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Latest revision as of 14:27, 3 March 2022

It's a sing-along moviethon!
Date of Scene: 26 February 2022
Location: Bosko's Drive-in Theatre - Westchester county
Synopsis: Movies were a GO! And a bookstore and Denny's. Disney makes people dance to the music, who knew?
Cast of Characters: Beast, Rogue

Beast has posed:
So! Today is the day! It rolled around, it snuck up, it did all kinds of things where it began with a daybreak and the sun climbed up the sky!

And you never know what a day might bring, even when you've had it earmarked on your calender for a while. Matinee performance, Saturday afternoon, the drive-in is a wee ways away and one must have a car to go to it. They don't allow bicycles and frankly that would be a bit weird anyway. In the garage, the electric blue bentley is shining; she got washed, polished, vacuumed, got dandied up and even had some perfume applied to her, for added flair. The leather seats were waxed, all the wiring checked, the speakers tuned...

And now she waits in the driveway of the Mansion, to begin the adventure in earnest. Hank actually looks quite snazzy in a Sports jacket, white shirt with the collar undone and blue jeans. On the seat beside him, is a little box from Hole-in-one Donuts, too. Maybe in lieu of chocolates and/or flowers.

Rogue has posed:
A few extra precautions are being taken today, for the just in case. Rogue wasn't sure how long the affects from Mister Sinister would last and therefore she's given herself a treatment in the shower that Hank made for her. This allows her minimal additional protection and the ability to not have to wear quite so much covering over her skin. Opting for blue jeans and a cute blouse she's kept in the back of her closet, she comes out of the mansion all dolled up with only Hank for company - but she wants to look her best for him.

A smile as she approaches the Bentley is given, a bag slung over her shoulder with everything else she would need should her protections prove...inadequate. "Hey Hank!" A cheerful greeting as she walks around to the passenger side of the car. "Oh man, the car looks amazing! Course, the driver looks stunning as well."

Beast has posed:
Beast gets out of the driver's side at the sound of the doors opening and Cue: The subtle eye-widening, which on Hank is not all that subtle really. On a lady's man, he'd probably play it cool, but on Hank? "Wow. Just... wowwie. Don't you polish up like a lost treasure of antiquity, Anna-Marie? Oh, hey, thank you though. When I can get clothing that fits, I can turn a fair preppy look when I try. They don't make a lot of men's sizes in square though, so it can be hit and miss..." his grin full of teeth and underbite just echos the pleasure though, holding open the door on the passenger's side, he leans in to snag the box so it's not sat on. "I ahh... got you something. A silly thing, but they don't do them often there. It's an apple fritter."

Rogue has posed:
"Maybe we should open a side business. Clothing for Squares." Rogue comments gently, as a joke, and flushes a bit when Hank opens the car door for her. Or maybe he's just saving the box from her butt. Who knows? "An apple fritter? Oh golly gee...it's been a while since I've had one..." She takes the box and then smiles brightly. "I'm not eating it alone, though. I'll split it with you...at the movies. It'll be a little special treat while we're watching...whatever it is we're watching." A pause. "Oh and thank you. For opening the door..." This much more and then she leans to give a kiss to Hank's cheek before sliding and settling into the freshly polished leather seats. Buttery and soft as they are.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy's throat gives a little rumbly mrrrrl sound at the kiss, which has him afterwards ahe'hemming at. "Occasionally, these things aren't exactly voluntary, I do apologise... " but damn does he look pleased with himself. The door is gently shut, then he vanishes from that side, literally leaping over the car to slide into the driver's seat and a grin. "It could definitely be a thing though. Clothing for unusually shaped people. Could make a killing for the four armed, the Thing, me..." he winks, patting the dashboard. "Also, I'll share the fritter if you share the angry eyeballs..." he points at the back seat, where there's another little donut box with an angry emoji face painted on. "Decker's been branching out into deluxe donut decoration... it's a thing."

He's waffling, which is a sure sign of excitement and nerves. "Disney marathon, though I forgot which ones they're showing. D'oh... Jeeves?" "Yes Hank?" says the car. "What's actually playing at Bosko's?" "...are you sure you want me to tell you?" Jeeves sounds, amused.

