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Fundraising for Good Causes
Date of Scene: 24 February 2022
Location: Greenwich Village, Manhattan
Synopsis: Steve is the draw for the fundraiser. Cammy runs interference to give him a small break from the crowd.
Cast of Characters: Captain America, Cammy White

Captain America has posed:
    There are hundreds of charitable gatherings that take place in the great city of Manhattan from year to year. No shortage of worthy causes, no lack of socialites who wish to make a big splash or exhibit what great virtues they hold above their fellow mortal men by contributing more than the next fellow. It is a commonplace event, and there is often a race between different charities to try and secure a strong name to feature as a draw to those socialites who wish to see and be seen.
    And in the world of good causes and fundraising, it's rare for there to be a better name than Steve Rogers.
    If people got him to show up, it was usually after a lot of research was done on the part of the old soldier. He would look into the charity, into the way they conducted their business, into the good they had created, and then he would speak to some of his acquaintances to get word from a source on the ground.
    He still ended up going to a fair number. But people in the business knew that if Steve Rogers stood by something. Then he believed in it. Which is why he was there for the Wounded Warriors fundraising that night in the Ritz Grand. It was a black tie affair, a string quartet was playing gentle mood music that filtered across the grand ballroom. The caterers had been exceptional in providing a repast that not only was delicious but also unique for many of the canapes were new creations.
    Yet for a man who had seen...hundreds of these affairs, it didn't seem too out of the ordinary for the most part. He stood amongst the crowd of donors. He shook hands and smiled for the camera. Sometimes he would be asked a question and at times his answer would cause a ripple of laughter.
    Occasionally someone would try to give him some champagne and he'd wave it off with a murmured, "Maybe give it to someone who can appreciate it better." And he'd smile.
    Everyone liked to see him smile.

Cammy White has posed:
It was good he supported causes like this. They got a good amount from veterans and families who had people serve in their lives or their family tree. But they often were overlooked for something more splashy, something that the stars and politicians would usually jump behind to gain themselves some attention. The fact they had managed to get the Steve Rogers was impressive and brought everyone out of the woodworks.

Along with their plastic and checkbooks.

There were some people there, those who had benefited from the charity in the past. To show off, traipsed out for the show. It was sad such things were necessary but it honestly helped get people to show empathy. Or at least perhaps a bit of guilt at their ability to stay safe at home while others faced dangers for them.

The party had been going well for a bit of time. Then there was a slight stir at the door as a figure entered, pausing at the top of the stairs to examine the room below. Her body was shapely yet strong, shown by the form fitting gown she was wearing. It was a dark green material. The sleeves were long, neckline high, covering all of her upper body. At least from the front. The back didn't start until just below her lower back, leaving all that skin visible. There was a slit in the skirt, to allow ease of movement, also showing off the strength of her legs.

Her hair was captured in a long braid which was pulled over her left shoulder. She had on just a little makeup but not enough to hide the scar on her left cheek. It wasn't pronounced but no way to miss it when one was close enough to her.

Cammy hadn't wanted to come but when she had been told that MI6 wanted a representative there, she was the logical choice. After all, she was in New York City while most of their operatives were across the pond. And it was a good cause, one she could support once she learned about it.

She took a deep breath and started down the stairs to join the party properly.

Captain America has posed:
    The captain was there to talk and chat with the hangers on of such an event, and he did his best. At least so far he hadn't made some egregious mistake or a charming misunderstanding, though to be fair those moments were becoming fewer and farther between as the years went by. Or it could be the crowd since the charity societies rarely made pop culture references.
    But he did cut a handsome figure there in the center of it all. Wearing the U.S. Army dress uniform of the day which had been hearkened back to look more from the time of the war for Steve. It was familiar to him, with the brown jacket and slightly more tan pants. On his shoulder were a handful of decorations and his rank as well as the name of Rogers. Under his arm he had his hat tucked in, one hand holding it up and looking at ease as he could be.
    Still one of the hardest things of these events... was getting the man alone for a word or an actual conversation. For often he spent the entire night fielding questions, shaking hands, and taking pictures with whomever wandered on by. And he handled it well.
    Though she could likely tell there was a hint of... not fatigue? But perhaps weariness in the man's smile on his four hundred and nineteenth selfie with someone as he saluted and smiled.

