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An Assassin's Test
Date of Scene: 01 March 2022
Location: Penthouse - Stark Tower
Synopsis: Bucky Barnes stops by unexpectedly to test some of Tony's security. Pepper gets one of the most pleasant surprises she's had in a long while. Old stories are shared about Stark men and Howling Commandos.
Cast of Characters: Winter Soldier, Pepper Potts

Winter Soldier has posed:
    In the end, it's always Stark. Stark is where it begins, Stark is where it will probably end. First the father, now the son, and god forbid the son ever begets, as the biblical phrase goes. There is one constant in Bucky's life, from before to the after, and the central motif is and always will be, Stark. So he does feel a little bit protective of the guy, like an older uncle feels of a particularly precocious nephew.

    Mean to say, if anyone is going to assassinate Tony, it's going to be him, dammit.

    For a moment he toyed with wearing the suit Tony had bought him a while ago after the inter-dimensional shenanigans, but this wasn't a social call. This was, in a way, business. Which means that ironically he can't be dressed for business, that would just cause no end of trouble. People get worried someone is going to die if he shows up in his usual business gear.

    That means he is on his best behavior, and given that there's going to be a slightly frazzled civilian involved, in his least frightening attire. And it is in that state of dress and frame of mind that he presses the penthouse button in the lift, requesting access.

    "Good afternoon ma'am. Agent Barnes, Strategic Homeland Intervention, Extra-Legal Division. May I come up?".

    He could not resist the joke.

Pepper Potts has posed:
It takes Pepper a few moments to answer. Maybe she was in the shower? Maybe she was just lost in a work email? Or, more likely, she was frantically having JARVIS look up who the heck Agent Barnes is and if this is someone who can be trusted. And then verifying his identity -- she has been taught some security measures she should be strictly following as their is concern about assassins on the horizon. Which means, by the time she moves to answer, the lift is probably already opening.

"Y-yes... Agent Barnes, come in? That was... fast." She boggles slightly. Pepper looks like a particularly fine strawberry blonde bird. She's still in the process of rebuttoning her suit jacket from the day and slipping into her high heels, trying to put herself back together from how she was 'relaxing' over the evening. Tony is no where to be seen, but he is as likely to be buried in his workshop as he is out on the town. She gives Bucky an awkward, nervous little smile, utterly confused as to how he managed up quite so quickly.

"I...I didn't realize I'd be getting company. Tony isn't quite home yet and, I mean, it's his home. I'm just here, well... I don't... It's not as dangerous as they think, but he's over protective, and there's a guest room. So I'm here. In the guest room. I mean. When I'm not working." She forces herself to take a breath. "I'm Pepper." There, that's a better start.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    There is only one expression on Bucky's face, and that is polite detachment. Even if he was for a moment taken by Pepper's appearance, and drawing parallels to people in his past. He waves away the apology, and makes no mention at all of the explanation, instead approaching and offering his hand. His right hand. Not the other. Never the other.

    "Please, Miss Pepper, forgive me for discommoding you at this time of day. I wish I could have called ahead, but that would have defeated the purpose of the visit." Accompanying the smile is the set of manners, the soft spoken voice, a man out of time as much as Captain Rogers is. A gentleman of the old school. The smiling assassin.

    "I'm an acquaintance of Mister Stark, and given the current circumstances, I figured an application of my particular skill set would be welcome."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper's head tilts a bit more to the side, a smattering of confusion across her features, much like that dusting of freckles she usually well hides beneath make up, but it's later in the day and much has worn off over time. She studies him up and down for a few heartbeats. "Miss Potts, really. Or... Pepper, just Pepper, is fine. I'm Tony's... Assistant." That's mostly accurate. They weren't anything else, not admitted aloud, at least. And she wasn't his partner in business or anything that fancy. So, for some reason, his assistant is living at the penthouse and looking like she had been comfortable but a few minutes ago.

Then a few other conversations she's had swim to memory. She smiles -- something genuine and affectionate, not near so nervous as before. "Barnes. James Barnes. Bucky. You're... you're Steve's friend. I've seen some photos. He's been helping with... all this mess." She gestures to the immaculately clean suite. Other than a small tray of take out sushi, a glass of wine, and her work station set up at the coffee table.