Rogue has posed:
"Oh well ain't that just the cutest thing!" Rogue drawls out when she glances into the back seat. A smile lights up her face still while she moves to set the fritter box there and then buckles up. "We'll share them both, yes. That I can absolutely agree to." Then Hank is asking Jeeves what's playing at the drive in and she can't help but chuckle at how amused the AI seems to sound. "Oh come on Jeeves. Humor us and tell us what's playing." She follows up and then gives a side eye to Hank who's been waffling a bit.

"I'm really excited about this, Hank. I... Well part of me wishes I said something sooner... and part of me hopes you don't feel...I dunno... like I twisted yer arm to have this." A hand goes to scratch at the back of her head, which may draw attention to the fact that her hair, usually up in a ponytail, is down and curled at the tips.

Beast has posed:
"I really should be kinder when you're babbling, Hank," Jeeves laughs "...of course miss Rogue. It's Moana, Encanto and Brave playing; for the non-traditional princesses out there." Hank coughs and grins, pressing the button to start the car and looking over at Rogue in the passenger's seat with a blow of air through his mouth. "I want to be doing this. Honest to betsy I do, I'm just a bundle of nerves is all. It happens every time. It doesn't matter how much I practice in the mirror or do meditation before hand, I inevitably end up feeling like a goofball on a first date. Suave and sophisticated Hank, even when he does exist, which is usually only at fundraisers and symposiums, just walks right out the building, every time." He winces briefly, clears his throat again. "Particularly when I feel like I ought to be pinching myself." He does so. "Ow."

The wheel is turned, the accelerator squeezed and... well, it's not a flash sportscar, but it doesn't have to be. It had Beast tinkering and the Bentley has as much horsepower as a top end ferrari and likely a few tricks. But it doesn't sound like it's burning rubber; the vehicle's electric! "I think I made mention, already, that I'm just a little giddy. Being in class with Scott and Warren, even Bobby had more cool than I did and I'm talking metaphorically, it's a surprise when... well... when! I rather wish you'd said something sooner, also."

Rogue has posed:
"Jeeves, feel free to call me Anna Marie." Rogue offers and then listens to the titles that are playing. "Oh! I love these movies...I can sing along to all three of them! Though, maybe not Brave so much, I've only seen it a couple of times. Of the three, I think Encanto is my favorite, but Moana is great too. I've always wanted..." Then she finds herself waffling, rambling even! She blushes and looks out the window a moment. "Sorry..." It's sort of squeaked out in a moment of being embarrassed.

Then the subject changes, thank goodness, and she glances to Hank for a moment. "I would have. I really would have. But I didn't think.. I mean you're so smart, and handsome, and you're always busy with all your humanitarian projects and such. And then here I am... one touch from me could comatose you at best....I..." A pause. "...I didn't think you'd wanna risk it. I know I wouldn't..."

Beast has posed:
"Stars and garters we make a pair, don't we?" Beast says in a small, but relieved kind of titter. He's all grins as he pulls out of the driveway and onto the main road, hugging the tarmac like a low-rider and zooming along like a bullet train. "Duly noted, Anna-Marie. If you would like your seats heated, or air conditioning to a specific temperature..." "Jeeves?" "Yes, Hank?" "Just monitor us and adjust according to biosigns." "Very well."

A short while along the road, just enough to get just shy of awkward, Hank pipes up again. "What were you going to say? When you cut yourself off, anyway."

Rogue has posed:
"Hmmn? Oh, ah..." Rogue begins, then flushes a bit and looks down like she's embarrassed. "I think the pig in Moana is my favorite non-important character. The chicken is hilarious too. I really want both of those as stuffed animals. That'a another secret of mine. I have a small stuffie collection. It slowly grows as I find things I like." She offers with a chuckle. "Bio signs? Jeeves?" A pause for response. "Can you keep my seat cool and maybe start a little air my way. I don't want all my makeup and such to...melt." A nod then.

"What about you? Sucker for a good Disney flick yourself? Any...secret hobbies or collections? It's only fair you share one since I shared mine."

Beast has posed:
"Certainly, Anna-Marie," Jeeves says in a warm tone.

