monster or madman, wanting to make big show. These are true killers of which I speak. The silent kind who will take the money and no credit. I know them well. I am one of them," she says.

"And before you dismiss, think of how easily and how close I came to you. I had no ill intent, it was simple chance. But even you cannot be vigilant at all times, Tony Stark. You cannot wear your indestructible shell at all times. It is not cowardly to take caution when your feet are in snakepit."

She looks over at Carol, her eyes sultry and sloe, "Is any hope he will listen? Or am I beating my head against brick wall?"

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol Danvers shrugs to Tony as he speculates who is after him this time. It wasn't her intel she was just here to make it clear that the little blonde killer wasn't actually here with evil intentions. This time. Who can know the future?

To Yelena she shrugs, "Well? This is pretty standard Tony, you're dealing with here. Nothing new there." She looks to Tony, "There's always hope. I mean he has enough common sense to keep Ms. Potts to ensure his schedule doesn't entirely jump off the tracks.. so he does have a measure of self preservation." She'd hold his gaze a moment before looking to Yelena, "Yeah. I think there's a good chance he'll pay attention to this. But he'll still play it Classic Tony. You'll get used to it" she counsels with a bit of a smile.

Iron Man has posed:
As Yelena speaks, dark eyes are on Carol, trying to get a gauge on the woman's response to the blonde's words. Last week, last month, last year, he would have thanked them for the information and their concern was noted and that the elevator would bring them back down to the ground floor. That was then.


There's a little more at stake.

"Everyone likes to be in the spotlight," Tony reminds. "Do you have any idea how many threats I get a day? Big man, talking tough to an Avenger, talking to Iron Man, talking to Tony Stark." And not necessarily in that order. "All little people trying to make their mark in the world, and in the end? Everyone talks."

Tony starts a cross towards the bar, gesturing towards it with a sweep of his hand, "Can I get you something?" When he arrives, it'll be another glass of scotch. On the rocks. "Of course I'll play it Classic Tony. If I don't, I know you'd be disappointed."

The glass stopper is pulled from the bottle, and another drink is poured.

"Then tell me, Yelena," dark eyes fasten on to the blonde, "Isn't there some code? You don't take it, but you sure as hell don't tell the mark?" Brows raise at the end, underscoring the question. "That's not going to sit well, right?" Tony knows something about it all, but the ins and outs, who is scary and what that pecking order is, he actually doesn't know. Is the Hand better than the Foot? Ten Rings better than 5? Or.. whatever?

"How much? Exactly how serious are they about this?"

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova pushes up and goes to the bar herself. She has no need of Tony to serve her and can spot what she wants easily enough, finding a quality vodka and pouring herself a glass, straight, without anything added to it. She drinks it like water, half a glass in a single gulp, although even she can't entirely hide the scald that comes with it.

"That is my business, Tony Stark. Sufficed to say, I was not popular already. I kill too many other killers to be happy playmate. I do not care. I choose what I do," she says.

"I am tired of living like vermin. I want to, as they say, come in from cold. To do that, I need to make friend with powerful people. You, Big Blonde Captain, maybe even Yankee Doodle Dandy Shield Boy," she says, taking another sip.

"But whatever this is - is personal. Not about Iron Man. About Tony Stark. Whoever put out this contract want more than death. Want suffering. Want pain. Want proof," she says.

"Double the money if they bring back your head."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol Danvers declines the offered drink with a quiet, "I'm good, thanks."

She looks from Tony to Yelena then back. "I am inclined to believe her. But you know it is with Natasha. Even when she's being good and honest? She's still terrifying." Idly, she watches Yelena fix herself a drink and promptly make half of it disappear. There was a time..

"Regarding the threat, it was best you know so you can make decisions regarding. With regards to her desire to.. warm up? I think it absolutely will require a reunion with Natasha to let her judge the extent of sincerity? I've accepted the assertions this far but one doesn't just put their hand in the mouth of a Tiger because it starts purring" she observes with a shrug.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony watches Yelena approach, and makes herself at home at the bar. Even on the lower shelves, he's got 'top shelf'. No reason not to. Alcohol from all over the world and some that isn't sold outside the borders. Customs tends not to be too big an issue for him.