"Would you like something to drink? Or eat? I can order more food in, it'd be easy, or probably make something. There's... some eggs in the fridge. We're not really cooking people." Pepper admits with a nervous little laugh.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    In a glance, Bucky takes it in. The smile, the state of the penthouse, the slight nerves. And he finally unbends somewhere when Pepper uses his name, which means that she can be trusted. Nobody who isn't absolutely trustworthy knows that name, Steve usually makes sure of that. And given that she has just mentioned 'Steve' rather 'Captain America', that solves another conundrum. "That's right. We were in the Howling Commandos together, back in the day. Crazy times." And that is punctuated by a wink, before he steps further into the penthouse, removing a security pass from the inside pocket of his coat and casually putting it down on the nearest decorative table.

    It's a Stark security pass, granting access to all facilities, and he shouldn't have one. Someone, somewhere, is missing a pass, meaning that someone, somewhere, has made a critical security mistake.

    But, true to character, reformed as it is, he's not mentioning this, instead taking off his coat and heading for the kitchen. "Not cooking... in this kitchen? Now that's a tragedy."

    And within moments the Brooklyn boy is opening cupboards and rummaging through the fridge. "Can I make you something? There's enough here for a proper omelet at least, Barnes style. And please... call me James. Or Bucky, if you prefer."

Pepper Potts has posed:
It's like she can see the transition melting through him, from stiff and cold to the man she's certain is Steve Rogers' best friend. Her head tilts a bit more, bird like and curious, as she just stands and watches how much changes about James Barnes. Somehow, his willingness to relax also seems to echo through her after a few heartbeats. She takes in a deep, somewhat more calming breath, and steps over in his direction as he heads for the kitchen.

The Stark Security pass does get a look, blinking as she picks the thing up and carries it with her as she follows him into the kitchen. "First off, where dod you get this? I know everyone who is supposed to have one of these. I issue these. I did not issue one of these to any James Barnes. Secondly... You're the *guest* here. I should be cooking for YOU!" She huffs out a moment later, green eyes wide. But she can't bring herself to kick him out of the kitchen. He looks so happy.

"...ah... an... An omelet is lovely. If you make two. I'm not letting Steve's best friend leave without dinner."

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "It would be a criminal shame to let a kitchen like this go to waste." is Bucky's only reply to that particular suggestion, and he's already setting out two mugs and getting the eggs. A skillet is practically juggled onto the stove, and after a few seconds he even figures out the fancy-schmancy induction thing. But it's clearly something he needs to look at for a few moments. "I swear, these days even stoves have to come with instruction manuals."

    And he's oddly keeping his left shoulder well away from that thing, moving his prep to the other side of the kitchen island while the thin coating of butter starts to melt in the skillet, and eggs are carefully broken.

    He does glance over when the pass is mentioned, and shrugs as he looks to his cooking while answering. "Someone who wasn't careful with it. My particular skill set is infiltration, among other things. With everything that's going on, I just wanted to make sure the net around Tony was safe. And you, of course." Which is mentioned just as he, without irony, adds some fresh pepper to the eggs. "Looks pretty solid aside from a few minor hiccups."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"I cook! Sometimes!" Pepper insists with a small bit of a huff. "This is just Tony's kitchen. If... if you come by the Avenger's mansion on Sundays, I cook brunch. Not every Sunday, but most. Now I'm going to insist on it, you know? Especially since you're cooking now. We're friends now. So, the favor must be returned. No arguments." No matter how slender or delicate Pepper might seem, there is absolutely a fire in her that screams of a stubborn woman who is used to bossing around Tony Stark. The more he gets her to talk when she's almost relaxed, the more he can see it. She's a force of nature when she wants to be.

Her eyes then fall to that pass, frown deepening for a heartbeat as her mind processes just how bad that could have been. Even with their usual guards, someone could have just gotten in. "I... I'll handle the pass. And whomever lost it. We probably should revoke all access until this is passed anyway. But, I do think Tony is overreacting... It can't be that bad. And the person is out for *him*, not me." She grimaces quietly, leaning against the counter as she watches him cook. She doesn't seem to have much worry for her own safety, but the thought that someone is after Tony? It's putting worry lines around her eyes.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    There's a smile on Bucky's lips as he listens to Pepper, and when she practically orders him to come to brunch at the Mansion on Sunday, he can't help but nod and grin. "Yes Ma'am." Howard had Peggy, Tony has Pepper. Some things never change. The eggs are mixed in slightly unusual fashion, in a mug rather than in any kind of bowl, which means he can make two almost at the same time without having to dirty two bowls or mix one half prep with the other. Bit of salt, bit of pepper, a dash of truffle oil, and after some very thorough mixing, the first omelet is ready for the pan.