"Ohhh, my my, well, it IS only fair, now that we're sharing. I collect elements." Hank replies. "I have items from nearly all the periodic table, though I don't have all of the heavy radioactive ones. I keep those deep under the mansion, but... in less mind boggling hobbies? Ermmm..." pause "...well..." another pause "...I think you know them. I love fixing things. WHether it's an old candy ball dispenser, or a car, or a plane, or whatever. People always think of Forge when they think of that kind of thing, but he's not around most of the time. I keep things fixed. There's something... magical about repairing something that's broken. Fixing something so it has function again, good as new."

He looks at her warmly, "...also big fan of disney. And broadway shows. I like musicals."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smiles and nods. "Trust you to have a collection like that. You should show it to me some day. Though...maybe not the secret heavier things hidden under the mansion." Her tone is light, eyes sparkle with warmth and humor. As he explains about his passion for fixing things, she nods her head. "I like that. That you like fixing things and such. I might have to add my car to the list of things you keep all tuned, fixed up and working proper. It suits you, I think."

Then there's a big grin. "My favorite musical is Guys and Dolls. I'm also a sucker for Rent and Newsies..."

Beast has posed:
"Little shop of horrors and just about ANYTHING by Andrew Lloyd Webber!" Beast laughs as he responds to her own list. "And you're absolutely welcome to bring in your wheels. And ahh... maybe when you're honestly at a loose end, the elements collection isn't exactly exciting. Maybe if you're a geeky geologist, but.. if you want to see it, I'll arrange."

Slowing down, he indicates and turns right across the traffic into the lot of Bosko's, cruising up to the office. "One for the matinee..." as the window winds down. "And a ticket for the snack stand." Card tapped, he freewheels the steering with the base of his palm as he turns into the lot, looking out for a suitable spot. "Are you an up-front girl, middle of the pack, or at the back by the washrooms type?"

Rogue has posed:
"Oh yeah, totally. I mean, I do like me a musical of any sort." Rogue offers and then she laughs. "You'll be surprised by the things I'm actually interested in. Remember, born and raised hippie. A lot of random things fascinate me that wouldn't most others." He offers this and then waits as he pulls up to the window to get their tickets arranged.

"Oh, uhm...I don't know. To be honest...I've never been to the drive in..." She offers. "So if there's a preference you have, or something. Maybe somewhere a bit out of the way so we don't bother people when we start to sing along. Cause...I dunno about you...but I will definitely be singing along..."

Beast has posed:
"Definitely be belting out tunes, though I apologize if I'm off key. Okiedokie, boonies it is!" Swinging the bentley around, he picks near the back, near the washrooms, good view of the screen but out by the side, he taps in the frequency for the station, which is currently playing the latest pop tracks and turns the volume down, for now. Put her in park, toggle a switch and the seats go back and down just a little, for maximum leg room and a comfortable recline. "You were? I had no idea you were born hippie..." that would be the Sinister one that knew such things! "...I bet that was interesting. Knowing how to make your own fabrics and dyes out of vegetables, music, free-wandering..." he sniffs. "My mom was a housewife and my dad was an engineer in a nuclear power facility, out of Illinois. My childhood was surreally ordinary, at least in ambience. Not so much in other aspects."

He tilts his head though, thoughtful as he looks at the big screen and back. "You know these places almost died out, until the pandemic ten years ago. THen they started popping up and getting switched on again, to save the movie industry.

Rogue has posed:
"Yeah. Hippie commune in farmville Mississippi. I'm surprised my parents let me go to public school when I think back on it... then again... I didn't stay in school for long. Not after momma disappeared." Rogue offers and then waves it off. "Story for another time. I ain't gonna dampen our night with my sorded past. I don't know what a normal childhood is, I don't think." She laughs then. "All home brewed and couldn't stay out past dark and shit?" Asking this as she glances over to him.

The facts he presents about the drive-ins has her curious. "You know. I knew they kinda became a non thing for a while. But I can see how the pandemic back then caused them to open back up. Allowed people to watch new releases in closed quarters, but got them outta the house..."

Beast has posed:
"Indeed. THey enjoyed a bit of a revival out of that." Beast smiles, reaches to the glove compartment to get his glasses case, in order to clean the lenses before the marathon. A little spritz and the buffing cloth goes to town.