Cammy White has posed:
She started the circuit, polite but not too friendly. A lovely lady to draw the attention, gain a few smiles. But she was careful not to give too much attention or give someone false hope. For none of them had a chance. Cammy was there for an assignment. Certainly she could play her role when she chose but really? She didn't want to be the friendly girl next door for most of these people.

Then she caught sight of Steve and she couldn't resist a smile. He looked handsome in his dress uniform. Though it was not one that would be seen in the modern day. That cut of it was more from his time in the service, before he had gone down in a plane and been trapped in ice.

She saw him strike the pose for the selfie and realized he'd already had enough. There shouldn't be that many more people who wanted that attention but some had already gotten one selfie but were still fangirling (or fanboying in some cases) to get more of his precious time.

She moved toward the circle surrounding him, putting on her most dazzling smile and sliding right in like she belonged there. Then across the bit of space that would be created by such circles to stop right in front of Steve. "I am so sorry to interrupt but you are needed. If you wouldn't mind following me, Sir?"

And there was something in her manner that hinted at an urgency.

Captain America has posed:
    "Oh." A pause as Steve looked over, then smiled upon seeing who it was. "Of course, Miss White." Then he looks to the others around, "If you'll please excuse me?"
    The crowd reacted to the appearance of the beautiful woman with some small sensation, but not rudely. Smiles were given, and one of the elder socialites gasped and seemed a touch displeased.
    "Oh come now, Captain. You can't leave us in the middle of this." She smiled as she toyed with her diamond necklace, giving Cammy a look at first. "Surely it's something that can wait, the good Captain Rogers was about to tell us a story."
    Which had Steve smiling back, shooting a glance at Cammy for a moment, then back to her. "Oh, I'm afraid that was it, ma'am. Just when we showed up Corporal Dugan had eaten all the K-Rations so we had nothing but potatoes for a good week." He smiled again.
    Which had the elderly woman staring at him for a moment, then she laughed, "Oh how droll. Of course. An entire week!"
    But then that gave Cap a moment to look around, "Now if you'll forgive me." And as he said that he turned and started to walk in Cammy's wake, saying to her loud enough to carry. "What seems to be the problem, Miss White?" In an officious tone.

Cammy White has posed:
If Cammy was uncomfortable at the reaction of that circle, particularly the socialite who called her out verbally, she never showed it. She did step slightly to the side so he would be able to easily see the people in the circle as he finished up his story. Technically he could've seen over her but it was more polite than to stand in the middle that way! Then when he finished, she gave a nod to the gathering and turned to lead Steve off in the direction of a pair of swinging doors where the catering staff had been moving in and out. She made sure to answer his question as they walked. "It is just information that needs to be relayed but we don't need anyone overhearing. National security," she added for good measure.

The servers within gave him a glance but didn't try to approach as Cammy led him through the kitchens then to a small utility hall behind that area, away from everyone. There were even two folding chairs placed in that hallway.

She turned then to face him, giving him a bright smile. "You looked like you needed a break. I could probably smuggle you up to a room if you would like but at least take a seat and relax without everyone constantly demanding your attention. Would you like something to drink or eat?"

Captain America has posed:
    "Miss White, you are heaven sent." Steve says with a small smile, shaking his head a little as he lets his cap down and lightly whaps his knees with his hat as if to shake dust or debris off it, then gives it a look before tucking it back under his arm. "But I'm fine, though I appreciate the intercept."
    He looks back toward the kitchen and likely his thoughts are on the ballroom beyond before he turns back to look at her. "I've been doing this for a dog's age by now, I can hang in there. Though..."
    His lip curves up a little more, a bit rueful though, "A break is appreciated."
    Then he tilts his head, "What has you here? Didn't expect to see you running around. Unless there's some other fossil unfrozen from the ice you need to chaperon tonight?"