    He's watching it sizzle and cook when the pass comes up again, and the things it might have caused. "Not to brag, but I'm pretty good at what I do. Ask Steve sometime." And that gets another wink. "Or Natasha, she'll vouch for it."

    And that brings up a whole other topic. The Things That Could Have Happened. "Tony is a hard target, but the fact someone has taken a contract for him means that someone is supremely confident in their own skills. If that's merited, there could be unpleasantness. If not, sucks to be them."

Pepper Potts has posed:
While delivery sushi is a general favourite of Pepper's, she can't really remember the last time she had a hot, fresh dish of something cooked in for her. Cooked right there, so it's almost too hot to eat by the moment it's in front of her and she can smell the food as it cooks. Other than those brunches, kitchens aren't a usually used thing around here. But the moment that truffle oil hits the heat and the scent start hovering through the air, Pepper gives a low, appreciative groan. "...Eggs should *not* smell that good. You might have to teach me for brunch one of these weeks." He's won the day about the cooking. He gets to do it. She can't resist.

"So... expert at security infiltration, expert at Steve Rogers wrangling, and expert cook. What *can't* you do, is the question?" She's offers that with a teasing, approving grin. He's won over the nervous assistant fairly quickly.

And then there is the topic at hand. The real reason they are all here and she's living on order-in sushi. The assassination threat. She sighs to him, some of that smile falling away. "I know. And a Black Widow brought it to our notice. Not Natasha. The other one. Yelena. Took it serious enough that... well... here we are. I still don't think I'm much of a target but, apparently, I have been outvoted."

Winter Soldier has posed:
    As the eggs sizzle and slowly take on the consistency of that golden deliciousness that is a proper omelet, filling the air with the distinct smell of cooking egg and truffle, Bucky grins. "Wrangling Steve is easy. Wrangling Tony? I wouldn't know where to begin, I don't envy you the job. If that doesn't deserve someone cooking for you from time to time, I don't know what does."

    Plates, cutlery, napkins, he finds them in short order and arranges a double set, and before long the first omelet is ready to be served, slid from the skillet and expertly folded over. He toys briefly with the idea of adding a sprig of parsley, but decides he's pushed his luck far enough already. "Bon appetit!"

    The second egg mixture is stirred again for good measure, and then poured from the mug into the still hot pan, restarting the whole sizzle and smell symphony. "I'm not the guy to tell people what to do, or live their lives. But when a Black Widow comes to warn you, it's time to listen."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Tsk. Let me. The least I can do is get the place settings." Pepper insists, since he really has done all the cooking. She pulls down the lovely bone china rimmed in silver and the heavy silverware with Queen Anne styled handles. She had to have ordered all the things for the place, unless Tony inherited them from his parents, because it's all too lovely and fine a taste to have Tony's mark. She sets them out both a plate on the counter next to Bucky, then comes to rest her hip on the cabinets to the opposite side.

"That's what Tony said... That we should listen, not the bon appetit part," Pepper half teases, taking her plate and trying a small, bird-like bite though she will wait for his to be finished as well to really cut into her meal. She's polite like that. "And I suppose I listened. I've only gone out once for five minutes and still got a lecture about that." She smirks, fork toying at her eggs. "But there's always going to be someone after him. He's made a lot of enemies, and I'm not staying up here forever..."

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "Oh, you can't hang around inside your entire life waiting for your enemies to catch up. That just makes you an easier target." Yeah, that just slips out. Just in time for the second omelet to be done and slipped from the skillet onto the plate, folded with less care since it's his own, and Bucky will gladly accept second best for himself if it means giving someone else the best. It's a character flaw, no doubt. "But anyone Black Widows are afraid of should be enough to give you at least something to worry about a little." He should know.

    Ah, proper china plates, tasteful and functional, clearly the mark of someone with good taste. That instantly rules out any Stark, and whether the purchase was made by Peggy or Pepper is immaterial. "Ah wonderful, thank you. These seem like the kind of plates Howard would eat off when he wasn't risking his neck near the front." A bite of the omelet and then a weary shrug towards Pepper. "It runs in the family."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Shall we get comfortable?" She nods back towards the couch area. Pepper stands on ceremony many places, but a casual dinner with a new friend isn't one of those moments. She'd rather they both be able to put their feet up and enjoy their meal. "This smells incredible, for having... nearly nothing on hand. I suppose you war time boys really do know how to operate on scraps." That's one dramatic difference between them. It is very likely Pepper has never wanted for a single thing in her entire life. Well, other than Tony's safety.