"Kind of. My dad is the reason I'm a mutant -- there was a fall-out situation at the plant where he worked and he got a lethal dose of radiation. He should've died, but for some reason, probably a latent ability of his own, it just warped his tadpoles. He only ever managed one non-blank shot though and voila. Here I am. I've been a mutant since birth, which is a little rare, but it only ever showed up as larger than average hands and feet and some other quirks that could be overlooked. Plus, I devoured books, so I was at the library a lot as a kid. Mom might have been a /little/ overprotective. And a bit paranoid. Honestly, I'm rather amazed I didn't grow up in a bubble."

Rogue has posed:
"That's one thing I've never been able to figure out. Why I'm a mutant. Where the powers came from. They just...manifested one day. But they usually are caused by odd genetics, right? So what's my origin story?" Rogue offers with a smile. "I'm glad your father didn't die...cause then that brought about you..." She offers this much more while glancing to the screen just to make sure the movies haven't started yet. Then she reaches to grab both of the donut boxes to bring them over to the front. "I like books too, probably not the same kind of books as you read but...books none the less. Gambit used to tease me about them."

Beast has posed:
"Well, it's the age of the atom. There's always been mutants, one or two here and there, popping up. But the age of all the technological advances, chemical processes and atomic fall-out accelerated the process. Most of them are advancements of the human condition, which arguably is a good thing. Maybe your parents had more of a secret than they cared to share? I don't know, really. However, I analyzed your samples. THe mutation is carried on the mitochondrial DNA, which means you got it from your mother, who got it from her mother...etcetera." Beast presses a button in the middle of the dash and a little cubby opens, out of which he extracts a couple of wetnaps, a knife and a couple of small picnic plates, which he sets on the central reservation, with a grin, proffering the knife handle toward Rogue. THe screen is displaying adverts now, which is the herald to trailers and THEN the main feature.

"I'm rather glad my father didn't die, also. My folks are proud of me, even... which is nice. Something not all of us get, I guess." He wrinkles his nose though. "Why doesn't it surprise me that the frenchie teased you for being book-learned? What kind do you like, anyway? Adventure? Romance? Fantasy? Bios?"

Rogue has posed:
"I guess that's why I never really learned about it... or what powers she might have had. Would they have been similar to mine?" Rogue questions as Hank gets all things out that are needed for splitting donut and fritter goodness. "Momma disappeared during a spirit walking ritual. Just...vanished...dad never got over it. My aunt was a real bitch after that too...trying to really control me...control all I did." She gets food goodies out, cuts them in half and serves them. "...S'why I ran away when I was young. I couldn't take it. Rather be on my own than controlled you know?"

This much, and she looks to watch one of the adverts for a moment before letting out a chuckle when he calls Gambit the 'frenchie'. "Romance. Fantasy. Little mix of that sort of stuff. I like things that take me into another world. Though I've also read a few biographies about certain figures. Anne Frank, Rosa Parks, Elancio Detore (made up name of some Italian revolutionary probably within their lifetime)." She smiles. "My favorite book is this series by C.S. Friedman. Called the Coldfire Trilogy. Interesting take on how magicks work in the world that she built."

Beast has posed:
"Hmmmn. Maybe your aunt knew some things then. Maybe she guessed something might happen -- but then, people are idiots when it comes to fear reactions. They'll over-reach out of an overabundance of the emotion, behave irrationally..." Beast wrinkles his nose, twisting his lips to the side, then relaxes it with a sigh, watching the cutting, he takes his plate, plucking up a bit of angry eyeball and popping it in his mouth. It's got a little cinnamon in the dough, which makes an 'angry' taste, otherwise it's just a jelly donut with fancy icing. "Not bad. Could use a little bit more cinnamon, but overall..." he grins, looks to the screen. "Trailers! That reminds me -- do you want popcorn and a drink? I got the ticket..." he inquires.

The list of strong women and real, relatable heros, some on the questionable side of the thin blue line, makes him smile more, a wonky little appreciation. And that trilogy. "Oh, wait..." he holds up a hand, curling all digits but the index in, as he twirls it slowly anticlockwise. "...Sci-fi Fantasy, right? Harnessing a biomagnetic energy of the planet to shape reality..."