Cammy White has posed:
Cammy shakes her head at his stubbornness. "I know you can handle it. But you deserve a break. So take a load off and let me get you something. What about a beer? I can see if they have that brand you like."

Since their time in the past had introduced her to his taste in certain things. At mention of chaperoning a fossil, she pursed her lips slightly as she glanced toward the ceiling as though trying to recall. "No, there's only one fossil listed. So guess you are stuck with me trying to look out for you." Her smile was honest, one he might remember from their past. That easy going expression that had been seen often when they shared dinner or watched a movie as he was catching up on the world he'd woken up to.

"MI6 wanted a presence. Wounded Warrior is a great cause and they felt it would be good to have someone here. Being I'm local, I got the job." She shrugged. "I don't mind. Just some of those people make me want to throat punch them but hey, hazards of the job, right?"

Captain America has posed:
    "You Brits and your deceptively violent streaks, so endearing." Steve says as he shakes his head, but he smiles and takes a deep long breath, then exhales sloooowly as if she was just so exasperating before he murmurs. "But no, some water though might be nice. I am feeling a little parched. Having to ramble on at length for so long takes a lot out of a fella."
    That said he does take a seat on one of those folding chairs, settling into it was the metal complains under his weight with a small creak. Then he leans forward and murmurs, "Alright this is nice too. I must be getting old." Or old-er.
    "So how long has it been since you were keeping an eye on me way back when?" He asks with a tilt of his head, curious as he asks. He could likely do the math and count back to the days after he was first unfrozen. But right now he was not feeling that he had a huge amount of free brain power.

Cammy White has posed:
"You're already old," came the immediate quip from Cammy.

She stuck her head in the door to the kitchen and called out to someone she'd already lined up on the other side. Although the staff wanted to meet the good captain, they also were being respectful of him needing a break. Unlike most of the socialites upstairs would be, in Cammy's opinion. A moment later and the door shut as she returned. One hand held a bottled water, which was a bit opaque on the outside as it had just come out of a fridge. In the other was a bottle of beer.

She gave him the water. Then she twisted the cap off the beer and set it beside the second chair as she settled down into it.

"How long?" That had her pausing, doing the math in her head. "I think six years now. That sounds about right. Shortly after, I got sent on a mission in South America for eleven months." She tapped her fingers against each other. "Yes, I believe that's right. It doesn't seem that long ago."

Captain America has posed:
    "No it doesn't," Steve says as he lifts his eyes in reflection on the matter, brow furrowing a little. Then those blue irises slip back to her and he smiles a little, "Though I imagine everything is relative when you look at it. But feels like not a lot of time has passed."
    He lifts the bottle of water to her in silent thanks for it, then twists off the cap as he tilts it back to take several long gulps from it before finally lowering it with a quiet 'ahhh' coming from him. He puts the cap back on and rests the water on his thigh as he takes another deep breath then murmurs. "But six Christmases, when you think about it like that. Six thanksgivings."
    He brushes a thumb along the curve of his jaw thoughtfully then chews the inside of his cheek. "So tell me about your missions. How things went. What happened. All the exciting details so I can have some window into that time since we last spent time together."

Cammy White has posed:
Since a lot of his adventures with the Avengers made the news, she had ideas about what he'd been up to from time to time. Not a lot of it as those threats were not on a daily or even weekly basis. Sometimes where would be months of nothing then a threat and the Avengers would bring everything back to normal once more.

She presumed he had assignments like her, things he wouldn't be able to talk about with an ordinary person. But she knew his clearance level with SHIELD. And that was far above her levels. There was likely only a couple of missions that she participated in that would be above his pay grade.

"Six Christmases. Six Thanksgivings. That's a lot of missed lasagna," she teased but then she considered the serious question. "The time in South America was dealing with a drug cartel. They were dabbling in a little bit of everything bad. Drugs. Arms. Human trafficking. But they had taken a member of royalty and that got them on fully on MI6 radar. Her father has a high position in parliament and even the Queen put pressure to get the girl back." Parliament? Ehn. But there was nothing they wouldn't do for their Queen.