"Okay," there's nothing like hear that not only does someone want you dead, it's personal. Very personal. Suffering, pain.. and while he does keep that straight face, there's something behind those brown eyes. Brows do rise, however, as Carol talks about bringing Natasha in. He looks.. puzzled.

"Okay, so we talk to Agent Romanoff?" There are just certain names he keeps with, whether they're right or not. "I mean," Tony shrugs and finishes the scotch, his second glass, and it looks as if it simply doesn't touch him, "Sure? Why not? I just don't see the connection, other than they're both Russian." Still, Natasha does have insight.

He looks at Yelena, studies her for a what seems to be forever, but it's only a couple of heartbeats. "Who are you? I've got a fireplace, and I can take Carol's recommendation for this, or I can completely ignore it. But I don't know who you are. Doesn't mean I won't have your entire life's history if it's anywhere. Don't care if it's Russian, by the way." Everyone talks.

"You're doing okay in terms of convincing me." Tony puts the glass down and pushes it towards his bottle. He's not interested in more for the moment.

"Are you looking to be part of a security crew? Or are you looking for my blessing to send you out there like some guided missile to take out the threats?"

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova almost spits at hearing Natasha's name, her eyes narrowed, "I'd rather not, if it's all the same, but if I am not to be given choice, then I will face the bitch eye to eye," she says.

At the question, she says, "I am like her. A Black Widow. An assassin of the Red Room. A killer of killers. A girl born and raised for the singular purpose of slitting throats," she says.

"I am not like Natasha Romanoff. I am no guilty sinner looking for redemption. I do not need the absolution. But I do want to be free. I do not know what that means. But if you would have use for me, I will do what you want and without a crying and whining about a little spilled blood."

"I will find the one who hunts you and if you want, it will be his head on the platter."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol Danvers looks to Yelena and says simply, "If you're serious about changing your ways, then that is all the reason to involve her. If anyone is going to be sure you're playing this honestly it'd be her."

She looks to Tony and playfully chides him. "We're having two conversations here, Tony. Try to keep up." There is a sparkle in her eyes. It isn't often she gets to pick on the Master of Sarcasm. "She wants to defect, to put it directly. And she's also trying to show good will by letting you know about this contract. They don't have to be directly related in resolution" she says with an indiffernt wave of her hand.

"The foremost of the two is determining what we do about keeping you alive and well. Then we can proceed on helping Yelena find her way toward a new path, if that is what she wishes."

Iron Man has posed:
"You know what I need from you?" Tony considers his words carefully, speaking them slowly as they emerge. Decisions are made in the single beat of a heart; decisions that can affect the lives of people closest to him. "While you're doing this, I'm going to give you an extra task." For which she'll be paid.. probably more than the GNP of a small country.

He looks at Carol and rolls his eyes, arms rising to cross in front of his chest. If there was any blue light bleed through from his reactor, it's hidden now. "Okay, okay," and a hand is waved from the tucked arms. "I'll remember that next time I see you napping during one of Steve's briefings." He smirks and shakes his head, "Don't think I don't notice these things."

Revenge is a dish best served cold!

The explanation of who Yelena 'is' gains a slow nod, lips pressing again as he weighs all of his options. "I don't cry over despots, or murderers," Tony says softly, deliberately. "I also think that they should be brought to justice, but I'm not stupid enough or naive enough to believe that's always an option." Wasn't he the one that returned to a village and killed those that were harming the civilians? He definitely has no qualms. For him, though, it has to be for the //right// reasons. To defend an innocent. Right a wrong. And there's always the path back.

In that, maybe he does have a couple of things in common with that Black Widow?

Ideas are forming in his head, followed by plans within plans within plans. In silent acknowledgment of them, Tony refills his glass and by the time he makes it to his desk across the room, it's empty. But, once he sets the glass down, he opens the drawer. There, he pulls out a state of the art StarkPhone. Twisting about, he tosses it to Yelena. "You'll get an earbud, too. But, after you talk to Agent Romanoff," he smiles quickly, the gesture lacking humor, "we'll talk."