Rogue has posed:
"Maybe. I'll never know. I don't see them anymore, even when I go back - which is rare - I keep a very low profile. Do some sight seeing to quell the homesickness, and then come back." Rogue offers this with a shrug, and then takes up the apple fritter. A bite, and the apple and cinnamon meld together, a hint of caramel from the apples which were cooked in a sugar concoction. The icing makes a light 'crunch' sound, along with the crust of the treat. "Mmmn... delectable. Oh! Ah... yes. A drink would be nice. Do they have cherry limeades? If not, just a soda of some sort will do."

This and then he's spiraling off the general idea of the book trilogy she talked about. "Not sure I'd call it sci-fi, but that might be the genre they stuck it in. But yes. People of a certain skill are atuned to energies of the earth. Called the fae. And one guy has control over the dark fae, if memory serves. You've read it?" Asking this almost hopefully.

Beast has posed:
"If I recalled it, yes. Books I have this lovely... love-hate relationship with, Anna-Marie. I can't forget anything. Literally, if I read it, give me a context to synaptically link it all up and I can recall things page by page. I -love- new books. I devour them, then I'm rereading them in my head." He laughs a little, shrugging lightly. "Eidetic and photorecall memory. I think that's probably cheating in the grand scheme of book-learning and academia, but then I think to myself, if you don't understand it, all you're doing is parroting and you can't apply parroted knowledge, it's just a list of facts and..." he trails off "...sorry. Babbling again. The Undying prince -- controls the dark fae." Nodding. Yep. Read it. "I'll be right up! Soda, coming back, potentially lime cherryaid. Wait." He twirls his finger again "Reverse some of that!" Grinning, he steps out of the car and can be seen sauntering over with a bit of hop and skip, to get goodies from the snack cart.

He returns swiftly, sliding a cardboard tray in with two large sodas and a pair of hotdogs with all the sauces and bacon crumble, which joins the donuts and apple fritter on the central reservation. "So why don't we maybe go back together, sometime? It might have an answer or two. Or not. But it doesn't hurt to try. Tell me if I'm overstepping... and hotdogs. Fresh franks, in fact! European style!" Which apparently is baguette bread that's been driven on a hot spike, with the sauces coated in the middle and the sausage inserted into all of that. NOt as messy as your regular dog.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue listens, hanging on every word that's offered by Hank when he explains how books and him work together. "I think that's pretty cool. I might have to test you on that some time..." She says this much and then watches as he bumbles cheerfully out of the car to go to the snack stand and get goodies. This gives her a moment to check herself in any mirror she can find. Lip gloss, powder still there, and then... "Jeeves. Do you have any way of doing something fancy from here and tell me if my...emotional part of my brain is...firing on all cylinders?" Maybe the AI can. Maybe it can't. "And possibly before Hank gets back..."

All of that done, or not, when Hank finally does come back she looks to him when he offers for them to go back together. "I...I don't think you're overstepping. Not by too much anyway. We'll have to shelve this topic and come back to it later I think, though." This much offered and she smiles. "Oh! Those look delicious!" That before she glances to the movie screen again, likely figuring the movies will start any time now.

Beast has posed:
"I can try. Hold still please." Jeeves' voice relates, as the onboard camera just above the mirror swivels the lense setting. A diffused fan of magenta light scans Rogue from the top of her head down to her knees and back up. "Calculating..." the lens turns blue and pulses, pulses, pulses, then turns green. "Comparing to your previous brain scan, there is no dissimilarity, miss Anna-Marie." That's a good thing, right? Hopefully!

And then there's a Beast, who reaches for the stereo and taps the volume up. Indeed, movies! In surround sound. "The pig and the rooster, eh?" As Moana begins, he looks slyly at her over the rim of his spectacles. "You do look really beautiful this afternoon, by the by. The picture of a southern belle stepping out. I am in awe."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue blushes at the compliment he gives her. "Thank you, Hank. You look very handsome yourself." This offered and then there's settling in to the movies. Watching them as Disney fans tend to watch all Disney movies. She sings along to 'How Far I'll Go', and still cries when Maui leaves Moana to fend for herself only to come back when it mattered most.