"A large part of it was spent in the jungle, gaining info. Roughing it." She grinned a little. "That's the part I enjoyed which I know would sound positively insane to anyone that doesn't do that sort of work." She shook her head. "But then they needed someone on the inside." She took a swig of her beer, glancing away and leaving it at that. Skipping to the part that was important. "We took down the entire family. Saved the girl, got her back to her family."

She considered as she held her beer in hand, balanced atop her bare leg so that there wouldn't be a ring of condensation on her skirt when they returned to the party.

"Lots of more minor stuff. No fossils," she added with a grin. "I think I circled the world at least three times, going to various countries."

Captain America has posed:
    "Sounds exciting," He says with a smile, though his gaze distances a little with some reflection on what she likely had to go through to deal with that South American operation. Steve takes another sip of water and then tilts his head back to her. "They've been keeping me busy as well. Sometimes it's important."
    Steve gives a nod as he lets his thoughts wander that way, "Other times it seems not so much, even though I know this is for a worthy cause." He looks down at his cap, turning it around a little to consider the brim as he brushes a fingertip over the material softly, then looks back over to her.
    "Just reminds me of times when I was more doing things to keep the home fires burning, less taking part in missions."
    Which has him smirking a little before he looks back at her, "Thankfully I'm just really good at both." He says that with some self-admonishment, as if saying he's not particularly, or as if there is something sour about that role.

Cammy White has posed:
"I saw some of the old footage. From before," Cammy said as she crossed one leg over the other then repositioned her hand atop still holding onto the beer bottle. "Before you joined the fighting. The USO type stuff," she added for clarification. "While you did it well, it wasn't where your heart was."

Which she knew originally from his history. But she'd learned it in their time as neighbors as well. It just wasn't in his genetics to let things go when he could help. An amazing trait in a hero. A good one in a neighbor too, especially when one wanted to move furniture.

"YOu do a great job talking to people, inspiring. But I also know that was never you. Not deep inside. You don't seek attention or glory. Just very humble. Which is not what one expects of most people. The Stark types are more what people think they'll be meeting."

Captain America has posed:
    "Mmm," He says softly. That sound made by a man when he's not agreeing nor disagreeing. Perhaps pondering his own thoughts and letting them hang there between them. Buying time to let his mind wend inwards. Only for him to look back and smile a little at her. "I was lucky. But as the years have passed..."
    He looks away then pushes a hand through his hair before lifting that cap up and brushing a little dirt from the brim. The next moment he puts it on and then pushes himself to his feet slooowly. "I've met a lot of people who didn't luck out as I did. Who would be darn happy to have had the chance to help people as I did with the USO. I felt I could do more. And I did."
    He looks at her sidelong, "But I shouldn't have been...ashamed? Embarassed? To be doing what I was doing." A nod is given, "But hindsight is twenty twenty."
    A look to the side, "Should we get back to it you think? Thanks for the water though."

Cammy White has posed:
"You were doing what you could to support the efforts," Cammy said. She leaned to the side to pick up the cap she'd left there, the one off her beer. Then she mirrored his movement, uncrossing her legs and rising to her feet. She did take a final swig of her beer, finishing it off quickly. She let the bottle dangle by the neck after, caught between middle and index finger. "And you did do it to the best of your ability. I don't think you do anything in halves," she added.

"But you joined to be a soldier. To fight. And when you got the opportunity and took up that role? You became so much more than you'd been on the stage. For the soldiers, for the people back home. For the country." She shrugged a bit, a little embarassed and realizing she likely would make him uncomfortable. "Yet you are still just a kid from Brooklyn wanting to do what's right. Even now."

She motioned to the door that went into the kitchens. "We can go back if you like. Personally I think you should allow yourself a few more minutes but I understand. Duty calls."