She folds down into the couch, slipping out of her shoes againd and tucking her stockinged feet beneath her, off to the side. The plate is carefully perched in her lap and she eats as bird like and delicate as she looks, but she is enjoying it all. She's not shy about the food, just delicate. "Oh gosh. You... you did know Howard, didn't you? He passed before I ever came on to work for the family... I hear all these stories. But Tony... He hardly ever talks about him." There is a worried line across her face as she says that. "They're very alike?"

Winter Soldier has posed:
    Bucky, for his part, is never the one to stand on ceremony anywhere, except during critical phases of a combat mission. Doing the unexpected and being flexible in thinking is very much the core of his trade, which is why he happily sits down on the couch, angled so that he can see the private elevator, the balcony doors, and the inner doors in the reflection of the TV screen. "You learn to cook with what you have when you get five minutes for a fire, and even then you have to watch out for Tigers. Luckily you could usually hear them coming, but they can be sneaky devils if the terrain is right."

    The taste of the food takes him back several decades, and a few faces present themselves for reminiscence. So he's in the right frame of mind to discuss Tony's father. "Tony... how to put this. He takes after his father, he really does. Same drive, same energy, slightly greater genius and if you ever tell him I said that I'll deny it." Wink. "But of the two... let's put it this way. Between Tony and Howard, Tony is a people person."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"A people person? Tony *hates* people. Unless they are blonde, buxom, and he's two drinks in... And even then I'm generally cleaning up the day after and taking them out with the... Dry cleaning." Pepper is polite enough not to imply some of the things she's said about them to one of Tony's friends. But that news is a surprise to hear. "Stark men, I suppose..." She shakes her head slowly, taking another bite. "And to think, Howard somehow settled down enough that we even HAVE Tony. I suppose I'll take that as an... encouraging sign."

Then something catches in Pepper's mind. She realizes what she just said and a mottled touch of blush crosses her features, beneath her faint freckles. "For, well... whatever woman finally gets him to settle, that is."

Winter Soldier has posed:
    There is a thoughtful pause, and the moment is filled with Bucky taking another good bite, chewing thoughtfully has he frames a response. He's in a social minefield here, and one for which he has only ever glimpsed at the map. So watch your step, Soldier, mind your step. When he does speak, a few moments later, there's an odd quirked smile on his face.

    "Stark men, Miss Potts, attract to them two types of people. The strong, and the sycophants. They've got a use for the first, and use the second." Just the use of the formal was probably an indication that he's treading lightly. "I never had the opportunity to meet the absolute saint that Howard ended up marrying, but I can imagine the kind of traits she must have had. Willful, strong, organised, and determined. Nobody else would be able to live with him, and he wouldn't have been able to live with anyone else."

    And then, it seems, it's time for an anecdote. "Did you know Howard once flew a Lockheed Electra through some of the densest flak in Germany to drop Steve almost directly above a secret POW camp? Saved my life, and he did it to impress a woman."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper slows in her savoring of the lovely egg dish to fully concentrate on Bucky's features as he walks through the social minefield of describing Stark relationships. She's not a fool. She understands much of the subcontext he's suggesting, but isn't put off by it. If anything, it just confirms much of what she expected. A chargrined sort of smile decorates her lips for a moment as Bucky comments about whom Howard must of married. She makes no comments about similiarities.

"*What*? No, I did NOT know that. Steve neglected to mention the story as well, you know. All these heroes about and no one willing to tell me their heroic stories. Well, other than when I'm writing press releases for Tony. Then he's pretty willing to talk." She smirks.

"But, speaking of heroes, enough about Stark men. Tell me a bit about YOU, James Barnes? Tall, dark, humble, makes a mean omlete. Tell me a story."

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "As I've heard the story, Howard did it specifically to impress a British liaison officer and have the opportunity to ask her to a fondue. He was that kind of guy, but he was also a genius, the army had to put up with him. Honestly I liked him. We all did." We. And of that group, only three still live. The past is a place Bucky goes too often, so he's passing through quickly today, just enough to grab a few things. And leave other things behind, in a hurry.