Encanto is the next flick, and Rogue is just a ball of energy, wiggling and trying to dance to the music. She finally gives up trying in the car and opens her door, spilling out of her seat to dance along with the music of the Family Madrigal. She may not have the proper dress to flaunt and spin, but that just leaves room for one to see how her hips sway to the music. And to her pleasure, a lot of people are either singing along or dancing along. So she doesn't feel as silly doing this. Then she gets back in the car once it's over, letting out a breathless laugh. She also sings along to Surface Pressure, and of course We Don't Talk About Bruno. Enjoying every moment, smiling more than Hank has likely ever seen her smile and there's perhaps a glimpse - briefly - of a very care free Rogue which is very very VERY rare. Genuinely happy and enjoying herself, reaching to touch arm and hand of the man who brought her here as well time and again.

She's a bit more quiet and atuned to watching Brave. Like she said, she hasn't seen it many times, so she's really all eyes on the movie as it plays. And through all of the movies, she's drinking and eating and laughing and just...being free. For the first time in likely...ever...really. Ever since her powers manifested anyway.

Beast has posed:
Hank sings along, a little operatically, because that's the nature of his voice, it 'hrooms and vrooms' when he sings rather resonantly, though he is considerably more reserved on the crying side of things. Sniffles, a little, solemn looks aplenty, but getting him to cry is a little harder to do. The big blue meanie gets that button pressed for different things. However, when there's a dance to be had, he watches. She'll catch him turned in his seat, just... gazing at her moving in free joy. And it will be noted, he DID miss that opportunity, owing to being a lolligagger and too engrossed in watching magic happen. Little touches by the end of Encanto though, well, mebbe ... just mebbe...

Yes! Entranced by the big screen and a story less familiar, his big right hand is laid on its back, offering a cushion for hers and *GASP* lacing fingers lightly. It dwarfs her hand, as it does most everyone's, but tis -warm- as anything. As the royal family of Dunbroch (which is based on a legendary place in the highlands of scotland where the kings of old once resided) are brought together by the mending of what was broken) and that happily ever after rolls around, with special deliveries by crow and a lot of WOOD CARVER!!!! He's watching her across the central arm rest, with a sweet, if silly little expression of wonderment. And if she looks his way, he reaches for her cheek with his other hand and leans in for the simplest of happily-ever-afters in a Disney kiss.

Rogue has posed:
Nothing happens, thankfully, as fingers lace gently between hands that hold together. The movie captures Rogue's attention up to the very end, where she's happy to see how the end comes together. It's magical - as most Disney movies are. She did also catch Hank watching her as she danced, and catches him now as he looks upon her with that gaze of wonderment. A smile lifts the corners of her lips and she's about to say something when fingers touch her cheek and he leans in to give that happily-ever-after style kiss. A thing she leans into and reciprocates for the moment that it lasts.

There's an inkling in the back of her mind, however. A knowing that this isn't how it will always be. She tries like hell to fight it back, to put it into submission at least until she's alone and can deal with the feelings on her own. As she always does. After a moment the kiss breaks and she smiles still. "This was lovely...absolutely...thank you, Hank. Truly."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy isn't psychic, but he is fairly intuitive and observant as it goes. Big softy, in a lot of ways. Maybe he felt the shadow of hesitation, but when she sits back, he gazes at her a long while, then makes a great pantomime of looking at his left hand, his right, pulling down his forelocks, and patting over his face, feeling his teeth as they jutt out and gives a saggy-shouldered sigh. "Nope. Wrong beast. I'm not French," he pouts, looks at her comically, then relaxes slowly, sighing again, but this time the sort that's emotionally invested. "It was worth every second. I don't think I've ever seen you smile so much."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue blinks, tilts her head, and then laughs. "Or maybe I'm just not your true love..." She says and pouts a little herself but only for a moment. That last bit has her giving a blush but also a chuckle. "I think I might be sore in the morning from all these facial expressions I never make." A thing said in jest before she adds, "Worth it." To the end. "So, rest of the afternoon and evening ahead of us... is this where you take me home and we call it a day or... anything else on your mind that we might could do? Go to a bookstore perhaps?"