Captain America has posed:
    "See, times like this I sometimes like to play into the old man stereotype people see me as." Steve says with a smirk as he starts to walk, though not too quickly, taking his time as he moves a little down the hall, cap tucked under his arm and his attention on her.
    "Give you a chiding for speaking so to your elders." He says as he gives her what could almost be called the stink-eye with one eyebrow raised and nodding with a knowing look. "But I understand what you're saying."
    That said he continues on, brow knitting as he ponders and stops to stand off to the side and near those doors leading into the kitchen, but out of the way in case someone had to rush in or rush out. Apparently he had some experience with working in a restaurant himself way back when.
    "I know I shouldn't worry about stepping away for a bit. But part of me..." He looks to the door, shakes his head. Part of him is always expecting the worst. He doesn't say it. Instead he just looks at her and smiles. "Part of me finds it hard to relax."

Cammy White has posed:
"It wouldn't work on me," Cammy said with a grin, at the threat of him pulling the old man stereotype. "I am immune to elder's chiding my decisions. Not sure why but it has its advantages."

She moved with him toward those double doors. They would lead back into the kitchen, which they would have to cross, then through other double doors to return to the party proper. These doors hadn't opened once so far but it was always best to be safe rather than getting a door to the face.

At the admission he finds it difficult to relax, Cammy pauses. She has to literally bite her tongue, catching the tip between her teeth. Because the first answer that comes to mind has no place in a proper conversation. Not that she was always proper. She was a soldier and tended to be a bit rough around the edges at times. She brought her mind back from the brink and focused on the details there instead.

"Therein lies your challenge, Captain. While I do understand your devotion to duty, we did survive decades while you were frozen. The world does not rest solely on your shoulders."

Then she smiled, "You need to take the time to learn how to relax properly. What did you do before? Before you signed up for the service."

Captain America has posed:
    "I didn't mean to imply it did," Steve says as he walks, then he pulls open those doors and steps through, into the kitchen with its hustle and bustle as people move around filling orders. Still some measure of privacy since people in there have their work to do, but not quite as much as out in the hall.
    "More I think of... what could happen if there were..." He shakes his head and smiles at her, a little distantly, maybe a touch sourly though it's a sourness aimed at himself. "If there was a Hydra team waiting to make their move for a moment when I did take a break. You know. I'd feel horrible."
    Not too much of an admission, to be fair, but it is a small window into the mind of the man as he walks past one of the prep stations and avoids a man carrying six salads in his arms in a masterful display of waiting. It earns him a smile and a nod from Cap which makes the guy do a doubletake even before he's out the door.
    "Now, what I'd do, is if Thor was here I'd have him cover for me and sneak out early." He says with a touch of humor, teasing that idea though it's likely he has never snuck out on duty just because Thor was there.

Cammy White has posed:
He avoided the question. She knew he liked his art. Baseball. But there were a lot of mysteries still to him. He had been fresh out of the ice during the weeks they had known each other. He was busy trying to learn the new world, not focusing his time on past interests.

"If there was a Hydra team making there move while you sat down for ten minutes, the security people would be earning their paychecks a bit more...athletically than usual." She gave a tight smile then reached out a hand to touch his arm, ever so briefly before letting it drop again.

"As much as we would like it to be otherwise, we can't be everywhere at all times. We need downtime. A cup of tea. A nice meal. Time spent with friends."

His mention of what he'd do with Thor in attendance, something she knew was a lie because he wouldn't ditch his duties, Cammy had to laugh softly. "You wouldn't have to ask. Thor would be center of attention, telling stories, while drinking copious amounts of alcohol. And you would be able to fade into the woodwork for a break."

Captain America has posed:
    "You know, that might be true." As he agrees with her, footsteps carrying him to that front door out of the kitchen. He waits until a group of three waiters rush on by before he checks to make sure they're clear then he slips out and back into the ballroom, re-appearing at the edge of it now but still accompanied by Miss White.
    "He does make it easier sometimes." A moment's reflection, then he smiles sidelong at her, "But also makes it harder too." Considering all the trouble he's gotten them into.
    They're slowly walking back out into the crowd, back amongst the many party-goers as they mix and mingle. For now they haven't been picked up nor picked out by the movers and shakers of New York's charity scene but that's only a matter of time.
    Then he keys on the question he avoided answering and asks it of her, "What do you do, Miss White? On your down time?" A glance is given sidelong at her, still holding his cap under his arm. "A friend of mine suggested I take up baking." Lovely Ethel.