    "Me? You want to hear about James Buchanan Barnes, Lieutenant, designated marksman of the Howling Commandos?" He actually manages to say that in a mock incredulous voice, accompanied by a smile. It's not a question he gets a lot. "Not much to say really. Born across the river in Brooklyn, went to school with this scrawny kid called Steve Rogers, looked after him as much as I could when his parents passed. Studied art, of all things, and I was looking forward to a life of sketching and painting when the war broke out." Slight pause and a blink. "You know how it was. Everyone wanted to do their part, I signed up, got recruited, got promoted. Steve tried to follow, he really did, but... he's like a terrier. Once he bites, he won't let go. One way or another, he was going to be in that war. Next thing I know, I get myself captured along with what's left of my platoon, and just when we're pretty sure it's the end, there's Steve. Twice as tall, twice as broad and three times as determined. He didn't just rescue us, against his own orders, he set fire to the place on the way out and then hiked us back across enemy territory for two days. We were always the Howling Commandos after that."

Pepper Potts has posed:
As Bucky actually does start talking about himself, Pepper seems to relax even more. She genuinely enjoys listening, the old time stories keeping that smile on her pale features. She takes a final bite of her eggs, setting the plate aside and then getting up. She doesn't ask, she just pours herself a little more wine and him an entirely fresh glass, setting it on the coffee table in front of him.

"I... can't imagine Steve like that. I know he was. I've seen the photos. But it's... rather hard to imagine, really. And you know, you're the one that *survived* in that prison for him to come get you. And survived long enough to... To be who you are now. So, no matter how damn remarkable Steve Rogers or Tony Stark is, I think I'm sitting across from someone pretty damn impressive as well." It seems Pepper has done more of her research that maybe he first thought.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "Thank you." it's really the only reply Bucky can make, especially with a glass of wine in front of him. He toys with it, but never seems to give it more than a sip here and there. "But there's more to living than just surviving. Howard has done remarkable things. Steve has done and is doing remarkable things. Tony is doing remarkable things. And I let them do remarkable things, because the best I can ever hope for is some form of redemption."

    Ooh, that's suddenly bleak. But the smile is back soon enough. "Did you know they reasoned that it was best to give the supersoldier serum to someone who had never known physical strength? Because only that person would know what they'd gained, and use it responsibly. But personally, I happen to agree with someone who usually says things I never agree with. They got lucky they got Steve, because he was unique mentally instead of physically. Mental strength counts for more than physical endurance. The serum amplifies, so the strong willed become indomitable, and the ones with darkness in their hearts become evil. The envious become monstrous. And the heroic... they become dangerous."

    "Me personally, I just became charming, if I do say so myself."

Pepper Potts has posed:
A quiet sip is taken of her wine and she then sets it down and aside. If he's not drinking, she's certainly not going to let it go to her head. Pepper leans forward and reaches one hand out to stretch over top of his. His right hand, to be fair. She won't violate the other palm like that, not without him offering. But she does want to make contact. "Incredibly charming. And kind. And I'm sure you feel like there is a hell of a lot to redeem, and I'm sure people you trust more than me have told you that it's not you. All I'll say is you... You're well on the way there, James. And everyone who cares about you sees it. The question is when the day comes that you will." She squeezes his hand one last time and then lets go, leaning back in her couch.

"But, goodness... I've kept you far longer than you probably expected. Though I'll certainly bribe you with dinner any time you want to tell me more Stark secrets." She tosses him a teasing wink.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    Okay. Unexpected. There's a brief look of surprise in Bucky's eyes, but at least he doesn't recoil from a human touch. In fact, it just gets him to smile a genuine smile. "When people keep saying it, eventually I'll believe it. And there's a thing I must do, soon, to put some more weight on the credit side of the ledger. But until this whole thing blows over, I promise you this... you'll be safe here. I'll see to that."

    And he can spot a moment to make his polite exit as well as any man, finishing his wine and standing up to retrieve his coat. "Dinner and a chance to tell Stark stories? You're spoiling me. I think maybe next time I'll tell you of the time Tony slapped the Hulk and had to run through two different dimensions to get away from him. No word of a lie."

    And so he makes his way to the elevator, pausing only to surreptitiously leave a calling card on the same table he had left the security pass. Just in case.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Oh, you do say sweet things, Bucky Barnes. It's a date. I'm looking forward to it." Pepper offers with a genuinely wide smile, as she escorts him to the elevator. She looks down to the card, arching a brow, but she'll wait until he's gone to pick it up and look it over. "Tony, you are a very lucky man and you do not deserve your friends, but I'm glad you have them..." She mutters to herself, as she turns back to the table and the work she abandoned to meet him at the door.