Beast has posed:
"Well, you're not French either, so I think this might be a whitewash on magical hijinx. I never did get the hang of magic, though I've tried it once or twice." Truth. Which isn't something that really would get associated with Henry McCoy most days ending in Y. He chuckles though, leaning back in the car seat and resting fingers at '6' on the steering wheel clock. "Well. Would you believe me if I said I hadn't really thought that far ahead? Because I wasn't sure if you were going to be happy or feeling weirded out by the end of this so I sort of had my brain cut off at about five." He gives a sheepish look, but checks the onboard computer quickly, flicking through items. "Around here, we're out of luck on book stores, but... if you wanted to take a drive into the city?" He asks hopefully. "The stores there are open late. And then there's diners after..." Pause "...you know. If you like."

Rogue has posed:
"Well I am happy and not weirded out and don't really want to go back to the mansion yet. I say we drive into the city, do a little shopping, then maybe have dinner somewhere." Rogue says this and then nods. "I would like. Very much. Let me just help you clean up here a little bit. Do they offer refills even after the movie is over? That cherry limeade was delicious...I'd like some more for the road." This as she gathers up all the trash, preparing to leave the car to toss the trash away and maybe go get herself a refill of that drink. "Do you want me to get you a refill or anything before we hit the road?"

Beast has posed:
"Great!" That came out a bit loud and eager, didn't it? Yep, but that's okay. Hank makes things easier by fitting the boxes for the donuts inside one another, filling the central one with hotdog napkins -- this goes into the popcorn box and he ponders as he glances at the stand. "I think they do. It's only soda after all-- root beer for me, easy on the ice. They always overfill on ice." He grins, climbing out of his side.

They DO do one free refill. And she'll come back to him vacuum cleaning the seats and floor with an onboard hoover that came out from under the seats in the back. SOmething rattles in the chamber of it, likely a piece of grit. "Any luck?"

Rogue has posed:
"Yes! One refill, so we were in luck." Rogue offers as she approaches the car again, watching as Hank vacuums. "I made sure they put light ice in your drink, just the way you like it." This further offered and once Hank is done, she'll slip back into the car, setting the cups in holders for them and then buckles back into her seat. She's still all smiles, so whatever seemed to briefly ail her has been placed into submission. For now. Perhaps she'll be forthcoming with it later, but really, she's enjoying herself too much to sully the date now. Bring it down any. Wanting to enjoy the time to the fullest while she certainly can.

Beast has posed:
"Oh, huzzah!" Triumph pumps are so much sillier when you do them with a vacuum cleaner in your hand. He glances at it. "Ah, well, a tidy car is a well loved car. I'll find the treasure of the sierra madre in there later, when I go hunting for whatever that rattle was. And inevitably, there will be disappointment when it's gravel." It's stowed though and he practically swings into the driver's side, a bit of gymnastic flair and a quick click to buckle, a press of the button, a slam of the door and a mark in the book for checking on her later, after all of this. "Ready to ride?" He grins, then floors the accelerator. The car roars forth, spinning her back end a little but there's almost nobody left in the parking lot as he drifts out of the exit and guns it down the road with a gleeful "WOOHOO!" as the bentley eats the tarmac like it was lunch.

Little known is the fact that Hank's quite the stunt driver when he wants to be. In recent years, that came into effect twice! Nobody really expected him to be all Fast and the Furious when in hot pursuit of rednecks with hostages.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue holds on as Hank puts the Bentley into high gear and tears out of the drive-in like he's a madman with wheels. Which isn't a stretch of the truth it seems! A gleeful cry as they hit the tarmac and speed along into the city while she also grabs her drink to sip from as they continue on. Light conversation, commentary on things they pass as they head in to their destination. At the bookstore, Rogue will pick up a few new titles that she's not read before and perhaps try to see if she can find anything new for Hank to sink himself into as well. Then there's dinner, which Rogue leaves up to his choice just because she can. Hopefully dinner will pan out just as smoothly as the movies and book hunting.

Beast has posed:
And where they end up?? French romance? Italian machismo? Some gastro bar? Nope. They end up in an americana diner. A larger end Denny's in fact and why? Because you can't misfire on a menu that's got a little bit of everything /and/ breakfast food, plus they're open 24 hours a day. What's not to love?

The lovely thing about books is that there's a lot of them coming out every year, even if they're only people's autobiographies. There's a small box full of books for Hank to pore over later, including some new scientific bricks masquerading as literature. They're in the boot of the Bentley, which is parked under the 'we're open!' sign.