Cammy White has posed:
"Baking?" There was no hiding the surprise in Cammy's voice at that suggestion. "I mean I like to cook but baking is like science. You get one thing wrong and you've gone from a souffle to sludge in a cup. I can do it but it isn't my calling." Which was often the case for people. Some liked the backing side while others preferred everything else. It took a special skill set.

The fact he was still avoiding the question had her smiling but it didn't seem out of place with the conversation.

"I like a good book. Watching movies from time to time. I prefer older movies to the more modern." She considered. "Exercising is one of my main focuses of course. You already knew that." She thought about it a moment as they moved through the room. She'd deposited her empty bottle and the top in the proper receptacles back in the kitchen.

"I enjoy watching some sports, though it is far more fun to play. Football. What you would call soccer over here. Rugby is a guilty pleasure."

Captain America has posed:
    "Rugby," Steve had been following along with her as they moved out further into the main floor, becoming more prominent with each step as people start to look their way. Likely they could see a handful of people across the spectrum of the room who are already making their way toward them. Which has Cap turning to her and smiling a little wanly. Though he doesn't stop the conversation. More continues it in the face of its coming end.
    "Remember some Australian soldiers back in the day playing a rowdy round of it during Christmas one time. Seems like a rough game. Like out Football, but without. You know. Rules."
    As he says that last he smiles just in time for one of the nanas of the New York social scene to call out.
    "Yoohoo, Captain! So good of you to return! I was just telling my darling Imelda about you!"
    Which has him giving Cammy a wan smile then he murmurs, "Was nice talking to you, Camille." Even as he bites his lower lip as if about to be inflicted with pain. So much pain.
    He turns back, "Mrs. Ellsworth, good to see you again."

Cammy White has posed:
"Rugby has rules," Cammy said, a hint of irritation in her voice. "It is far better than that American Football. They act as though they are afraid to get hit. So many pads." She shook her head as she made a tsking sound with her tongue against the roof of her mouth.

Then as Mrs. Ellsworth arrived, Cammy gave Steve a brief sympathetic smile. But immediately she soldiered up. Putting on her best smile and turning it to the woman that had approached.

"I don't believe we've had the pleasure. I'm Camille White, MI6."

Captain America has posed:
    Mrs. Ellsworth, a lady of some heft, turns her attention on Cammy and smiles a bright smile that likely doesn't touch her eyes at all. She responds simply with the words, "Quite, quite. How lovely for you dear. Oh captain!"
    And just like that her attention has turned back to Steve and she has taken hold of one of his arms, starting to usher him away as she murmurs to him animatedly. "You have to meet Gregory Rockefeller, quite unlike his father, but with deep pockets, very deep pockets. He's always wanted to meet you, most likely a very good thing if you do.
    Then she remembers a semblance of her manners, "Have a lovely evening Mrs. White-Messix, do get yourself some champagne. Do."
    Which is all done as she carries away Steve in the wake of her wild socializing. Though the good Captain looks back and smiles after Cammy as he lifts a hand to his head at first looking like a phone, then stopping as he realizes phones don't look like that anymore. And instead just holds that hand to his face and mouths the words 'call me'.

Cammy White has posed:
As Steve's arm was captured and he was pulled away, Cammy considered tackling the woman from behind. Or that throat punching would be so satisfying. But sadly, that wouldn't help the cause.

And the fact the woman assumed MI6 was a word and not an agency showed about how much she knew about military and special forces. Catching the glance from Steve, Cammy rolled her eyes and gave an apologetic look that she hadn't managed to help him dodge that particular bullet.

Then he...what the hell was he doing? A thumb toward his ear and pinky toward his mouth. Was this a tactical sign she hadn't learned? Maybe it was new. Then he shifted his hand and mouthed those words.

She smiled and gave him a nod, feeling happier about that. Maybe they could renew their old friendship after all. But she couldn't resist. She brought up a hand like one would use for a throat strike and nodded her head toward Mrs. Ellsworth's back. Knowing he wouldn't accept she still laughed softly to herself.