Tucked a bit away, she got absolutely no odd looks, but a couple of appreciative ones as she swung her way on in. Hank, a few more and at least one derogatory comment, which he ignored and gave Rogue a little headshake, just as a precaution. The menu has a few regional variances, but they're essentially very similar everywhere. "You know what I feel like? Waffles," Beast offers in a not-quite-whisper.

Rogue has posed:
It's a good thing Hank gave her a headshake, cause otherwise Rogue might have given those people a piece of her mind. She doesn't like it when folks make fun of mutants, it's just not fair and it's not like Hank even looks all that bad. Maybe she's bias, but all in all she doesn't really care. There're folks who look all sorts of different and no one has a right to judge, damnit!

Once inside and seated a bit out of eye sight for anyone - requested of course - she grins when Hank says he's feeling like waffles. "French toast for me, with some bacon and sausage. Couple of fried eggs too I think." She nods, smiles and then settles back in her seat some. "Thank you Hank. For all of this. It's been a real nice day."

Beast has posed:
"OOooh, bacon." That apparently was a good idea. "You're exceptionally welcome. It's been glorious to see you well, enjoying yourself. Unreserved, unabashed dancing in a parking lot to disney songs. That's not a memory I'll be letting go of any time soon." He grins, looking over to catch the waitress' attention. She does serve them swiftly, showing that not everyone's an idiot. "... and a rocky road bonanza milkshake and two straws." After the order, plus a double side of bacon with the waffles, he leans forward, elbows on the short little table that is the standard in most diner cubicles, reaching for both of her hands. "I have to pick my battles. I learned that quite early on, because for every open minded and accepting individual, there's at least a couple who can't see further than their own nose. I take consolation in the fact I make six figures a year base, not accounting for lectures. And he makes minimum wage tossing garbage at a construction site and has sciatica he'll never get rid of. I get it. /Really/ I do. But I don't need to be accepted by everyone to pack a punch in this world, my delectable date."

Rogue has posed:
"I get that. I really do. We make good for ourselves, and not every snubbed nose needs to be a fight. Doesn't mean I don't wanna punch every snubbed nose for being stupid." Rogue offers, grins, and then leans forward, elbow on the table to prop her chin in hand. "Six figures huh? So not only did I land myself a handsome man with great taste in movies and books, and likely music too... but he just so happens to also be loaded." Not that Rogue is doing bad for herself, hell, she's an X-Men on top of being on the school staff. So really that's all just her joking while she moves a foot beneath the table to play a bit of footsie with him. Oh and she's trying.... "This day has been...everything I could ask for and more. Definitely one for the record books and to engrain in my memory...I just wi--" She catches herself and tries to cover it, "-ll have to hopefully find a way to top it when we go out next."

Beast has posed:
"I caught that," Hank murmurs, kicking one of his shoes off. Why? Prehensile toes. Playing footsie is so much fun when you can make the most of it. Spreading his elbows, lacing fingers and propping his chin on his knuckles, he gazes at her a long moment. "I like that you want to give these luddite porridge brains a piece of your mind, it makes me feel all appreciated," he bats his eyelashes, with a prim little smile, which he sobers up afterwards. "Anna-Marie, we'll work it out. Even afterwards... there's a lot that can be done, just with being cautious and intelligent. And you never know, I might be able to figure out how to replicate what Sinister did."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smirks. "Well you are appreciated Hank. Always have been. I've carried a torch for you for a bit...I'm just dull and...well I guess I tried in my own ways to hint at it but it never worked. Finally had to just be really blunt with you." Or, you know, physical and such. Of course he caught what she was going to say, nothing slips past Hank McCoy, no matter how hard you try. She'll never be able to bluff him, and maybe that's a good thing. "You know. I appreciate that. You, of all people, know a lot about the struggles I've had. Seen some of them first or second hand. I guess a part of me also just didn't want you all tied up in me and my issues with my powers. But even without asking you've done so much to help me. And you'll continue to do so, because that's just who you are. A fixer." She smirks. "And I'm just a little broken." Then she laughs. "Small steps. Caution when and where we need it. We'll make it work...cause we can do that." She finally finishes, and some time shortly after, their food will be served. Conversation is always quiet once face stuffing commences. Then a ride home, or maybe a ride out somewhere to star gaze for a while. A lovely end to a wonderful day. First date : Success!